Let's Stop These Backstabbing Attacks On Our Troops Right Now

After the Vietnam War, there were apocryphal stories about hippies spitting on our returning veterans and calling them baby killers.

Today, we have people who are doing worse than that. And it isn't hippies. It is deranged UnConservatives.

It is time to put a stop to this crap right here and now.

The bogus stories about DHS buying 1.6 billion rounds of ammo (they haven't) have now bloomed into full-fledged insanity, with the UnConservative loons saying the US Army is going to start slaughtering Americans and putting us in FEMA camps.

Some samples:

1. DHS has 270,000 personnel including an army of 70,000 armed agents. Among other things, it controls the internet and all communications.
2. An Army manual says Posse Comitatus will be sidestepped by the president so uniformed troops can become national police.
3. FEMA camps are being organized and serviced.
4. The 4th and 10th Amendments are ignored by DHS, and the 2nd Amendment's ‘right to bear arms,' is under vigorous attack.
5. Executive Orders enable the president to control food, utilities, and the internet. When grocery stores are empty, citizens must go to FEMA camps for bread and water. (Leave your guns at the door, please.)
6. A "civilian national security force" that candidate Obama wanted in 2008 is now the DHS, and it takes orders from President Obama.

Read more: Family Security Matters Family Security Matters
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

Going to the link provided by the whackjob:

And the U.S. Army issued a 326 page manual, Internment and Resettlement Operations? It might be just a manual for army camps holding foreign prisoners of war, except for the sections under "Civil Support Operations," and how the Army will handle "DCs," that is, Dislocated Civilians. It details how Psychological Operations Officers will "reduce or remove antagonistic attitudes," including "muffling" (gagging) agitators. The manual clearly states it applies within "the U.S. and its territories," and that the Posse Comitatus Act prohibiting using U.S. soldiers as a police force in America can be sidestepped by the president "invoking his executive authority."

Another sample:

In plain English, the commander in chief ordering the regular army to slaughter Americans is not a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act so long as military operations against Americans are commanded by dual officers; i.e., officers holding commissions in both forces.

Bottom line: Officers in the Reserve Corps becoming officers in the regular army effectively administers the coup de grâce to the Posse Comitatus Act.

Some of the stuff in this article needs more proof, but the history of P. C. is right on point:

U.S. Military To Assault U.S. Citizens: 1878 Posse Comitatus Act Destroyed

Untitled Document

This insanity is really starting to catch on, fueled by assholes like Alex Jones, who has pole vaulted to the number one position on my List of People To Gut Punch On Sight.

I bet some of these retards used to wear flag pins and have "Support Our Troops" yellow ribbon bumper stickers on their cars.

Now we know how they REALLY feel. They HATE our troops. They are SPITTING on them.

These little twerps are drinking the piss being poured for them, and regurgitating it brainlessly. Denigrating the men and women who have been doing four, five, six combat tours in shitholes on the other side of the world for the past ten years, getting shot at, maimed, and killed. These parroting little shitbirds are the biggest cowards I have ever encountered.

They have NO shame.

It is time to just start giving them the bitch slaps they so well deserve.

The next time one of them begins squawking, whether it is on the internet or in real life, just bitch slap them. For our troops.

I'm not worried about our military. It's Obama calling for a military type police force in America. And the purchase of a shitload of ammo. Which you can say isn't true all you want but it sure sounds like they did. Why does HLS refuse to answer questions about it?
To much weird shit going on with a gov that doesnt seem to care how deep in dept we go.
Cypress stealing money from bank customers.
The world is very unstable right know and I think anyone who isnt concerned is blind.
You are absolutely right. The constant rightwingnutter attempt to try to paint the military as treasonous scum bags has sickened me from the very beginning.

whoo hoo fucking shit,that gotta be the largest departure from reality I have seen in a long time!!!!!
We don't need the military. Highly trained FEMA death squads will do the trick

Did I tell ya about the killer drones over Kansas City?

I am nort defending anyone kid, I am pointing out what an ass you are.

You cheered Kerry when he said that and you supported Murtha when he spouted his lies.

And now a strawman fallacy! You are on roll! :lol:

Just making shit up on the fly now. What an ass.

The best you could do to defend the haters of our troops was to deploy a Two Wrongs Make A Right defense with...


...b-b-but K-K-Kerry hates our troops t-t-tooooooo!

You are an apologist for psychopaths who hate our troops. Nicely done!
Last edited:
g was on the front lines with the "General Betray Us" crowd.
He endorsed Reid when Harry proclaimed the War was lost.

