Lets talk about income inequality

I have been told it causes crime, gun violence, and is unfair. I say that it isn't a problem and that life ain't fair.

Anyone want to tell me why I am wrong?

Well, there's income inequality and then there's wealth disparity. When the top 10% of the nation owns more wealth than the bottom 90% combined, there is something wrong. No country can long stand with such a disparity of wealth.

You act as if that is something new instead of the natural state of things since the beginning of time.

You act as if America resembles every other nation that existed since the beginning of time. Saying "there has always been rich and poor" is just a way to either ignore the details or feel good about saying things that everyone knows
I gave you liberals the solution yesterday---the govt should guarantee every american citizen over the age of 18 an income of 100K per year. Everyone gets 100K---doctors, students, teachers, entertainers, athletes, garbage men, cops, firemen, those in mental institutions, everyone equal. No income inequality---FAIR.

Thats what you fools keep demanding----fairness and equality, right?

What I am proposing is the end game of all the games that you fools want to play with taxation etc.

Now, let me ask you, under this system who will choose the hard or dirty or dangerous jobs?

Socialism does not work, capitalism and freedom work.

Wake up to reality and stop bitching because Bill Gates and Oprah have more money than you do.

I haven't heard any suggest we should be communist. But too much inequality has lots of negative effects. It slows the economy, haven't you noticed? It also grows the government. We now have more people on welfare and collecting food stamps... Have you noticed our spending lately?
I have been told it causes crime, gun violence, and is unfair. I say that it isn't a problem and that life ain't fair.

Anyone want to tell me why I am wrong?

Look at nations with no middle class. :eusa_whistle:

Why do conservative free marketeers as well as liberal economists propose and support schemes like the negative income tax? :eusa_shhh:

Life isn't fair and what human culture and society have done since a few generations removed from swinging in the trees is mitigate this fact. For in the long run,, the benefit of the many benefits the few. You can take that to the bank :cool:
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I gave you liberals the solution yesterday---the govt should guarantee every american citizen over the age of 18 an income of 100K per year. Everyone gets 100K---doctors, students, teachers, entertainers, athletes, garbage men, cops, firemen, those in mental institutions, everyone equal. No income inequality---FAIR.

Thats what you fools keep demanding----fairness and equality, right?

What I am proposing is the end game of all the games that you fools want to play with taxation etc.

Now, let me ask you, under this system who will choose the hard or dirty or dangerous jobs?

Socialism does not work, capitalism and freedom work.

Wake up to reality and stop bitching because Bill Gates and Oprah have more money than you do.

I haven't heard any suggest we should be communist. But too much inequality has lots of negative effects. It slows the economy, haven't you noticed? It also grows the government. We now have more people on welfare and collecting food stamps... Have you noticed our spending lately?

They defend this huge gap by pretending that either nothing is or can be wrong with it no matter how large it gets. Or that having a huge gap between the rich and poor can be a good thing. Except they never say its "good" they just attack every person who questions it. They'll never say its a good thing so liberals and repubs agree. Repubs just don't like it so they change the subject
I have been told it causes crime, gun violence, and is unfair. I say that it isn't a problem and that life ain't fair.

Anyone want to tell me why I am wrong?

Well, there's income inequality and then there's wealth disparity. When the top 10% of the nation owns more wealth than the bottom 90% combined, there is something wrong. No country can long stand with such a disparity of wealth.

You act as if that is something new instead of the natural state of things since the beginning of time.

Actually...there is NO natural state of things. It is what culture nd society are all about...mutual benefit through cooperation.
Well, there's income inequality and then there's wealth disparity. When the top 10% of the nation owns more wealth than the bottom 90% combined, there is something wrong. No country can long stand with such a disparity of wealth.

You act as if that is something new instead of the natural state of things since the beginning of time.

Actually...there is NO natural state of things. It is what culture nd society are all about...mutual benefit through cooperation.

