LEVIN TO O' Let’s have a national discussion about the ANTI-SEMITISM REEKING from your administratio

Obama is not anti Israel, he is anti racism. And like most rational mature adults, he is pro peace.

Benjamin Netanyahu just played the race card and rejected peace.

Mark Levin, and right wing parrots like you are not pro Israel, you are anti Obama. Your hatred for our commander and chief trumps all rational thought.

Hate is an EMOTION...
Bullshit. Obama is pro-obama and a total political whore. If hate is ever advantageous politically then he'll hate.

I had a flat tire...fucking Obama...
With everyone commenting in this thread, may I ask who listens to him?

I do. I get him on the FLAG before I pick him up out of WLS in chicago on the flip.

Lets take it from there if anyone wants to.
Obama is not anti Israel, he is anti racism. And like most rational mature adults, he is pro peace.

Benjamin Netanyahu just played the race card and rejected peace.

Mark Levin, and right wing parrots like you are not pro Israel, you are anti Obama. Your hatred for our commander and chief trumps all rational thought.

Hate is an EMOTION...

Hey parrot sqaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak He's not commander in chief of the world.

Only the military of America you got it. I know the game you are playing with words on the internet.
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"LEVIN TO O' Let’s have a national discussion about the ANTI-SEMITISM REEKING from your administratio"

The idiocy of this is evidence that few on the right have any interest in 'rational discussion.'

Clayton....the nurses are looking for you.....put the pudding cup down, step back and cooperate with the orderlies......
Obama is not anti Israel, he is anti racism. And like most rational mature adults, he is pro peace.

Benjamin Netanyahu just played the race card and rejected peace.

Mark Levin, and right wing parrots like you are not pro Israel, you are anti Obama. Your hatred for our commander and chief trumps all rational thought.

Hate is an EMOTION...

No....obama sat in an anti semitic church and listened to an anti semitic pastor, jeremiah wright for 20 years....obama does not like Jewish people and he hates the state of Israel......he is not pro peace...he is pro muslim in his outlook and that is not a pro peace outlook......

And yes...we are pro Israel...and in truth pro muslim....muslims who share western values.........and it is exactly rational thought that leads us to oppose obama and his policies....
With everyone commenting in this thread, may I ask who listens to him?

I do. I get him on the FLAG before I pick him up out of WLS in chicago on the flip.

Lets take it from there if anyone wants to.

I catch him on WLS too....but not as much because he starts at 9....bedtime and all that...I try to catch Rush, Medved, Prager and used to listen to Dennis Miller but I think he has decided to check out completely...

I now listen to Dan Proft on the Amy and Dan show on WIND.....
Do the Jews really need all these white Christians crying for them?

Actually they do. We hold against HAMAS

It's the smallest piece of land we are discussing. Have you ever checked it out? I think it smaller than what I owned in Hawtry.

Israel is a smidge. Teeny tiny little place.
Do the Jews really need all these white Christians crying for them?

Actually they do. We hold against HAMAS

It's the smallest piece of land we are discussing. Have you ever checked it out? I think it smaller than what I owned in Hawtry.

Israel is a smidge. Teeny tiny little place.

And the Muslims in Israel....are the freest anywhere in the muslim world......and the safest......and the least persecuted......
Obama is not anti Israel, he is anti racism. And like most rational mature adults, he is pro peace.

Benjamin Netanyahu just played the race card and rejected peace.

Mark Levin, and right wing parrots like you are not pro Israel, you are anti Obama. Your hatred for our commander and chief trumps all rational thought.

Hate is an EMOTION...

Hey parrot sqaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak He's not commander in chief of the world.

Only the military of America you got it. I know the game you are playing with words on the internet.

Hey pea brain...Benjamin Netanyahu is NOT an American leader. But that didn't stop Repugnant-ians from having him make a campaign stop before the US Congress against the wishes of the Commander and Chief.
Obama is not anti Israel, he is anti racism. And like most rational mature adults, he is pro peace.

Benjamin Netanyahu just played the race card and rejected peace.

Mark Levin, and right wing parrots like you are not pro Israel, you are anti Obama. Your hatred for our commander and chief trumps all rational thought.

Hate is an EMOTION...

No....obama sat in an anti semitic church and listened to an anti semitic pastor, jeremiah wright for 20 years....obama does not like Jewish people and he hates the state of Israel......he is not pro peace...he is pro muslim in his outlook and that is not a pro peace outlook......

And yes...we are pro Israel...and in truth pro muslim....muslims who share western values.........and it is exactly rational thought that leads us to oppose obama and his policies....

Brainwashed parrots like you are only able to mimic, not think.
Obama is not anti Israel, he is anti racism. And like most rational mature adults, he is pro peace.

Benjamin Netanyahu just played the race card and rejected peace.

Mark Levin, and right wing parrots like you are not pro Israel, you are anti Obama. Your hatred for our commander and chief trumps all rational thought.

Hate is an EMOTION...
Bullshit. Obama is pro-obama and a total political whore. If hate is ever advantageous politically then he'll hate.

I had a flat tire...fucking Obama...
Can't rebut, eh? Typical left wing obama-apologist response.
Obama has hand picked jews in his administration and jewish friends.

