LGBT & Understanding the Construct: Religion Exposed


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
The beauty of me posting as a secular person who has a familiarity with christian teachings...but not fully on board with the that I get to have perspective. It allows me to see more objectively the mortal sins vs the venial ones and how the mechanics and abstract cores of the Bible are set up. Or with any religion for that matter. You can see that religions at their core are constructs set up to maintain a social structure within homo sapiens that minimizes debauchery, misery and suffering....and most of all the annihilation of the Big Construct through human monkey business.

And that's why some the more heinous acts of God are confusing to those trying to say that christianity is about passivism. If you picture God as more of a CEO and Jesus as his HR guy, it begins to make more sense. God makes tough and ruthless decisions to keep the overall "company" from going "Under". Jesus addresses the individual employees in a compassionate way, believing all deserve consideration and he acts as an ombudsman to the CEO in dire questions of spiritual peril.

One of the Big Constructs is the nuclear family. That of men and women relating to each other in an atmosphere where children come in naturally as a result of that relation. That Construct and its importance are illustrated in Jude 1 of the New Testament. Also in Poets in the Koran if memory serves. It is the hub from which all other human relations radiate outward.

It is also a stage upon where men are softened by their contact with women and women are hardened by their contact with men. It presents a unique opportunity and furnace for the individual souls involved to carry out the plan of their birth *nods to the Hindus* where unique lessons of being "a man/father/husband" or "a woman/mother/wife" are forged. If you water down that furnace, that fire, then the products from it are not tempered properly. And God's Big Plan ceases to be. And it is for this reason I believe that in Jude 1 of the Bible it is spelled out quite clearly that if you participate in the blending or dissolving of that hub Construct by promoting a homosexual culture, you are going to burn for eternity. The equivalent would be like an employee starting the factory on fire because he felt chilly; instead of just working a little harder to stay warm.

So this gender-blending may partially have its roots in people who may have retained awareness from another life *nods to the Hindus again* and "feel like they are in the wrong body". To that I say, "of course you are". And with good reason! This applies most particularly to so-called transgenders. Though it most likely is a combination of gender-associated trauma early in childhood or adult PTSD manifestation along with some past-life memory. And we have seen much evidence that gays and lesbians are trained up to be how they are after they were born. [links to over 300+ peer-reviewes studies from the world's leading researchers supporting that: ]

People who have strong memories of past lives, or undue tampering in this one though should not be allowed to dictate though the Construct of this life. THIS LIFE is all that matters; where you find yourself, what gender you are, the society you find yourself in. Wounds inflicted that need to be intently healed.. It's all a Forge to test your mettle. To say "oh, I don't want THIS test" is not up to you in the flesh. It was a binding decision you made before you stepped into that infant's body and you aren't allowed to back out just because it's hard or "doesn't feel quite right" to you. That is not a right that people have. If a sociey or major construct is to change radically; at the very least it must change slowly and deliberately with the full and unsupressed participation of all the members and not just a scant few caught up in manic compulsive and unreflected behaviors. That goes for other concepts besides LGBT by the way.

This is the plane of tough love. And Jesus represents the ombudsman to plead our hardships be softened. It is not up to us to destroy the Construct though in a mortal machinations to soften our hardships.

That's what's going on with this LGBT Agenda. And I submit that it's more than an agenda and has berthed into a full-fledged cult. It is the cult of "destroy the Construct". Their faithful adhere to the destruction of order and restraint as tightly as good christians cling to preservation of order and restraint. The two really are the Two Great Oppositions that were spoken of in the Bible that would come towards the end of times.

And like I said before on another thread, I think we have arrived at the intersection of "Push" and "Shove" streets. What happens from here is up to each individual person and their action or inaction. So I guess you know...."behave according to how you want it all to work out".. A great place to start is self-reflection and an honest inventory of what's really making you do and say the things you do and say as opposed to what that little voice inside is telling you is right and wrong....presuming you can even hear its tiny voice anymore amongst the purposeful-clamor to drown it out...
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The various societies and their range of man/woman relationships and rights respective to one another provide fodder for different lessons. But the United States among all the nations has the most coveted gem of all: free speech. Freedom in general actually, at least in theory. It's a theory that's tested daily too. But even in the US, the commandment of Jude 1 applies. You can push an envelope only so far before it bursts.

This freedom allows the aquarium to be cleaned of algae so that all the fish may benefit. [But it doesn't allow you to remove the glass and let all the water out!] It's why the good old USA is most precious to God IMHO. Not because we are a group that at any given moment are acting well or something that the rest of the world can look up to. But because we are the most advanced test in the spiritual quest: freedom. Free will. If you take a country like Iran for example, where there is little if any personal freedom to break the chains of one's position, you have very little chance to have your free will tested. Almost zero chance actually. But in the US, you have ample chance to exert your free will; and to see if you can stay on good behavior as you do

THAT is the reason we are here. Before disparaging the various countries and faiths for their "shortfall" from the US's freedoms, remember that in an elementary school, there is kindergarten, first grade, second grade...all the way up to high school, college and graduate school. Can't start everyone out in graduate school now can we?
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And there is little danger of anyone taking any of this seriously.
My example of preschool would be some aboriginal tribe I suppose with extremely rigid cultural taboos. Then you graduate to different levels of freedom until you reach the US. It's probably why you get a lot of bad behavior in the US and very little within an aboriginal tribe. The difference is free will.

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