Lewd Comment to 17 Year Old Girl.....

I'm sorry, I don't get the outrage. Having a few years under my belt I know I've tried to crack a joke or made a statement that didn't come out exactly as I intended. People are exactly that, people, not perfection. The guy stepped on it, he apologized, move on.

Mis spoke? Should he have just said hey lets fuck?

I've seen the video several times, I think he was trying to crack a funny and screwed the pooch. You don't try to destroy a mans career over one incident. If on the other hand he has a pattern of misconduct that would be different, it hasn't been demonstrated here.

The man was sitting and listening to a young girl talk about doing for others and his response is a sexual gaff? It speaks to lack of self control and poor judgment at the very least.

There should be NO TOLLERANCE for this type of conduct from an elected official. Especially when it concerns children.
Mis spoke? Should he have just said hey lets fuck?

I've seen the video several times, I think he was trying to crack a funny and screwed the pooch. You don't try to destroy a mans career over one incident. If on the other hand he has a pattern of misconduct that would be different, it hasn't been demonstrated here.

The man was sitting and listening to a young girl talk about doing for others and his response is a sexual gaff? It speaks to lack of self control and poor judgment at the very least.

There should be NO TOLLERANCE for this type of conduct from an elected official. Especially when it concerns children.

Unless you were in his head you can not speak to his intent. He said what he was trying to say came out wrong. Unless you have never suffered from foot-in-mouth disease you have no room to judge and I seriously doubt that is the case.
I've seen the video several times, I think he was trying to crack a funny and screwed the pooch. You don't try to destroy a mans career over one incident. If on the other hand he has a pattern of misconduct that would be different, it hasn't been demonstrated here.

The man was sitting and listening to a young girl talk about doing for others and his response is a sexual gaff? It speaks to lack of self control and poor judgment at the very least.

There should be NO TOLLERANCE for this type of conduct from an elected official. Especially when it concerns children.

Unless you were in his head you can not speak to his intent. He said what he was trying to say came out wrong. Unless you have never suffered from foot-in-mouth disease you have no room to judge and I seriously doubt that is the case.

When it comes to children I have no use for excuses. And 17 is very much a child imo.
Btw, this is one of the few times where your writing style really worked to the advantage PC. It built up the suspense while I read through the numbers and then I laughed out loud when I got to number 8.

That would be because you have no class.

Just remember that if a Republican had made this comment - Television news would have broken into normal viewing to report this. CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS and MSNBC would be preparing "news specials" to examine how a politician could do such a thing.

Ellen DeGenerous would have a special show to help teens "keep this in perspective".

The "ladies" on the view would invite the girl on so they could "skewer" said politician.

Rachel Maddow would be crying about the "evil republicans"

Chris Matthews would still be getting a tingle up his leg knowing that a politician had a "snake in his lap"...........

NOW would be demanding that this politician be strung up in the public square

Instead, we hear little to nothing about it. Yeah, there isn't any bias in the media, is there?
Nothing but nonsense coming from you jake. I have no idea what your last 2 posts are trying to say. This WAS an adult, mature conversation till you showed up.

Welcome to ignore. TM can keep you company.
Nothing but nonsense coming from you jake. I have no idea what your last 2 posts are trying to say. This WAS an adult, mature conversation till you showed up.

Welcome to ignore. TM can keep you company.

No, Gramps, you would not answer a very specific question. If you can't be mature, then be ready for the consequence.
The man was sitting and listening to a young girl talk about doing for others and his response is a sexual gaff? It speaks to lack of self control and poor judgment at the very least.

There should be NO TOLLERANCE for this type of conduct from an elected official. Especially when it concerns children.

Unless you were in his head you can not speak to his intent. He said what he was trying to say came out wrong. Unless you have never suffered from foot-in-mouth disease you have no room to judge and I seriously doubt that is the case.

When it comes to children I have no use for excuses. And 17 is very much a child imo.

Right, and in another year she can go to Afghanistan and die for her country. Situational definitions of what constitutes a child is as bad as situational outrage depending on the guy having an R or D after his name. Do you really think at 17 this girl hasn't heard much more crude things, this is 2013, not 1913. Don't you think we should practice what we preach, or have you never heard the old saying about people in glass houses? I think the guy screwed up a joke, and I'm not going to judge beyond that. You do what you want.
Unless you were in his head you can not speak to his intent. He said what he was trying to say came out wrong. Unless you have never suffered from foot-in-mouth disease you have no room to judge and I seriously doubt that is the case.

