Letter to Pelosi

Specifics? I'm not aware of McCain insulting anyone, but even if he did, that doesn't make Trump's behavior acceptable. Perhaps you can fill in the details of McCain's insult that precipitated Trump's rant, and explain how that perceived insult was as bad or worse than the crap spouted by right wingers every day.

McCain did make a crack about Trump's supporters . I dont recall exactly what he said but someone that avoided going to Vietnam has no business saying what Trump said in return.

McCain could be a jerk also.... One reason why he lost.

Trump spoke in the heat of the moment, and it seems very unlikely that it actually represent what he really feels.

IMO, it should be considered a personal counter attack on McCain, and McCain deserved it.

I speak as someone that actually supported McCain in his run, btw. including defending him against liberal attackers in sites like this.

So, for McCain to insult Trump supporters, was really quite rude as the overlap between people that voted for Trump and those that voted for McCain, is probably well above 90 per cent.

Trump does often speak and then backtracks or lies about what he said once played back to him. That isn't the trait of a leader.

he spoke out forcefully in defense of his supporters, instead of just letting people talking shit about us. sounds like a better trait for a leader to have, then what we have had in our leaders recently.

Bullshit. He said nothing to support his followers. He made a childish overblown attack. The idiot is an immature tyrant who knows nothing of how civil society interacts. He's a pig.

A counter attack, is a form of defense. Your pretense of not knowing that is not credible. You might be stupid, but you are not that stupid.

McCain said some rude shit, Trump insulted him back. Only a liar would try to make a mountain out of this molehill.

Try to be less hysterical.
What do you mean, what I consider an attack? When McCain insulted them. Are you denying that he did that?

Specifics? I'm not aware of McCain insulting anyone, but even if he did, that doesn't make Trump's behavior acceptable. Perhaps you can fill in the details of McCain's insult that precipitated Trump's rant, and explain how that perceived insult was as bad or worse than the crap spouted by right wingers every day.

McCain did make a crack about Trump's supporters . I dont recall exactly what he said but someone that avoided going to Vietnam has no business saying what Trump said in return.

McCain could be a jerk also.... One reason why he lost.

Trump spoke in the heat of the moment, and it seems very unlikely that it actually represent what he really feels.

IMO, it should be considered a personal counter attack on McCain, and McCain deserved it.

I speak as someone that actually supported McCain in his run, btw. including defending him against liberal attackers in sites like this.

So, for McCain to insult Trump supporters, was really quite rude as the overlap between people that voted for Trump and those that voted for McCain, is probably well above 90 per cent.

Crazy is crazy no matter who you might vote for. Trumps supporters have proven themselves to be either honorless or crazy. Most are both.

Trump spouted off a little in the heat of the moment. Completely normal, and your hysteria over it, is just you being a drama queen.

Spouting off in the heat of the moment is not what leaders do. And if they do they know to apologize and make things right so that their spouting off does not sink one of their signature promises.
I would really like to know what you might consider to have been an attack on Trump's supporters, especially one that would make Trump's response seem rational in comparison.

What do you mean, what I consider an attack? When McCain insulted them. Are you denying that he did that?

Specifics? I'm not aware of McCain insulting anyone, but even if he did, that doesn't make Trump's behavior acceptable. Perhaps you can fill in the details of McCain's insult that precipitated Trump's rant, and explain how that perceived insult was as bad or worse than the crap spouted by right wingers every day.

1. Your ignorance on this is noted. Let me educate you. The whole incident was McCain insulting Trump supporters, and Trump insulting him back, and the media presenting it to the American people as an unprovoked attack. You are either a sucker or a supporter of the lie.

2. As EVERYONE has said something in the heat of the moment, that they do not really mean, it DOES make Trump's behavior acceptable. You could claim that you have never done that, and in doing so, will verify for all the readers, that nothing you say, should be taken seriously.

3. Trump's comments were a few sentences. That is not normally considered a rant, by honest observers. Your status as a partisan hack, is confirmed.

4. It is interesting that you added the requirement that McCain's insult be worse than something, in order to be considered a valid provocation, when your stated position is that you were unaware that there was a provocation. Let's just focus on the point that, my point was simply that YOUR sides' lie that what TRump said was an unprovoked attack on "Vets" was utter bullshit uttered by vile liars. So, your requirement is irrelevant.

