Letter to Students in March for our Lives: We are all Patriots!


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
Mead Kraft Letter.jpg

What Robert Kraft wrote to student protesters about the March for Our Lives

I see it as more positive than negative that students are standing up, speaking out and getting involved in the democratic process.

What better way to learn why the Bill of Rights was put into writing to define and enforce the natural rights of people in a civilized society?

The 2nd Amendment was never intended to justify any manner of abuse by taking it out of context with the rest of the Bill of Rights. All 10 articles were added to the Constitution as a condition of agreeing to endorse it. These laws include not only freedom of speech and of the press, and the right to petition for redress of grievances, but also right of security in our persons houses and effects from unreasonable searches and seizures without warrants based on probable cause, and the right not to be deprived of life liberty or property without due process to prove a crime was committed for which the law prescribes a set penalty. Even the govt cannot violate these rights and liberties, but must prove first a compelling interest and that any regulations are the least restrictive.

It is time for all students and citizens to learn these laws, and understand that to have our rights protected, that means respecting and enforcing these same laws for everyone.

The natural laws, the Golden Rule of Reciprocity, means that if we want rights and freedoms, we cannot abuse them to violate the same rights and laws for others; in order for the people as "law abiding citizens" to invoke the authority of government, that means we must commit to follow and respect the same laws we seek to enforce.

Thus, we become the check on our own government.
By petitioning "each other" for redressing our own grievances,
we the people invoke the very authority we give to government by natural law.


The people as the body of the church use Scriptural laws to check church authority against abuses.

The people as the Government use Constitutional laws to check against govt abuses.

The key to Equal Justice Under Law and Restorative Justice to establish peace, law and order for all, civilly by the democratic process, is empowerment by Knowledge of the Laws, so that all people participate equally in enforcement. When arms are used properly for defense of the laws, there is no abuse to violate laws or deprive life or liberty. The proper use of police and military defense serves as a Deterrent, and never as a punishment. We can stop collective punishment and collateral damages caused by war, by collective responsibility for enforcing laws in the first place.

That's how we are going to end political abuses of power, economic oppression that denies these same rights to petition, due process, and representation to individuals without legal resources to defend their interests, and all manner of criminal abuses and corruption that violate civil rights.

As we unite on the common cause of public education and enforcement of equal civil standards and protections of the law for all people of all beliefs, we shall Reclaim Rebuild and Refinance our nation and economy, by investing our time and taxes more wisely in sustainable education, jobs and services based on serving together, not fighting each other and wasting our resources.

This "March for our Lives" should be expanded into a national campaign to teach all people how to defend Rights by practicing them. Not depending or fighting others, but exercising our rights and freedom to build, fund, and run our own programs and own solutions. Not through DC or depending on federal govt, but reforming our own state prisons and local schools to provide services and create jobs in education, health care, social services, and economic development so every community can become self-governing and financially self-sustaining.

By teaching civic responsibility, financial independence and healthy living and relations, the money saved from preventing crime and disease from abusive or addictive disorders can then be invested in paying for education and health care for all. Instead of spending $50,000 per person incarcerated, or billions more on mentally ill people or criminally ill addicts stuck in prisons or on drugs, legal or illegal, we can pay for mentors and interns at 30,000 and 20,000 a pair to teach and learn professional skills and fund more jobs to solve problems and provide services with the taxes we spend now on failed systems of criminal justice and mental health that don't cure the causes.

The Students and Dreamers who want better ways to pay for education need support by more experienced teachers, business leaders, and professionals in every field to make these reforms.

Instead of parties fighting each other politically for power, why not reward citizens and taxpayers for investing in business loans and plans to convert failed govt programs and waste into cost effective sustainable solutions. We can do better, and for the sake of the next generation of taxpayers and leaders, we need to start now to set up more sensible solutions, which don't take away anyone's rights, liberty or labor and freedom of choice of our political and religious beliefs about God and Government, but allow all people of all beliefs and creeds, including political beliefs by party, to invest in running and funding their own solutions, not abusing Govt to impose that on anyone else.
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Those kids are not Patriots...well maybe like the cheating New England Patriots

no more harmful than taking a day off from school for a SPRING FESTIVAL MARSHMALLOW ROAST-------

