Zone1 Let’s talk about zone 1

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“This is pipe dream shit meant to feed the n-----s and the s---s because they're stupid enough to believe that shit.”

“Today blacks act like animals because they are BARELY evolved past the Ape and need a strong central figure (the white man) to keep them in place and acting like normal people.”

“Sick of their shit and we should not hide it anymore. When they call me a fucking racist, and I say you damn right I am!!! Fuck those fucking people!”

“Why do Browns ("people of color") feel compelled to steal, assault, rape, murder Whites, their obvious superior beings? Browns should be worshiping Whites instead of being jealous douchebag criminals.'”

“Blacks... prone to violence, think they're still in the jungle, low IQ blacks.”

“How can you look at the world and not see that ALL ADVANCEMENTS came from Europe and America? Yeah, we're the superior race on the earth. All others developed because of whites”

Bring those links to moderation. If they are in OPEN threads and still exist -- they will be infracted.

It's that damn simple. UNLESS they come from threads THAT EXISTED BEFORE the Zone 1 change that is. Because comments liked those ARE THE WHOLE REASON that MADE the Race forum Zone 1 just last month.

DO NOT post links to specific comments from members IN PUBLIC threads like this one. Bring ANY of those listed to moderation and we WILL review them according to the criteria above.
Bring those links to moderation. If they are in OPEN threads and still exist -- they will be infracted.

It's that damn simple. UNLESS they come from threads THAT EXISTED BEFORE the Zone 1 change that is. Because comments liked those ARE THE WHOLE REASON that MADE the Race forum Zone 1 just last month.

DO NOT post links to specific comments from members IN PUBLIC threads like this one. Bring ANY of those listed to moderation and we WILL review them according to the criteria above.
My point was that liberals aren't telling us that racism exists so that we can play the victim. That's an often used comment by some of the same people who made statements such as those.
Now hundreds of thousands more knew who she was. That is point of using a public forum to be an advocate. And since you also don't know what an advocate is, I've provided a definition for you. Good night IM2!!


those deaths to racplural noun: advocates
  1. a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy.
Again, those same people knew before you started using the deaths of children to race bait. You didn't create any new awareness and I know what advocate means. And you ain't doing it.

An advocate usually has an idea to solve the problem. You don't have one. And talking about Rev. Brooks is not a solution.
My point was that liberals aren't telling us that racism exists so that we can play the victim. That's an often used comment by some of the same people who made statements such as those.

No thanks. I want to talk about the quotes you found in the Race forum. NONE of that is legal in Zone1 --- what's the DATES on the pg1 of those threads you FOUND all of those atrocious quotes in?

After all the topic of this thread is "Let's talk about Zone 1". So let's talk about those quotes -- IF ANY are from threads started AFTER the change to Zone 1 -- WE WANT TO REVIEW THEM. Send the links to a couple of mods.

We've TRIED to discuss your denial of black victimhood. You dont discuss it.
Again, those same people knew before you started using the deaths of children to race bait. You didn't create any new awareness and I know what advocate means. And you ain't doing it.

An advocate usually has an idea to solve the problem. You don't have one. And talking about Rev. Brooks is not a solution.

Are we allowed to TALK about people TRYING to help like Rev. Brooks or not?
No thanks. I want to talk about the quotes you found in the Race forum. NONE of that is legal in Zone1 --- what's the DATES on the pg1 of those threads you FOUND all of those atrocious quotes in?

After all the topic of this thread is "Let's talk about Zone 1". So let's talk about those quotes -- IF ANY are from threads started AFTER the change to Zone 1 -- WE WANT TO REVIEW THEM. Send the links to a couple of mods.

We've TRIED to discuss your denial of black victimhood. You dont discuss it.
Let's talk about you not allowing racist or white supremacist to be said to people who post racist and white supremacist beliefs but allow those same people to say things to people of color that I stated in the OP that are based on nothing but racist opinion.
Again, those same people knew before you started using the deaths of children to race bait

I sincerely doubt that even 0.01% of America knew their names or families. Probably less than 2% of everyone IN those cities knew their names. But HEY -- it was DARN IMPORTANT that "WE KNEW THE NAMES and LIVES of George Floyd and Brianna Taylor and all THOSE martyrs.

