LGBT You Are Not Special and You Do Not Need to Clutter Our Politics or Society

The homophobes really need to up their "not giving a shit" efforts so that it is clear that they "dont give a shit".
Why don't you tell that to all the muslims up there in Canada?

Or are you afraid they'll throw your ass off a roof?

"Or are you afraid they'll throw your ass off a roof?"

Something that conservatives on this board said "was the only good thing muslims ever did"

was that you?
The homophobes really need to up their "not giving a shit" efforts so that it is clear that they "dont give a shit".
Why don't you tell that to all the muslims up there in Canada?

Or are you afraid they'll throw your ass off a roof?
Why do you feel the need to deflect from your own homophobia ? What sort of idiocy is that ?
"Homophobia?" What in the FUCK gives you the impression I'm AFRAID of faggots?

No, you're IGNORANTLY using your BUZZ WORD thinking it offends me in some way, when nothing could be further from the truth. I couldn't give a shit less what lame, worn out, libtard buzz word you call me.

You're trying to equate NATURAL DISGUST with FEAR, and nothing could be more WRONG and DISHONEST.

Get a clue, moron.
The homophobes really need to up their "not giving a shit" efforts so that it is clear that they "dont give a shit".
Why don't you tell that to all the muslims up there in Canada?

Or are you afraid they'll throw your ass off a roof?

"Or are you afraid they'll throw your ass off a roof?"

Something that conservatives on this board said "was the only good thing muslims ever did"

was that you?
Do you love both islam and homos?

Explain how that works...
The homophobes really need to up their "not giving a shit" efforts so that it is clear that they "dont give a shit".
Why don't you tell that to all the muslims up there in Canada?

Or are you afraid they'll throw your ass off a roof?
Why do you feel the need to deflect from your own homophobia ? What sort of idiocy is that ?
"Homophobia?" What in the FUCK gives you the impression I'm AFRAID of faggots?

No, you're IGNORANTLY using your BUZZ WORD thinking it offends me in some way, when nothing could be further from the truth. I couldn't give a shit less what lame, worn out, libtard buzz word you call me.

You're trying to equate NATURAL DISGUST with FEAR, and nothing could be more WRONG and DISHONEST.

Get a clue, moron.


YOUR disgust may be natural but as a sane and rational liberal-progressive I am not disgusted by gays or their sexuality. Unlike YOU I don't even think about it. I manage to judge the WHOLE PERSON. And MOST gays are decent and honorable people. MOST gays are much better people than most conservatives.

speaking of DISGUST.....trump disgusts me!

his mockery of decent people his attacks on POWs and vets, his insulting nicknames for anyone who doesn't bow to him, his preference for murderous dictators, his asskissing putin...

and you disgust me for approving of that behavior.

people as disgusting as you and trump have no right being "disgusted" by gays.
The homophobes really need to up their "not giving a shit" efforts so that it is clear that they "dont give a shit".
Why don't you tell that to all the muslims up there in Canada?

Or are you afraid they'll throw your ass off a roof?

"Or are you afraid they'll throw your ass off a roof?"

Something that conservatives on this board said "was the only good thing muslims ever did"

was that you?
It was American patriot Steve McGarrett.
The homophobes really need to up their "not giving a shit" efforts so that it is clear that they "dont give a shit".
Why don't you tell that to all the muslims up there in Canada?

Or are you afraid they'll throw your ass off a roof?
Why do you feel the need to deflect from your own homophobia ? What sort of idiocy is that ?
"Homophobia?" What in the FUCK gives you the impression I'm AFRAID of faggots?

No, you're IGNORANTLY using your BUZZ WORD thinking it offends me in some way, when nothing could be further from the truth. I couldn't give a shit less what lame, worn out, libtard buzz word you call me.

You're trying to equate NATURAL DISGUST with FEAR, and nothing could be more WRONG and DISHONEST.

Get a clue, moron.


YOUR disgust may be natural but as a sane and rational liberal-progressive I am not disgusted by gays or their sexuality. Unlike YOU I don't even think about it. I manage to judge the WHOLE PERSON. And MOST gays are decent and honorable people. MOST gays are much better people than most conservatives.

speaking of DISGUST.....trump disgusts me!

his mockery of decent people his attacks on POWs and vets, his insulting nicknames for anyone who doesn't bow to him, his preference for murderous dictators, his asskissing putin...

and you disgust me for approving of that behavior.

people as disgusting as you and trump have no right being "disgusted" by gays.
I don't mind "happy" people either. It's the HOMOS that I find disgusting, as do the vast majority of people on earth.

