LGBT You Are Not Special and You Do Not Need to Clutter Our Politics or Society

No one is justifying molestation.....why is it that CRCs have this need to lie lie lie?

You and others are certainly, unabashedly defending and trying to justify sexual manipulation, exploitation, ane grooming of young children. This behavior, itself, constitutes sexual abuse, even if the line is not crossed into a more physical form of such abuse. And of course, this behavior serves no purpose other than to set these children up to be easier prey for those who would take the sexual abuse even further.

There is no rational nor honest way to deny the obvious fact that you are openly on the side of tho0se who would sexually abuse children.
Not all homosexuals are interested in paedophilia, I don't think anyone ever said that.

But some definitely are, and that's why so much pressure is put on modern kids today to start 'transitioning" into the LGBTQ community as soon as possible Did you even the film "Boys Beware" (1961)? An adult actively recruits a teenage boy, grooming him into gaydom, is the featured story.

It is well worth pointing out that boys are sexually abused almost as often as girls; but the overwhelming vast majority of those who sexually abuse children are men.

Homosexuals make up less than 4% of the population, yet men sexually abusing boys happens almost as often as men sexually abusing girls.

The numbers do not lie. True, not all homosexual men are pedophiles, but very obviously, if you have less than 4% of the population committing almost 50% of all instances of child sexual abuse, you have to know that there is something very wrong with that less than 4%,
Funny how no one mentions right-wing evangelicals grooming little girls for early sex in sham "marriages":

The Cult Next Door

This is way past reading a children's book to four-year-olds while in costume. It's pedophilia covered over by massive hypocrisy.

Pedophilia cannot be tied to one sexual orientation or another.
Funny how no one mentions right-wing evangelicals grooming little girls for early sex in sham "marriages":

The Cult Next Door

This is way past reading a children's book to four-year-olds while in costume. It's pedophilia covered over by massive hypocrisy.

Pedophilia cannot be tied to one sexual orientation or another.

As I pointed out a few posts ago, homosexuals make up less than 4% of the population, yet account for nearly half of child molesters.

There is no denying what this tells us about the connection between homosexuality and pedophilia.
Its over matey. You lost. Decency won.

That's where sane people can see clearly just how f•••ed up sick freaks such as yourself truly are.

You define “decency“ as taking the side of the most indecent, immoral, degenerate sexual perverts, especially when they go after innocent children. This is truly in the spirit of Orwell's infamous three slogans from 1984

War is peace!
Freedom is slavery!
Ignorance is strength!
Immoral sexual perversion is decency!
You are in a dwindling minority of extremist loons. You lost, decency won.
So you’re supporting the pedophile?
No problems with that yet brainwashed functional moron. Psychiatrists and scientists no you are a brainwashed bigot. God will not be amused

Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love.

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom"

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom

Or perhaps you'd enjoy watching it?

Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love.

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom"

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom

Or perhaps you'd enjoy watching it?
"Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love."? That's the con-servative republican christian in you saying that, isn't it?

Sexual assaulters should all be arrested, convicted, and punished. Sad to say, many many many male sexual assaulters avoid being held responsible.....some are voted for elected office...........
It was not a public bathroom, with a bathroom in the ten-year-olds house for crying out loud. Of course it was covered in every propaganda outlet without telling that. By the way he got 30 to 45 years. He certainly is it is no typical transgender woman. Jesus LOL look at the damn picture. Not looking effeminate to me

Look at you justifying molestation....does anyone you love know of this?
No one is justifying molestation.....why is it that CRCs have this need to lie lie lie?
Because fact fact fact does not match to their feelings feelings feelings
Sadly fact supports this crime.
Its over matey. You lost. Decency won.

That's where sane people can see clearly just how f•••ed up sick freaks such as yourself truly are.

You define “decency“ as taking the side of the most indecent, immoral, degenerate sexual perverts, especially when they go after innocent children. This is truly in the spirit of Orwell's infamous three slogans from 1984

War is peace!
Freedom is slavery!
Ignorance is strength!
Immoral sexual perversion is decency!
You are in a dwindling minority of extremist loons. You lost, decency won.
Gays are a dwindling minority. They don’t produce children. Thank God!
Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love.

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom"

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom

Or perhaps you'd enjoy watching it?

"Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love."? That's the con-servative republican christian in you saying that, isn't it?

Sexual assaulters should all be arrested, convicted, and punished. Sad to say, many many many male sexual assaulters avoid being held responsible.....some are voted for elected office...........
It was not a public bathroom, with a bathroom in the ten-year-olds house for crying out loud. Of course it was covered in every propaganda outlet without telling that. By the way he got 30 to 45 years. He certainly is it is no typical transgender woman. Jesus LOL look at the damn picture. Not looking effeminate to me

Look at you justifying molestation....does anyone you love know of this?
No one is justifying molestation.....why is it that CRCs have this need to lie lie lie?

