Levins response today about Trump winning

I read this. He is correct. Trump's unfavorables are uuuge, he needs the conservative vote. Problem is, a lot of us find him untrustworthy so even if he were to say what he'd do ... why should we believe him? He flips and flops like a trout.
With Trump you have a shot at saving the court. With Hillary it is gone for sure.
Is that enough to vote for him? Only you can determine that.
I read this. He is correct. Trump's unfavorables are uuuge, he needs the conservative vote. Problem is, a lot of us find him untrustworthy so even if he were to say what he'd do ... why should we believe him? He flips and flops like a trout.
With Trump you have a shot at saving the court. With Hillary it is gone for sure.
Is that enough to vote for him? Only you can determine that.

If I thought he meant what he said, small possibility ... but I don't. He flips, flops, his history is that of liberal. I have no reason to believe that he'd nominate non-liberals for the court. I just don't.

Thanks, though.
That dude's voice is painfully annoying. I'll wait for his nads to drop before listening again.
Jeb Bush ... praised the "vitality" of a multicultural society as other GOP presidential candidates find themselves in trouble over comments about minorities.

"If we embrace a set of shared values, then it shouldn't matter if you have a 'z' at the end of your name, or your accent might be different, 'cause guess what? There are people in this country, that have accents different from mine and mine's different from theirs. It doesn't matter," Bush said to a roomful of Hispanics.

Bush blasted ideas the Trump has heralded like building a wall and deporting those who are here illegally, citing those costs of taking such action and arguing that it's neither "practical" nor "conservative."

Instead, he laid out his plan to offer legal status to undocumented workers after they meet a long list of criteria like learning English, paying back taxes, and an additional fine.

"That is the dignified, American way," he said. "The practical way of solving the problem of 12 million immigrants."

Jeb Bush on immigration: My plan is 'dignified' - CNNPolitics.com
Seriously? We were never trump long before trump got dirty with Ted. Why? Because he is a progressive and a con man. Because he has spoken multiple times how he is going to ignore the constitution and the rule of law.

And yet you elected the buffoon anyway. you just expect us to fall in line and vote for him because he has an R next to his name. You seriously don't see how stupid this idea was. You sure showed those establishment types though, electing a Democrat financier.
More sour grapes.

Nope. We're done voting for the 'lesser of two evils' and 'because they have an R next to their name'. Trump needs our vote to win. How's he going to do that?
Contrary to what you may believe Trump doesn't need the votes of those on the right that rather see Clinton in office. There aren't enough morons in the Republican party to impact the election like that. What he loses with the cry baby non voters he more than makes up with his cross over appeal, independents, Reagan Dems, new voters, blacks, hispanics etc.

Those that won't vote for him should go sulk in the corner or start their own party and watch the 'new' Republican Party gets things done like they should have been done years and years ago.

I love this. You think black Americans and Hispanic Americans are going to be a plus for Trump? That's some real punditry there.
I've been right all along and will continue to be right. You on the other hand have continuously flailed about and been wrong at every turn. You need some more "USMB street cred" before anyone takes you seriously.

Actually I must admit I was wrong...once. I predicted Trump would take Utah. Huge blunder and I owned up to it.
Seriously? We were never trump long before trump got dirty with Ted. Why? Because he is a progressive and a con man. Because he has spoken multiple times how he is going to ignore the constitution and the rule of law.

And yet you elected the buffoon anyway. you just expect us to fall in line and vote for him because he has an R next to his name. You seriously don't see how stupid this idea was. You sure showed those establishment types though, electing a Democrat financier.
More sour grapes.

Nope. We're done voting for the 'lesser of two evils' and 'because they have an R next to their name'. Trump needs our vote to win. How's he going to do that?
Contrary to what you may believe Trump doesn't need the votes of those on the right that rather see Clinton in office. There aren't enough morons in the Republican party to impact the election like that. What he loses with the cry baby non voters he more than makes up with his cross over appeal, independents, Reagan Dems, new voters, blacks, hispanics etc.

Those that won't vote for him should go sulk in the corner or start their own party and watch the 'new' Republican Party gets things done like they should have been done years and years ago.

I love this. You think black Americans and Hispanic Americans are going to be a plus for Trump? That's some real punditry there.
I've been right all along and will continue to be right. You on the other hand have continuously flailed about and been wrong at every turn. You need some more "USMB street cred" before anyone takes you seriously.

Actually I must admit I was wrong...once. I predicted Trump would take Utah. Huge blunder and I owned up to it.

I was last wrong about Trump when he survived the McCain POW shit. I've not made a prediction since then regarding the primary.

But....you think he will win black and Hispanic American votes. That's monumentally off base.

Of all the Trump "fans" here....you might be the most fun to tease in November.
More sour grapes.