Right, now lets all dance around the may pole with flowers in our hair singing "I'd like to buy the world a coke".

communes and been tried and all failed miserably.
If it is that high then provide some link. So far everything has them at much lower.

you can not provide the link to overtime payments. those are not listed as basics.
same is pertinent for nurses, btw. "average" listed salary is in the mid-40K, but our nurses easily make 70-90K. They work.

and I have provided you the link which described how a janitor is making a 108K per year. The other can make 70K per year but since it did not make the pages of the newspaper, it is not publicized.

those are not scams. It is LEGAL.

and that is what is eating our taxes FAST. Plus pensions.

So it sounds like most teachers, firefighters and police are not in the top 20%. But according to you maybe some small minority are?

Oh, yes, they ARE.

20% begins' in the 85-90K per year range.
That is xactly the AVERAGE teacher/police/firefighter YERLY ICOME after being on a job ~5-7 years.

And all of them are on MY dole, becasue they are paide by TAXPAYER ( which they partially contribute to, obviously) - so THOSE categories should not even be considered to be in the upper 20%, but THEY ARE.
Well, there's income inequality and then there's wealth disparity. When the top 10% of the nation owns more wealth than the bottom 90% combined, there is something wrong. No country can long stand with such a disparity of wealth.

You act as if that is something new instead of the natural state of things since the beginning of time.

Actually...there is NO natural state of things. It is what culture nd society are all about...mutual benefit through cooperation.

Oh there you go. Pulling the old Reagan/FDR card. Suggesting people will do better when their fellow citizens do better. Well, let's see where that gets you.
You act as if that is something new instead of the natural state of things since the beginning of time.

Actually...there is NO natural state of things. It is what culture nd society are all about...mutual benefit through cooperation.

Right, now lets all dance around the may pole with flowers in our hair singing "I'd like to buy the world a coke".

communes and been tried and all failed miserably.

...Here is how someone with no answer answers
You act as if that is something new instead of the natural state of things since the beginning of time.

Actually...there is NO natural state of things. It is what culture nd society are all about...mutual benefit through cooperation.

Right, now lets all dance around the may pole with flowers in our hair singing "I'd like to buy the world a coke".

communes and been tried and all failed miserably.

Whatever in the whacky wingnut world are you yapping about this time? :cuckoo:

Civilization, culture, society -- without it we are mere beasts.
You act as if that is something new instead of the natural state of things since the beginning of time.

Actually...there is NO natural state of things. It is what culture nd society are all about...mutual benefit through cooperation.

Oh there you go. Pulling the old Reagan/FDR card. Suggesting people will do better when their fellow citizens do better. Well, let's see where that gets you.

Wow, second wingnutty response. :cuckoo: discussion of society and culture devolve quickly into the wingnut echo chamber attacks.

Reagan's favorite economist proposed a negative income tax to balance of income disparities...looki it up. :laugh2:
Well, there's income inequality and then there's wealth disparity. When the top 10% of the nation owns more wealth than the bottom 90% combined, there is something wrong. No country can long stand with such a disparity of wealth.

You act as if that is something new instead of the natural state of things since the beginning of time.

You act as if America resembles every other nation that existed since the beginning of time. Saying "there has always been rich and poor" is just a way to either ignore the details or feel good about saying things that everyone knows

Actually, it's called reality. Welcome to it.
You act as if that is something new instead of the natural state of things since the beginning of time.

You act as if America resembles every other nation that existed since the beginning of time. Saying "there has always been rich and poor" is just a way to either ignore the details or feel good about saying things that everyone knows

Actually, it's called reality. Welcome to it.

No its called dumbing it down mixed with "unable to deal with specifics and/or details"
So now the republican story concerning the wealthy getting richer and the rest of us getting by, is that it's no different now than the past 40 years.

And you all seem to believe that. Of course, you all believed Mittens would win the White House. So what's that tell ya?

