LGBT You Are Not Special and You Do Not Need to Clutter Our Politics or Society

Nothing quite screams 'nobody cares' like starting a thread where you say 'nobody cares' a bunch of times. All evidence to contrary it appears.
Then LGBT can shut-up, stop marching, stop forcing acceptance of their lifestyles into society and taking a great nation and tearing down its moral fabric. Thus my grievance and I seek remedy by their silence in media, culture, and education. Nobody cares if your gay or lesbian. Your boring now. You were a fad that has gone away.

Nobody cares if your gay or lesbian. Your boring now."

it is NOT "YOUR" you ignorant stupid moronic language hating barbarian!

it is "you're"

fkn cons are too stupid to vote.

And it is a lie to say "nobody cares" and "nobody discriminates" because pieces of conservative shit like you DO care and DO discriminate.

In fact, POS trump and millions of POS conservatives voted for Roy Moore, an evangelical conservative who ran for US SENATE in ALABAMA, who specifically stated he believes gays are a biblical crime and should be criminalized in the US.

MILLIONS of you POS voted for him
Thanks for the language arts edit on my post. Now what does it have to do with the substance of my original post? If my IPad self corrects then I cannot help it. I’m fine with that. I can accept that. But I cannot accept vulgar displays of homosexual behavior in public in a society that I pay for. Keep it to yourself.
Me too, stay away from my grand children.
No problems with that yet brainwashed functional moron. Psychiatrists and scientists no you are a brainwashed bigot. God will not be amused

Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love.

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom"

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom

Or perhaps you'd enjoy watching it?

No problems with that yet brainwashed functional moron. Psychiatrists and scientists no you are a brainwashed bigot. God will not be amused

Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love.

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom"

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom

Or perhaps you'd enjoy watching it?
"Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love."? That's the con-servative republican christian in you saying that, isn't it?

Sexual assaulters should all be arrested, convicted, and punished. Sad to say, many many many male sexual assaulters avoid being held responsible.....some are voted for elected office...........
It was not a public bathroom, with a bathroom in the ten-year-olds house for crying out loud. Of course it was covered in every propaganda outlet without telling that. By the way he got 30 to 45 years. He certainly is it is no typical transgender woman. Jesus LOL look at the damn picture. Not looking effeminate to me

Look at you justifying molestation....does anyone you love know of this?

No one is justifying molestation jackass

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You are an abomination.
Nothing quite screams 'nobody cares' like starting a thread where you say 'nobody cares' a bunch of times. All evidence to contrary it appears.
Then LGBT can shut-up, stop marching, stop forcing acceptance of their lifestyles into society and taking a great nation and tearing down its moral fabric. Thus my grievance and I seek remedy by their silence in media, culture, and education. Nobody cares if your gay or lesbian. Your boring now. You were a fad that has gone away.

Nobody cares if your gay or lesbian. Your boring now."

it is NOT "YOUR" you ignorant stupid moronic language hating barbarian!

it is "you're"

fkn cons are too stupid to vote.

And it is a lie to say "nobody cares" and "nobody discriminates" because pieces of conservative shit like you DO care and DO discriminate.

In fact, POS trump and millions of POS conservatives voted for Roy Moore, an evangelical conservative who ran for US SENATE in ALABAMA, who specifically stated he believes gays are a biblical crime and should be criminalized in the US.

MILLIONS of you POS voted for him
I was smart enough to vote for Donald J Trump.
The studies have ALWAYS shown this and yes I have known about this for years. Study after study after study, Billy, as any parent can tell you. Or any teacher. I am both and have a son and a daughter. It's not "nurture" either. Read the article.
Um that is what the article means by “social influence”. I’m not surprised you didn’t know this Sue because you talk out of your ass, but “nurture” in the context refers to anything environmental. It isn’t simply about parenting style. It’s a broad term about a child’s environment wherever she or he goes.

They tossed that in because they're trying to be "woke" psyche people. They don't need to be. It's study after study after study Billy. You're going to lose with one but do keep digging

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Okay so just so I am clear, you’re actually suggesting that one’s environment has no bearing whatsoever on their personalities? “Study after study after study” says this? Are you even listening to yourself?