Nope. We're done voting for the 'lesser of two evils' and 'because they have an R next to their name'. Trump needs our vote to win. How's he going to do that?
Contrary to what you may believe Trump doesn't need the votes of those on the right that rather see Clinton in office. There aren't enough morons in the Republican party to impact the election like that. What he loses with the cry baby non voters he more than makes up with his cross over appeal, independents, Reagan Dems, new voters, blacks, hispanics etc.

Those that won't vote for him should go sulk in the corner or start their own party and watch the 'new' Republican Party gets things done like they should have been done years and years ago.

I love this. You think black Americans and Hispanic Americans are going to be a plus for Trump? That's some real punditry there.
I've been right all along and will continue to be right. You on the other hand have continuously flailed about and been wrong at every turn. You need some more "USMB street cred" before anyone takes you seriously.

Actually I must admit I was wrong...once. I predicted Trump would take Utah. Huge blunder and I owned up to it.
More sour grapes.

Nope. We're done voting for the 'lesser of two evils' and 'because they have an R next to their name'. Trump needs our vote to win. How's he going to do that?
Contrary to what you may believe Trump doesn't need the votes of those on the right that rather see Clinton in office. There aren't enough morons in the Republican party to impact the election like that. What he loses with the cry baby non voters he more than makes up with his cross over appeal, independents, Reagan Dems, new voters, blacks, hispanics etc.

Those that won't vote for him should go sulk in the corner or start their own party and watch the 'new' Republican Party gets things done like they should have been done years and years ago.

I love this. You think black Americans and Hispanic Americans are going to be a plus for Trump? That's some real punditry there.
I've been right all along and will continue to be right. You on the other hand have continuously flailed about and been wrong at every turn. You need some more "USMB street cred" before anyone takes you seriously.

Actually I must admit I was wrong...once. I predicted Trump would take Utah. Huge blunder and I owned up to it.

I was last wrong about Trump when he survived the McCain POW shit. I've not made a prediction since then regarding the primary.

But....you think he will win black and Hispanic American votes. That's monumentally off base.

Of all the Trump "fans" here....you might be the most fun to tease in November.
He will do better than any other Republican in regards to the Black/Hispanic/Minority vote..yes. Never did I say he would do better than Clinton in that demo.
Nope. We're done voting for the 'lesser of two evils' and 'because they have an R next to their name'. Trump needs our vote to win. How's he going to do that?
Contrary to what you may believe Trump doesn't need the votes of those on the right that rather see Clinton in office. There aren't enough morons in the Republican party to impact the election like that. What he loses with the cry baby non voters he more than makes up with his cross over appeal, independents, Reagan Dems, new voters, blacks, hispanics etc.

Those that won't vote for him should go sulk in the corner or start their own party and watch the 'new' Republican Party gets things done like they should have been done years and years ago.

The only cross over appeal I see is Sanders supporters because they hate Clinton. Yes, he will need conservative's votes to help him win. He'll get some I'm sure. Not mine.

Why is it that none of you can just have a discussion without the name calling?

Not sulking or pouting so stop projecting, just disappointed that Trump, who I see as not all that different from rino's and dems, will be the candidate. I believe he will be more of the same. I hope I'm wrong.

I've said numerous times here, if he wins and actually does improve things, actually is a good president, I'll be happy to eat a slice of humble pie.
Do you not see the outright hypocrisy and stupidity of the #nevertrump gang you so blindly follow? These morons claimed the end of the world if Clinton is elected and the total annihilation of our liberties with her SCOTUS picks-which BTW is true and accurate-YET like the dumbasses they are, they refuse to vote for the guy that can stop that from happening. I mean wtf? Does that make any sense? Why don't they just be honest and say "yeah we really don't believe Clinton will be that bad but we just like to vomit talking points to look like we stand for something"

If Cruz would have won (who I really really really dislike) I would have voted for him simply because I do believe the assessment of a Clinton Presidency being disastrous for the country. We really cannot afford it..literally. I wouldn't sulk and say I wasn't going to vote for the lesser of 2 evils because the 'evil' of a Clinton candidacy trumps EVERYTHING. Perhaps you feel refusing to vote for the lesser of two evils will save the country and preserve our constitutional rights or perhaps you really don't believe Clinton will be all that bad. I think you think the latter and that's totally fine. I actually respect that much more than watching you #nevertrumpers being total fucking hypocrite's.

Again, sit on the sidelines and be a bystander while Americans take to the voting booths in the hopes defeating another 4 years of Obama and certain disaster. We'll do it with our without you. Americans are fed up and there's way more of 'us' than there is of 'you'.

#nevertrump? sorry, I don't do twitter. What part of I don't trust Trump, his history is that of a liberal do you not get? I no more trust Trump to vote for a non-liberal judge than I do clinton. The guy flips and flops constantly. You think you know what I think? lol, another projection on your part. I don't see him as better then clinton, or vica versa ... I see them as two sides of the same damn coin.

