Lets Say Howard Schultz Runs.Then All Polls Show Dem's Never Passing 25/27%.What Will Libs Do?

Yep, she’s a dandy. She will to do anything to be on top.....I mean get to the top.

She’s a rockstar but she's longshot. Her plan to increase teacher’s pay is exciting. But since it used multi-syllable words, I doubt you could understand it sling blade.

Why the hell should the president of the country be telling school district what to pay their teachers?
Education is a national priority for some of us.

This is a hardline between liberals and conservatives. Liberals believe it should be the duty and task of the federal government to oversee and manage individual school districts in every county in every state. Conservatives know it is better handled by the local people and their government.

Education is not a priority for conservatives.

National,priority? What does that even mean? Look, having a government entity 100’s or 1000’s, sometimes 10’s of 1000’s Mile’s away control and dictate the function of a school district is inefficient and expensive, and it does not improve results. Liberals love the idea of the omnipotent government that can cure all things. It’s a fairy tale.

You don’t know what the words “national priority” mean?

Again, Education is not a priority for conservatives. You’ve proven that.

No, what I have proof of is that the more the federal government gets involved and the more money spent by the Federal government with local school districts the less effective they are.

Does Spending More on Education Improve Academic Achievement?
American spending on public K–12 education continues at an all-time high and is still rising.

Federal spending on elementary and secondary education has also increased dramatically.

Continuous spending increases have not corresponded with equal improvement in American educational performance.
She’s a rockstar but she's longshot. Her plan to increase teacher’s pay is exciting. But since it used multi-syllable words, I doubt you could understand it sling blade.

Why the hell should the president of the country be telling school district what to pay their teachers?
Education is a national priority for some of us.

This is a hardline between liberals and conservatives. Liberals believe it should be the duty and task of the federal government to oversee and manage individual school districts in every county in every state. Conservatives know it is better handled by the local people and their government.

Education is not a priority for conservatives.

National,priority? What does that even mean? Look, having a government entity 100’s or 1000’s, sometimes 10’s of 1000’s Mile’s away control and dictate the function of a school district is inefficient and expensive, and it does not improve results. Liberals love the idea of the omnipotent government that can cure all things. It’s a fairy tale.

You don’t know what the words “national priority” mean?

Again, Education is not a priority for conservatives. You’ve proven that.

No, what I have proof of is that the more the federal government gets involved and the more money spent by the Federal government with local school districts the less effective they are.

Does Spending More on Education Improve Academic Achievement?
American spending on public K–12 education continues at an all-time high and is still rising.

Federal spending on elementary and secondary education has also increased dramatically.

Continuous spending increases have not corresponded with equal improvement in American educational performance.

Education for some of us is a national priority.
Howard Schultz just may be our savior. Running as an independent will either give Trump another term, but yet, he could still win. In a three way race, a most likely scenario gives Trump 45% with Schultz and Bozo splitting the other 55%.
So if the polling always keeps Trump ahead, what are the loons going to do? make up outlandish/laughable stories&scandals for Schultz?
That would be kinda hard to pull off after Democrats are now known as the party of liars and buffoons.
If the left had moderate/sane policies and beliefs...there wouldn’t be an independent like Howard Shultz threatening half of the democratic electorate. Think of that, an independent could snag up almost half the dem party. That’s how far they moved in 10 years. All the left has to do to beat trump is not be crazy. They are failing worse than teen miss South Carolina at not being crazy.
maxine will probably call for Howards Impeachment

The prices at Starbucks is highway robbery

And you can't tell me that Howard does not put crack in his coffee for his coffee addicted customers.

Something is askew.
maxine will probably call for Howards Impeachment

The prices at Starbucks is highway robbery

And you can't tell me that Howard does not put crack in his coffee for his coffee addicted customers.