Toy choice is MOSTLY biological. MOSTLY. Environment has a little bearing, but only a little. Through time this is why little boys like mostly trains and cars and little girls like mostly babies and toy kitchens.

Sorry Billy, go cry in your beer or whatever

Nothing but assumption on your part. Children are channeled by adults toward toys that fit in with a gender role and steered away from other toys that don't fit. It happened to me so many years ago. My mother hated the running cap-pistol battles I had with my brother around the house and made me ride in the stagecoach at Frontier town while my brother rode on top to fight off the robbers. She dressed me in her little velvet and organza fou-fou dresses from L&T's so she could show me off to her parents and then I begged to be let back into my corduroys. My brother got the cool stuff like Lincoln Logs and electric trains and a microscope set and I got dolls that just laid there doing nothing and a hand-painted cradle that I couldn't do anything with. My favorite sport was climbing trees.

Just let the child gravitate toward what s/he is attracted to. Let those toys have moving parts that the child can do something with.
So what does that have to do with marching in the street and publicly flaunting your sexual behavior in front of children? Butch dyke. Got it. You don’t need a parade. Go change the oil on the lawnmower and have a nice time with your girlfriend down at O’Reilly auto parts store.
They are the most intolerant group.
Exactly. They have never politely asked for anything. They DEMAND it. Must be the pampering treatment from childhood when they were told that it was ok to be gay...that makes you “special.”
I can remember further back then possibly many of the little leftist bubble heads have been alive, back in the late 60's, early 70's, when the homos very first hijacked the word GAY. No one understood why they wanted to be called "HAPPY," and I still don't understand what "HAPPY" has to do with homos. And I also remember when they used to say, and I quote, "WE JUST WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE." Well that shit is out the window. I remember when the homos used to say, "WE DON'T HAVE AN AGENDA," pfft... :lol: ... riiiiiiiiight... NO AGENDA...


It's past time to stand up to the disgusting faggots and let them know that the VAST majority of people on the planet do NOT like their PERVERTED CRAP. People have a NATURAL aversion to it, they're BORN with it. It's perverted, and simple nature tells you it's WRONG.
Democrats would run him for President.
Um that is what the article means by “social influence”. I’m not surprised you didn’t know this Sue because you talk out of your ass, but “nurture” in the context refers to anything environmental. It isn’t simply about parenting style. It’s a broad term about a child’s environment wherever she or he goes.

They tossed that in because they're trying to be "woke" psyche people. They don't need to be. It's study after study after study Billy. You're going to lose with one but do keep digging

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Okay so just so I am clear, you’re actually suggesting that one’s environment has no bearing whatsoever on their personalities? “Study after study after study” says this? Are you even listening to yourself?

Toy choice is MOSTLY biological. MOSTLY. Environment has a little bearing, but only a little. Through time this is why little boys like mostly trains and cars and little girls like mostly babies and toy kitchens.

Sorry Billy, go cry in your beer or whatever

Nothing but assumption on your part. Children are channeled by adults toward toys that fit in with a gender role and steered away from other toys that don't fit. It happened to me so many years ago. My mother hated the running cap-pistol battles I had with my brother around the house and made me ride in the stagecoach at Frontier town while my brother rode on top to fight off the robbers. She dressed me in her little velvet and organza fou-fou dresses from L&T's so she could show me off to her parents and then I begged to be let back into my corduroys. My brother got the cool stuff like Lincoln Logs and electric trains and a microscope set and I got dolls that just laid there doing nothing and a hand-painted cradle that I couldn't do anything with. My favorite sport was climbing trees.

Just let the child gravitate toward what s/he is attracted to. Let those toys have moving parts that the child can do something with.
So what does that have to do with marching in the street and publicly flaunting your sexual behavior in front of children? Butch dyke. Got it. You don’t need a parade. Go change the oil on the lawnmower and have a nice time with your girlfriend down at O’Reilly auto parts store.

