Zone1 Let's Take A Look at What Racism is DEFINED to Be

Oh that's easy. A "Race" in the context of "Racism" is any minority that the Democratic Party thinks it can exploit for votes. Obviously the most successful "Racism" has been centered on Black people.

And that's a claim white racists in the republican party tries to use to get blacks to vote for the republican agenda of return to Jim Crow.
Y'all keep saying this, but you seem to forget to get around to proving it.

Meanwhile, it's the left, particularly on college campuses, who want to separate people by race.
Stop gaslighting. The right is trying to end things giving equal rights and opportunity to non whites. They are the dividers.
The mental gymnastics involved in defining a word in such a way that it cannot possibly apply to the person defining it can get pretty amusing at times.

My own definition is such that it applies to all equally, rather than being used to achieve privilege.
I wonder if the OP realizes that with his constant negative drumbeat that he probably has created
a large percentage of racists on this very message board.
Browbeating never gets the desired results
You don't seem to get the fact this is a response to the racism you never attack. That claim of opposing racism creates racists is bunk. You seem to believe that we are just supposed too come in here and look at all these racist threads and take it. The racism from whites here that you do not address is why this is happening.
More saying. No proving.

It's not me gaslighting.
You're actually the one with no proof. I have shown plenty of proof and you guys deny it.

You guys have consistently stated your opposition to policies designed to provide equal opportunity.
You don't seem to get the fact this is a response to the racism you never attack. That claim of opposing racism creates racists is bunk. You seem to believe that we are just supposed too come in here and look at all these racist threads and take it. The racism from whites here that you do not address is why this is happening.
Looks more like you're trying to excuse your own racism.
You're actually the one with no proof. I have shown plenty of proof and you guys deny it.
Uh huh. Your "proof" is cherry-picked history written by people who hate white people.

I'm not sure why you believe I'm obligated to read stuff that calls me evil when I haven't done anything. Think I'll pass.

Thing is, even if I believed and endorsed the garbage you promote, you'd still hate me, because I'd still be white.

So there's absolutely nothing in it for me. I don't have any white guilt to assuage.
You don't seem to get the fact this is a response to the racism you never attack. That claim of opposing racism creates racists is bunk. You seem to believe that we are just supposed too come in here and look at all these racist threads and take it. The racism from whites here that you do not address is why this is happening.
IM2, It's never a discussion with you, It's just an attack, that is kind of my point.
The message you want to get across gets lost along the way because of the anger.
Is obsession with race and victimization a form of racism in itself? Inquiring minds want to know. :D
Is obsession with stating racist stereotypes of people of color a form of racism?


The definition of racism is plain. Objection to racism seen here daily is not a form of racism. Your statement is a definite example of gaslighting. Victims don't fight, they just take it. The claim of victimhood by blacks opposing racism is a claim started by white racists and then you get blacks who want to please racists so much they accept this lie and peopaccommodatingle like you use those words.

Whites who don't live facing racism such as yourself always have something to say. But accomodating racism by being quiet and ignoring it doesn't work. You don't ignore things that bother you.

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