So, you're of the 'vote R whoever the candidate is' lemming society. Good to know.
I get where you are coming from. You're a party purist. A candidate must meet every check box of your narrow mindedness view of what a conservative is OR said person is a liberal. We get it, I get it. What we/I are telling you is that Americans have rejected that BS. Hell I know several Democrats that would vote for a Republican if it weren't for their backward ass social views and narrow mindedness. There's a lot of them out there like that. Trump is bringing in those people. You party purists are a minority and never saw it or were too out of touch to realize it. It's been this way for years. America is changing. People are going to vote for the best man/woman no matter what letter is next to that persons name.

One last thing. Do you honestly believe Trump is going to put up a list of liberal SCOTUS picks after saying his ideal appointment is like Scalia? That's just ridiculous if you really believe such stupidity. Quit listening to these stupid right wing morons who are putting forth such stupidity. They are lunatics and are afraid of their continued downward spiral into irrelevance. There nonsense is bogus..you'll find out soon enough. Unless you continue to drink their Kool Aid

Ok, for the last time ... stop projecting your view of me onto me. Very weak of you.

Don't be stupid, no candidate will ever meet all criteria. What a dumbass way of thinking. I don't see anything conservative about Trump, but you expect me to vote for him anyway because .... why? Oh that's right, clinton. Ah, no. They're both liberals. I'll try one last time ... I do not see anything about Trump that leads me to believe that he will do what he says. He has stated a pov one day then the next says the complete opposite! You put your head in the sand and ignore this. He is pro-choice - oh wait, he says he's pro-life since wanting to be potus; he is pro-universal healthcare - thought Rs were against this, or was that only when obama wanted it?; he was against gay marriage before he decided to run for potus; etc.

10 Donald Trump flip-flops - CNNPolitics.com

^ This makes me not trust the guy. How am I suppose to vote for someone who I don't trust? No, I don't trust that Trump would put up non-liberals for the court just because he says so. Trump's liberal stripes are still there, you just choose to ignore them. Again, if he gets elected and DOES go for non-liberal picks, I'll be the first to say I was wrong. Gladly.

You said you would have voted for Cruz (even though you really, really, really don't like the guy) because of clinton. I don't 'not like Trump'; I dont' TRUST him. See the difference? I don't see Trump as different from clinton. But I'm suppose to vote for him anyway? No, I'm not going to lemming in line and vote for the guy when I don't believe the bullshit coming from his mouth.
Last edited:
Nope. We're done voting for the 'lesser of two evils' and 'because they have an R next to their name'. Trump needs our vote to win. How's he going to do that?
Contrary to what you may believe Trump doesn't need the votes of those on the right that rather see Clinton in office. There aren't enough morons in the Republican party to impact the election like that. What he loses with the cry baby non voters he more than makes up with his cross over appeal, independents, Reagan Dems, new voters, blacks, hispanics etc.

Those that won't vote for him should go sulk in the corner or start their own party and watch the 'new' Republican Party gets things done like they should have been done years and years ago.

I love this. You think black Americans and Hispanic Americans are going to be a plus for Trump? That's some real punditry there.
I've been right all along and will continue to be right. You on the other hand have continuously flailed about and been wrong at every turn. You need some more "USMB street cred" before anyone takes you seriously.

Actually I must admit I was wrong...once. I predicted Trump would take Utah. Huge blunder and I owned up to it.
Nope. We're done voting for the 'lesser of two evils' and 'because they have an R next to their name'. Trump needs our vote to win. How's he going to do that?
Contrary to what you may believe Trump doesn't need the votes of those on the right that rather see Clinton in office. There aren't enough morons in the Republican party to impact the election like that. What he loses with the cry baby non voters he more than makes up with his cross over appeal, independents, Reagan Dems, new voters, blacks, hispanics etc.

Those that won't vote for him should go sulk in the corner or start their own party and watch the 'new' Republican Party gets things done like they should have been done years and years ago.

I love this. You think black Americans and Hispanic Americans are going to be a plus for Trump? That's some real punditry there.
I've been right all along and will continue to be right. You on the other hand have continuously flailed about and been wrong at every turn. You need some more "USMB street cred" before anyone takes you seriously.

Actually I must admit I was wrong...once. I predicted Trump would take Utah. Huge blunder and I owned up to it.

I was last wrong about Trump when he survived the McCain POW shit. I've not made a prediction since then regarding the primary.

But....you think he will win black and Hispanic American votes. That's monumentally off base.

Of all the Trump "fans" here....you might be the most fun to tease in November.
He will do better than any other Republican in regards to the Black/Hispanic/Minority vote..yes. Never did I say he would do better than Clinton in that demo.

I know. You think he'll do better than Romney or McCain did. You just know this because he told you. I get it.

This is going to be fun.

I don't think I've ever asked you.....what policy positions of Trump's do you find most agreeable? Top three?
Contrary to what you may believe Trump doesn't need the votes of those on the right that rather see Clinton in office. There aren't enough morons in the Republican party to impact the election like that. What he loses with the cry baby non voters he more than makes up with his cross over appeal, independents, Reagan Dems, new voters, blacks, hispanics etc.

