LGBT You Are Not Special and You Do Not Need to Clutter Our Politics or Society

No one is justifying molestation jackass
Why can't you people at least wait til someone turns of age before trying to convince them to have sex change surgery? Is that really so much to ask?

Because it's children that are of interest to pedophiles.

This agenda is driven by pedophilia, and it would not serve this agenda to only go after targets that are of age.
Its over matey. You lost. Decency won.

That's where sane people can see clearly just how f•••ed up sick freaks such as yourself truly are.

You define “decency“ as taking the side of the most indecent, immoral, degenerate sexual perverts, especially when they go after innocent children. This is truly in the spirit of Orwell's infamous three slogans from 1984

War is peace!
Freedom is slavery!
Ignorance is strength!
Immoral sexual perversion is decency!
You certainly have some bizarre fantasies, as well as a reading comprehension problem. Leave off the porn and get some counseling. I'm straight, btw.. Who flaunts their sexual behavior in front of children? Nobody I know, whether straight or LGBT.

Apparently you've never see the "Drag Queen story telling" they do for children in public libraries here in America.

They teach kids about homosexuality at a very youthful age nowadays.

Yes, I have. Bunch of guys in heavy and outlandish costumes reading children's books aloud. I've not heard anything about sex or sexual orientation having been mentioned during story time.

That said, what would teaching "about" homosexuality, or heterosexuality, or the Great Wall of China consist of? Something that exists, exists.
Its over matey. You lost. Decency won.

That's where sane people can see clearly just how f•••ed up sick freaks such as yourself truly are.

You define “decency“ as taking the side of the most indecent, immoral, degenerate sexual perverts, especially when they go after innocent children. This is truly in the spirit of Orwell's infamous three slogans from 1984

War is peace!
Freedom is slavery!
Ignorance is strength!
Immoral sexual perversion is decency!
You are in a dwindling minority of extremist loons. You lost, decency won.
Its over matey. You lost. Decency won.

That's where sane people can see clearly just how f•••ed up sick freaks such as yourself truly are.

You define “decency“ as taking the side of the most indecent, immoral, degenerate sexual perverts, especially when they go after innocent children. This is truly in the spirit of Orwell's infamous three slogans from 1984

War is peace!
Freedom is slavery!
Ignorance is strength!
Immoral sexual perversion is decency!
You are in a dwindling minority of extremist loons. You lost, decency won.

It's like we're living in an episode of Black Mirror.

(...or a Twilight Zone for you older folks)
You certainly have some bizarre fantasies, as well as a reading comprehension problem. Leave off the porn and get some counseling. I'm straight, btw.. Who flaunts their sexual behavior in front of children? Nobody I know, whether straight or LGBT.

Apparently you've never see the "Drag Queen story telling" they do for children in public libraries here in America.

They teach kids about homosexuality at a very youthful age nowadays.

Yes, I have. Bunch of guys in heavy and outlandish costumes reading children's books aloud. I've not heard anything about sex or sexual orientation having been mentioned during story time.

That said, what would teaching "about" homosexuality, or heterosexuality, or the Great Wall of China consist of? Something that exists, exists.

A famous Chinaman once said "a picture is worth a thousand words".

The children seeing a sexual pervert in full regalia teaches the children about homosexuality than a whole lecture on butt sex delivered by a man in a suit and tie. The picture in their minds gives the the impression that the behavior of She-Males is somehow normative in a way just talking wouldn't.
I've known people who've been fired for being gay.
I've known people who've been beaten up for being gay.

Yes, they are being discriminated against.

As opposed to you white straight males who let the Republicans screw you, so long as the minorities and gays don't get nothing.

Like this guy:

You certainly have some bizarre fantasies, as well as a reading comprehension problem. Leave off the porn and get some counseling. I'm straight, btw.. Who flaunts their sexual behavior in front of children? Nobody I know, whether straight or LGBT.

Apparently you've never see the "Drag Queen story telling" they do for children in public libraries here in America.

They teach kids about homosexuality at a very youthful age nowadays.

Yes, I have. Bunch of guys in heavy and outlandish costumes reading children's books aloud. I've not heard anything about sex or sexual orientation having been mentioned during story time.

That said, what would teaching "about" homosexuality, or heterosexuality, or the Great Wall of China consist of? Something that exists, exists.

A famous Chinaman once said "a picture is worth a thousand words".

