Zone1 Let’s talk about zone 1

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Careful. Expressing differing opinions or statements could quite possibly mean you are a white supremacist, racist, or a very, very bad person like Larry Elder or Mother Theresa.

Just sayin' :(

Btw,,,,This was Larry Elder in College. Sure looks like a white supremacist to me. :thup:


He has the "it" factor. Made for public life. It's everything that Justin Trudeau WISHES he could be. :lmao: And I finally get to use THIS ONE.. :afro: (not Justin Trudeau)
I see Zone 1 as IM2's affirmative action safe space. If the Mods take pity on him so be it. I find his delusional, racist rants, really amusing. To me, they are equal parts delusional, paranoid, hate-filled and racist. I bet IM2 is a hoot at a cocktail party. Imagine being stuck in a corner for a half an hour while he spews his nonsense.

Now if we could only get a Tranny to post in zone 1 2 or 3 times a day like IM2. My God....pure comedy gold. :D

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He’d never have the courage to spout his crap to anyone’s face.
I dont think ANY of things are "general" accusations against blacks. Most of us recognize that not ALL BLACKS ARE ALIKE in thought or politics. SO -- maybe those things are specific to YOU.

Have you ever considered that? From your litany of grievances.

1) Well ARE YOU "an activist"? Or consider yourself one? Not all blacks are activists.
2) Are you WHINING? It's possible. If not all blacks dwell in the same priorities and purposes in life.
3) Are you asking for COMPENSATION FOR VICTIMHOOD CONSTANTLY? Not all black people do this. They are NOT all victims. But some DO believe their past victimization DEMANDS CURRENT compensation.
4) Race is more about Politics to SOME blacks. THey believe they are safer and better protected by one party or the other. YOU DO practice "political tribal racism" -- throwing every black person under the bus for NOT BEING "on the plantation" and voting for the "better people party": -- dont' ya?
So let's compare.

Are whites here making racist comments? Yes.
Do they express a belief in the superiority of whites Yes.

As for your list, it is based on YOUR OPINION and not reality.

Nobody black is whining here. You have been consistently shown the facts of not only past racism but current racism by whites.

Since other groups have received reparations for past damages, why is it whining now that blacks are? Furthermore, you have been shown what racism has robbed from blacks DURING THIS CENTURY.

Race is not about politics to anyone black. People tend to support a party whose policies best fit their lives. Most blacks are not wealthy, so most blacks won't support a party that fights on the behalf of the wealthy. Furthermore states rights made apartheid in America possible. Jim Crow was not ended because states decided to end segregation and we were not given complete voting rights because states decided to do so. You really need to drop these dumb racist canards flacaltenn.

There is no plantation and if you're going to allow that word to be used then you should accept being called a racist for using it. There are black republicans who are well respected by blacks. Michael Steele comes to mind as an example. The ones who get thrown under the bus are the ones helping whites maintain racism such as Candace Owens, Larry Elder or Clarence Thomas.

You can't see the problem with these people because they say what you personally believe, but these are the blacks keeping this nation racially divided. These are the blacks making bank off racism. They are the race hustlers, but your racial "bias" has you believing in a fake plantation and that these no good scumbags are the ones working to unite the races

Everything you posted was racially "biased" bunk, based on right wing extremist opinion and not reality. So if you and others can believe and repeat this manure, then you should be called what you are without the whining and crying. You want civil conversation?

Start changing your beliefs.
Careful. Expressing differing opinions or statements could quite possibly mean you are a white supremacist, racist, or a very, very bad person like Larry Elder or Mother Theresa.

Just sayin' :(

Btw,,,,This was Larry Elder in College. Sure looks like a white supremacist to me. :thup:

Larry Elder is a black man who has been quoted saying that he is proud that his opinion helps whites be morr racist. And this is the type of black person you cherish.

"Najee Ali, a longtime South L.A. activist: “He would be a disaster for the Black community. We would suffer greatly. He’s the Black Trump. And I’m speaking as his friend,” though Ali acknowledges that the friendship is “strained.”

That's what his friend said about him, but you think he's great.

A Guide to Larry Elder, the Right-Wing Extremist Who Could Be the Next Governor of California​

"In a 1996 ad promoting his radio show, Elder says this about women: “Glass ceiling? Ha! What glass ceiling? Women, women exaggerate the problem of sexism.” Not great, which is why a hand proceeds to slap him across the face in the ad, which was uncovered by CNN. He then says that Black people “exaggerate the significance of racism” and that “Medicare should be abolished,” with each line eliciting a new slap. “What’d I say?” he says at the end of the ad, a grin on his face.

Elder wasn’t joking about his lack of respect for women. He argued in a 2000 piece for Capitalism Magazine that “women know less than men about political issues, economics, and current events,” citing the results of a questionnaire. Elder went on to argue that the Democratic Party was hindered by its fidelity to “SHE issues” like Social Security, health care, and education, and that those pushing these issues — namely women, with Elder citing how Bill Clinton lost the male vote in 1992 and 1996 — were “ill-informed.”

