LGBT You Are Not Special and You Do Not Need to Clutter Our Politics or Society

That's where sane people can see clearly just how f•••ed up sick freaks such as yourself truly are.

You define “decency“ as taking the side of the most indecent, immoral, degenerate sexual perverts, especially when they go after innocent children. This is truly in the spirit of Orwell's infamous three slogans from 1984

War is peace!
Freedom is slavery!
Ignorance is strength!
Immoral sexual perversion is decency!
You are in a dwindling minority of extremist loons. You lost, decency won.
Gays are a dwindling minority. They don’t produce children. Thank God!

Gays would be, if it was a problem tied up in genetics. But since they go into libraries and other locations to recruit, they have that problem resolved.
Got any examples?

Gays are not looking to recruit, they are looking for acceptance

You never saw the classic film, "Boys Beware"? Homosexuals do seek recruits, among people who are hitchhiking, in schools and libraries, in the nation's penal institutions.

I tried to search for information about Sid Davis, who made this film, along with "Girls Beware" in 1961. I can't find anything about where this guy got his information, just that he made these films, so I'm not sure that the word "classic" applies. Maybe "old," but "classic" means something entirely different.
You are in a dwindling minority of extremist loons. You lost, decency won.
Gays are a dwindling minority. They don’t produce children. Thank God!

Gays would be, if it was a problem tied up in genetics. But since they go into libraries and other locations to recruit, they have that problem resolved.
Got any examples?

Gays are not looking to recruit, they are looking for acceptance

You never saw the classic film, "Boys Beware"? Homosexuals do seek recruits, among people who are hitchhiking, in schools and libraries, in the nation's penal institutions.
Anti gay propaganda

Reefer Madness

Fortunately, when I arrived with just moments to spare before the showing of Reefer Madness at my university, somebody in the row in back passed me a joint to enrich my experience. Didn't some guy, crazed on marijuana, beat someone to death with a fireplace poker? Or is my memory faulty?
Gays are a dwindling minority. They don’t produce children. Thank God!

Gays would be, if it was a problem tied up in genetics. But since they go into libraries and other locations to recruit, they have that problem resolved.
Got any examples?

Gays are not looking to recruit, they are looking for acceptance

You never saw the classic film, "Boys Beware"? Homosexuals do seek recruits, among people who are hitchhiking, in schools and libraries, in the nation's penal institutions.

:lol: That’s a ridiculous (and OLD) propaganda film. Seriously, how fucking old are you? We know how gullible you obviously are, but how ancient?

It isn't a "propaganda" film at all, but instead a moral hygiene film to teach high school boys about the practice. I'm 63, but it was part of a very popular series of films advising young men of what to avoid, what to be aware of.

Too young to be so easily duped. Were you born with a low IQ or just the product of your environment?
The worst supremacist bigots in the US today are overwhelmingly homosexual.

Here are three at or near the top....

The worst supremacist bigots in the US today are overwhelmingly homosexual.

Here are three at or near the top....

Michelle and Barack Obama are heterosexual; married for quite a while with children. I don't know who the other guy is. Your post is just another example of how crazy the right wing is.
Michelle and Barack Obama are heterosexual;

LIE, and even left wing sites like HuffPo admit it....

Obama Was A Cocaine-Using Gay Hustler, Says Woman Who Claims To Have Been Hawaiian Classmate | HuffPost

"“He always portrayed himself as a foreign student,” Pope said. “Girls were never anything that he ever was interested in ... He would get with these older white gay men, and this is how we just pretty much had the impression that that’s how he was procuring his cocaine.”

She then notes, “In other words, he was having sex with these older white guys and that’s how he was getting this cocaine to be able to freebase.”

In May, “Coach” Dave Daubenmire implied Obama was “openly gay” or “better yet, openly bisexual” in a News With Views broadcast, nothing that the president’s “face seems to really light up when he begins to talk about the gay agenda.”

...alleged that the president had been actively involved in Chicago’s gay bar and bathhouse scene."

and with the murder of Don Young, the homo choir master of Obama's cocksucking church....

Obama and the MURDER of Don Young: Sylvia's Last Case? Getting Away with MURDER by Sylvia Doucette-Ladien, MD Kimball Ladien on Bolerium Books

What did Hall of Famer and 85 Chicago Bear great Dan Hampton have to say when he refused to attend the WH celebration with the Cocksucker in Chief and his DRAG QUEEN "First Lady?"

Chicago Bears legend snubs Obama

Quote from interview on TV

"I'll just say this. He (Obama) and his family are not what they appear to be"

The Obama’s Children’s Real Parents Found: Meet Sasha & Malia’s Obama’
As I pointed out a few posts ago, homosexuals make up less than 4% of the population, yet account for nearly half of child molesters.

There is no denying what this tells us about the connection between homosexuality and pedophilia.

I don't believe your statistics. There have been too many efforts to hide heterosexual pedophiles. The use of the terms "pedophile" and "child molester" seems to be limited largely to situations in which boys and even young men are groomed and molested by males. The sexual grooming of females is handled very differently, as the availability of "religion" to gloss over this provides a lot of cover for the sick guys who target girls and young women, and it is a cover for insidious sexual behavior toward non-adults that is not available in a same-sex contest. In Alabama, they even vote for heterosexual pedophiles for public office.

A particularly nasty case of adult men grooming and preying on young girls on an industrial scale happened in the UK a few years back. Bleeding heart lefties in positions of authority turned a blind eye and let it happen because they were scared of being called racist.

That was in the UK and received a lot of attention. But why defect from what is happening here in our own time and place? Are you trying to hide some folks from public scrutiny? Catholic priests who molested boys have had their religious cover stripped away and have been outed. How about those of all religions who groom and molest girls and those who use religion as a tool for keeping girls virgins to be sold for their flesh into sham "marriages" and molested? It's time for full exposure.