The children seeing a sexual pervert in full regalia teaches the children about homosexuality than a whole lecture on butt sex delivered by a man in a suit and tie. The picture in their minds gives the the impression that the behavior of She-Males is somehow normative in a way just talking wouldn't.
Get the fuck over the moronic histrionics. There is nothing sexual about. Drag queens are not even homosexual necessarily

What is Drag Queen Story Hour?

Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) is just what it sounds like—drag queens reading stories to children in libraries, schools, and other community spaces. Most events are 45 minutes and designed for children ages 3-8, though this may vary by location or event. A drag queen generally reads 3-4 children’s books, sings children’s songs, and leads children in a craft activity such as making crowns, wands, or paper bag puppets, or sometimes other activities like face painting or dress-up time. Through a fun and fabulous literary experience, DQSH celebrates learning and play, encouraging kids to celebrate gender diversity and all kinds of difference, while building confidence in expressing themselves. Some cities also offer other kinds of DQSH programming for kids and teens of all ages.

What is a drag queen?

Drag is an artistic way of expressing yourself and showing the world who you are or who you want to be. Drag queens often express their feminine sides or different aspects of their gender or personality through dressing up, performing, marching in parades, and volunteering in their communities. There are drag queens, drag kings, drag princes, and drag princesses—anyone can be any of the above, regardless of how they identify in everyday life! All that matters is that, when you dress up, you feel comfortable and creative.

Should I call the drag queen “he,” “she,” “they,” or something else?

You can ask! It’s always OK to ask someone what their pronouns are. Examples of pronouns are “she,” “he,” and “they.” Some people have different pronouns at different times, like when they are in drag and out of drag. Others have the same pronouns all the time.

Does DQSH promote an agenda?

Our agenda is simple: we believe that people of all ages should be free to express themselves however they want, free from the constraints of prescribed gender roles. In other words, there’s no such thing as “girl clothes” and “boy clothes,” or “girl toys” and “boy toys.” DQSH teaches children that there are many ways to express themselves and their gender, and they are all OK. Of course, drag is an art form that is rooted in diverse LGBTQ communities, and we support equality, justice, and respect for all people—for us, that’s just a given. Given that LGBTQ people are present in every community, we believe that children deserve to be exposed to these aspects of our shared history and culture, in age appropriate ways. Any insinuation that we have an agenda to indoctrinate children misunderstands LGBTQ experiences and is rooted in homophobia and transphobia.

To you everything is about sex. It appears that you have some serious problems

Why is DQSH necessary?
DQSH helps children develop empathy, learn about gender diversity and difference, and tap into their own creativity. DQSH can also be life-changing and ultimately life-saving for LGBTQ kids and teens, kids with LGBTQ parents or family members, and anyone who feels different because of their identity or interests or who may not otherwise see themselves reflected in the broader culture.

Now tell us what is here that you have a problem with and don't understand and we'll try to explain it at your grade level

Should children be exposed to issues like gender fluidity?

Most children naturally explore gender identity and norms through imaginative play. However, too often gender norms are socially enforced at all ages, from the colors or clothes we’re supposed to wear to the toys kids are allowed to play with to the kinds of jobs we’re trained for. DQSH teaches children to follow their passions and embrace gender diversity in themselves and others. This helps to curb bullying of LGBTQ kids and kids who may be perceived as different in all kinds of ways.

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I'm not the one who brought it fact, it was farthest from my mind except for when you started talking about it. I'm a little concerned.

Me too, stay away from my grand children.
No problems with that yet brainwashed functional moron. Psychiatrists and scientists no you are a brainwashed bigot. God will not be amused

Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love.

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom"

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom

Or perhaps you'd enjoy watching it?

Me too, stay away from my grand children.
No problems with that yet brainwashed functional moron. Psychiatrists and scientists no you are a brainwashed bigot. God will not be amused

Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love.

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom"

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom

Or perhaps you'd enjoy watching it?
"Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love."? That's the con-servative republican christian in you saying that, isn't it?

Sexual assaulters should all be arrested, convicted, and punished. Sad to say, many many many male sexual assaulters avoid being held responsible.....some are voted for elected office...........
It was not a public bathroom, with a bathroom in the ten-year-olds house for crying out loud. Of course it was covered in every propaganda outlet without telling that. By the way he got 30 to 45 years. He certainly is it is no typical transgender woman. Jesus LOL look at the damn picture. Not looking effeminate to me

Look at you justifying molestation....does anyone you love know of this?
No one is justifying molestation.....why is it that CRCs have this need to lie lie lie?
Me too, stay away from my grand children.
No problems with that yet brainwashed functional moron. Psychiatrists and scientists no you are a brainwashed bigot. God will not be amused

Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love.

