Levins response today about Trump winning

really Mark? Really? So youre ok with Hillary appointing far left SCJ's?, Mr. "Constitution?"

what we can never support trump was difficult to understandw

No he isn't alright with Hillary appointing leftist judges. None of us are. So why the heck would we support trump when he will appoint leftist judges?

You guys have already ensured that whomever is elected the left gets progressive judges. You were warned and you did it anyway. How the heck is it our fault that you ignored reason ?

Whether trump wins or loses the destruction of our society that is to come is squarely on your shoulders. So stop being a pansy lefty and man up.

Have it ever occurred to you that many wish to 'destroy' this society in favor of a different one?

I'm very aware that progressives on left and right want to overthrow the constitution and our God given rights. I also know how much people will suffer and die when that happens.

There are liberals that wish to abridge the 2nd Amendment.

I will acknowledge that.

But to overthrow 'God give rights'?
I've heard of human rights. I've heard of civil rights. What are these 'God given' rights you speak of?

You are born with all the genuine rights you will ever have. Whether you can call them "god given" or "endowed by your creator" doesn't matter. They are part of being human. They are not artifacts of the law.
Translation: Trump was mean to Ted so we're not gonna vote for him. That'll show you.

Seriously? We were never trump long before trump got dirty with Ted. Why? Because he is a progressive and a con man. Because he has spoken multiple times how he is going to ignore the constitution and the rule of law.

And yet you elected the buffoon anyway. you just expect us to fall in line and vote for him because he has an R next to his name. You seriously don't see how stupid this idea was. You sure showed those establishment types though, electing a Democrat financier.
More sour grapes.

Nope. We're done voting for the 'lesser of two evils' and 'because they have an R next to their name'. Trump needs our vote to win. How's he going to do that?
Contrary to what you may believe Trump doesn't need the votes of those on the right that rather see Clinton in office. There aren't enough morons in the Republican party to impact the election like that. What he loses with the cry baby non voters he more than makes up with his cross over appeal, independents, Reagan Dems, new voters, blacks, hispanics etc.

Those that won't vote for him should go sulk in the corner or start their own party and watch the 'new' Republican Party gets things done like they should have been done years and years ago.

I love this. You think black Americans and Hispanic Americans are going to be a plus for Trump? That's some real punditry there.

Trump will get 20 % of the black vote, and that will be all she wrote for Hillary. Blacks are wising up to the fact that Democrats are the cause of their economic problems. Democrats gave their jobs to illegal aliens, and Hillary intends to continue that policy and even double down on it.
Who is "we"? Do you speak for everyone else?

Conservatives. Using 'we' in the general sense. Duh.
You think you speak for all conservatives? You don't.

Jesus, SJ. I was using 'we' in the general sense. I've no doubt some conservatives will vote for him, if only to keep Clinton out. Good for you.
In other words, you don't speak for anybody but yourself, right?



Gotta love it when you meet up with brilliance like that, huh?

You seem like a reasonable person. This has got to be rough for you.
Trump loses to Hillary in every Fox News Poll.

WTF does that tell ya?

This little populist collective brain fart has laid a turd and it's really starting to stink up the place.

It tells us the election hasn't started in earnest.
Levin has trouble accepting reality, like a lot of Cruz supporters. They are a strange breed.

You mean like the reality that you need cruz supporters in the general election if trim has any hopes of winning? You realize he is losing the red state of Utah right?
Translation: Trump was mean to Ted so we're not gonna vote for him. That'll show you.

Seriously? We were never trump long before trump got dirty with Ted. Why? Because he is a progressive and a con man. Because he has spoken multiple times how he is going to ignore the constitution and the rule of law.

And yet you elected the buffoon anyway. you just expect us to fall in line and vote for him because he has an R next to his name. You seriously don't see how stupid this idea was. You sure showed those establishment types though, electing a Democrat financier.

Who is "we?" Are you claiming to be some kind of Republican or something?
Levin has trouble accepting reality, like a lot of Cruz supporters. They are a strange breed.

You mean like the reality that you need cruz supporters in the general election if trim has any hopes of winning? You realize he is losing the red state of Utah right?
Translation: Trump was mean to Ted so we're not gonna vote for him. That'll show you.

Seriously? We were never trump long before trump got dirty with Ted. Why? Because he is a progressive and a con man. Because he has spoken multiple times how he is going to ignore the constitution and the rule of law.

And yet you elected the buffoon anyway. you just expect us to fall in line and vote for him because he has an R next to his name. You seriously don't see how stupid this idea was. You sure showed those establishment types though, electing a Democrat financier.
More sour grapes.