When it comes to children I have no use for excuses. And 17 is very much a child imo.

Right, and in another year she can go to Afghanistan and die for her country. Situational definitions of what constitutes a child is as bad as situational outrage depending on the guy having an R or D after his name. Do you really think at 17 this girl hasn't heard much more crude things, this is 2013, not 1913. Don't you think we should practice what we preach, or have you never heard the old saying about people in glass houses? I think the guy screwed up a joke, and I'm not going to judge beyond that. You do what you want.

The D or R has nothing to do with it and I take offense that you would even suggest it.

My daughter went through some terrible things as a child and THAT is where my intolerance of scumbags comes from.
Let's not let this thread die, it was just getting good.

Yes, let's keep this thread going, it is getting good:

List of Democrat sex offenders, which goes back to before the Anthony Weiner (Democrat) sex scandal. This is an older list, so just imagine how many more new Democrats can be added to this list. Oh, and how about Left-wing Democrat former talk show host Bernie Ward who was caught with child porn. Just a short list of the many Democrat sex offenders......

Oh and included in the link is a news report on how Democrats wanted to protect pedophiles instead of military veterans:

LiveLeak.com - Democrat Pedophiles and Sex Offenders Outnumber Repubs, many Dems re-elected.
And you know what? The girls age ultimately matters not. That type of comment spoken to a woman you dont know is ridiculous and inappropriate to begin with.

Offensive, yes, illegal, not in this situation as it is described.
For those who looked back on the good ol' days of a Democrat President's lecherous behavior...
...and watching the 6 0'Clock new for titillation....well, for those folks, there's some good news!

Never let it be said that the party of secularization doesn't have a strong bench of up-and-coming players, willing and able to behave with the prurience of an uninhibited 15 year old.

Connecticut State Representative Ernest Hewett [Democrat] is ready, willing and able to perform in the way we've come to expect of some Democrat elected officials.

In fact....he may be in the process of padding his resume for higher office!

1. "State Rep. Ernest Hewett, D-New London, refused to resign Friday after losing his role as deputy speaker of the House over what was taken as a lewd remark he made to a teenage girl at a legislative hearing last week.

2. Hewett said Thursday that he didn't mean anything sexual, but admitted he could see how someone could take it that way and added: "I have weird ways of getting my point across."

3. Just how weird was revealed Friday, when House Democrats released a recording of the Feb. 20 episode, which occurred during an Appropriations Committee hearing about state funding for the Connecticut Science Center in Hartford.

4. The girl to whom he made the remark — whose name and high school were muted off the recording at the points she said them — testified to the committee for about her positive experience as a "teen ambassador" for two years at the science center. She said her work with other teens there helped to overcome her shyness.

5. ... 'cause I'm usually a very shy person, and now I'm more outgoing," she said into the microphone at the Legislative Office Building. Also, she said: "During that time I was able discover that I really love working with children. It was so much fun for me. I was able to teach little children about certain things, like snakes that we have. I was able to share that with them — and the turtles that we have, which are amazing, and they're awesome. And just the kids — they're just great. So I want to do something towards that, with working with children when I get older."

6. "And I learned a lot — like I never thought that I would be able to be, you know … I never liked snakes, but I ended up loving them." Laughter is heard on the tape at this point.

7. The girl finished her testimony in that somewhat light-hearted vein, and Walker said: "That's very good. you're a great spokeswoman for the Connecticut Science Center. It seems like a good investment for the state. Are there any questions? Yes, Representative Hewett."

8. "And if you're bashful, I've got a snake settin' under my desk here," Hewett said."
Criticism Of Hewett's Remark Inappropriate Remark Intensifies, But He Won't Quit - Courant.com

Democrat congressman makes lewd comment to teen girl - audio - YouTube

Oh yeah, that's over the top for a man in his position, no doubt.
Some of the greatest pervs are right here on the Board, the ones calling for a drop in the age of consent.

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