BLM accosting diners at sidewalk cafes BULLYING PEOPLE into "saying their names"..

What's your problem with saying THEIR names? Those HUNDREDS of pre-teens and infants caught up innocently in gang violence?
Let's talk about you not allowing racist or white supremacist to be said to people who post racist and white supremacist beliefs but allow those same people to say things to people of color that I stated in the OP that are based on nothing but racist opinion.

I really want to make certain FIRST and FOREMOST that NONE of the member quotes you posted are IN an OPEN Zone 1 thread started AFTER the forum WENT Z1. Dont want to go on the thrill ride of why YOU cant' call members racist for saying racist things.

Solution to that other problem is simple. Explain in detail to them how WHAT THEY SAID was racist. Do not CALL THEM racist for saying it. Because -- just maybe -- they are not. DISAGREEING WITH YOU on something -- is not racist. NOT VOTING DEMOCRAT is not racist. And Larry Elder for pete sakes IS NOT A WHITE SUPREMACIST.
Are we allowed to TALK about people TRYING to help like Rev. Brooks or not?
Let's recognize the Mike doesn't give a damn about those children or pastor brooks. I contacted Rev. Brooks and showed him how Mike is using the death of a child in his community. Furthermore, there are more people than Brooks working in that community and there is a lot more going on than children getting shot. You and others have fallen for a race baited lie that tells you that blacks don't care about black on black killings. Thats made up by white racists and do not try posting me some stuff said by a token black in order to try telling me I'm wrong.

I know people from Chicago and I know people have been advocating for decades and never get what they need. And the reality here is that black children grow up and die early because of things like hypertension caused by the stress of living with white racism. And that's a much larger problem that whites like you guys ignore because that is white on black murder.

And don't try telling me its not so because I have posted numerous medical studies showing that is the case.
IM2 Is this thread because you've reached your limit of tolerance on Civil Discussion and REALLY DEEP DOWN INSIDE -- you WANT those "bad days" and "bad posts" back so YOU can call people racial epithets and accuse them of stuff?

I think you might be having some regrets about abiding by civil discussion.
Furthermore, there are more people than Brooks working in that community and there is a lot more going on than children getting shot. You and others have fallen for a race baited lie that tells you that blacks don't care about black on black killings.

Of course. Fox news LOVES these people. Just had a 20 yr old from Chicago on last week that has DEDICATED HIS life to interventions on kids being groomed for gangs. We know MORE about the GOOD PEOPLE in Chicago working to fix this block by block than MOST CNN or MSNBC viewers.

I sincerely doubt that even 0.01% of America knew their names or families. Probably less than 2% of everyone IN those cities knew their names. But HEY -- it was DARN IMPORTANT that "WE KNEW THE NAMES and LIVES of George Floyd and Brianna Taylor and all THOSE martyrs.

BLM accosting diners at sidewalk cafes BULLYING PEOPLE into "saying their names"..

What's your problem with saying THEIR names? Those HUNDREDS of pre-teens and infants caught up innocently in gang violence?
Your sincere doubt is wrong. It is important to know the names of people murdered by police.

Blacks have advocated for gun control for the last 30 years. Whites like you fight against that. So don't demagouge using deaths of black children killed by the guns you want everybody to freely have.

Your racial "bias" is apparent here. Stop trying to talk about things you don't know. Learn to listen. Whites like you assume far too much about other races then whine when the truth is shown about yours.

In short OP is anti-white folks and indulges in the use of lame social constructs.
IM2 Is this thread because you've reached your limit of tolerance on Civil Discussion and REALLY DEEP DOWN INSIDE -- you WANT those "bad days" and "bad posts" back so YOU can call people racial epithets and accuse them of stuff?