They should given PSYCHIATRIC HELP for their mental illness, not encouragement to carry it out.
You people fuck up our society and our government. You throw temper tantrums that nobody cares about. You “demand” to be heard when nobody cares if you’re gay or lesbian and nobody discriminates against you. You demand special treatment and clog school systems with your assumption of privilege. You have disgusting parades down our streets in front of children to flaunt your lifestyle and you all gathered for Hillary in NYC and cried like babies on election night so media would feel sorry for you. Go do your business in private. Nobody cares and quite frankly being gay or lesbian is rather boring now.

You're the problem, divisive bigots are hate and fear mongers.
You gotta throw you arms around this and wholly embrace it or you are a bigoted hate monger
Libs don’t want acceptance, they demand conversion and embracement
The homophobes really need to up their "not giving a shit" efforts so that it is clear that they "dont give a shit".
Why don't you tell that to all the muslims up there in Canada?

Or are you afraid they'll throw your ass off a roof?
Why do you feel the need to deflect from your own homophobia ? What sort of idiocy is that ?
"Homophobia?" What in the FUCK gives you the impression I'm AFRAID of faggots?

No, you're IGNORANTLY using your BUZZ WORD thinking it offends me in some way, when nothing could be further from the truth. I couldn't give a shit less what lame, worn out, libtard buzz word you call me.

You're trying to equate NATURAL DISGUST with FEAR, and nothing could be more WRONG and DISHONEST.

Get a clue, moron.
I am sure that there is some underlying reason for your weird beliefs. The good news is that you are in a minority.In a generation you will be the crazy guy in the village.
The homophobes really need to up their "not giving a shit" efforts so that it is clear that they "dont give a shit".
Why don't you tell that to all the muslims up there in Canada?

Or are you afraid they'll throw your ass off a roof?
Why do you feel the need to deflect from your own homophobia ? What sort of idiocy is that ?
"Homophobia?" What in the FUCK gives you the impression I'm AFRAID of faggots?

No, you're IGNORANTLY using your BUZZ WORD thinking it offends me in some way, when nothing could be further from the truth. I couldn't give a shit less what lame, worn out, libtard buzz word you call me.

You're trying to equate NATURAL DISGUST with FEAR, and nothing could be more WRONG and DISHONEST.

Get a clue, moron.


YOUR disgust may be natural but as a sane and rational liberal-progressive I am not disgusted by gays or their sexuality. Unlike YOU I don't even think about it. I manage to judge the WHOLE PERSON. And MOST gays are decent and honorable people. MOST gays are much better people than most conservatives.

speaking of DISGUST.....trump disgusts me!

his mockery of decent people his attacks on POWs and vets, his insulting nicknames for anyone who doesn't bow to him, his preference for murderous dictators, his asskissing putin...

and you disgust me for approving of that behavior.

people as disgusting as you and trump have no right being "disgusted" by gays.
Word UP Brother!!! WordUp !
Unless we dismiss the science of DNA we have to come to grips with the fact that so-called "gender transitioned " humans are biologically the same gender they were born with despite surgical procedures and chemical induced fatty deposits. They have a right to pretend that they are a different gender but society can't be compelled under law to acknowledge their fantasy.
That is an ignorant and dumbed down assessment of the issue. It is based on the false assumption that everyone is 100% either male or female. The science says differently and that includes everything from the obvious outward appearance to the DNA. It is now known that many people who experience gender dysphoria exhibit underlying biological variations that were undetected when their gender was assigned to them. Educate yourself
Unless we dismiss the science of DNA we have to come to grips with the fact that so-called "gender transitioned " humans are biologically the same gender they were born with despite surgical procedures and chemical induced fatty deposits. They have a right to pretend that they are a different gender but society can't be compelled under law to acknowledge their fantasy.
That is an ignorant and dumbed down assessment of the issue. It is based on the false assumption that everyone is 100% either male or female. The science says differently and that includes everything from the obvious outward appearance to the DNA. It is now known that many people who experience gender dysphoria exhibit underlying biological variations that were undetected when their gender was assigned to them. Educate yourself

The "science" says no such thing but believe me I have no doubt that you are an effeminate little soy boi.
You people fuck up our society and our government. You throw temper tantrums that nobody cares about. You “demand” to be heard when nobody cares if you’re gay or lesbian and nobody discriminates against you. You demand special treatment and clog school systems with your assumption of privilege. You have disgusting parades down our streets in front of children to flaunt your lifestyle and you all gathered for Hillary in NYC and cried like babies on election night so media would feel sorry for you. Go do your business in private. Nobody cares and quite frankly being gay or lesbian is rather boring now.

