Zone1 Let’s talk about zone 1

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Truth is not hatred.
The Holocaust happened.
Slavery happened.
The attempted genocide of the Native American happened.
All of these things white people were responsible for.
These are facts.
You have difficulty accepting “yes” for an answer

I agree that whites have done bad things in history

But so has every other race when it had the power to do so
As usual Im2 starts a thread that ends up in everyone dumping on him. Pathetic.
When they know what's being said is true, you see these infantile tantrums. I beat them every time and they just line for the butt kickings. I know what these chumps are going to say before they say it. I figured them out long ago and proved it by making a thread where I sad what they wanted to hear about blacks and they all came rushing in to pat me on the back and tell me how great it was for me to finally see the light. I had become the USMB most favored negro.

Because that's all this place is. An echo chamber for racist whites to run their mouths about ANYONE not white. And so the race debate gets moved to zone 1 one under the guise of wanting civil discussion but the only thing thats really censored is the word racist and white supremacist. Whites can tell us we're on plantations and reservations and thats civil, but call them a racist for making racist comments and the whining sets records.

We blacks have to be on plantations because we reject blacks who are not working in our best interest. But whites here throw white democrats under the bus all the time. So is it that you guys are renters at the trailer park and the white liberal is an independent thinker who does not believe that being racist is a right of whiteness?

We do not have to accept your handpicked black tokens. We have the right to throw them under the bus, the train, the tank, or the semi if what they present is harmful to the black community. So until republicans can accept blacks with spines and you can face what whites have sown in this country like most democrats have done, stop trying to lie about the democrats. The republican party in 2022 is the racist party.

And stop using one sentence King said about his dream of the end of white racism. Stop using Malcolm X's comments. If Malcolm X was alive today you would hate him. And you would not like Dr. King either.

Now, if you want civil discussion, understand that if you right wingers can be mad about something that was proven by courts to be untrue more than 60 times, then non whites here have every right to be pissed about what 246 years of documentation shows us that has actually happened and continues to happen. And if you have a problem with that, TOUGH.
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Disliking whites who are racist is neither mindless or hatred of all white people. Whites who are not racist understand that.
I live in the 2nd whitest state in the country. I don’t hate white people.I hate what some white people have done. Hate is not in our nature.
I seriously doubt if even you believe that

But I certainly dont
When they know what's being said is true, you see these infantile tantrums. I beat them every time and they just line for the butt kickings. I know what these chumps are going to say before they say it. I figured them out long ago and proved it by making a thread where I sad what they wanted to hear about blacks and they all came rushing in to pat me on the back and tell me how great it was for me to finally see the light. I had become the USMB most favored negro.

Because that's all this place is. An echo chamber for racist whites to run their mouths about ANYONE not white. And so the race debate gets moved to zone 1 one under the guise of wanting civil discussion but the on;y thing thats really censored is the word racist and white supremacist. Whites can tell us we're on plantations and reservations and thats civil, but call them a racist for making racist comments and the whining sets records.

We blacks have to be on plantations because we reject blacks who are not working in our best interest. But whites here throw white democrats under the buss all the time. So is it that you guys are renters at the trailer park and the white liberal is an independent thinker who does not believe that being racist is a right of whiteness?

We do not have to accept your handpicked black tokens. We have the right to throw them under the bus, the train, the tank, or the semi if what they present is harmful to the black community. So until republicans can accept blacks with spines and you can face what whites have sown in this country like most democrats have done, stop trying to lie about the democrats. The republican party in 2022 is the racist party.

And stop using one sentence King said about his dream of the end of white racism. Stop using Malcolm X's comments. If Malcolm X was alive today you would hate him. And you would not like Dr. King either.

Now, if you want civil discussion, understand that if you right wingers can be mad about something that was proven by courts to be untrue more than 60 times, then non whites here have every right to be pissed about what 246 years of documentation shows us that has actually happened and continues to happen. And if you have a problem with that, TOUGH.
Do you have any native blood? You kinda sound like you do. As we say, your deadly and that is a good thing.
I seriously doubt you know anything about me. You tend to assume the worst in people who don’t think like you.
If so you should choose your words more carefully

But I think you have been honest so far and its too late to change your stripes now
I didnt deny any of your accusations

Humans have been mistreating other humans for thousands of years of recorded history

But your illusion that any race is innocent and only whites are guilty is very ignorant
Stop making this trifling excuse. You right wingers have bragged about your superiority and your exceptionalism. There has been not one non white here who has bragged about our superiority like whites have. And since you are so superior then why did you make the same mistake you claim everybody else made? All you right wingers do is make excuses for yourselves then you have the nerve to command others to take responsibility for their choices. Try taking your own advice.
Do you have any native blood? You kinda sound like you do. As we say, your deadly and that is a good thing.
My mom's mother was either half Cherokee or half Seminole. The thing is blacks and native Americans have almost the same experience here in America. I thank you for the compliment my brother.
Stop making this trifling excuse. You right wingers have bragged about your superiority and your exceptionalism. There has been not one non white here who has bragged about our superiority like whites have. And since you are so superior then why did you make the same mistake you claim everybody else made? All you right wingers do is make excuses for yourselves then you have the nerve to command others to take responsibility for their choices. Try taking your own advice.
Being technologically and socially superior as whites have been for 500 years does not make them any less human and prone to sin
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