But if the wealthy control the same amount and the middle class was more prosperous and holding more of the nations wealth, I guess the poor people must of been even poorer. Is that correct?
It must be. There is only so much wealth to hold.

But you all don't have a problem with any of that.

If the ultra wealthy controlled 50% of the nations wealth, would that be good? How about 75% What is the magic number where the wealthy control our wealth and income where you think it might cause a problem? And what might that problem be?

That we believed that America would elect a proven and competant leader over a proven and incompetant failure. It tells us we have faith in the American people. Sometimes they disappoint.

I think you should worry less about how much other people make and focus on making sure you can support yourself and do good with the resources you were blessed with.
Actually...there is NO natural state of things. It is what culture nd society are all about...mutual benefit through cooperation.

Right, now lets all dance around the may pole with flowers in our hair singing "I'd like to buy the world a coke".

communes and been tried and all failed miserably.

Whatever in the whacky wingnut world are you yapping about this time? :cuckoo:

Civilization, culture, society -- without it we are mere beasts.

What do progressives know about civilization, culture, or society? Their idealogy is a poison to all three.
I have been told it causes crime, gun violence, and is unfair. I say that it isn't a problem and that life ain't fair.

Anyone want to tell me why I am wrong?

Naturally life is not fair. It never will be.
But does being poor cause the above? Yes, and when the scales or gap is so wide does this issue really become a problem.

Being poor does not cause crime, despite the numerous studies from the wackos that tried to say otherwise. If it did rich expletive would never break the law, yet they do. Poor moral choices cause crime.

Before you try to argue that poor people are more likely to commit a crime than a rich person I want to point out the obvious fact that rich people can afford lawyers and are thus much more likely to get away with crime than poor people. This skews the statistics to make it look like poor people are more likely to commit crime because there are more poor people convicted.
I have been told it causes crime, gun violence, and is unfair. I say that it isn't a problem and that life ain't fair.

Anyone want to tell me why I am wrong?
Use of the word inequality in relation to the present economic problems is wrong. Because income equality means everyone's income is equal, a circumstance which has never existed in America and never should. That is communism.

The correct word to use in relation to our current economic situation is inequitable, because what has happened to the distribution of America's wealth resources is absolutely and unequivocally unfair!

If you disagree and you need to be told why you're mistaken, try watching the video via the link in my signature line.

I already admitted it isn't fair. That eaves any burden in the discussion of fair/not fair on you, why should we try to make it fair? Who defines fair? What level of unfairness will we settle on before we decide that it is fair to be unfair?
It means of all the wealth in the country the bottom 80% have 11.1 percent of it, when in 1983 they had 18.7 percent. So what do you mean fewer poor?

Sorry, I didn't check who I was replying to.

In 1982 the poverty rate was 15%, in 2000 it was 11%. The bottom 80% does not mean just the poor.

Why did you stop at 2000? Looks like we are somewhere around 16% now.

Census: U.S. Poverty Rate Spikes, Nearly 50 Million Americans Affected « CBS DC

Because now is the result of Obama's policies, and you want to blame someone else.
I have been told it causes crime, gun violence, and is unfair. I say that it isn't a problem and that life ain't fair.

Anyone want to tell me why I am wrong?

Naturally life is not fair. It never will be.
But does being poor cause the above? Yes, and when the scales or gap is so wide does this issue really become a problem.

Being poor does not cause crime, despite the numerous studies from the wackos that tried to say otherwise.

NO ONE has ever said EVER being poor CAUSES crime. With that little slight of hand you're moving the goalposts.

If it did rich expletive would never break the law, yet they do. Poor moral choices cause crime.


Before you try to argue that poor people are more likely to commit a crime than a rich person I want to point out the obvious fact that rich people can afford lawyers and are thus much more likely to get away with crime than poor people. This skews the statistics to make it look like poor people are more likely to commit crime because there are more poor people convicted.

Wow thanks Capt obvious, Rich people have money! Well damn, learn something new everyday like...you only have your gums bumping as proof:lol:

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