That's why Trump scares so many people. He always has a nuclear response to every perceived slight he claims to suffer. So far, those nuclear responses have just been figurative, but the fear that he will literally give a nuclear response for some minor infraction is real. That orange psychopath is a real danger to all of us in many ways.

Standing up to a cranky old man, who is talking a shit about your supporters, is not scary. it is a good thing.

You are just talking shit now.

As always, you make excuses for his disgusting behavior.
Reagan was good, but does someone who is a dick to you, deserve to be handled with kid gloves, or does he deserve some, omg, harsh language in return?

What I generally do is ignore them.

Yeah, that is what we have been doing for a long time, and it lets your enemies define you in the Conventional Wisdom.

It is a way to lose with your dignity intact. But it is a strategy to lose.

Odd, I don't feel like I lost when I ignore juvinile comments.

you let people bad mouth you, without challenging it, and it will undermine you. the impact might not be immediate, or immediately felt, but it can be real.

and it has been, with the vile lefties constantly spreading lies about anyone who is a problem for their agenda.

They aren't bad mouthing me. They are making themselves look like fools.

Maybe your personal position is so strong, that you don't have to worry about the damage vile liars like bulldog can do to you.

Most people, and especially in the political realm, will pay a price, if such behavior is allowed to go unchecked.

Notice how bulldog is siding with you. He WANTS to be able to bad mouth his enemies, while we just "are above it".

Funny that he is not arguing that what he says is important or worth discussion.

His response supports my view, and contradicts yours. Do you see that?
Anyone who thinks that they should be the most powerful man in the world, almost by definition, has to have a massive ego.

Or woman.

I'm not sure I would equate a massive ego with a psychosis but I'm no expert. One could have a huge ego but still not want to harm others. Those we are speaking about here (or at least that I am) seem to have no qualm in harming others.

To put this back on full topic, like Trump making fun of a handicapped man or the remarks he made about McCain. Those to me show an inability to care about anyone but themselves. If one has a desire to win, well OK. That isn't all bad. Not caring at all about who you hurt to win is where I draw a line.

Well, it is worth mentioning that Trump's McCain comments were in RESPONSE to an attack on Trump supporters, so not a good example of "not caring about anyone but themselves".

I would really like to know what you might consider to have been an attack on Trump's supporters, especially one that would make Trump's response seem rational in comparison.

What do you mean, what I consider an attack? When McCain insulted them. Are you denying that he did that?

Specifics? I'm not aware of McCain insulting anyone, but even if he did, that doesn't make Trump's behavior acceptable. Perhaps you can fill in the details of McCain's insult that precipitated Trump's rant, and explain how that perceived insult was as bad or worse than the crap spouted by right wingers every day.
""I like heroes that weren't captured""" Only a slime bag like Trump could think that up
What I generally do is ignore them.

Yeah, that is what we have been doing for a long time, and it lets your enemies define you in the Conventional Wisdom.

It is a way to lose with your dignity intact. But it is a strategy to lose.

Odd, I don't feel like I lost when I ignore juvinile comments.

you let people bad mouth you, without challenging it, and it will undermine you. the impact might not be immediate, or immediately felt, but it can be real.

and it has been, with the vile lefties constantly spreading lies about anyone who is a problem for their agenda.

They aren't bad mouthing me. They are making themselves look like fools.

Maybe your personal position is so strong, that you don't have to worry about the damage vile liars like bulldog can do to you.

Most people, and especially in the political realm, will pay a price, if such behavior is allowed to go unchecked.

Notice how bulldog is siding with you. He WANTS to be able to bad mouth his enemies, while we just "are above it".

Funny that he is not arguing that what he says is important or worth discussion.

His response supports my view, and contradicts yours. Do you see that?

What are you smoking? You are obviously disoriented.
Specifics? I'm not aware of McCain insulting anyone, but even if he did, that doesn't make Trump's behavior acceptable. Perhaps you can fill in the details of McCain's insult that precipitated Trump's rant, and explain how that perceived insult was as bad or worse than the crap spouted by right wingers every day.

McCain did make a crack about Trump's supporters . I dont recall exactly what he said but someone that avoided going to Vietnam has no business saying what Trump said in return.

McCain could be a jerk also.... One reason why he lost.

Trump spoke in the heat of the moment, and it seems very unlikely that it actually represent what he really feels.

IMO, it should be considered a personal counter attack on McCain, and McCain deserved it.