Those that won't vote for him should go sulk in the corner or start their own party and watch the 'new' Republican Party gets things done like they should have been done years and years ago.

The only cross over appeal I see is Sanders supporters because they hate Clinton. Yes, he will need conservative's votes to help him win. He'll get some I'm sure. Not mine.

Why is it that none of you can just have a discussion without the name calling?

Not sulking or pouting so stop projecting, just disappointed that Trump, who I see as not all that different from rino's and dems, will be the candidate. I believe he will be more of the same. I hope I'm wrong.

I've said numerous times here, if he wins and actually does improve things, actually is a good president, I'll be happy to eat a slice of humble pie.
Do you not see the outright hypocrisy and stupidity of the #nevertrump gang you so blindly follow? These morons claimed the end of the world if Clinton is elected and the total annihilation of our liberties with her SCOTUS picks-which BTW is true and accurate-YET like the dumbasses they are, they refuse to vote for the guy that can stop that from happening. I mean wtf? Does that make any sense? Why don't they just be honest and say "yeah we really don't believe Clinton will be that bad but we just like to vomit talking points to look like we stand for something"

If Cruz would have won (who I really really really dislike) I would have voted for him simply because I do believe the assessment of a Clinton Presidency being disastrous for the country. We really cannot afford it..literally. I wouldn't sulk and say I wasn't going to vote for the lesser of 2 evils because the 'evil' of a Clinton candidacy trumps EVERYTHING. Perhaps you feel refusing to vote for the lesser of two evils will save the country and preserve our constitutional rights or perhaps you really don't believe Clinton will be all that bad. I think you think the latter and that's totally fine. I actually respect that much more than watching you #nevertrumpers being total fucking hypocrite's.

Again, sit on the sidelines and be a bystander while Americans take to the voting booths in the hopes defeating another 4 years of Obama and certain disaster. We'll do it with our without you. Americans are fed up and there's way more of 'us' than there is of 'you'.

#nevertrump? sorry, I don't do twitter. What part of I don't trust Trump, his history is that of a liberal do you not get? I no more trust Trump to vote for a non-liberal judge than I do clinton. The guy flips and flops constantly. You think you know what I think? lol, another projection on your part. I don't see him as better then clinton, or vica versa ... I see them as two sides of the same damn coin.

So, you're of the 'vote R whoever the candidate is' lemming society. Good to know.
I get where you are coming from. You're a party purist. A candidate must meet every check box of your narrow mindedness view of what a conservative is OR said person is a liberal. We get it, I get it. What we/I are telling you is that Americans have rejected that BS. Hell I know several Democrats that would vote for a Republican if it weren't for their backward ass social views and narrow mindedness. There's a lot of them out there like that. Trump is bringing in those people. You party purists are a minority and never saw it or were too out of touch to realize it. It's been this way for years. America is changing. People are going to vote for the best man/woman no matter what letter is next to that persons name.

One last thing. Do you honestly believe Trump is going to put up a list of liberal SCOTUS picks after saying his ideal appointment is like Scalia? That's just ridiculous if you really believe such stupidity. Quit listening to these stupid right wing morons who are putting forth such stupidity. They are lunatics and are afraid of their continued downward spiral into irrelevance. There nonsense is bogus..you'll find out soon enough. Unless you continue to drink their Kool Aid

Ok, for the last time ... stop projecting your view of me onto me. Very weak of you.

Don't be stupid, no candidate will ever meet all criteria. What a dumbass way of thinking. I don't see anything conservative about Trump, but you expect me to vote for him anyway because .... why? Oh that's right, clinton. Ah, no. They're both liberals. I'll try one last time ... I do not see anything about Trump that leads me to believe that he will do what he says. He has stated a pov one day then the next says the complete opposite! You put your head in the sand and ignore this. He is pro-choice - oh wait, he says he's pro-life since wanting to be potus; he is pro-universal healthcare - thought Rs were against this, or was that only when obama wanted it?; he was against gay marriage before he decided to run for potus; etc.

10 Donald Trump flip-flops - CNNPolitics.com

^ This makes me not trust the guy. How am I suppose to vote for someone who I don't trust? No, I don't trust that Trump would put up non-liberals for the court.

You said you would have voted for Cruz (even though you really, really, really don't like the guy) because of clinton. I don't 'not like Trump'; I dont' TRUST him. See the difference? I don't see Trump as different from clinton. But I'm suppose to vote for him anyway? No, I'm not going to lemming in line and vote for the guy when I don't believe the bullshit coming from his mouth.
Let me bring some levity to this conversation:

Screen Shot 2016-05-05 at 11.35.42 AM.png

Screen Shot 2016-05-05 at 11.42.21 AM.png
The only cross over appeal I see is Sanders supporters because they hate Clinton. Yes, he will need conservative's votes to help him win. He'll get some I'm sure. Not mine.