I think you might be having some regrets about abiding by civil discussion.
Civil discussion means that if we can't call people making obvious racist comments racists, then we should not be told that we are "activists," that we are whining, that we are on plantations, that we are being victims, that we are being controlled by white liberal masters and other associated things whites are allowed to accuse people of color of in zone 1.
Of course. Fox news LOVES these people. Just had a 20 yr old from Chicago on last week that has DEDICATED HIS life to interventions on kids being groomed for gangs. We know MORE about the GOOD PEOPLE in Chicago working to fix this block by block than MOST CNN or MSNBC viewers.

Fox News doesn't love anything.

I don't need to watch Fox to know and you really need to quit that liberals are the racists crap, because the right supports white nationalism. I have seen plenty of blacks doing positive things on MSNBC and CNN. Far more than on Fox. And When we look at the prime time lineups, CNN and MSNBC has black anchors. But if you really want to know the truth;

I often wonder what would happen to a white poster who filled up this forum with endless posts to the tune of several a day, all of which did nothing but demonize and taunt black people?

I really doubt that he would have the power to do so ceded to him by sympathetic moderators.

I see Zone 1 as IM2's affirmative action safe space. If the Mods take pity on him so be it. I find his delusional, racist rants, really amusing. To me, they are equal parts delusional, paranoid, hate-filled and racist. I bet IM2 is a hoot at a cocktail party. Imagine being stuck in a corner for a half an hour while he spews his nonsense.

Now if we could only get a Tranny to post in zone 1 2 or 3 times a day like IM2. My God....pure comedy gold. :D

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Civil discussion means that if we can't call people making obvious racist comments racists, then we should not be told that we are "activists," that we are whining, that we are on plantations, that we are being victims, that we are being controlled by white liberal masters and other associated things whites are allowed to accuse people of color of in zone 1.

I dont think ANY of things are "general" accusations against blacks. Most of us recognize that not ALL BLACKS ARE ALIKE in thought or politics. SO -- maybe those things are specific to YOU.

Have you ever considered that? From your litany of grievances.

1) Well ARE YOU "an activist"? Or consider yourself one? Not all blacks are activists.
2) Are you WHINING? It's possible. If not all blacks dwell in the same priorities and purposes in life.
3) Are you asking for COMPENSATION FOR VICTIMHOOD CONSTANTLY? Not all black people do this. They are NOT all victims. But some DO believe their past victimization DEMANDS CURRENT compensation.
4) Race is more about Politics to SOME blacks. THey believe they are safer and better protected by one party or the other. YOU DO practice "political tribal racism" -- throwing every black person under the bus for NOT BEING "on the plantation" and voting for the "better people party": -- dont' ya?
My point was that liberals aren't telling us that racism exists so that we can play the victim. That's an often used comment by some of the same people who made statements such as those.
Actually, liberalism does not involve calling somebody racist because they react negatively to all the racial hatred directed at them on a daily basis.

Liberalism is not based upon tribalism AT ALL. In fact, it seeks to eliminate tribalism and the racial hatred that springs from it.
I dont think ANY of things are "general" accusations against blacks. Most of us recognize that not ALL BLACKS ARE ALIKE in thought or politics. SO -- maybe those things are specific to YOU.

Have you ever considered that? From your litany of grievances.

1) Well ARE YOU "an activist"? Or consider yourself one? Not all blacks are activists.
2) Are you WHINING? It's possible. If not all blacks dwell in the same priorities and purposes in life.
3) Are you asking for COMPENSATION FOR VICTIMHOOD CONSTANTLY? Not all black people do this. They are NOT all victims. But some DO believe their past victimization DEMANDS CURRENT compensation.
4) Race is more about Politics to SOME blacks. THey believe they are safer and better protected by one party or the other. YOU DO practice "political tribal racism" -- throwing every black person under the bus for NOT BEING "on the plantation" and voting for the "better people party": -- dont' ya?

Careful. Expressing differing opinions or statements could quite possibly mean you are a white supremacist, racist, or a very, very bad person like Larry Elder or Mother Theresa.

Just sayin' :(

Btw,,,,This was Larry Elder in College. Sure looks like a white supremacist to me. :thup:

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