I speak as someone that actually supported McCain in his run, btw. including defending him against liberal attackers in sites like this.

So, for McCain to insult Trump supporters, was really quite rude as the overlap between people that voted for Trump and those that voted for McCain, is probably well above 90 per cent.

Trump does often speak and then backtracks or lies about what he said once played back to him. That isn't the trait of a leader.

he spoke out forcefully in defense of his supporters, instead of just letting people talking shit about us. sounds like a better trait for a leader to have, then what we have had in our leaders recently.

As noted before. There is a way for leaders to successfully do this and then there is Trump. Reagan wouldn't have allowed his mouth to stop one of his premier campaign promises like Trump did with Obamacare.

Trump has had problems staying on track, since getting elected.

I fail to see how that means that the answer instead is to let people bad mouth you and yours.
What I generally do is ignore them.

Yeah, that is what we have been doing for a long time, and it lets your enemies define you in the Conventional Wisdom.

It is a way to lose with your dignity intact. But it is a strategy to lose.

Odd, I don't feel like I lost when I ignore juvinile comments.

you let people bad mouth you, without challenging it, and it will undermine you. the impact might not be immediate, or immediately felt, but it can be real.

and it has been, with the vile lefties constantly spreading lies about anyone who is a problem for their agenda.

They aren't bad mouthing me. They are making themselves look like fools.

Maybe your personal position is so strong, that you don't have to worry about the damage vile liars like bulldog can do to you.

Most people, and especially in the political realm, will pay a price, if such behavior is allowed to go unchecked.

Notice how bulldog is siding with you. He WANTS to be able to bad mouth his enemies, while we just "are above it".

Funny that he is not arguing that what he says is important or worth discussion.

His response supports my view, and contradicts yours. Do you see that?

Bulldog has nothing to do with anything I've said. Address what I say.
McCain did make a crack about Trump's supporters . I dont recall exactly what he said but someone that avoided going to Vietnam has no business saying what Trump said in return.

McCain could be a jerk also.... One reason why he lost.

Trump spoke in the heat of the moment, and it seems very unlikely that it actually represent what he really feels.

IMO, it should be considered a personal counter attack on McCain, and McCain deserved it.

I speak as someone that actually supported McCain in his run, btw. including defending him against liberal attackers in sites like this.

So, for McCain to insult Trump supporters, was really quite rude as the overlap between people that voted for Trump and those that voted for McCain, is probably well above 90 per cent.

Trump does often speak and then backtracks or lies about what he said once played back to him. That isn't the trait of a leader.

he spoke out forcefully in defense of his supporters, instead of just letting people talking shit about us. sounds like a better trait for a leader to have, then what we have had in our leaders recently.

As noted before. There is a way for leaders to successfully do this and then there is Trump. Reagan wouldn't have allowed his mouth to stop one of his premier campaign promises like Trump did with Obamacare.

Trump has had problems staying on track, since getting elected.

I fail to see how that means that the answer instead is to let people bad mouth you and yours.

Staying on track? Trump has had problems being considered to be sane.
McCain did make a crack about Trump's supporters . I dont recall exactly what he said but someone that avoided going to Vietnam has no business saying what Trump said in return.

McCain could be a jerk also.... One reason why he lost.

Trump spoke in the heat of the moment, and it seems very unlikely that it actually represent what he really feels.

IMO, it should be considered a personal counter attack on McCain, and McCain deserved it.

I speak as someone that actually supported McCain in his run, btw. including defending him against liberal attackers in sites like this.

So, for McCain to insult Trump supporters, was really quite rude as the overlap between people that voted for Trump and those that voted for McCain, is probably well above 90 per cent.

Trump does often speak and then backtracks or lies about what he said once played back to him. That isn't the trait of a leader.

he spoke out forcefully in defense of his supporters, instead of just letting people talking shit about us. sounds like a better trait for a leader to have, then what we have had in our leaders recently.

As noted before. There is a way for leaders to successfully do this and then there is Trump. Reagan wouldn't have allowed his mouth to stop one of his premier campaign promises like Trump did with Obamacare.

Trump has had problems staying on track, since getting elected.

I fail to see how that means that the answer instead is to let people bad mouth you and yours.

Your point has been addressed many times already.
Reagan was good, but does someone who is a dick to you, deserve to be handled with kid gloves, or does he deserve some, omg, harsh language in return?