We get it, you are a bigot of every kind. Hater dupe. The more they are tolerated the more they are normal. And there is plenty of discrimination. They can still be fired or denied housing many places. Plus the only spike in violence since Trump is against gays blacks Jews and Muslims by bigots. GOP voters in other words
You people fuck up our society and our government. You throw temper tantrums that nobody cares about. You “demand” to be heard when nobody cares if you’re gay or lesbian and nobody discriminates against you. You demand special treatment and clog school systems with your assumption of privilege. You have disgusting parades down our streets in front of children to flaunt your lifestyle and you all gathered for Hillary in NYC and cried like babies on election night so media would feel sorry for you. Go do your business in private. Nobody cares and quite frankly being gay or lesbian is rather boring now.

We get it, you are a bigot of every kind. Hater dupe. The more they are tolerated the more they are normal. And there is plenty of discrimination. They can still be fired or denied housing many places. Plus the only spike in violence since Trump is against gays blacks Jews and Muslims by bigots. GOP voters in other words

Bullshit sissy boi.
Unless we dismiss the science of DNA we have to come to grips with the fact that so-called "gender transitioned " humans are biologically the same gender they were born with despite surgical procedures and chemical induced fatty deposits. They have a right to pretend that they are a different gender but society can't be compelled under law to acknowledge their fantasy.
That is an ignorant and dumbed down assessment of the issue. It is based on the false assumption that everyone is 100% either male or female. The science says differently and that includes everything from the obvious outward appearance to the DNA. It is now known that many people who experience gender dysphoria exhibit underlying biological variations that were undetected when their gender was assigned to them. Educate yourself

The "science" says no such thing but believe me I have no doubt that you are an effeminate little soy boi.
see he knows how to read and scientists and psychiatrists etc say you are full of ignorantracist bigot GOP garbage propaganda. To be generous.
Nothing quite screams 'nobody cares' like starting a thread where you say 'nobody cares' a bunch of times. All evidence to contrary it appears.
Then LGBT can shut-up, stop marching, stop forcing acceptance of their lifestyles into society and taking a great nation and tearing down its moral fabric. Thus my grievance and I seek remedy by their silence in media, culture, and education. Nobody cares if your gay or lesbian. Your boring now. You were a fad that has gone away.
You talk about moral fabric and you back the most immoral person in the US?

Trump = is rude

the left = sexually abuses children

Which act is more immoral?
Fuck you! The left = sexually abuses children ?> You push the wrong button and triggered the wrong person with that shit. I devoted my career to fighting child abuse including sexual abuse. And yes I am firmly on the left. You have one hell of a fucking nerve spewing that ignorant horseshit. YOU are a fucking moron!
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We need to get back to the concept of Tolerance (leaving other people alone) instead of Force Acceptance & Participation. I really do not care what other people due to celebrate their kinds as long as I can ignore it and it doesn't involve unwilling or underage victims.
Unless we dismiss the science of DNA we have to come to grips with the fact that so-called "gender transitioned " humans are biologically the same gender they were born with despite surgical procedures and chemical induced fatty deposits. They have a right to pretend that they are a different gender but society can't be compelled under law to acknowledge their fantasy.
That is an ignorant and dumbed down assessment of the issue. It is based on the false assumption that everyone is 100% either male or female. The science says differently and that includes everything from the obvious outward appearance to the DNA. It is now known that many people who experience gender dysphoria exhibit underlying biological variations that were undetected when their gender was assigned to them. Educate yourself

The "science" says no such thing but believe me I have no doubt that you are an effeminate little soy boi.
Thank you for confirming your willful ignorance:

Theories of the Causes of Transsexualism

The Transgender Brain
Unless we dismiss the science of DNA we have to come to grips with the fact that so-called "gender transitioned " humans are biologically the same gender they were born with despite surgical procedures and chemical induced fatty deposits. They have a right to pretend that they are a different gender but society can't be compelled under law to acknowledge their fantasy.
That is an ignorant and dumbed down assessment of the issue. It is based on the false assumption that everyone is 100% either male or female. The science says differently and that includes everything from the obvious outward appearance to the DNA. It is now known that many people who experience gender dysphoria exhibit underlying biological variations that were undetected when their gender was assigned to them. Educate yourself

The "science" says no such thing but believe me I have no doubt that you are an effeminate little soy boi.
Thank you for confirming your willful ignorance:

Theories of the Causes of Transsexualism

The Transgender Brain

Theories? What are you identifying as today? Have you been in the little girls room yet?

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