About as effective also

my whole concern for the BIG TIME WALKOUT-----was the cost of security and CLEAN UP------and danger of some mischief which seems either not to have
happened or was not reported

Meh....they whined, bawled, stomped their feet and munched on some Tide Pods
Those kids are not Patriots...well maybe like the cheating New England Patriots

no more harmful than taking a day off from school for a SPRING FESTIVAL MARSHMALLOW ROAST-------

About as effective also

my whole concern for the BIG TIME WALKOUT-----was the cost of security and CLEAN UP------and danger of some mischief which seems either not to have
happened or was not reported

Well...it was clearly not reported. We all know that these brats were up to no good. The fake news media narrative
couldn't have that kind of reporting.
Hi SassyIrishLass
If Paul started out as a corrupt Tax Collector
then turned into a preaching prophet (though still imperfect).

If Charles Colson went to prison for corruption in Watergate,
but started Prison Fellowship that has transformed both inmates
and whole units into working people and programs serving the community.

If Jesus can turn water into wine,
and Clinton can turn losing into a winning campaign,
then maybe regular people, flawed and all, can turn into patriots.

Well maybe Clinton can't do that without God's help,
but if Jesus can walk on water, anything is possible!

Whatever we ask in agreement in Christ,
it is done by our Father in Heaven.

If we all prayed and supported Clinton in reclaiming,
rebuilding and refinancing the Democratic Party to pay back
all restitution owed for fraud, corruption and abuses at taxpayer expense,
yes we can build a solution along the border big enough to
create jobs for all students, Dreamers, Veterans --
and even Crooks and Criminals as Jesus reached out to --
who'd rather invest in a lasting legacy for our country and future.
water into wine is quite a feat. As a kid, I imagined paradise as a place
where coca cola gushes forth from the kitchen water tap and wondered why
THE CREATION did not include such an amenity. GOOD NEWS CYBER
FOLK -------direct from da holey land------SODA STREAM-----a little gadget
that turns tap water into soda water to which various flavored syrups can be
added--------ANOTHER MIRACLE FROM da holey land. (joos emulating
you need another nap, emily

Ha ha irosie91 I need a job that pays per word for posting long diatribes online.
Even Edgar A. Poe got paid 5 cents a word. What excuse do I have?
Maybe if I got paid a penny each, I'd be able to retire in one day and take that nap!

Or do whatever Stormy Daniels, Jones and Flowers did to get paid NOT to say stuff.
How do I sign up for THAT job? Getting paid by one side to speak and another to shut up!
you need another nap, emily

Ha ha irosie91 I need a job that pays per word for posting long diatribes online.
Even Edgar A. Poe got paid 5 cents a word. What excuse do I have?
Maybe if I got paid a penny each, I'd be able to retire in one day and take that nap!

Or do whatever Stormy Daniels, Jones and Flowers did to get paid NOT to say stuff.
How do I sign up for THAT job? Getting paid by one side to speak and another to shut up!

Poe got 5 cents PER WORD?-------no wonder that RAVEN sat around all the time----
mumbling "nevahmore"
water into wine is quite a feat. As a kid, I imagined paradise as a place
where coca cola gushes forth from the kitchen water tap and wondered why
THE CREATION did not include such an amenity. GOOD NEWS CYBER
FOLK -------direct from da holey land------SODA STREAM-----a little gadget
that turns tap water into soda water to which various flavored syrups can be
added--------ANOTHER MIRACLE FROM da holey land. (joos emulating

You're kidding irosie91 but not kidding either.
I didn't believe that Trump could win over the Democratic machine
taking over the party, media and govt. If he sticks his foot in his mouth
and gets cornered into any charge of perjury he could still get chomped by this machine
that will stop at nothing.

As for students turned marchers,
my own bf does not believe liberal-propagandists like Hogg
can be corrected and turned into Constitutional defenders.

So yes it will take nothing short of a miracle and God's grace
that we listen to each other and unite in this endeavor to
correct abuses of govt by enforcing Constitutional laws.

If God put Trump in the WH as President,
whatever is God's will, of course that is not only possible but
the only thing that is going to happen, God's will meaning supreme absolute.

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