Let's Stop These Backstabbing Attacks On Our Troops Right Now

Man, you couldnt have said it any better. I said the right wing WILL turn on the military. It is inevitable.

In the past 5 years, the right wing has turned hard against the American police. For decades, the GOP has been a staunch supporter of cops, law enforcement, and that entire community. But for some reason, they have turned rabidly against them, in particular when it comes to pay salary and insurance, but also just the mere fact that they are government employees.

The military is the last bastion of govt workers the right supported, but now, they will...and are...turning against that. They've become full batshit in-fucking-sane.
g was on the front lines with the "General Betray Us" crowd.
He endorsed Reid when Harry proclaimed the War was lost.

Hey, thanks for going to so much effort to shatter your integrity by making up more shit.:clap2:

You really suck at losing gracefully when your ass is handed to you. :lol:

No one in the Republican leadership has in the past or currently made any disparaging claims against our military. Alex Jones is a crack pot conspiracy nut. That you try to pretend he somehow represents the republican party just shows me how far to the left you are. In fact every post you make is an attack on republicans. usually out right lies or pure distortion.

Remind us how you felt when all the dems were ACTUALLY disparaging our troops in Iraq? I notice you don't address that reality while making this crap up out of whole cloth.

Remind us of the position Alex Jones holds in the republican party. Remind us what leadership positions he has there, tell us who in the House and the Senate follows him and parrots his idiotic rants.

I can and others already have quoted for you the dems attacking our troops. Our current Secretary of State being one of them. Murtha , Durbin, Reid...... How about those ACTUAL quotes and statements?

Give me a quote from a leader in the Republican party that disparages our troops. Or shut the fuck up and stop lying.

It doesnt matter what current officer holders think. They lie. They will think whatever their primary voters want them to think. They all loved and supported cops up until 08/09. Then, the primary voters went full whacko, and began hating cops- especially what they pay cops- and began to sensationalize the government power cops could in theory use against them. Then, GOP reps needed to appease those whacks to win primaries.

Whackos in the population are buying into this shit about the military prepping to turn on the people. So it is inevitable that the reps in office and wanting office will eventually change their tune to appease these people.

Think it could never happen? Sure. I NEVER in my wildest dreams thought cops throughout the South would start fleeing the GOP and consider voting Democrat. But it is happening.
The real crux of the issue has been lost upon you. The people do not trust the government any longer. They assume the goverment, obama's regime, is an enemy and going to treat the public as an enemy. All those troops are enemy troops. That's what's happening whether you want to accept it or not.
The real crux of the issue has been lost upon you. The people do not trust the government any longer. They assume the goverment, obama's regime, is an enemy and going to treat the public as an enemy. All those troops are enemy troops. That's what's happening whether you want to accept it or not.

Thats what a small % of the psycho right is pushing. But the problem is, the more they say it, the more and more it creeps into the minds of the less psycho right. A bigger % of the right wing is just staring to purely, outright hate the Federal Government- anything and everything to do with it. And, the military is by far the most powerful force of the federal government. It is inevitable that the right wing of US politics will eventually become hard anti-military. However, the patriotic right wingers and veterans of the right will probably have told the Republican Party to fuck off by that time, and the GOP will be just a tiny, crazy, niche political movement.

But, this inevitable shift is coming. GOP candidates will start campaigning on stuff like the DHS bullets. It'll grow to expand to campaign statements against the idea of military acting as domestic police. Eventually, it'll grow to full anti-military.

Just wait. The GOP is on a downward spiral. No return.

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