Progressive is, deal with it.
That is slander you jackass! Shut the fuck up!

You are defending molestation, own it.
Its over matey. You lost. Decency won.

That's where sane people can see clearly just how f•••ed up sick freaks such as yourself truly are.

You define “decency“ as taking the side of the most indecent, immoral, degenerate sexual perverts, especially when they go after innocent children. This is truly in the spirit of Orwell's infamous three slogans from 1984

War is peace!
Freedom is slavery!
Ignorance is strength!
Immoral sexual perversion is decency!
You are in a dwindling minority of extremist loons. You lost, decency won.
Gays are a dwindling minority. They don’t produce children. Thank God!

Gays would be, if it was a problem tied up in genetics. But since they go into libraries and other locations to recruit, they have that problem resolved.
It was not a public bathroom, with a bathroom in the ten-year-olds house for crying out loud. Of course it was covered in every propaganda outlet without telling that. By the way he got 30 to 45 years. He certainly is it is no typical transgender woman. Jesus LOL look at the damn picture. Not looking effeminate to me

Look at you justifying molestation....does anyone you love know of this?
No one is justifying molestation.....why is it that CRCs have this need to lie lie lie?

Progressive is, deal with it.
That is slander you jackass! Shut the fuck up!

You are defending molestation, own it.
And you have reached pure irationality. Great job!
Its over matey. You lost. Decency won.

That's where sane people can see clearly just how f•••ed up sick freaks such as yourself truly are.

You define “decency“ as taking the side of the most indecent, immoral, degenerate sexual perverts, especially when they go after innocent children. This is truly in the spirit of Orwell's infamous three slogans from 1984

War is peace!
Freedom is slavery!
Ignorance is strength!
Immoral sexual perversion is decency!
You are in a dwindling minority of extremist loons. You lost, decency won.
Gays are a dwindling minority. They don’t produce children. Thank God!

Gays would be, if it was a problem tied up in genetics. But since they go into libraries and other locations to recruit, they have that problem resolved.
Let's see some evidence of any of that, you brainwashed functional moron. LOL
Its over matey. You lost. Decency won.

That's where sane people can see clearly just how f•••ed up sick freaks such as yourself truly are.

You define “decency“ as taking the side of the most indecent, immoral, degenerate sexual perverts, especially when they go after innocent children. This is truly in the spirit of Orwell's infamous three slogans from 1984

War is peace!
Freedom is slavery!
Ignorance is strength!
Immoral sexual perversion is decency!
You are in a dwindling minority of extremist loons. You lost, decency won.
Gays are a dwindling minority. They don’t produce children. Thank God!
And their children are no more gay than the children of straight people. Idiot bigot
Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love.

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom"

Transgender Wyoming woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom

Or perhaps you'd enjoy watching it?

"Too bad this little girl wasn't someone you love."? That's the con-servative republican christian in you saying that, isn't it?

Sexual assaulters should all be arrested, convicted, and punished. Sad to say, many many many male sexual assaulters avoid being held responsible.....some are voted for elected office...........
It was not a public bathroom, with a bathroom in the ten-year-olds house for crying out loud. Of course it was covered in every propaganda outlet without telling that. By the way he got 30 to 45 years. He certainly is it is no typical transgender woman. Jesus LOL look at the damn picture. Not looking effeminate to me

Look at you justifying molestation....does anyone you love know of this?
No one is justifying molestation.....why is it that CRCs have this need to lie lie lie?
Because fact fact fact does not match to their feelings feelings feelings
Sadly fact supports this crime.
Bologna. There has been no example of this happening in a public restroom. And this is lying propaganda, it was in a private home, her private home. Right-wing Insanity carries on.....
Its over matey. You lost. Decency won.

That's where sane people can see clearly just how f•••ed up sick freaks such as yourself truly are.

You define “decency“ as taking the side of the most indecent, immoral, degenerate sexual perverts, especially when they go after innocent children. This is truly in the spirit of Orwell's infamous three slogans from 1984

War is peace!
Freedom is slavery!
Ignorance is strength!
Immoral sexual perversion is decency!
You are in a dwindling minority of extremist loons. You lost, decency won.
Gays are a dwindling minority. They don’t produce children. Thank God!

