Zone1 Let’s talk about zone 1

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IM2 is enraged that a poster (that would be me, I suppose) called him an “activist,” yet he feels free to lambast me as a “racist” in a Zone 1 thread, both directly to me and when speaking about me to others, when of course it isn’t even true.

IOW, the OP wants to be free to insult and demean white posters with all sorts of names, and never be called on it, and yet is upset when a white calls him a descriptive term that is nowhere near as insulting. In fact, it’s not insulting at all - it just describes a person pushing an agenda.
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Again, those same people knew before you started using the deaths of children to race bait. You didn't create any new awareness and I know what advocate means. And you ain't doing it.

An advocate usually has an idea to solve the problem. You don't have one. And talking about Rev. Brooks is not a solution.
I didn’t know about the death of that child, or I’m sure many others that receive no press.
Still mad because you can't post racial slurs?
And you’re mad because you’re reported for screeching “raaaaacist!!” every time a white won’t submit to the far-left radical position that holds any black blameless for his or her bad behavior, and also insists we continue to allow racist policies at the admissions office.

The following two things are NOT racist:

1) Recognizing that blacks have the ability to make their own choices in life and are responsible for them

2) Recognizing that admitting blacks to educational programs they would have been rejected from if white, and rejecting whites with better scores and grades to make room for them, is racist - and lobbying instead for applicants to be judged on merit, REGARDLESS OF RACE
Everything you accused the white powerful man of doing, is exactly what the Indian was doing, raping, pillaging TOWNS, we responded to your Indian giving. We’re stronger than you were better than you we will dominate you any day of the week. Go back to where you’re came from, White Americans are the real native Americans,
The original natives were caveman and Nordic, the Asian immigrants are not natives to my land.
Sadly, the Democrats have turned this into a nation of “victims,” whining about what they think they’re entitled to, instead of people grateful to have been born into a country of opportunity - as long as one is willing and able to make the right choices, exercise discipline, be motivated, work hard, be capable, complete one’s education, obey the laws, and stay away from having babies out of wedlock.

Of course, to SOME people, thinking that way is raaaaaaacist!!
Everything you accused the white powerful man of doing, is exactly what the Indian was doing, raping, pillaging TOWNS, we responded to your Indian giving. We’re stronger than you were better than you we will dominate you any day of the week. Go back to where you’re came from, White Americans are the real native Americans,
The original natives were caveman and Nordic, the Asian immigrants are not natives to my land.
Wisdom has been chasing you, but you've always been faster.
Who is? Also, those "Darkest Days" were when this country turned into the most prosperous country on earth. African slaves in the U.S. had higher life expectancies than the country of Italy in the 1840s
I can find 60,134 pieces of evidence that say otherwise.

By the end of the day, I'm sure I will be able to find many, many more.
Yup. This thread he started is example #1. Basically, he‘s whining…..waaaaaa, why can’t I continue my Zone 1 attack and accuse whitey of being racist without getting reported?
Yup. This thread he started is example #1. Basically, he‘s whining…..waaaaaa, why can’t I continue my Zone 1 attack and accuse whitey of being racist without getting reported?
It's an old agitprop technique. He calls the act of resisting all the obsessive racial hatred he directs against white people "racist", which he then uses to justify all the obsessive racial hatred he indulges in with the aim of enflaming white people so they react.

He does not discuss. He taunts. He provokes. He accuses. He assails. He does just about anything in his power to ensure a flame war rather than a discussion. When he gets that flame war he desires, he is then able to punish the objects of his racial hatred by getting their reactions to his obsessive trolling removed and those who react to him infracted while all his taunts remain.
Your country was built on stolen land, using slavery, genocide, rape, broken treaties and other unspeakable atrocities.
You have a child-like bitterness over events that you do not understand

Humans are naturally greedy and prone to take advantage of the weak

We will remain that way till Jesus returns and claims His kingdom

Blacks and Native American Indians were backward and weak during the age of european colonization

That doesnt excuse any wrongs but it does put them in context
b.s., you mean only blacks killed by white cops; not whites killed by cops of either color.
Wrong again Jethro. But since whites like you make excuses to justify police murders of unarmed blacks don't ever come whining to me again with this kind of comment.
You have a child-like bitterness over events that you do not understand

Humans are naturally greedy and prone to take advantage of the weak

We will remain that way till Jesus returns and claims His kingdom

Blacks and Native American Indians were backward and weak during the age of european colonization

That doesnt excuse any wrongs but it does put them in context
Everything I posted is 100% truth. Your Jesus would not approve.
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