Of all the stores in all the world selling all the thing--I think I would least want to go into an AUTO PARTS store. I wonder if this is how men feel when their wives drag them into the candle store or something....heh
You people fuck up our society and our government. You throw temper tantrums that nobody cares about. You “demand” to be heard when nobody cares if you’re gay or lesbian and nobody discriminates against you. You demand special treatment and clog school systems with your assumption of privilege. You have disgusting parades down our streets in front of children to flaunt your lifestyle and you all gathered for Hillary in NYC and cried like babies on election night so media would feel sorry for you. Go do your business in private. Nobody cares and quite frankly being gay or lesbian is rather boring now.

I agree. They´re disgusting and their entire disgusting lives are solely about butt and dick.
They tossed that in because they're trying to be "woke" psyche people. They don't need to be. It's study after study after study Billy. You're going to lose with one but do keep digging

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Okay so just so I am clear, you’re actually suggesting that one’s environment has no bearing whatsoever on their personalities? “Study after study after study” says this? Are you even listening to yourself?

Toy choice is MOSTLY biological. MOSTLY. Environment has a little bearing, but only a little. Through time this is why little boys like mostly trains and cars and little girls like mostly babies and toy kitchens.

Sorry Billy, go cry in your beer or whatever

Nothing but assumption on your part. Children are channeled by adults toward toys that fit in with a gender role and steered away from other toys that don't fit. It happened to me so many years ago. My mother hated the running cap-pistol battles I had with my brother around the house and made me ride in the stagecoach at Frontier town while my brother rode on top to fight off the robbers. She dressed me in her little velvet and organza fou-fou dresses from L&T's so she could show me off to her parents and then I begged to be let back into my corduroys. My brother got the cool stuff like Lincoln Logs and electric trains and a microscope set and I got dolls that just laid there doing nothing and a hand-painted cradle that I couldn't do anything with. My favorite sport was climbing trees.

Just let the child gravitate toward what s/he is attracted to. Let those toys have moving parts that the child can do something with.
So what does that have to do with marching in the street and publicly flaunting your sexual behavior in front of children? Butch dyke. Got it. You don’t need a parade. Go change the oil on the lawnmower and have a nice time with your girlfriend down at O’Reilly auto parts store.

Of all the stores in all the world selling all the thing--I think I would least want to go into an AUTO PARTS store. I wonder if this is how men feel when their wives drag them into the candle store or something....heh
I have gotten a phone number or two from ladies working at the candle store or bed and bath store. How do us guys feel about shopping with you at these places? We love you. It’s a trade. You put up with our dirty socks, beer and ESPN. We go to the candle store and don’t complain...much. It’s all worth it.
I am sure that there is some underlying reason for your weird beliefs. The good news is that you are in a minority.In a generation you will be the crazy guy in the village.
Well there ya go folks. You can't ask for any better example of how fucked these people are in the head than the post above. Here's a progressive leftist that supports and loves a PERVERTED SEXUAL MENTAL ILLNESS, telling a NORMAL HETEROSEXUAL that he has "WEIRD BELIEFS."

Ya, my "underlying reason" for what I believe is called being NORMAL, it's called NATURE.

You need your fucking examined, you twisted idiot, and no, I nor the people like me will NEVER be the minority, because NORMAL people outnumber you disgusting queers and their supporters by about 400 to 1 world wide, and that's never going to change because of how many people BORN normal, with a NATURAL disgust for people that think men FUCKING EACH UP THE ASS is COOL.

You're SICK, and you're DISGUSTING, and that is NEVER going to change. Deal with it, PERVERT.
Its over matey. You lost. Decency won.
LGBT is winning the battle

Do we need any more proof than this thread?
So you admit they see it as a "battle."

Yep... if anyone doesn't TOW THE LINE and has the AUDACITY to DISAGREE with the fags, YOU are BIGOT HOMOPHOBE. How DARE you HAVE YOUR OWN opinion. Don't you know the left DOESN'T ALLOW DIFFERING OPINIONS?

What cute little NAZIS.
It has been a long, hard fought battle for homosexual rights

The haters are losing
No problems with that yet brainwashed functional moron. Psychiatrists and scientists no you are a brainwashed bigot. God will not be amused

Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love.

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom"

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom

Or perhaps you'd enjoy watching it?

Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love.

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom"

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom

Or perhaps you'd enjoy watching it?
"Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love."? That's the con-servative republican christian in you saying that, isn't it?