But we only don't like Elder because we are on a "plantation."

Are whites who don't like him described in this manner?

No. Yet we are not supposed to call people making these kinds of UNCIVIL comments racists.
People knew who she was without your using her death to race bait. People have long been aware of these shootings before you used that childs death to race bait. Blacks in communities like this have been asking for gun control for 30 years, but whites like you oppose such control. So perhaps you need to be quiet and stop your disingenuous use of children's deaths to race bait.
gun control lol, youre so lost. maybe start with 2 parent households, guns dont break laws and killers dont register the gun; are you truly this dense?
Your sincere doubt is wrong. It is important to know the names of people murdered by police.

Blacks have advocated for gun control for the last 30 years. Whites like you fight against that. So don't demagouge using deaths of black children killed by the guns you want everybody to freely have.

Your racial "bias" is apparent here. Stop trying to talk about things you don't know. Learn to listen. Whites like you assume far too much about other races then whine when the truth is shown about yours.
b.s., you mean only blacks killed by white cops; not whites killed by cops of either color.
Larry Elder is a black man who has been quoted saying that he is proud that his opinion helps whites be morr racist. And this is the type of black person you cherish.

"Najee Ali, a longtime South L.A. activist: “He would be a disaster for the Black community. We would suffer greatly. He’s the Black Trump. And I’m speaking as his friend,” though Ali acknowledges that the friendship is “strained.”

That's what his friend said about him, but you think he's great.

Post the quote where Larry Elder "that he is proud that his opinion helps whites be more racist." I don't believe you nor do I believe the Rolling Stone hit piece.
Elder's Family and upbringing. He sounds like a real loser, am I right?

Laurence Allen Elder was born in Los Angeles and grew up in the city's Pico-Union and South Central areas, the middle child of three brothers.[9] His father Randolph (1915–2011), who was born in Athens, Georgia, was a sergeant in the United States Marine Corps during World War II and moved to California from Georgia after the war during the Second Great Migration.[9] After working as a janitor at Nabisco, Randolph Elder opened a cafe in Pico-Union around 1962.[9] Following his father's death in 2011, Larry Elder recalled: "Gruff and blunt, my dad often intimidated my two brothers and me. But we never doubted his love or his commitment to his family." In 2013, Elder and his brother Kirk accepted a Congressional Gold Medal from U.S. Representative Dana Rohrabacher on their father's behalf.[10] Larry Elder's mother Viola (née Conley, 1924–2006) was originally from Toney, Alabama. She was a clerical worker for the United States Department of War during World War II.[11] His father was a Republican, and his mother a Democrat.[9]

An honors student who also took advanced courses at Fairfax High School, Elder graduated from Crenshaw High School in 1970 and earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in political science in 1974 from Brown University. He then earned a Juris Doctor from University of Michigan Law School in 1977.

gun control lol, youre so lost. maybe start with 2 parent households, guns dont break laws and killers dont register the gun; are you truly this dense?
No, we start with gun control, not the white mans opinion about black families.
Elder's Family and upbringing. He sounds like a real loser, am I right?

Laurence Allen Elder was born in Los Angeles and grew up in the city's Pico-Union and South Central areas, the middle child of three brothers.[9] His father Randolph (1915–2011), who was born in Athens, Georgia, was a sergeant in the United States Marine Corps during World War II and moved to California from Georgia after the war during the Second Great Migration.[9] After working as a janitor at Nabisco, Randolph Elder opened a cafe in Pico-Union around 1962.[9] Following his father's death in 2011, Larry Elder recalled: "Gruff and blunt, my dad often intimidated my two brothers and me. But we never doubted his love or his commitment to his family." In 2013, Elder and his brother Kirk accepted a Congressional Gold Medal from U.S. Representative Dana Rohrabacher on their father's behalf.[10] Larry Elder's mother Viola (née Conley, 1924–2006) was originally from Toney, Alabama. She was a clerical worker for the United States Department of War during World War II.[11] His father was a Republican, and his mother a Democrat.[9]

An honors student who also took advanced courses at Fairfax High School, Elder graduated from Crenshaw High School in 1970 and earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in political science in 1974 from Brown University. He then earned a Juris Doctor from University of Michigan Law School in 1977.

He is a loser.
Welfare Queen,

Larry Elder is a loser. He's forgotten from whence he came and he steps on the people who helped him rise. If he was white dissing whites you would not declare what kind of great man he is. You nor flacaltenn. So pretend he's white and understand that he's a loser.
No quote. It's what I figured. You made it up.

Sad. :(
Nope. Didn't make it up. He's a sellout who has said what I say he did. The only reason you do what you do is because he validates your racist beliefs and you can use him for a cover.

Perhaps you can find something he has done to uplift the black community because blacks I know from LA say he's done nothing.
Is it food stamps? According to the Department of Agriculture, 25.7 percent of food stamp users are black, while 40.2 percent are white. So this isn’t it.
Yet when people like me propose ending food stamps entirely it doesnt take long before a lib calls me a racist
So let's compare.