Why is it that none of you can just have a discussion without the name calling?

Not sulking or pouting so stop projecting, just disappointed that Trump, who I see as not all that different from rino's and dems, will be the candidate. I believe he will be more of the same. I hope I'm wrong.

I've said numerous times here, if he wins and actually does improve things, actually is a good president, I'll be happy to eat a slice of humble pie.
Do you not see the outright hypocrisy and stupidity of the #nevertrump gang you so blindly follow? These morons claimed the end of the world if Clinton is elected and the total annihilation of our liberties with her SCOTUS picks-which BTW is true and accurate-YET like the dumbasses they are, they refuse to vote for the guy that can stop that from happening. I mean wtf? Does that make any sense? Why don't they just be honest and say "yeah we really don't believe Clinton will be that bad but we just like to vomit talking points to look like we stand for something"

If Cruz would have won (who I really really really dislike) I would have voted for him simply because I do believe the assessment of a Clinton Presidency being disastrous for the country. We really cannot afford it..literally. I wouldn't sulk and say I wasn't going to vote for the lesser of 2 evils because the 'evil' of a Clinton candidacy trumps EVERYTHING. Perhaps you feel refusing to vote for the lesser of two evils will save the country and preserve our constitutional rights or perhaps you really don't believe Clinton will be all that bad. I think you think the latter and that's totally fine. I actually respect that much more than watching you #nevertrumpers being total fucking hypocrite's.

Again, sit on the sidelines and be a bystander while Americans take to the voting booths in the hopes defeating another 4 years of Obama and certain disaster. We'll do it with our without you. Americans are fed up and there's way more of 'us' than there is of 'you'.

#nevertrump? sorry, I don't do twitter. What part of I don't trust Trump, his history is that of a liberal do you not get? I no more trust Trump to vote for a non-liberal judge than I do clinton. The guy flips and flops constantly. You think you know what I think? lol, another projection on your part. I don't see him as better then clinton, or vica versa ... I see them as two sides of the same damn coin.

So, you're of the 'vote R whoever the candidate is' lemming society. Good to know.
I get where you are coming from. You're a party purist. A candidate must meet every check box of your narrow mindedness view of what a conservative is OR said person is a liberal. We get it, I get it. What we/I are telling you is that Americans have rejected that BS. Hell I know several Democrats that would vote for a Republican if it weren't for their backward ass social views and narrow mindedness. There's a lot of them out there like that. Trump is bringing in those people. You party purists are a minority and never saw it or were too out of touch to realize it. It's been this way for years. America is changing. People are going to vote for the best man/woman no matter what letter is next to that persons name.

One last thing. Do you honestly believe Trump is going to put up a list of liberal SCOTUS picks after saying his ideal appointment is like Scalia? That's just ridiculous if you really believe such stupidity. Quit listening to these stupid right wing morons who are putting forth such stupidity. They are lunatics and are afraid of their continued downward spiral into irrelevance. There nonsense is bogus..you'll find out soon enough. Unless you continue to drink their Kool Aid

Ok, for the last time ... stop projecting your view of me onto me. Very weak of you.

Don't be stupid, no candidate will ever meet all criteria. What a dumbass way of thinking. I don't see anything conservative about Trump, but you expect me to vote for him anyway because .... why? Oh that's right, clinton. Ah, no. They're both liberals. I'll try one last time ... I do not see anything about Trump that leads me to believe that he will do what he says. He has stated a pov one day then the next says the complete opposite! You put your head in the sand and ignore this. He is pro-choice - oh wait, he says he's pro-life since wanting to be potus; he is pro-universal healthcare - thought Rs were against this, or was that only when obama wanted it?; he was against gay marriage before he decided to run for potus; etc.

10 Donald Trump flip-flops - CNNPolitics.com

^ This makes me not trust the guy. How am I suppose to vote for someone who I don't trust? No, I don't trust that Trump would put up non-liberals for the court.

You said you would have voted for Cruz (even though you really, really, really don't like the guy) because of clinton. I don't 'not like Trump'; I dont' TRUST him. See the difference? I don't see Trump as different from clinton. But I'm suppose to vote for him anyway? No, I'm not going to lemming in line and vote for the guy when I don't believe the bullshit coming from his mouth.
Let me bring some levity to this conversation:

View attachment 73862

View attachment 73863

Yes, do continue to ignore the liberal Trump who back tracks, flip flops, and up until running for potus mostly supported liberal policy/povs.
Contrary to what you may believe Trump doesn't need the votes of those on the right that rather see Clinton in office. There aren't enough morons in the Republican party to impact the election like that. What he loses with the cry baby non voters he more than makes up with his cross over appeal, independents, Reagan Dems, new voters, blacks, hispanics etc.

Those that won't vote for him should go sulk in the corner or start their own party and watch the 'new' Republican Party gets things done like they should have been done years and years ago.