Nope. We're done voting for the 'lesser of two evils' and 'because they have an R next to their name'. Trump needs our vote to win. How's he going to do that?

Are you actually claiming to be a Republican?
You will vote for trump, and you will like it, because right wingers don't have the balls stand up to the GOP.

Sorry, no. I'm sitting this one out. Why do you guys always think you know what someone else is going to do?

Because you always whine, pout, and then do exactly what you are told to do. Every time. I expect to see you singing the praises of Trump before the election.

Wanna bet?

It will take a few days for right wing radio to make their 180 degree turn, and soon after that you will follow. If you were able to make your own reasonable decisions, you wouldn't be a right winger to start with.

You can't even have a discussion without insults. How very tolerant of you. :rolleyes:

I've said repeatedly on here, over the past several months, that I do not trust Trump, he is a liberal in R clothing, and that I do not and will not support him, and I will not vote for him.

But please, do continue spouting what it is that you know I'll do.

So you think voting for Hillary is going to help this country? Really?
I listened to Levin on the way home last night. I laughed my ass off! It made me so happy!

I hear his ratings are in the tank. I think he forgot who his core audience is.

Don't be too shocked when Levin and all the other right wing broadcasters suddenly come around to Trump's point of view. They are still right wing whores, and will blow who ever they are told to blow.

Beck is suicidal and rubbing his face in Cheetos these days, the Red Eye guys have turned into screaming mimis, Levin will never come around because his fiance's son worked for Cruz, Erik over at Red State is having a conniption, that asshole that's the editor of the Daily Caller is just having a full metal jacket breakdown because the bullshit with his lying bitch girlfriend Michelle Fields didn't take out Trump and only Hannity with Rush a close second stayed neutral till the end so consequently they aren't shitting their pants.

None of that matters. they will suddenly see where they have been wrong, and fall in line to support the GOP. They don't have the balls to do different.

But their audience has turned on them. It won't matter what they do now. And it's right across the board that of course they had every right to criticize Trump or any candidate, but when night after night the talkers tell you the listener that you are a fucking asshole for liking candidate A or B or C or D and not liking Cruz, the listener changes the channel.

Yeah, that's what I did. I used to listen to Levin every evening. Not anymore.
Because you always whine, pout, and then do exactly what you are told to do. Every time. I expect to see you singing the praises of Trump before the election.

Wanna bet?

It will take a few days for right wing radio to make their 180 degree turn, and soon after that you will follow. If you were able to make your own reasonable decisions, you wouldn't be a right winger to start with.

You can't even have a discussion without insults. How very tolerant of you. :rolleyes:

I've said repeatedly on here, over the past several months, that I do not trust Trump, he is a liberal in R clothing, and that I do not and will not support him, and I will not vote for him.

But please, do continue spouting what it is that you know I'll do.

So your choices are Trump, Hillary, or sitting it out to punish the GOP. Which are you going to do?

I don't support Trump or Clinton, why would I vote for them?

Not voting for Trump is the same as voting for Clinton.
Levin is one of the conservative talkers being bitten square on the ass by the very monster they created, and still don't realize they created it.

For a while, I thought they realized it. Now I don't think so. They seem genuinely puzzled and frustrated.

The only thing biting Levin in the ass is his own obstinance and fanaticism.
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there will never be a hard right con ever elected again- the country- for the most part is bat shit crazy. Libs run the media for the most part, the colleges etc.. too many on the dole with welfare etc.... a real conservative will never win again in the general imho. Just have a feeling.

When has a "hard right con" ever been elected?
You will vote for trump, and you will like it, because right wingers don't have the balls stand up to the GOP.

Sorry, no. I'm sitting this one out. Why do you guys always think you know what someone else is going to do?

Because you always whine, pout, and then do exactly what you are told to do. Every time. I expect to see you singing the praises of Trump before the election.

Wanna bet?

It will take a few days for right wing radio to make their 180 degree turn, and soon after that you will follow. If you were able to make your own reasonable decisions, you wouldn't be a right winger to start with.

It will be based on something. Clinton will do or say something so horrendous....so UNCONSCIONABLE that the nutjobs with microphones will have "no choice". But....we must remember that these guys stand to make bank if Clinton wins. So...they don't really want to see Trump to victory. They just want their lemmings to forgive them so they can sell chachkis.

That is such horseshit. If ratings were all that mattered to them, Levin wouldn't have destroyed his by going total Jihad against Trump.
really Mark? Really? So youre ok with Hillary appointing far left SCJ's?, Mr. "Constitution?"

He was never ‘Mr. Constitution’ – like most on the right he’s consistently wrong on the Constitution.