Hey, thanks for going to so much effort to shatter your integrity by making up more shit.:clap2:

You really suck at losing gracefully when your ass is handed to you. :lol:
There are a lot of UnConservative loons out there now, folks. And as you can see, they feel no compunctions about manufacturing bullshit out of whole cloth and then believing their own bullshit.

This is self-delusion. Textbook.

Is it any wonder they are so credulous when Alex Jones fills their tiny minds with unadulterated insanity? Is it any wonder they now don't even hesitate to attack our troops?
Sorry kid, you do know that you are just a kid tapping away a a keyboard in a basement don't you?

You have bought every lie you've been fed...and here you are reduced to denying what the world knows your Dem brethren have said....

g was on the front lines with the "General Betray Us" crowd.
He endorsed Reid when Harry proclaimed the War was lost.

Hey, thanks for going to so much effort to shatter your integrity by making up more shit.:clap2:

You really suck at losing gracefully when your ass is handed to you. :lol:
g was on the front lines with the "General Betray Us" crowd.
He endorsed Reid when Harry proclaimed the War was lost.

Hey, thanks for going to so much effort to shatter your integrity by making up more shit.:clap2:

You really suck at losing gracefully when your ass is handed to you. :lol:

No one in the Republican leadership has in the past or currently made any disparaging claims against our military. Alex Jones is a crack pot conspiracy nut. That you try to pretend he somehow represents the republican party just shows me how far to the left you are. In fact every post you make is an attack on republicans. usually out right lies or pure distortion.

Remind us how you felt when all the dems were ACTUALLY disparaging our troops in Iraq? I notice you don't address that reality while making this crap up out of whole cloth.

Remind us of the position Alex Jones holds in the republican party. Remind us what leadership positions he has there, tell us who in the House and the Senate follows him and parrots his idiotic rants.

I can and others already have quoted for you the dems attacking our troops. Our current Secretary of State being one of them. Murtha , Durbin, Reid...... How about those ACTUAL quotes and statements?

Give me a quote from a leader in the Republican party that disparages our troops. Or shut the fuck up and stop lying.
The paulbot alex jones malcontents pushing those stories aren't "conservatives". They're the same gaggle of leftist malcontents who insisted 9/11 was an inside job orchestrated by Bush.
After the Vietnam War, there were apocryphal stories about hippies spitting on our returning veterans and calling them baby killers.

Today, we have people who are doing worse than that. And it isn't hippies. It is deranged UnConservatives.

It is time to put a stop to this crap right here and now.

The bogus stories about DHS buying 1.6 billion rounds of ammo (they haven't) have now bloomed into full-fledged insanity, with the UnConservative loons saying the US Army is going to start slaughtering Americans and putting us in FEMA camps.

Some samples:

1. DHS has 270,000 personnel including an army of 70,000 armed agents. Among other things, it controls the internet and all communications.
2. An Army manual says Posse Comitatus will be sidestepped by the president so uniformed troops can become national police.
3. FEMA camps are being organized and serviced.
4. The 4th and 10th Amendments are ignored by DHS, and the 2nd Amendment's ‘right to bear arms,' is under vigorous attack.
5. Executive Orders enable the president to control food, utilities, and the internet. When grocery stores are empty, citizens must go to FEMA camps for bread and water. (Leave your guns at the door, please.)
6. A "civilian national security force" that candidate Obama wanted in 2008 is now the DHS, and it takes orders from President Obama.

Read more: Family Security Matters Family Security Matters
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

Going to the link provided by the whackjob:

And the U.S. Army issued a 326 page manual, Internment and Resettlement Operations? It might be just a manual for army camps holding foreign prisoners of war, except for the sections under "Civil Support Operations," and how the Army will handle "DCs," that is, Dislocated Civilians. It details how Psychological Operations Officers will "reduce or remove antagonistic attitudes," including "muffling" (gagging) agitators. The manual clearly states it applies within "the U.S. and its territories," and that the Posse Comitatus Act prohibiting using U.S. soldiers as a police force in America can be sidestepped by the president "invoking his executive authority."

Another sample:

In plain English, the commander in chief ordering the regular army to slaughter Americans is not a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act so long as military operations against Americans are commanded by dual officers; i.e., officers holding commissions in both forces.

Bottom line: Officers in the Reserve Corps becoming officers in the regular army effectively administers the coup de grâce to the Posse Comitatus Act.