I love this. You think black Americans and Hispanic Americans are going to be a plus for Trump? That's some real punditry there.
I've been right all along and will continue to be right. You on the other hand have continuously flailed about and been wrong at every turn. You need some more "USMB street cred" before anyone takes you seriously.

Actually I must admit I was wrong...once. I predicted Trump would take Utah. Huge blunder and I owned up to it.
Contrary to what you may believe Trump doesn't need the votes of those on the right that rather see Clinton in office. There aren't enough morons in the Republican party to impact the election like that. What he loses with the cry baby non voters he more than makes up with his cross over appeal, independents, Reagan Dems, new voters, blacks, hispanics etc.

Those that won't vote for him should go sulk in the corner or start their own party and watch the 'new' Republican Party gets things done like they should have been done years and years ago.

I love this. You think black Americans and Hispanic Americans are going to be a plus for Trump? That's some real punditry there.
I've been right all along and will continue to be right. You on the other hand have continuously flailed about and been wrong at every turn. You need some more "USMB street cred" before anyone takes you seriously.

Actually I must admit I was wrong...once. I predicted Trump would take Utah. Huge blunder and I owned up to it.

I was last wrong about Trump when he survived the McCain POW shit. I've not made a prediction since then regarding the primary.

But....you think he will win black and Hispanic American votes. That's monumentally off base.

Of all the Trump "fans" here....you might be the most fun to tease in November.
He will do better than any other Republican in regards to the Black/Hispanic/Minority vote..yes. Never did I say he would do better than Clinton in that demo.

I know. You think he'll do better than Romney or McCain did. You just know this because he told you. I get it.

This is going to be fun.

I don't think I've ever asked you.....what policy positions of Trump's do you find most agreeable? Top three?
Nationalism/Ending Globalism
Getting out of the nation-building business (if you don't consider Nationalism/Globalism a policy)
His goal of peace and prosperity, not war and destruction.

I not only find them agreeable, I find them very beneficial to you and I as well as this great country.
Do you not see the outright hypocrisy and stupidity of the #nevertrump gang you so blindly follow? These morons claimed the end of the world if Clinton is elected and the total annihilation of our liberties with her SCOTUS picks-which BTW is true and accurate-YET like the dumbasses they are, they refuse to vote for the guy that can stop that from happening. I mean wtf? Does that make any sense? Why don't they just be honest and say "yeah we really don't believe Clinton will be that bad but we just like to vomit talking points to look like we stand for something"

If Cruz would have won (who I really really really dislike) I would have voted for him simply because I do believe the assessment of a Clinton Presidency being disastrous for the country. We really cannot afford it..literally. I wouldn't sulk and say I wasn't going to vote for the lesser of 2 evils because the 'evil' of a Clinton candidacy trumps EVERYTHING. Perhaps you feel refusing to vote for the lesser of two evils will save the country and preserve our constitutional rights or perhaps you really don't believe Clinton will be all that bad. I think you think the latter and that's totally fine. I actually respect that much more than watching you #nevertrumpers being total fucking hypocrite's.

Again, sit on the sidelines and be a bystander while Americans take to the voting booths in the hopes defeating another 4 years of Obama and certain disaster. We'll do it with our without you. Americans are fed up and there's way more of 'us' than there is of 'you'.

#nevertrump? sorry, I don't do twitter. What part of I don't trust Trump, his history is that of a liberal do you not get? I no more trust Trump to vote for a non-liberal judge than I do clinton. The guy flips and flops constantly. You think you know what I think? lol, another projection on your part. I don't see him as better then clinton, or vica versa ... I see them as two sides of the same damn coin.

So, you're of the 'vote R whoever the candidate is' lemming society. Good to know.
I get where you are coming from. You're a party purist. A candidate must meet every check box of your narrow mindedness view of what a conservative is OR said person is a liberal. We get it, I get it. What we/I are telling you is that Americans have rejected that BS. Hell I know several Democrats that would vote for a Republican if it weren't for their backward ass social views and narrow mindedness. There's a lot of them out there like that. Trump is bringing in those people. You party purists are a minority and never saw it or were too out of touch to realize it. It's been this way for years. America is changing. People are going to vote for the best man/woman no matter what letter is next to that persons name.

One last thing. Do you honestly believe Trump is going to put up a list of liberal SCOTUS picks after saying his ideal appointment is like Scalia? That's just ridiculous if you really believe such stupidity. Quit listening to these stupid right wing morons who are putting forth such stupidity. They are lunatics and are afraid of their continued downward spiral into irrelevance. There nonsense is bogus..you'll find out soon enough. Unless you continue to drink their Kool Aid

Ok, for the last time ... stop projecting your view of me onto me. Very weak of you.