And the notion that only conservatives ‘understand’ the Constitution is as arrogant as it is wrong.

Levin has more knowledge of the Constitution in his little finger than Obama ever knew in his entire lifetime.
really Mark? Really? So youre ok with Hillary appointing far left SCJ's?, Mr. "Constitution?"

what we can never support trump was difficult to understand?

No he isn't alright with Hillary appointing leftist judges. None of us are. So why the heck would we support trump when he will appoint leftist judges?

You guys have already ensured that whomever is elected the left gets progressive judges. You were warned and you did it anyway. How the heck is it our fault that you ignored reason ?

Whether trump wins or loses the destruction of our society that is to come is squarely on your shoulders. So stop being a pansy lefty and man up.

Not buying that.

The R party has long talked about conservative values, while it imposed progressive policies.
Since Reagan all R POTUS nominees have been progressives. To think another one like them would appoint good SC justices, is not thinking. W gave us Roberts...his daddy gave us Souter...and even Reagan give us O'Connor and Kennedy. To think another candidate like Romney, McCain, or Dole would nominate conservative judges, is not right.

So, we know Trump is a progressive like all those R nominees since Reagan. The difference is he is not owned by the 1% and is not an open borders asshole, as were all those R nominees
I was a Cruz guy but Trump has won my vote. Trumps rise to power is a referendum on the last 8 years of Obama. The sleeping giant known as the white man has seen enough transformation and change.

All for what?

Seriously? We were never trump long before trump got dirty with Ted. Why? Because he is a progressive and a con man. Because he has spoken multiple times how he is going to ignore the constitution and the rule of law.

And yet you elected the buffoon anyway. you just expect us to fall in line and vote for him because he has an R next to his name. You seriously don't see how stupid this idea was. You sure showed those establishment types though, electing a Democrat financier.
More sour grapes.

Nope. We're done voting for the 'lesser of two evils' and 'because they have an R next to their name'. Trump needs our vote to win. How's he going to do that?

You will vote for trump, and you will like it, because right wingers don't have the balls stand up to the GOP.

Sorry, no. I'm sitting this one out. Why do you guys always think you know what someone else is going to do?

so instead of trump putting up conservative judges to the SC- 50/50% chance WORST CASE you put up Hillary with a 100% chance of her putting up far lefties. YOU are the problem... not Trump- and its people like you who caused this in the first place always supporting politicians who promise cons everything and then bend over for the libs.

Trump flip flops on everything he says. He said he'd consider his (federal judge) sister for scotus then said he has no idea what she believes in. wtf? He just said that he doesn't like to change. The guy whose history shows he supports leftist policy says he doesn't really like to change. So we're to believe he's suddenly what ... Republican (like that means anything anymore), conservative? Yeah, no.

Sing me another tune, I don't trust Trump.

"promise cons everything and then bend over for the libs". And when Trump does this - and he will - will you admit that you're the problem for voting for a liberal in drag? Yeah, won't be holding my breath on that.
You mean like the reality that you need cruz supporters in the general election if trim has any hopes of winning? You realize he is losing the red state of Utah right?
Translation: Trump was mean to Ted so we're not gonna vote for him. That'll show you.

Seriously? We were never trump long before trump got dirty with Ted. Why? Because he is a progressive and a con man. Because he has spoken multiple times how he is going to ignore the constitution and the rule of law.

And yet you elected the buffoon anyway. you just expect us to fall in line and vote for him because he has an R next to his name. You seriously don't see how stupid this idea was. You sure showed those establishment types though, electing a Democrat financier.
More sour grapes.

Nope. We're done voting for the 'lesser of two evils' and 'because they have an R next to their name'. Trump needs our vote to win. How's he going to do that?

Are you actually claiming to be a Republican?

No, conservative.

Does no one pay attention to anything here?
Wanna bet?

It will take a few days for right wing radio to make their 180 degree turn, and soon after that you will follow. If you were able to make your own reasonable decisions, you wouldn't be a right winger to start with.

You can't even have a discussion without insults. How very tolerant of you. :rolleyes:

I've said repeatedly on here, over the past several months, that I do not trust Trump, he is a liberal in R clothing, and that I do not and will not support him, and I will not vote for him.

But please, do continue spouting what it is that you know I'll do.

So your choices are Trump, Hillary, or sitting it out to punish the GOP. Which are you going to do?

I don't support Trump or Clinton, why would I vote for them?

Not voting for Trump is the same as voting for Clinton.

No it isn't.

I'm done voting against someone.

Don't trust Trump. If he wins I hope he proves me wrong. Not holding my breath.

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