Some of the stuff in this article needs more proof, but the history of P. C. is right on point:

U.S. Military To Assault U.S. Citizens: 1878 Posse Comitatus Act Destroyed

Untitled Document

This insanity is really starting to catch on, fueled by assholes like Alex Jones, who has pole vaulted to the number one position on my List of People To Gut Punch On Sight.

I bet some of these retards used to wear flag pins and have "Support Our Troops" yellow ribbon bumper stickers on their cars.

Now we know how they REALLY feel. They HATE our troops. They are SPITTING on them.

These little twerps are drinking the piss being poured for them, and regurgitating it brainlessly. Denigrating the men and women who have been doing four, five, six combat tours in shitholes on the other side of the world for the past ten years, getting shot at, maimed, and killed. These parroting little shitbirds are the biggest cowards I have ever encountered.

They have NO shame.

It is time to just start giving them the bitch slaps they so well deserve.

The next time one of them begins squawking, whether it is on the internet or in real life, just bitch slap them. For our troops.

this thread is total bullshit and uncalled for.
g was on the front lines with the "General Betray Us" crowd.
He endorsed Reid when Harry proclaimed the War was lost.

Hey, thanks for going to so much effort to shatter your integrity by making up more shit.:clap2:

You really suck at losing gracefully when your ass is handed to you. :lol:

No one in the Republican leadership has in the past or currently made any disparaging claims against our military. Alex Jones is a crack pot conspiracy nut. That you try to pretend he somehow represents the republican party just shows me how far to the left you are. In fact every post you make is an attack on republicans. usually out right lies or pure distortion.

Remind us how you felt when all the dems were ACTUALLY disparaging our troops in Iraq? I notice you don't address that reality while making this crap up out of whole cloth.

Remind us of the position Alex Jones holds in the republican party. Remind us what leadership positions he has there, tell us who in the House and the Senate follows him and parrots his idiotic rants.

I can and others already have quoted for you the dems attacking our troops. Our current Secretary of State being one of them. Murtha , Durbin, Reid...... How about those ACTUAL quotes and statements?

Give me a quote from a leader in the Republican party that disparages our troops. Or shut the fuck up and stop lying.

There are a lot of UnConservative loons out there now, folks. And as you can see, they feel no compunctions about manufacturing bullshit out of whole cloth and then believing their own bullshit.

This is self-delusion. Textbook.

Is it any wonder they are so credulous when Alex Jones fills their tiny minds with unadulterated insanity? Is it any wonder they now don't even hesitate to attack our troops?

I REPEAT,,, list for us the position of leadership Jones has in the republican party. List for us the people in the Senate and House that follow him. Name some Governors that support him.

He is a crack pot with nothing to do with the leadership of the party. remind us how when we point out the actual words of main stream dems you announce they are just individuals and do not represent the party, but a man that has absolutely no backing, no position of authority in the republican party or the main stream Conservative movement is somehow the great leader you suddenly believe speaks for all Republicans and Conservatives?

Provide some links to quotes, some links to statements, some evidence Jones is thought of as anything other then a far right loon with no backing or power in the main stream Conservative movement.

Do for us what you always demand we do when we quote a democrat , provide evidence he is speaking for someone in power, someone in an official position of power. Back up your bullshit claims.
g was on the front lines with the "General Betray Us" crowd.
He endorsed Reid when Harry proclaimed the War was lost.

Hey, thanks for going to so much effort to shatter your integrity by making up more shit.:clap2:

You really suck at losing gracefully when your ass is handed to you. :lol:

No one in the Republican leadership has in the past or currently made any disparaging claims against our military. Alex Jones is a crack pot conspiracy nut. That you try to pretend he somehow represents the republican party just shows me how far to the left you are. In fact every post you make is an attack on republicans. usually out right lies or pure distortion.

Remind us how you felt when all the dems were ACTUALLY disparaging our troops in Iraq? I notice you don't address that reality while making this crap up out of whole cloth.

Remind us of the position Alex Jones holds in the republican party. Remind us what leadership positions he has there, tell us who in the House and the Senate follows him and parrots his idiotic rants.

I can and others already have quoted for you the dems attacking our troops. Our current Secretary of State being one of them. Murtha , Durbin, Reid...... How about those ACTUAL quotes and statements?

Give me a quote from a leader in the Republican party that disparages our troops. Or shut the fuck up and stop lying.