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom"

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom

Or perhaps you'd enjoy watching it?

No problems with that yet brainwashed functional moron. Psychiatrists and scientists no you are a brainwashed bigot. God will not be amused

Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love.

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom"

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom

Or perhaps you'd enjoy watching it?
"Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love."? That's the con-servative republican christian in you saying that, isn't it?

Sexual assaulters should all be arrested, convicted, and punished. Sad to say, many many many male sexual assaulters avoid being held responsible.....some are voted for elected office...........
It was not a public bathroom, with a bathroom in the ten-year-olds house for crying out loud. Of course it was covered in every propaganda outlet without telling that. By the way he got 30 to 45 years. He certainly is it is no typical transgender woman. Jesus LOL look at the damn picture. Not looking effeminate to me

Look at you justifying molestation....does anyone you love know of this?
No one is justifying molestation.....why is it that CRCs have this need to lie lie lie?
Because fact fact fact does not match to their feelings feelings feelings
Me too, stay away from my grand children.
No problems with that yet brainwashed functional moron. Psychiatrists and scientists no you are a brainwashed bigot. God will not be amused

Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love.

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom"

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom

Or perhaps you'd enjoy watching it?

No problems with that yet brainwashed functional moron. Psychiatrists and scientists no you are a brainwashed bigot. God will not be amused

Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love.

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom"

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom

Or perhaps you'd enjoy watching it?
"Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love."? That's the con-servative republican christian in you saying that, isn't it?

Sexual assaulters should all be arrested, convicted, and punished. Sad to say, many many many male sexual assaulters avoid being held responsible.....some are voted for elected office...........
It was not a public bathroom, with a bathroom in the ten-year-olds house for crying out loud. Of course it was covered in every propaganda outlet without telling that. By the way he got 30 to 45 years. He certainly is it is no typical transgender woman. Jesus LOL look at the damn picture. Not looking effeminate to me

Look at you justifying molestation....does anyone you love know of this?
No one is justifying molestation.....why is it that CRCs have this need to lie lie lie?

Not all homosexuals are interested in paedophilia, I don't think anyone ever said that.

But some definitely are, and that's why so much pressure is put on modern kids today to start 'transitioning" into the LGBTQ community as soon as possible Did you even the film "Boys Beware" (1961)? An adult actively recruits a teenage boy, grooming him into gaydom, is the featured story.

I have no problem with a full grown man deciding to change their gender or orientation. If an adult has all the facts, and decides to take it in the caboose, that's his own affair.
No problems with that yet brainwashed functional moron. Psychiatrists and scientists no you are a brainwashed bigot. God will not be amused

Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love.

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom"

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom

Or perhaps you'd enjoy watching it?

Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love.

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom"

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom

Or perhaps you'd enjoy watching it?
"Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love."? That's the con-servative republican christian in you saying that, isn't it?

Sexual assaulters should all be arrested, convicted, and punished. Sad to say, many many many male sexual assaulters avoid being held responsible.....some are voted for elected office...........
It was not a public bathroom, with a bathroom in the ten-year-olds house for crying out loud. Of course it was covered in every propaganda outlet without telling that. By the way he got 30 to 45 years. He certainly is it is no typical transgender woman. Jesus LOL look at the damn picture. Not looking effeminate to me

Look at you justifying molestation....does anyone you love know of this?
No one is justifying molestation.....why is it that CRCs have this need to lie lie lie?
Because fact fact fact does not match to their feelings feelings feelings
No problems with that yet brainwashed functional moron. Psychiatrists and scientists no you are a brainwashed bigot. God will not be amused

Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love.

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom"

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom

Or perhaps you'd enjoy watching it?

Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love.

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom"

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom

Or perhaps you'd enjoy watching it?
"Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love."? That's the con-servative republican christian in you saying that, isn't it?

Sexual assaulters should all be arrested, convicted, and punished. Sad to say, many many many male sexual assaulters avoid being held responsible.....some are voted for elected office...........
It was not a public bathroom, with a bathroom in the ten-year-olds house for crying out loud. Of course it was covered in every propaganda outlet without telling that. By the way he got 30 to 45 years. He certainly is it is no typical transgender woman. Jesus LOL look at the damn picture. Not looking effeminate to me

Look at you justifying molestation....does anyone you love know of this?
No one is justifying molestation.....why is it that CRCs have this need to lie lie lie?

Not all homosexuals are interested in paedophilia, I don't think anyone ever said that.

But some definitely are, and that's why so much pressure is put on modern kids today to start 'transitioning" into the LGBTQ community as soon as possible Did you even the film "Boys Beware" (1961)? An adult actively recruits a teenage boy, grooming him into gaydom, is the featured story.