Are whites here making racist comments? Yes.
Do they express a belief in the superiority of whites Yes.

As for your list, it is based on YOUR OPINION and not reality.

Nobody black is whining here. You have been consistently shown the facts of not only past racism but current racism by whites.

Since other groups have received reparations for past damages, why is it whining now that blacks are? Furthermore, you have been shown what racism has robbed from blacks DURING THIS CENTURY.

Race is not about politics to anyone black. People tend to support a party whose policies best fit their lives. Most blacks are not wealthy, so most blacks won't support a party that fights on the behalf of the wealthy. Furthermore states rights made apartheid in America possible. Jim Crow was not ended because states decided to end segregation and we were not given complete voting rights because states decided to do so. You really need to drop these dumb racist canards flacaltenn.

There is no plantation and if you're going to allow that word to be used then you should accept being called a racist for using it. There are black republicans who are well respected by blacks. Michael Steele comes to mind as an example. The ones who get thrown under the bus are the ones helping whites maintain racism such as Candace Owens, Larry Elder or Clarence Thomas.

You can't see the problem with these people because they say what you personally believe, but these are the blacks keeping this nation racially divided. These are the blacks making bank off racism. They are the race hustlers, but your racial "bias" has you believing in a fake plantation and that these no good scumbags are the ones working to unite the races

Everything you posted was racially "biased" bunk, based on right wing extremist opinion and not reality. So if you and others can believe and repeat this manure, then you should be called what you are without the whining and crying. You want civil conversation?

Start changing your beliefs.

Great example right here. I DUTIFULLY REPLY to your post. Ask you some questions and make some observations -- And you ignore THAT conversation and fly off with wild accusations and putting words and deeds on me that I never said or done. It's old man. And it doesn't work,

So let's compare.

Are whites here making racist comments? Yes.
Do they express a belief in the superiority of whites Yes.

As for your list, it is based on YOUR OPINION and not reality.

You denied blacks were activists. I said some blacks are. Asked YOU IF YOU CONSIDERED YOURSELF an activist. ------------------ predictably no answer.

And why dont you ADDRESS and correct those racist comments? Where is the "superiority of whites" mentioned?

I'll never get an answer. It's hopeless.

A Guide to Larry Elder, the Right-Wing Extremist Who Could Be the Next Governor of California​

"In a 1996 ad promoting his radio show, Elder says this about women: “Glass ceiling? Ha! What glass ceiling? Women, women exaggerate the problem of sexism.” Not great, which is why a hand proceeds to slap him across the face in the ad, which was uncovered by CNN. He then says that Black people “exaggerate the significance of racism” and that “Medicare should be abolished,” with each line eliciting a new slap. “What’d I say?” he says at the end of the ad, a grin on his face.

Elder wasn’t joking about his lack of respect for women. He argued in a 2000 piece for Capitalism Magazine that “women know less than men about political issues, economics, and current events,” citing the results of a questionnaire. Elder went on to argue that the Democratic Party was hindered by its fidelity to “SHE issues” like Social Security, health care, and education, and that those pushing these issues — namely women, with Elder citing how Bill Clinton lost the male vote in 1992 and 1996 — were “ill-informed.”

But we only don't like Elder because we are on a "plantation."

Are whites who don't like him described in this manner?

No. Yet we are not supposed to call people making these kinds of UNCIVIL comments racists.

Watch closely how you're gonna ignore my comment here and put MORE unrelated words and deeds on me THAT I NEVER SAID or DID.

Elder wasn't citing a questionnaire -- it was a PUBLISHED study. Not extremely smart to based opinions on any ONE study, but he did. From the link to whoever Capitalism Magazine is --=-

But there’s a problem. Women know less than men about political issues, economics, and current events. Good news for Democrats, bad news for Republicans. For the less one knows, the easier the manipulation.

A study at the Annenberg School at the University of Pennsylvania confirmed women’s lack of knowledge of the issues. Researchers asked 25 questions about candidates and specific issues during the recent primary season.

Questions concerned campaign finance reform, gun control, taxes, foreign policy, defense, as well as questions about the candidates’ positions. Men knew more than women in 15 categories. Women outperformed men on only one question!

University of Pennsylvania researcher Kathleen Hall Jamieson said, “The perplexing finding that women do not perform as well as men on political knowledge still persists in the year 2000.” Jamieson found women more ignorant than men, irrespective of age, race, income, education, marital status, or party identification! Why? Women, more so than men, get their news from local television. “Local news-watching makes you dumber,” said Jamieson.

Annenburg Foundation is all about Media. THey are BIG supporters of Public Radio/TV. THey have a vested interest in COMPETING with "local news". He picked the wrong study to based that whole article on. That was 20 years ago. Want to be consistent and explore your FINE specimen of a President's racial boo-boos and HOLD HIM accountable. Nawwww.

I've seen you pick the wrong study to base a thread on multiple times. And YOU never admitted it was an old flawed study.
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