What I generally do is ignore them.

Yeah, that is what we have been doing for a long time, and it lets your enemies define you in the Conventional Wisdom.

It is a way to lose with your dignity intact. But it is a strategy to lose.

No problem for you there. Trump and his supporters have no dignity.

to be clear, you are agreeing that you are beneath notice, and should be ignored. that is your current stated position?

Fucking dumbass.

How I wish he could be ignored. The POTUS can never be ignored. Especially one who has no knowledge or concern about what a legitimate president should do.

Excellent combo of evading my point, AND turning it around against me, by pretending to be too stupid to read my post.

That you feel a need to be so dishonest, shows that on some level, you know that you are in the wrong, and have to be dishonest to win any debate.

My point stands.

Your current position is that you are agreeing with pknobb that you are beneath notice or contempt and should be ignored.

You are a dumbass.
Specifics? I'm not aware of McCain insulting anyone, but even if he did, that doesn't make Trump's behavior acceptable. Perhaps you can fill in the details of McCain's insult that precipitated Trump's rant, and explain how that perceived insult was as bad or worse than the crap spouted by right wingers every day.

McCain did make a crack about Trump's supporters . I dont recall exactly what he said but someone that avoided going to Vietnam has no business saying what Trump said in return.

McCain could be a jerk also.... One reason why he lost.

Trump spoke in the heat of the moment, and it seems very unlikely that it actually represent what he really feels.

IMO, it should be considered a personal counter attack on McCain, and McCain deserved it.

I speak as someone that actually supported McCain in his run, btw. including defending him against liberal attackers in sites like this.

So, for McCain to insult Trump supporters, was really quite rude as the overlap between people that voted for Trump and those that voted for McCain, is probably well above 90 per cent.

Crazy is crazy no matter who you might vote for. Trumps supporters have proven themselves to be either honorless or crazy. Most are both.

Trump spouted off a little in the heat of the moment. Completely normal, and your hysteria over it, is just you being a drama queen.

Spouting off in the heat of the moment is not what leaders do. And if they do they know to apologize and make things right so that their spouting off does not sink one of their signature promises.

Neither is letting people spread bullshit smears about your people.

And it was not his comment that caused the furor, but the lie of the media, that it was an unprovoked attack on VETERANS as a group.
McCain did make a crack about Trump's supporters . I dont recall exactly what he said but someone that avoided going to Vietnam has no business saying what Trump said in return.

McCain could be a jerk also.... One reason why he lost.

Trump spoke in the heat of the moment, and it seems very unlikely that it actually represent what he really feels.

IMO, it should be considered a personal counter attack on McCain, and McCain deserved it.

I speak as someone that actually supported McCain in his run, btw. including defending him against liberal attackers in sites like this.

So, for McCain to insult Trump supporters, was really quite rude as the overlap between people that voted for Trump and those that voted for McCain, is probably well above 90 per cent.

Crazy is crazy no matter who you might vote for. Trumps supporters have proven themselves to be either honorless or crazy. Most are both.

Trump spouted off a little in the heat of the moment. Completely normal, and your hysteria over it, is just you being a drama queen.

Spouting off in the heat of the moment is not what leaders do. And if they do they know to apologize and make things right so that their spouting off does not sink one of their signature promises.

Neither is letting people spread bullshit smears about your people.

And it was not his comment that caused the furor, but the lie of the media, that it was an unprovoked attack on VETERANS as a group.

The comment was offensive to those who also served. It was the comment though that sunk the defeat of Obamacare.
What do you mean, what I consider an attack? When McCain insulted them. Are you denying that he did that?

Specifics? I'm not aware of McCain insulting anyone, but even if he did, that doesn't make Trump's behavior acceptable. Perhaps you can fill in the details of McCain's insult that precipitated Trump's rant, and explain how that perceived insult was as bad or worse than the crap spouted by right wingers every day.

1. Your ignorance on this is noted. Let me educate you. The whole incident was McCain insulting Trump supporters, and Trump insulting him back, and the media presenting it to the American people as an unprovoked attack. You are either a sucker or a supporter of the lie.

2. As EVERYONE has said something in the heat of the moment, that they do not really mean, it DOES make Trump's behavior acceptable. You could claim that you have never done that, and in doing so, will verify for all the readers, that nothing you say, should be taken seriously.