I have no problem with a full grown man deciding to change their gender or orientation. If an adult has all the facts, and decides to take it in the caboose, that's his own affair.
Is that what happened to you? Was it in prison?
You people fuck up our society and our government. You throw temper tantrums that nobody cares about. You “demand” to be heard when nobody cares if you’re gay or lesbian and nobody discriminates against you. You demand special treatment and clog school systems with your assumption of privilege. You have disgusting parades down our streets in front of children to flaunt your lifestyle and you all gathered for Hillary in NYC and cried like babies on election night so media would feel sorry for you. Go do your business in private. Nobody cares and quite frankly being gay or lesbian is rather boring now.

Knuckle Dragging Bigots You Are Not Special and You Do Not Need to Clutter Our Politics or Society

A sampling of recent stupidity uttered by you people
LGBTQ Archives - The New Civil Rights Movement
Me too, stay away from my grand children.
No problems with that yet brainwashed functional moron. Psychiatrists and scientists no you are a brainwashed bigot. God will not be amused

Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love.

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom"

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom

Or perhaps you'd enjoy watching it?

No problems with that yet brainwashed functional moron. Psychiatrists and scientists no you are a brainwashed bigot. God will not be amused

Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love.

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom"

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom

Or perhaps you'd enjoy watching it?
"Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love."? That's the con-servative republican christian in you saying that, isn't it?

Sexual assaulters should all be arrested, convicted, and punished. Sad to say, many many many male sexual assaulters avoid being held responsible.....some are voted for elected office...........
It was not a public bathroom, with a bathroom in the ten-year-olds house for crying out loud. Of course it was covered in every propaganda outlet without telling that. By the way he got 30 to 45 years. He certainly is it is no typical transgender woman. Jesus LOL look at the damn picture. Not looking effeminate to me

Look at you justifying molestation....does anyone you love know of this?
No one is justifying molestation.....why is it that CRCs have this need to lie lie lie?

Progressive is, deal with it.
No problems with that yet brainwashed functional moron. Psychiatrists and scientists no you are a brainwashed bigot. God will not be amused

Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love.

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom"

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom

Or perhaps you'd enjoy watching it?

Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love.

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom"

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom

Or perhaps you'd enjoy watching it?
"Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love."? That's the con-servative republican christian in you saying that, isn't it?

Sexual assaulters should all be arrested, convicted, and punished. Sad to say, many many many male sexual assaulters avoid being held responsible.....some are voted for elected office...........
It was not a public bathroom, with a bathroom in the ten-year-olds house for crying out loud. Of course it was covered in every propaganda outlet without telling that. By the way he got 30 to 45 years. He certainly is it is no typical transgender woman. Jesus LOL look at the damn picture. Not looking effeminate to me

Look at you justifying molestation....does anyone you love know of this?
No one is justifying molestation.....why is it that CRCs have this need to lie lie lie?

Progressive is, deal with it.
That is slander you jackass! Shut the fuck up!
You people fuck up our society and our government. You throw temper tantrums that nobody cares about. You “demand” to be heard when nobody cares if you’re gay or lesbian and nobody discriminates against you. You demand special treatment and clog school systems with your assumption of privilege. You have disgusting parades down our streets in front of children to flaunt your lifestyle and you all gathered for Hillary in NYC and cried like babies on election night so media would feel sorry for you. Go do your business in private. Nobody cares and quite frankly being gay or lesbian is rather boring now.

I've known people who've been fired for being gay.
I've known people who've been beaten up for being gay.

Yes, they are being discriminated against.

As opposed to you white straight males who let the Republicans screw you, so long as the minorities and gays don't get nothing.

1. If he or her were making it an issue of who or what they fuck at work then they deserved to get fired.

2. This doesn't happen to much anymore. After all, gay men are still men, and will fight like men. As for gay men and woman, God made people, Sam Colt made them equal. Let them shoot those who vex them.

3. No they aren't.

And the last part came off whiny and girly. They got plenty and the gay folk I know laugh because it's weak white hipsters wanting to be "woke" who skwak the loudest. Funny shit.
There is nothing sexual about. Drag queens are not even homosexual necessarily

Just when we think you can't get any more delusional, you go and show us we were wrong about that.

It certainly is not appropriate material to be exposing young children to.

Of course, I think it is rather obvious why you are so interested in exposing young children to this and other sexually-inappropriate filth.

In a sane society, your kind would either be put to death, or at least kept in prison, and under no circumstances ever allowed any access to children.

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