Gays would be, if it was a problem tied up in genetics. But since they go into libraries and other locations to recruit, they have that problem resolved.
Let's see some evidence of any of that, you brainwashed functional moron. LOL

That was the whole story in the OP, franco. Homosexuals involved in flashing children during story time in the public library.

And there are other locations where homosexuals go to recruit. If you watch the warning film "Boys Beware", things haven't changed much in the last 58 years. Some paedophilic gays are still recruiting minors into the life.

Its over matey. You lost. Decency won.

That's where sane people can see clearly just how f•••ed up sick freaks such as yourself truly are.

You define “decency“ as taking the side of the most indecent, immoral, degenerate sexual perverts, especially when they go after innocent children. This is truly in the spirit of Orwell's infamous three slogans from 1984

War is peace!
Freedom is slavery!
Ignorance is strength!
Immoral sexual perversion is decency!
You are in a dwindling minority of extremist loons. You lost, decency won.
Gays are a dwindling minority. They don’t produce children. Thank God!
Yes they do you idiot. First of all they are not sterile . They can indeed bear and produce children and they do. Secondly, are you so fucking out of touch with reality that you don't know that most GAY PEOPLE are born to heterosexuals ? Holy shit! You didn't know that?? Wow! Just fucking WOW!
That's where sane people can see clearly just how f•••ed up sick freaks such as yourself truly are.

You define “decency“ as taking the side of the most indecent, immoral, degenerate sexual perverts, especially when they go after innocent children. This is truly in the spirit of Orwell's infamous three slogans from 1984

War is peace!
Freedom is slavery!
Ignorance is strength!
Immoral sexual perversion is decency!
You are in a dwindling minority of extremist loons. You lost, decency won.
Gays are a dwindling minority. They don’t produce children. Thank God!

Gays would be, if it was a problem tied up in genetics. But since they go into libraries and other locations to recruit, they have that problem resolved.
Let's see some evidence of any of that, you brainwashed functional moron. LOL

That was the whole story in the OP, franco. Homosexuals involved in flashing children during story time in the public library.

And there are other locations where homosexuals go to recruit. If you watch the warning film "Boys Beware", things haven't changed much in the last 58 years. Some paedophilic gays are still recruiting minors into the life.

The Refer Madness of Homophobia! You have some serious problems Dude!!
That's where sane people can see clearly just how f•••ed up sick freaks such as yourself truly are.

You define “decency“ as taking the side of the most indecent, immoral, degenerate sexual perverts, especially when they go after innocent children. This is truly in the spirit of Orwell's infamous three slogans from 1984

War is peace!
Freedom is slavery!
Ignorance is strength!
Immoral sexual perversion is decency!
You are in a dwindling minority of extremist loons. You lost, decency won.
Gays are a dwindling minority. They don’t produce children. Thank God!

Gays would be, if it was a problem tied up in genetics. But since they go into libraries and other locations to recruit, they have that problem resolved.
Let's see some evidence of any of that, you brainwashed functional moron. LOL

That was the whole story in the OP, franco. Homosexuals involved in flashing children during story time in the public library.

And there are other locations where homosexuals go to recruit. If you watch the warning film "Boys Beware", things haven't changed much in the last 58 years. Some paedophilic gays are still recruiting minors into the life.

I went back to page one and I don't see any such thing. Sounds like more bologna wherever it is. Have you realized all your arguments are garbage propaganda yet? Well I think it's gotten a lot better recently the me-too movement and just publicity about arresting the bastards. It's a lot easier for them to tell someone.
That's where sane people can see clearly just how f•••ed up sick freaks such as yourself truly are.

You define “decency“ as taking the side of the most indecent, immoral, degenerate sexual perverts, especially when they go after innocent children. This is truly in the spirit of Orwell's infamous three slogans from 1984

War is peace!
Freedom is slavery!
Ignorance is strength!
Immoral sexual perversion is decency!
You are in a dwindling minority of extremist loons. You lost, decency won.
Gays are a dwindling minority. They don’t produce children. Thank God!

Gays would be, if it was a problem tied up in genetics. But since they go into libraries and other locations to recruit, they have that problem resolved.
Let's see some evidence of any of that, you brainwashed functional moron. LOL

That was the whole story in the OP, franco. Homosexuals involved in flashing children during story time in the public library.

And there are other locations where homosexuals go to recruit. If you watch the warning film "Boys Beware", things haven't changed much in the last 58 years. Some paedophilic gays are still recruiting minors into the life.

Their tactics are much more OPEN and IN YOUR FACE to RECRUIT and INDOCTRINATE little children nowadays.

Disgusting, mentally ill, EVIL faggots. I'd kick the shit otta this HORNED FREAK if I found out it was reading to one of my kids...


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