3. Trump's comments were a few sentences. That is not normally considered a rant, by honest observers. Your status as a partisan hack, is confirmed.

4. It is interesting that you added the requirement that McCain's insult be worse than something, in order to be considered a valid provocation, when your stated position is that you were unaware that there was a provocation. Let's just focus on the point that, my point was simply that YOUR sides' lie that what TRump said was an unprovoked attack on "Vets" was utter bullshit uttered by vile liars. So, your requirement is irrelevant.

That's why Trump scares so many people. He always has a nuclear response to every perceived slight he claims to suffer. So far, those nuclear responses have just been figurative, but the fear that he will literally give a nuclear response for some minor infraction is real. That orange psychopath is a real danger to all of us in many ways.

Standing up to a cranky old man, who is talking a shit about your supporters, is not scary. it is a good thing.

You are just talking shit now.

As always, you make excuses for his disgusting behavior.

He used some harsh language on a cranky old man. That you want to pretend it was so terrible, is just you being dishonest.

pknopp thinks that what you say, is beneath notice, and you agree. so, your complaint, by your own position, is bullshit not to be taken seriously.

interesting, what happens, when one actually thinks about the shit you say, mmm?
I'm not sure I would equate a massive ego with a psychosis but I'm no expert. One could have a huge ego but still not want to harm others. Those we are speaking about here (or at least that I am) seem to have no qualm in harming others.

To put this back on full topic, like Trump making fun of a handicapped man or the remarks he made about McCain. Those to me show an inability to care about anyone but themselves. If one has a desire to win, well OK. That isn't all bad. Not caring at all about who you hurt to win is where I draw a line.

Well, it is worth mentioning that Trump's McCain comments were in RESPONSE to an attack on Trump supporters, so not a good example of "not caring about anyone but themselves".

I would really like to know what you might consider to have been an attack on Trump's supporters, especially one that would make Trump's response seem rational in comparison.

What do you mean, what I consider an attack? When McCain insulted them. Are you denying that he did that?

Specifics? I'm not aware of McCain insulting anyone, but even if he did, that doesn't make Trump's behavior acceptable. Perhaps you can fill in the details of McCain's insult that precipitated Trump's rant, and explain how that perceived insult was as bad or worse than the crap spouted by right wingers every day.
""I like heroes that weren't captured""" Only a slime bag like Trump could think that up

We have all said shit, we did not really mean, when someone was being an ass to us.

YOur pretense otherwise, is just you being a partisan hack.
McCain did make a crack about Trump's supporters . I dont recall exactly what he said but someone that avoided going to Vietnam has no business saying what Trump said in return.

McCain could be a jerk also.... One reason why he lost.

Trump spoke in the heat of the moment, and it seems very unlikely that it actually represent what he really feels.

IMO, it should be considered a personal counter attack on McCain, and McCain deserved it.

I speak as someone that actually supported McCain in his run, btw. including defending him against liberal attackers in sites like this.

So, for McCain to insult Trump supporters, was really quite rude as the overlap between people that voted for Trump and those that voted for McCain, is probably well above 90 per cent.

Crazy is crazy no matter who you might vote for. Trumps supporters have proven themselves to be either honorless or crazy. Most are both.

Trump spouted off a little in the heat of the moment. Completely normal, and your hysteria over it, is just you being a drama queen.

Spouting off in the heat of the moment is not what leaders do. And if they do they know to apologize and make things right so that their spouting off does not sink one of their signature promises.

Neither is letting people spread bullshit smears about your people.

And it was not his comment that caused the furor, but the lie of the media, that it was an unprovoked attack on VETERANS as a group.

You bet. If the media would just quit reporting all the childish and hateful things that orange fool says, everything would be just fine ---- right? Here's an idea. If you get tired of hearing about his inappropriate behavior, then tell him to quit doing it.
Well, it is worth mentioning that Trump's McCain comments were in RESPONSE to an attack on Trump supporters, so not a good example of "not caring about anyone but themselves".

I would really like to know what you might consider to have been an attack on Trump's supporters, especially one that would make Trump's response seem rational in comparison.

What do you mean, what I consider an attack? When McCain insulted them. Are you denying that he did that?

Specifics? I'm not aware of McCain insulting anyone, but even if he did, that doesn't make Trump's behavior acceptable. Perhaps you can fill in the details of McCain's insult that precipitated Trump's rant, and explain how that perceived insult was as bad or worse than the crap spouted by right wingers every day.
""I like heroes that weren't captured""" Only a slime bag like Trump could think that up

We have all said shit, we did not really mean, when someone was being an ass to us.

