Letters To California Mosques Praise Trump, Promise Genocide

This is a very obvious plant message. The regressives clearly have no clue what's going on, just doubling down their stupidity in their bubbles and echo chambers.

And once again, of course, all of this is somehow tied to Trump.... because...
This is a very obvious plant message. The regressives clearly have no clue what's going on, just doubling down their stupidity in their bubbles and echo chambers.

And once again, of course, all of this is somehow tied to Trump.... because...
When did Trump ever disparage Muslims. Ask the Khans.
This is a very obvious plant message. The regressives clearly have no clue what's going on, just doubling down their stupidity in their bubbles and echo chambers.

And once again, of course, all of this is somehow tied to Trump.... because...
When did Trump ever disparage Muslims. Ask the Khans.
The Muslim beotherhood terrorist supporter?

What would you ask him?
Yup. Had another thread on it here:

Rightist Maggot Writes "Trump is going to do to you Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews"

These Trump voters have been on an anti-Muslim rampage ever since Trump stole the election.
you should go ahead and let the police know who sent the letters since you obviously know.
Personally I would bet on it being sent by a butt hurt hillary supporter. Its more like their style. First clue, is evoking Hitler, it is mostly the liberals that like to try and equate Americans to Hitler, it not as often the other way around. Next is the fact that it comes from a liberal area and is sent to a mosque in a liberal area.
These letters are most likely written and sent by liberals to try and further erode the outstanding support that President Elect Trump has received from the communities across the United States.
Will Trump give these vile creatures a wink and a nod - or just continue to ignore them?
This is probably crazy, but I'm hoping they find that the letters are a hoax in order to smear Trump.
This is a very obvious plant message. The regressives clearly have no clue what's going on, just doubling down their stupidity in their bubbles and echo chambers.

And once again, of course, all of this is somehow tied to Trump.... because...
When did Trump ever disparage Muslims. Ask the Khans.
the Khans? you mean those muslims that hillary paraded around trying to build sympathy for muslims?
Check into Khans background,The father not the son that actually died with honor, and see who it is you are protecting.
Its a shame that this soldier who gave his life defending our country was dishonored so greatly by the very people that raised him.
What vile creatures these anti American pieces of shit are to do that to their son.
This is a very obvious plant message. The regressives clearly have no clue what's going on, just doubling down their stupidity in their bubbles and echo chambers.

And once again, of course, all of this is somehow tied to Trump.... because...
Well, you really didn't see any swastikas drawn on your desk when you were in elementary or high school? Were they Clinton plants to smear Trump?
This is a very obvious plant message. The regressives clearly have no clue what's going on, just doubling down their stupidity in their bubbles and echo chambers.

And once again, of course, all of this is somehow tied to Trump.... because...
Well, you really didn't see any swastikas drawn on your desk when you were in elementary or high school? Were they Clinton plants to smear Trump?

The muslims are not the primary target of the nazis, in fact the muslims sort of are nazis. Even though neo-nazis are very dumb, they still aren't this dumb. The message is clearly written by a regressive, they can never escape their ideology, so they make for poor impersonators.

This is a hit piece on Trump, nothing more. Funny enough, Spencer made some real nazi remarks and these guys are still going after Trump, who has nothing to do with the nazis. Why? Because he is a threat to their alternate reality narrative.
This is a very obvious plant message. The regressives clearly have no clue what's going on, just doubling down their stupidity in their bubbles and echo chambers.

And once again, of course, all of this is somehow tied to Trump.... because...
Well, you really didn't see any swastikas drawn on your desk when you were in elementary or high school? Were they Clinton plants to smear Trump?

The muslims are not the primary target of the nazis, in fact the muslims sort of are nazis. Even though neo-nazis are very dumb, they still aren't this dumb. The message is clearly written by a regressive, they can never escape their ideology, so they make for poor impersonators.

This is a hit piece on Trump, nothing more. Funny enough, Spencer made some real nazi remarks and these guys are still going after Trump, who has nothing to do with the nazis. Why? Because he is a threat to their alternate reality narrative.
Thank you for your clear and pertinent answer about kids scribbling stuff. Your high percentage of intelligence has been noted.

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