He also signs on his desk paperwork to continue giving israel record amounts of cash.

But he has a policy disagreement with a israel and hes suddenly an anti semite.

You guys are fucking fools and i dont know if levin is a fucking fool too, or he just knows what to feed the money trees hes nurturing.
Obama has hand picked jews in his administration and jewish friends. He also signs on his desk paperwork to continue giving israel record amounts of cash. But he has a policy disagreement with a israel and hes suddenly an anti semite. You guys are fucking fools and i dont know if levin is a fucking fool too, or he just knows what to feed the money trees hes nurturing.
But let Obama talk about racism and suddenly he's the devil. People have to decide whether they're Americans or Israelis. Our interests won't always coincide.
Obama is not anti Israel, he is anti racism. And like most rational mature adults, he is pro peace.

Benjamin Netanyahu just played the race card and rejected peace.

Mark Levin, and right wing parrots like you are not pro Israel, you are anti Obama. Your hatred for our commander and chief trumps all rational thought.

Hate is an EMOTION...

Hey parrot sqaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak He's not commander in chief of the world.

Only the military of America you got it. I know the game you are playing with words on the internet.

Hey pea brain...Benjamin Netanyahu is NOT an American leader. But that didn't stop Repugnant-ians from having him make a campaign stop before the US Congress against the wishes of the Commander and Chief.

He was an invited guest. Invited by the people's House. One more time Obama is only the Commander in Chief of one thing and one thing only. The armed forces.

Otherwise he is just one part of the government. Just one branch. Not a ruler of the country.
Do the Jews really need all these white Christians crying for them?

Actually they do. We hold against HAMAS

It's the smallest piece of land we are discussing. Have you ever checked it out? I think it smaller than what I owned in Hawtry.

Israel is a smidge. Teeny tiny little place.

And the Muslims in Israel....are the freest anywhere in the muslim world......and the safest......and the least persecuted......

Isn't that the truth! Every anti Israel asshole that's out there is truly a whack job to support HAMAS over a true democracy.

And we have to step up to the plate and start to flush out these pro Hamas assholes that breathe the same air we do in our countries.

We have to nail them to the wall not for being anti Israel but for being pro homicidal maniacs.

Let's call it like it is here. Hamas freaking throws people that oppose them politically to their deaths off of buildings.

So we have to use terminology that doesn't let anti Bibi people off the hook.

They are not just anti Israel. They are pro HAMAS. Let them explain their position then. Take it to their faces.

It's time to lay a smackdown in public on them.

"The BDS movement is immoral because it violates the core principle if human rights: namely, 'the worst first.'

Israel is among the freest and most democratic nations in the world.

It is certainly the freest and most democratic nation in the Middle East.

Its Arab citizens enjoy more rights than Arabs anywhere else in the world. They serve in the Knesset, in the Judiciary, in the Foreign Service, in the academy and in business.

They are free to criticize Israel and support its enemies." — Alan M. Dershowitz, Professor Emeritus, Harvard Law School.

Needed Islamist Apartheid Week
Obama is not anti Israel, he is anti racism. And like most rational mature adults, he is pro peace.

Benjamin Netanyahu just played the race card and rejected peace.

Mark Levin, and right wing parrots like you are not pro Israel, you are anti Obama. Your hatred for our commander and chief trumps all rational thought.

Hate is an EMOTION...

Hey parrot sqaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak He's not commander in chief of the world.

Only the military of America you got it. I know the game you are playing with words on the internet.

Hey pea brain...Benjamin Netanyahu is NOT an American leader. But that didn't stop Repugnant-ians from having him make a campaign stop before the US Congress against the wishes of the Commander and Chief.

Wanted to come back and address your post separately from the other point I made.

Your fucking asshole in the White House backed Bibi's opposition in more ways than just giving One Voice mega bucks to pass on to V15.

He sent his National Field Director to head up V15. This election wasn't a repudiation of Herzog.

This election was about the repudiation of Obama's attempts to ONE MORE FUCKING TIME unseat a popular leader.
With everyone commenting in this thread, may I ask who listens to him?

I do. I get him on the FLAG before I pick him up out of WLS in chicago on the flip.

Lets take it from there if anyone wants to.

I catch him on WLS too....but not as much because he starts at 9....bedtime and all that...I try to catch Rush, Medved, Prager and used to listen to Dennis Miller but I think he has decided to check out completely...

I now listen to Dan Proft on the Amy and Dan show on WIND.....

Currently residing in the middle of nowhere Sundown Manitoba where with an old Grundig radio, I can pick up stations from Illinois to Oklahoma to on a really good night Washington.

Looking at getting a CC radio so I can pick up some of my old favorites in the east.

I really miss John Batchelor. I'm trying to remember who I've heard Medved sub for. Don't know Prager.

I have the dream lineup for conservatives. Adler (Canuk killer conservative) to Rush to Hannity to depending on the weather Levin early or Savage and then the rest of the night goes to various talkers depending on the topic du jour but I always close the day with the Red Eye guys.

We have the best talkers. Out of Chicago you had the most awesome morning team. Oh boy had the bedroom radio set for them. Don Wade and Roma for years.

I still can't believe he's passed.

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