These traitors that make such disgusting statements INCLUDING OBAMA's "air-raiding villages, killing civilians" HELPED terrorists recruit more terrorists that killed more troops!
And they have the stupidity to say well we're just telling the truth... YEA but who benefited? Certainly not our military who were portrayed as methodically and systematically
"air raiding villages killing civilians"... and now this dick get's saluted by the SAME people he called KILLERS!
How far you have fallen in this thread alone.

Now you find yourself begging for support from others because you are doubting yourself.

There are a lot of UnConservative loons out there now, folks. And as you can see, they feel no compunctions about manufacturing bullshit out of whole cloth and then believing their own bullshit.

This is self-delusion. Textbook.

Is it any wonder they are so credulous when Alex Jones fills their tiny minds with unadulterated insanity? Is it any wonder they now don't even hesitate to attack our troops?
Roo and RetiredSGT, why are you guys still pointing fingers at each other? I'm with LionBoy on this, regardless of who supported the war, the bottom line is we all need to agree that these wars were mistakes and unjustified. Get over your differences. Put yourself in their shoes.
Roo and RetiredSGT, why are you guys still pointing fingers at each other? I'm with LionBoy on this, regardless of who supported the war, the bottom line is we all need to agree that these wars were mistakes and unjustified. Get over your differences. Put yourself in their shoes.

This thread has nothing to do with war, it has to do with an OP lying about who had and has denigrated active duty military. Alex Jones is no leader of the republican party and no leader of mainstream Conservative groups. Further he has reported about ammo stockpiles and what appears to be maneuvers by the Obama administration to place regular army troops into a peace time police activity INSIDE the US.

Whether true or not the simply claim does not denigrate the services.

The op has systematically lied and distorted everything he has claimed. He has no evidence to support his claim that Alex Jones is a Republican leader or a main stream conservative leader. Yet he made those claims and claims further that the groups he leads are bad mouthing the military. All with out any evidence it is true.
Roo and RetiredSGT, why are you guys still pointing fingers at each other? I'm with LionBoy on this, regardless of who supported the war, the bottom line is we all need to agree that these wars were mistakes and unjustified. Get over your differences. Put yourself in their shoes.

BUT these statements by the traitors and the current DickHead helped prolong a conflict by encouraging the terrorists to kill more troops!
The actual military campaign was over in 6 weeks. The next 6 years were directly prolonged when these idiots made these statements and the terrorists LOVED to hear these asses call our OWN troops Terrorists! Civilian Killers! Cold Blooded Nazis!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything " 40,800 Google results

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
39,600 Google results
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children." 92,500 Google results

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners. 127,000 Google results
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians," 94,300 Google results

So Iraq deaths and cost continued because the above remarks HELPED ONLY the terrorists and they were emboldened to prolong!
A Harvard study proved statements like the above prolonged the conflict.
Common sense would also show that when you cheer the enemy while jeering your own troops NO ONE won except the Terrorists who went ahead recruited more terrorists to tie bombs to little kids that went off when our troops handed out candy!
YOU people that supported those above traitorous remarks truly should be ashamed for directly encouraging the KILLING of our soldiers!
I'm not into this bashing business anymore, and I'm against those unjustified wars so I don't consider things the way you do. It was an unjustified war and there's no justification in complaining about the aftermath and effect against essentially foreign occupiers.
g was on the front lines with the "General Betray Us" crowd.
He endorsed Reid when Harry proclaimed the War was lost.

Hey, thanks for going to so much effort to shatter your integrity by making up more shit.:clap2:

You really suck at losing gracefully when your ass is handed to you. :lol:

No one in the Republican leadership has in the past or currently made any disparaging claims against our military. Alex Jones is a crack pot conspiracy nut. That you try to pretend he somehow represents the republican party just shows me how far to the left you are. In fact every post you make is an attack on republicans. usually out right lies or pure distortion.

Remind us how you felt when all the dems were ACTUALLY disparaging our troops in Iraq? I notice you don't address that reality while making this crap up out of whole cloth.

Remind us of the position Alex Jones holds in the republican party. Remind us what leadership positions he has there, tell us who in the House and the Senate follows him and parrots his idiotic rants.

I can and others already have quoted for you the dems attacking our troops. Our current Secretary of State being one of them. Murtha , Durbin, Reid...... How about those ACTUAL quotes and statements?

Give me a quote from a leader in the Republican party that disparages our troops. Or shut the fuck up and stop lying.

He's like that dumb blonde chic on the State Farm commercial dating the french dude. He heard it on the internet so it has to be true....
Aww no Fema death camps? So all the whackjobs at survivalistboards are digging those bunkers for nothing?

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