Zone1 Let’s talk about zone 1

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Perfect example of what he is. He gets his own personal safe space, and is still unhappy

This section is a waste of time
I often wonder what would happen to a white poster who filled up this forum with endless posts to the tune of several a day, all of which did nothing but demonize and taunt black people?

I really doubt that he would have the power to do so ceded to him by sympathetic moderators.
Let’s talk about zone 1. Because while people can’t be called racists and white supremacists there are things said and believed that are not based on reading statements made by people but a belief perpetuated by a segment of American society that at minimum displays great racial resentment. And while we can't use words that describe a prevailing attitude among some white members here because it is offensive to them even as they exhibit the behavior, those same whites are able to consistently make these comments about members of color without censorship:

Anything about black victimhood.
Blacks blaming whites for our failure
The democratic plantation
Voting because a party promises blacks free stuff.
White liberals telling us we are victims
"Democrat cities"
13 percent/50 percent of the crime
Always talking about black crime when the topic is not black crime
Bringing up slavery when the topic is not slavery

Let’s start with this- Blacks vote Democrat because Democrats promise the free stuff.

Republicans boast about how they are the party that freed the slaves. Never mind the fact this is said while simultaneously telling us how THEY never owned slaves and how we were never slaves. They tell us to blame democrats since they were the party of slavery although slavery existed in America for 209 years before there was a democratic party and we get told by these republicans how NOBODY today owned and slaves.This dishonesty is tiring and it needs to end.

First of all as I have stated time and time again is the fact that blacks were primarily republican until 58 years ago. We did not become democrats because they promised us nothing more than an equal opportunity. You guys can talk about democratic filibusters all you want, but that's another dishonest depiction and in fact rather insulting. Southern Democrats filibustered, not northern ones. Southern democrats voted against the CRA and VRA and that incl;udes the southwest with Goldwater. Southern Republicans voted with southern Democrats.

Let’s debunk GOP myth of why blacks vote Democratic

By Kelvin Wade

This idea that Democrats earn minority votes with “free stuff” is an article of faith in the Republican Party. In 2012, Newt Gingrich said blacks should want paychecks and not food stamps. Rick Santorum said he didn’t want to give black people someone else’s money and that they should earn their own.

And then there was GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney blaming his defeat on President Barack Obama giving “gifts” to blacks.

So evidently there’s something free that black folks are getting that no other group is getting. I’ve been checking my mailbox and looking out for the UPS truck, but I don’t seem to be getting this government swag bag that my peeps are getting.

Is it food stamps? According to the Department of Agriculture, 25.7 percent of food stamp users are black, while 40.2 percent are white. So this isn’t it.

It’s not Medicaid, either. According to the Henry J. Kaiser Foundation, 41 percent of non-elderly Medicaid users are white and 21 percent are black.

It has to be Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, which we commonly call welfare. But the benefits are divided roughly evenly between whites, blacks and Hispanics. And the rolls have gone down in the past two decades.

Maybe its the free Obamaphones for low-income people. But isn’t this the phone companies-supported Lifeline Assistance program started by the Reagan administration and expanded to cover cellphones under the Bush administration?

There are two obstacles to Republicans wooing blacks.

The first is what Republican Colin Powell called a “dark vein of intolerance” in the party.

Number two is that blacks trust the federal government more than state governments, and Republicans believe the opposite. NoBlacks have a history of states curtailing their rights, blocking their advancement and failing to protect them.

Federal courts struck down separate but equal schools and federal troops enforced it. Federal civil rights legislation passed to ensure blacks’ American citizenship birthright.

A states’ rights, weak federal government party platform is a tough sell to a people with a horrendous history under states’ rights.

If we cannot use the words white supremacists or racist when whites are in here citing from white supremacist literature and websites and making overt racist comments daily, then the "Blacks vote Democrat because Democrats promise the free stuff" claim must also be censored.

Or this-Liberals are telling blacks racism exists to make them think they are victims.

I really don't understand how this is said in this particular forum.

These are comments made by members of this forum.

“This is pipe dream shit meant to feed the n-----s and the s---s because they're stupid enough to believe that shit.”

“Today blacks act like animals because they are BARELY evolved past the Ape and need a strong central figure (the white man) to keep them in place and acting like normal people.”

“Sick of their shit and we should not hide it anymore. When they call me a fucking racist, and I say you damn right I am!!! Fuck those fucking people!”

“Why do Browns ("people of color") feel compelled to steal, assault, rape, murder Whites, their obvious superior beings? Browns should be worshiping Whites instead of being jealous douchebag criminals.'”

“Blacks... prone to violence, think they're still in the jungle, low IQ blacks.”

“How can you look at the world and not see that ALL ADVANCEMENTS came from Europe and America? Yeah, we're the superior race on the earth. All others developed because of whites”

None of these people are liberals and all of those comments were racist. And those are but a small number of such comments made in this forum. So when we are talking about racism, it is not because some white liberal makes us believe anything.

These things being said and more than 1 person here consistently posts virulent anti black racism daily, in zone 1, then complains about being called a racist or white supremacist. These things and more have been said yet we have the claim made by some whites that racism is overused and this is taken as gospel by whites on the right here in this forum.

So exactly what is black racism?

Because the term racism is defined as a belief in an inherent trait belonging to an entire race of people. Saying right wing whites are racist cannot be racist based on this definition. Right wing whites are not all white people. The entire white race is not inherently right wing. Saying white conservatives are racists is not racist by that definition, the entire white race is not inherently conservative. Saying white republicans are racist is not racism because whites aren't all inherently Republican.