The rotherham scandal was barely covered at all. All of the white guilt afflicted idiots in the UK would much rather pretend it never happened or that it was blown out of proportion by the "far right" (don't have to do much to get painted as far right over there) who warned against this sort of thing happening.

I'm not catholic but it's obvious that the church has been infiltrated by homos and communists to destroy it from within. That's why they have a molestation problem, that's why they chose a globalist as pope and thats why they chose to commit blasphemy against their own religion by displaying Amazonian fertility idols in the Vatican gardens.

You are still stuck on rotherham, although you seem unfamiliar with the Catholic and Protestant shame of the Magdelene Laundries Magdalene asylum - Wikipedia that subjugated and enslaved girls and women for decades in Ireland and England.

Why are you shying away from the here and now in the U.S.? Aren't you interested in stopping sexual grooming of children?

Do some research. Thousands of women have had to flee from the misogynistic ways of Catholicism, fundamentalist Protestantism, Ultra-Orthodox Judaism, and Ultra-Orthodox Islam. Look up and misogynistic pedophiles like Bill Gothard (with whom people like Rick Perry and the Duggars associated) and Roy Moore, both expert groomers. Then there was Warren Jeffs. On and on. Unfortunately, it appears that grooming occurs in a lot of fundie outfits.

BTW: the "far right" only warns about people of certain racial/ethnic and religious backgrounds, not everyone.

LOL, you're going to need a bigger broad brush son. There are groups of people in all walks of life that do this crap, yes even mentally challenged progs like you. They should all be neutered for what they have done. Having said that though it in no way indicts all adherents of any groups.
the question for me is whether partisans on the right simply view orientation as a reason to dismiss a pol, like color.

It's not brought up like an issue of being "for" social security or less defense or less abortion restrictions.

But then, it's not the LGBT folks wanting special shit.
the question for me is whether partisans on the right simply view orientation as a reason to dismiss a pol


Just LIE, and if you win, STEAL....

You are in a dwindling minority of extremist loons. You lost, decency won.
Gays are a dwindling minority. They don’t produce children. Thank God!

Gays would be, if it was a problem tied up in genetics. But since they go into libraries and other locations to recruit, they have that problem resolved.
Got any examples?

Gays are not looking to recruit, they are looking for acceptance

You never saw the classic film, "Boys Beware"? Homosexuals do seek recruits, among people who are hitchhiking, in schools and libraries, in the nation's penal institutions.

I tried to search for information about Sid Davis, who made this film, along with "Girls Beware" in 1961. I can't find anything about where this guy got his information, just that he made these films, so I'm not sure that the word "classic" applies. Maybe "old," but "classic" means something entirely different.

You really need to watch this. It explains everything.
You are in a dwindling minority of extremist loons. You lost, decency won.
Gays are a dwindling minority. They don’t produce children. Thank God!

Gays would be, if it was a problem tied up in genetics. But since they go into libraries and other locations to recruit, they have that problem resolved.
Got any examples?

Gays are not looking to recruit, they are looking for acceptance

You never saw the classic film, "Boys Beware"? Homosexuals do seek recruits, among people who are hitchhiking, in schools and libraries, in the nation's penal institutions.

I tried to search for information about Sid Davis, who made this film, along with "Girls Beware" in 1961. I can't find anything about where this guy got his information, just that he made these films, so I'm not sure that the word "classic" applies. Maybe "old," but "classic" means something entirely different.

If you watch the film, they have an interview with a top police officer in the Inglewood PD in California. He got his information from law enforcement.
You are very concerned about sexuality. Tell us more of your views.

I am more concerned with

the SOLVENCY of the United States
the perception of the United States around the world
Who committed treason against the US
Who is a BIGOT

Trying to hide the disaster of the Obamas behind an anti-gay card toss is pretty lame, but it is all your side has right now....
tell me more about why you feel gay people don't make good presidents

Science first starts with DATA, not FUDGE, and that's your problem with Algore's FRAUD, that you don't understand the difference.

We, the American people, have had ONE GAY PRESIDENT, and he leads all others in


Data points = 1

Status of data point = the US suffered and lost wealth when it had a closeted COCKSUCKER as President

Conclusion = we don't need another
tell me more about why you feel gay people don't make good presidents

Science first starts with DATA, not FUDGE, and that's your problem with Algore's FRAUD, that you don't understand the difference.

We, the American people, have had ONE GAY PRESIDENT, and he leads all others in


Data points = 1

Status of data point = the US suffered and lost wealth when it had a closeted COCKSUCKER as President

Conclusion = we don't need another
So gays run up debts. Fascinating.

Why do you think there's a factual correlation?
So gays run up debts.

We've had one gay, and we are $9 trillion in debt because of it.

That's THE DATA.

Sorry if you and Algore don't like DATA and prefer FUDGE to DATA, like FUDGING whether or not Obama is a COCKSUCKER HIDING IN THE CLOSET.... likely with some FUDGE too....
O no. Please Darius tell me more about why you feel gay people don't make good presidents. Please.

Its about a lack of respect from his fellow presidents which is the real problem. They should be able to fit in when they have meetings with real men like Duda, Orban, Putin, Duterte, Netanyahu, et al.

Trump is able to fit in with these key allies. These folks don't really want hang out with gays at G20 or NATO or wherever.

Is there anyone not waiting impatiently for these homophobic geezers to die out? Anyone whose heart and soul haven't been completely eroded away by resentment and hate, that is.

Is there anyone not waiting impatiently for these homophobic geezers to die out? Anyone whose heart and soul haven't been completely eroded away by resentment and hate, that is.

I really don't think Heterosexuality will ever die out, OE.

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