Sexual assaulters should all be arrested, convicted, and punished. Sad to say, many many many male sexual assaulters avoid being held responsible.....some are voted for elected office...........
It was not a public bathroom, with a bathroom in the ten-year-olds house for crying out loud. Of course it was covered in every propaganda outlet without telling that. By the way he got 30 to 45 years. He certainly is it is no typical transgender woman. Jesus LOL look at the damn picture. Not looking effeminate to me

Look at you justifying molestation....does anyone you love know of this?

No one is justifying molestation jackass

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Why can't you people at least wait til someone turns of age before trying to convince them to have sex change surgery? Is that really so much to ask?
Are you really that fucking stupid?
Who's out there convincing people to have sex changes? Its a choice made by the person. I don't see the reason for it a d nor would I ever want it, etc but it's really a non issue as it doesn't affect me and it affects like .00000000001 of the population. It is a non story really.
Um that is what the article means by “social influence”. I’m not surprised you didn’t know this Sue because you talk out of your ass, but “nurture” in the context refers to anything environmental. It isn’t simply about parenting style. It’s a broad term about a child’s environment wherever she or he goes.

They tossed that in because they're trying to be "woke" psyche people. They don't need to be. It's study after study after study Billy. You're going to lose with one but do keep digging

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Okay so just so I am clear, you’re actually suggesting that one’s environment has no bearing whatsoever on their personalities? “Study after study after study” says this? Are you even listening to yourself?

Toy choice is MOSTLY biological. MOSTLY. Environment has a little bearing, but only a little. Through time this is why little boys like mostly trains and cars and little girls like mostly babies and toy kitchens.

Sorry Billy, go cry in your beer or whatever

Nothing but assumption on your part. Children are channeled by adults toward toys that fit in with a gender role and steered away from other toys that don't fit. It happened to me so many years ago. My mother hated the running cap-pistol battles I had with my brother around the house and made me ride in the stagecoach at Frontier town while my brother rode on top to fight off the robbers. She dressed me in her little velvet and organza fou-fou dresses from L&T's so she could show me off to her parents and then I begged to be let back into my corduroys. My brother got the cool stuff like Lincoln Logs and electric trains and a microscope set and I got dolls that just laid there doing nothing and a hand-painted cradle that I couldn't do anything with. My favorite sport was climbing trees.

Just let the child gravitate toward what s/he is attracted to. Let those toys have moving parts that the child can do something with.
So what does that have to do with marching in the street and publicly flaunting your sexual behavior in front of children? Butch dyke. Got it. You don’t need a parade. Go change the oil on the lawnmower and have a nice time with your girlfriend down at O’Reilly auto parts store.

You certainly have some bizarre fantasies, as well as a reading comprehension problem. Leave off the porn and get some counseling. I'm straight, btw.. Who flaunts their sexual behavior in front of children? Nobody I know, whether straight or LGBT.
You certainly have some bizarre fantasies, as well as a reading comprehension problem. Leave off the porn and get some counseling. I'm straight, btw.. Who flaunts their sexual behavior in front of children? Nobody I know, whether straight or LGBT.

Apparently you've never see the "Drag Queen story telling" they do for children in public libraries here in America.

They teach kids about homosexuality at a very youthful age nowadays.
You certainly have some bizarre fantasies, as well as a reading comprehension problem. Leave off the porn and get some counseling. I'm straight, btw.. Who flaunts their sexual behavior in front of children? Nobody I know, whether straight or LGBT.

Apparently you've never see the "Drag Queen story telling" they do for children in public libraries here in America.

They teach kids about homosexuality at a very youthful age nowadays.

You certainly have some bizarre fantasies, as well as a reading comprehension problem. Leave off the porn and get some counseling. I'm straight, btw.. Who flaunts their sexual behavior in front of children? Nobody I know, whether straight or LGBT.

Apparently you've never see the "Drag Queen story telling" they do for children in public libraries here in America.

They teach kids about homosexuality at a very youthful age nowadays.


I was rebutting the idea put forth that Homosexuality isn't taught to young children nowadays, when it clearly is.

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