Don't be stupid, no candidate will ever meet all criteria. What a dumbass way of thinking. I don't see anything conservative about Trump, but you expect me to vote for him anyway because .... why? Oh that's right, clinton. Ah, no. They're both liberals. I'll try one last time ... I do not see anything about Trump that leads me to believe that he will do what he says. He has stated a pov one day then the next says the complete opposite! You put your head in the sand and ignore this. He is pro-choice - oh wait, he says he's pro-life since wanting to be potus; he is pro-universal healthcare - thought Rs were against this, or was that only when obama wanted it?; he was against gay marriage before he decided to run for potus; etc.

10 Donald Trump flip-flops - CNNPolitics.com

^ This makes me not trust the guy. How am I suppose to vote for someone who I don't trust? No, I don't trust that Trump would put up non-liberals for the court.

You said you would have voted for Cruz (even though you really, really, really don't like the guy) because of clinton. I don't 'not like Trump'; I dont' TRUST him. See the difference? I don't see Trump as different from clinton. But I'm suppose to vote for him anyway? No, I'm not going to lemming in line and vote for the guy when I don't believe the bullshit coming from his mouth.
Let me bring some levity to this conversation:

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Yes, do continue to ignore the liberal Trump who back tracks, flip flops, and up until running for potus mostly supported liberal policy/povs.
and you keep following the narrative of your slave masters. Good luck with it
Trump is pro abortion, pro gun ban, pro socialized medicine. He just announced he is also in favor of raising the minimum wage.

Now that the limousine liberal has pulled off the most successful false flag operation in political history, he will reveal more and more of his far left colors as we approach the election.


Hey, where do I register as a Republican?
Do you not see the outright hypocrisy and stupidity of the #nevertrump gang you so blindly follow? These morons claimed the end of the world if Clinton is elected and the total annihilation of our liberties with her SCOTUS picks-which BTW is true and accurate-YET like the dumbasses they are, they refuse to vote for the guy that can stop that from happening. I mean wtf? Does that make any sense? Why don't they just be honest and say "yeah we really don't believe Clinton will be that bad but we just like to vomit talking points to look like we stand for something"

If Cruz would have won (who I really really really dislike) I would have voted for him simply because I do believe the assessment of a Clinton Presidency being disastrous for the country. We really cannot afford it..literally. I wouldn't sulk and say I wasn't going to vote for the lesser of 2 evils because the 'evil' of a Clinton candidacy trumps EVERYTHING. Perhaps you feel refusing to vote for the lesser of two evils will save the country and preserve our constitutional rights or perhaps you really don't believe Clinton will be all that bad. I think you think the latter and that's totally fine. I actually respect that much more than watching you #nevertrumpers being total fucking hypocrite's.

Again, sit on the sidelines and be a bystander while Americans take to the voting booths in the hopes defeating another 4 years of Obama and certain disaster. We'll do it with our without you. Americans are fed up and there's way more of 'us' than there is of 'you'.

#nevertrump? sorry, I don't do twitter. What part of I don't trust Trump, his history is that of a liberal do you not get? I no more trust Trump to vote for a non-liberal judge than I do clinton. The guy flips and flops constantly. You think you know what I think? lol, another projection on your part. I don't see him as better then clinton, or vica versa ... I see them as two sides of the same damn coin.

So, you're of the 'vote R whoever the candidate is' lemming society. Good to know.
I get where you are coming from. You're a party purist. A candidate must meet every check box of your narrow mindedness view of what a conservative is OR said person is a liberal. We get it, I get it. What we/I are telling you is that Americans have rejected that BS. Hell I know several Democrats that would vote for a Republican if it weren't for their backward ass social views and narrow mindedness. There's a lot of them out there like that. Trump is bringing in those people. You party purists are a minority and never saw it or were too out of touch to realize it. It's been this way for years. America is changing. People are going to vote for the best man/woman no matter what letter is next to that persons name.

One last thing. Do you honestly believe Trump is going to put up a list of liberal SCOTUS picks after saying his ideal appointment is like Scalia? That's just ridiculous if you really believe such stupidity. Quit listening to these stupid right wing morons who are putting forth such stupidity. They are lunatics and are afraid of their continued downward spiral into irrelevance. There nonsense is bogus..you'll find out soon enough. Unless you continue to drink their Kool Aid

Ok, for the last time ... stop projecting your view of me onto me. Very weak of you.

Don't be stupid, no candidate will ever meet all criteria. What a dumbass way of thinking. I don't see anything conservative about Trump, but you expect me to vote for him anyway because .... why? Oh that's right, clinton. Ah, no. They're both liberals. I'll try one last time ... I do not see anything about Trump that leads me to believe that he will do what he says. He has stated a pov one day then the next says the complete opposite! You put your head in the sand and ignore this. He is pro-choice - oh wait, he says he's pro-life since wanting to be potus; he is pro-universal healthcare - thought Rs were against this, or was that only when obama wanted it?; he was against gay marriage before he decided to run for potus; etc.

10 Donald Trump flip-flops - CNNPolitics.com

^ This makes me not trust the guy. How am I suppose to vote for someone who I don't trust? No, I don't trust that Trump would put up non-liberals for the court.