Something is askew.
long time ago, i also said something like that,,,,why are people paying 4/5 dollars for about 2 cups of coffee? i guess then we may as well pay 4.00 for one donut,,,right?
What does everyone think will be the over/under of women accusers that will accuse Schultz? I think the Democrats will pay 9 women to come forward and accuse him.
I might just vote for Howard Schultz, if he runs. If the Dem Party were not allowing itself to be dragged so far left by the far left, Schultz would never have considered running. Even if Schultz were to finish a credible second behind Trump, that would probably cause huge numbers of Democrats to realize that they need to ditch the far left once and for all.
Bernie Sanders is going to have a town hall on Fox, then all you silly dupes can be for him LOL... Schultz's going nowhere .

Yeah, because Sanders would do a much better job than a guy who has actually run a huge business and who has created tens of thousands of jobs.
Schultz will ruin any chance the Dem's have in 2020. You think you have seen 'savage' from the left, just wait until they attack Schultz like a pack of rabid dogs.
He’s right in that Schultz’s candidacy is designed to help Trump

Schultz and Trump are colluding :eusa_shhh: don't tell anyone.
now we wait for Sargaent Schultz to run,,,thats gonna cause a bit of confusion when we all start voting
Bernie Sanders is going to have a town hall on Fox, then all you silly dupes can be for him LOL... Schultz's going nowhere .

Yeah, because Sanders would do a much better job than a guy who has actually run a huge business and who has created tens of thousands of jobs.
They're both for Democratic policies. Schulz should run in Democratic primaries and not run a destructive third party campaign and put Trump in for another 4 years. If you people like Democratic policies stop being brainwashed functional idiots and vote for Democrats.
I might just vote for Howard Schultz, if he runs. If the Dem Party were not allowing itself to be dragged so far left by the far left, Schultz would never have considered running. Even if Schultz were to finish a credible second behind Trump, that would probably cause huge numbers of Democrats to realize that they need to ditch the far left once and for all.

I might even campaign for him if Schultz decides to run.
Then, on election day, I'll slip into the voting booth and pull the lever for Trump!
It'll be fun.....:abgg2q.jpg:
Bernie Sanders is going to have a town hall on Fox, then all you silly dupes can be for him LOL... Schultz's going nowhere .

Yeah, because Sanders would do a much better job than a guy who has actually run a huge business and who has created tens of thousands of jobs.
They're both for Democratic policies. Schulz should run in Democratic primaries and not run a destructive third party campaign and put Trump in for another 4 years. If you people like Democratic policies stop being brainwashed functional idiots and vote for Democrats.

He claims to be a fiscally free market conservative and socially liberal. We will see if he decides to run, and I will listen tight. I won’t vote for a democrat, but I could vote for the right independent. My biggest concern is SCOTUS. I don’t want socialist leaning judges.
Howard Schultz just may be our savior. Running as an independent will either give Trump another term, but yet, he could still win. In a three way race, a most likely scenario gives Trump 45% with Schultz and Bozo splitting the other 55%.
So if the polling always keeps Trump ahead, what are the loons going to do? make up outlandish/laughable stories&scandals for Schultz?
That would be kinda hard to pull off after Democrats are now known as the party of liars and buffoons.

If he gets to the general election, I will send him money to help keep him on the ballot-)
Howard Schultz just may be our savior. Running as an independent will either give Trump another term, but yet, he could still win. In a three way race, a most likely scenario gives Trump 45% with Schultz and Bozo splitting the other 55%.
So if the polling always keeps Trump ahead, what are the loons going to do? make up outlandish/laughable stories&scandals for Schultz?
That would be kinda hard to pull off after Democrats are now known as the party of liars and buffoons.

And where exactly are you getting these alleged figures from?
Bernie Sanders is going to have a town hall on Fox, then all you silly dupes can be for him LOL... Schultz's going nowhere .

I think Bernie policies SUCK! But that being said, kudos to him for trying to change minds. Ideas being pushed out, is a good thing. To change minds, you MUST go to where people think your policies are wrong, then convince them otherwise. Republicans can learn something from Bernie in this instance.

While I still think his policies are awful, I have a much higher regard for him now as a politician, and a person.

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