The definition of racism is not defined as detailing racist policies and their impact on communities of color.

And then we have the often used line of only looking at a person by their color.

You guys use one sentence from MLK to try dismissing the facts of modern white racism. I have read rants about people being judged by their skin color. Folks, we don't see anybodys skin color here, you are judged by your comments and your comments show the content of your character.

Where did the idea that blacks are complaining about racism because we failed and need to blame somebody come from?

These are the jobs I have had in my lifetme while in college and after.

Assistant Community Center Director.
Housing Manager of a NFP.
Development Manager NFP
Vice President/Director of Administration, NFP
Executive Director.

Now just because I've been in these positions that's supposed to mean racism doesn't exist? Because I am in such a position am I now supposed to ignore racism? Doesn't being in these positions give me more responsibility to fight racism? Quute frankly, I'm listening to people, most of whom have less education and skill than me, telling me what blacks should do and declaring that I am only whining because of my shortcomings or failure. Racism is not about failing, it's about getting the opportunity to succeed or fail.

This assumption held here by far too many REPUBLICANS that we blacks whine about racism because we fail and need somebody to blame is racist. So while we can't call people racist who make this assumption racists, whites here continue getting to make this assumption. This too, needs to stop.

And exactly what is this victimhood democrats are telling us to believe? Do we not have the ability to see things and make determinations on our own? Here again is another offensive claim that whites here are allowed to repeat..

Black People Never Claimed the False Narrative of Victimhood

Let’s start from the beginning to address every person who continues to accuse Black people of “playing the victim” when speaking about systemic racism.

Many of us in America are direct descendants of men and women who endured unthinkable atrocities at the hands of vicious, brutal, and greedy colonizers who chose supremacy and dominance over humanity.

These extraordinary human beings survived their journey to the New World after being taken from their native countries and chained to one another at the bottom of slave ships as they laid side-by-side in menses, feces, and death.

Upon arriving in a strange, foreign land, naked and afraid, families were torn apart and sold into servitude to the highest bidder. Babies were snatched from their mother’s arms, husbands and wives were separated after pledging eternal love to one another, and siblings were divided up and herded away like cattle.

Their enslavement was never meant to be temporary. It was intended as a new way of life for Africans and designed to extend for generations with no option of freedom. It was in essence a death sentence before their hearts stopped beating and their bodies were laid to rest six feet under the ground.

The abused are considered victims — unless they’re Black.

In the face of the most devastatingly bleak future, our ancestors were subjected to violence that wouldn’t be tolerated in this country if it were inflicted upon ANIMALS.

With no clear path to escape their fate, they pressed on. They persevered. They fought to stay alive and keep their sanity even as they watched or were the targets of daily beatings, were repeatedly raped, dehumanized, and stripped of the dignity every human being is entitled to possess.

When the stories of my ancestors are told, they are often dismissed as irrelevant because their journeys happened in the past.

Even as confederate leaders who also existed in the past are rewarded with monuments that some Americans fight to preserve, enslaved Africans in America have yet to receive proper respect or acknowledgment by ALL members of this society.

Speaking of our history is not claiming victimhood. It is telling the truth about those whose lives and journeys deserve a revered place in history instead of only random photos in chains that portray them as savages.

Acknowledging that white supremacy is still the law of the land in America in 2021 is not claiming victimhood — it’s called speaking truth to power.

Their unbreakable spirits are responsible for the courage and determination of every Black person walking the streets of America with targets on our backs, knowing we are in danger but still refusing to be intimidated or silenced.

That is not the stance of a victim. That is the stance of a WARRIOR.

Advocating for equity, freedom, and justice has no association to victimhood. It is the most powerful way to honor the human beings who persisted through hellish conditions to pave the way for those of us alive now.

We are the tangible manifestation of their wildest dreams.

Those who came before us never claimed victimhood and as their descendants, neither do we.

This victimhood narrative was created by someone white. And it was pushed by some house blacks who suffer from mental disabilities. These mentally retarded blacks are the ones many of the whites on the right here tell us are blacks who are free, blacks who think independently, but what they really are is called Bojangles, dancing to the masters tune. Minstrel pets singing for peanuts.


My point in all this is simple, if we cannot call people who are making obvious racist comments racists, and white supremacists, you guys should not get to call us the things I have mentioned which are neither based in truth or fact, but white resentment to put the attitude of many on the right in a way that meets zone 1 requirements.

You of all people should appreciate ZONE 1. It got my thread shut down and all you had to do was stop calling calling me Racial slurs. Pretty good exchange I'd say. So what do want now ZONE 2 with punishments for micro-aggressions?
I often wonder what would happen to a white poster who filled up this forum with endless posts to the tune of several a day, all of which did nothing but demonize and taunt black people?

I really doubt that he would have the power to do so ceded to him by sympathetic moderators.
Tell you what. I'll start first thing in the morning and we'll find
It sure isn't yours. You hate it, so just vamoose.
You aren't from here. Go back to Europe.

The only people who can tell me to leave are descendants of these guys.

I would be okay with this forum going back to zone 2. I'd rather people not hold back on what they want to say.
I would be okay with this forum going back to zone 2. I'd rather people not hold back on what they want to say.
You can always start a thread in the FZ.
And I have, but that's not really the point.
Apparently it is the point. That's why the moderators moved the section. You guys weren't adding anything constructive to the disvussion.
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