You said you would have voted for Cruz (even though you really, really, really don't like the guy) because of clinton. I don't 'not like Trump'; I dont' TRUST him. See the difference? I don't see Trump as different from clinton. But I'm suppose to vote for him anyway? No, I'm not going to lemming in line and vote for the guy when I don't believe the bullshit coming from his mouth.
Let me bring some levity to this conversation:

View attachment 73862

View attachment 73863

Yes, do continue to ignore the liberal Trump who back tracks, flip flops, and up until running for potus mostly supported liberal policy/povs.
I don't ignore him. I'm gonna vote for him. He is pro life (except rape or to save the mother) and pro 2nd amendment. Not perfect, but I know where hitlerys stance is on these issues. Could Trump flip flop? Yep. Will Hitlery change her mind on these issues? Nope.
I'll take my chances with Trump.
It's not the Trump haters who are betraying the GOP. It is the Trump supporters who are making a Clinton victory more likely.

Not that it matters if Trump or Clinton win. They are both the same.
I don't ignore him. I'm gonna vote for him. He is pro life (except rape or to save the mother) and pro 2nd amendment.

Before Trump registered as a Republican, he was on record as being “very pro-choice”, right up to the ninth month of pregnancy. “I am pro-choice in every respect.”

After Trump registered as a Republican and announced he was running for President, you could see the chameleon huckster change his colors in real time in his natural habitat, television:

TAPPER: Let me ask you about a few social issues because they haven't been issues you have been talking about for several years. I know you're opposed to abortion.

TRUMP: Right. I'm Pro-Choice.

TAPPER: You're pro-choice or pro-life?

TRUMP: I'm pro-life. I'm sorry.

As those of you who have been on this forum a while know, I am pro-life, and always have been. Let me ask all of you pro-lifers out there something. Have you EVER in your life accidentally identified yourself as pro-choice?

Me, neither.

And was it a Freudian slip when he apologized for being pro-life? “I’m pro-life. I’m sorry.”

Having been “very pro-choice” all his life, it was not surprising this huckster a few months later completely fumbled a fundamental question about the abortion issue. When asked if women should be punished for getting an abortion, Trump gave five different answers in three days!

Face it. On the abortion issue, Donald Trump is a far left liberal faking he is pro-life…and you know it.


I'm very pro-choice. Right up to the ninth month of pregnancy. I have New York values.


Those bitches who abort should go to prison.

Is handed a note:

Things are unclear.

Is handed another note:

D. The woman is a victim. Final answer.

Trump not only supports an AWB, he also believes in background checks and waiting periods to buy a gun.

Donald Trump: I support the ban on Assault Weapons.

I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun. With today’s internet technology we should be able to tell within 72 hours if a potential gun owner has a record.

I love this. You think black Americans and Hispanic Americans are going to be a plus for Trump? That's some real punditry there.
I've been right all along and will continue to be right. You on the other hand have continuously flailed about and been wrong at every turn. You need some more "USMB street cred" before anyone takes you seriously.

Actually I must admit I was wrong...once. I predicted Trump would take Utah. Huge blunder and I owned up to it.
I love this. You think black Americans and Hispanic Americans are going to be a plus for Trump? That's some real punditry there.
I've been right all along and will continue to be right. You on the other hand have continuously flailed about and been wrong at every turn. You need some more "USMB street cred" before anyone takes you seriously.

Actually I must admit I was wrong...once. I predicted Trump would take Utah. Huge blunder and I owned up to it.

I was last wrong about Trump when he survived the McCain POW shit. I've not made a prediction since then regarding the primary.

But....you think he will win black and Hispanic American votes. That's monumentally off base.

Of all the Trump "fans" here....you might be the most fun to tease in November.
He will do better than any other Republican in regards to the Black/Hispanic/Minority vote..yes. Never did I say he would do better than Clinton in that demo.

I know. You think he'll do better than Romney or McCain did. You just know this because he told you. I get it.

This is going to be fun.

I don't think I've ever asked you.....what policy positions of Trump's do you find most agreeable? Top three?
Nationalism/Ending Globalism
Getting out of the nation-building business (if you don't consider Nationalism/Globalism a policy)
His goal of peace and prosperity, not war and destruction.

I not only find them agreeable, I find them very beneficial to you and I as well as this great country.
Trump "could" start a trade war. One moment he was for tariffs. When called on its consequences he walked it back.

THE NEXT 3 POINTS (which are essentially one)
Focusing at home is a good idea but we don't live in a vacuum. In one sentence he says bring our boys home. No more wars. In the VERY NEXT SENTENCE he says we need massive troops on the ground to defeat ISIS. He "claims" it will be a swift victory. History of fighting insurgencies shows he's talking out of his ass. ESPECIALLY since Obama armed ISIS to the teeth.
Trump is pro gun ban, pro abortion, pro socialized medicine.

You dumb fucks have nominated a textbook limousine liberal.


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