YOur pretense otherwise, is just you being a partisan hack.

I've addressed this already also. Most also know enough to be a big enough person to apologize.
Specifics? I'm not aware of McCain insulting anyone, but even if he did, that doesn't make Trump's behavior acceptable. Perhaps you can fill in the details of McCain's insult that precipitated Trump's rant, and explain how that perceived insult was as bad or worse than the crap spouted by right wingers every day.

1. Your ignorance on this is noted. Let me educate you. The whole incident was McCain insulting Trump supporters, and Trump insulting him back, and the media presenting it to the American people as an unprovoked attack. You are either a sucker or a supporter of the lie.

2. As EVERYONE has said something in the heat of the moment, that they do not really mean, it DOES make Trump's behavior acceptable. You could claim that you have never done that, and in doing so, will verify for all the readers, that nothing you say, should be taken seriously.

3. Trump's comments were a few sentences. That is not normally considered a rant, by honest observers. Your status as a partisan hack, is confirmed.

4. It is interesting that you added the requirement that McCain's insult be worse than something, in order to be considered a valid provocation, when your stated position is that you were unaware that there was a provocation. Let's just focus on the point that, my point was simply that YOUR sides' lie that what TRump said was an unprovoked attack on "Vets" was utter bullshit uttered by vile liars. So, your requirement is irrelevant.

That's why Trump scares so many people. He always has a nuclear response to every perceived slight he claims to suffer. So far, those nuclear responses have just been figurative, but the fear that he will literally give a nuclear response for some minor infraction is real. That orange psychopath is a real danger to all of us in many ways.

Standing up to a cranky old man, who is talking a shit about your supporters, is not scary. it is a good thing.

You are just talking shit now.

As always, you make excuses for his disgusting behavior.

He used some harsh language on a cranky old man. That you want to pretend it was so terrible, is just you being dishonest.

pknopp thinks that what you say, is beneath notice, and you agree. so, your complaint, by your own position, is bullshit not to be taken seriously.

interesting, what happens, when one actually thinks about the shit you say, mmm?

I would like to say "nice try" but that was just goofy.
Yeah, that is what we have been doing for a long time, and it lets your enemies define you in the Conventional Wisdom.

It is a way to lose with your dignity intact. But it is a strategy to lose.

Odd, I don't feel like I lost when I ignore juvinile comments.

you let people bad mouth you, without challenging it, and it will undermine you. the impact might not be immediate, or immediately felt, but it can be real.

and it has been, with the vile lefties constantly spreading lies about anyone who is a problem for their agenda.

They aren't bad mouthing me. They are making themselves look like fools.

Maybe your personal position is so strong, that you don't have to worry about the damage vile liars like bulldog can do to you.

Most people, and especially in the political realm, will pay a price, if such behavior is allowed to go unchecked.

Notice how bulldog is siding with you. He WANTS to be able to bad mouth his enemies, while we just "are above it".

Funny that he is not arguing that what he says is important or worth discussion.

His response supports my view, and contradicts yours. Do you see that?

What are you smoking? You are obviously disoriented.

Don't you find it odd, that you feel a need to respond to my post, but also feel a need to NOT actually address what I say?

It is because, on some level, you realize that you are full of shit, and are afraid to look at your position, or yourself, honestly.
Well, it is worth mentioning that Trump's McCain comments were in RESPONSE to an attack on Trump supporters, so not a good example of "not caring about anyone but themselves".

I would really like to know what you might consider to have been an attack on Trump's supporters, especially one that would make Trump's response seem rational in comparison.

What do you mean, what I consider an attack? When McCain insulted them. Are you denying that he did that?

Specifics? I'm not aware of McCain insulting anyone, but even if he did, that doesn't make Trump's behavior acceptable. Perhaps you can fill in the details of McCain's insult that precipitated Trump's rant, and explain how that perceived insult was as bad or worse than the crap spouted by right wingers every day.
""I like heroes that weren't captured""" Only a slime bag like Trump could think that up

We have all said shit, we did not really mean, when someone was being an ass to us.

YOur pretense otherwise, is just you being a partisan hack.

A mature person apologizes for those rare outbursts. Trump has never apologized for anything.

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