LGBT You Are Not Special and You Do Not Need to Clutter Our Politics or Society

What I am talking about is giving CHILDREN "Gender affirming" hormone therapy that can permanently affect their physicality at early ages where their gender "preference" is 100% impossible to tell between real or desired/imagined. It is a barbaric practice
Who is doing that??
Really? Beginning at age 16, gender affirming hormone therapy is nearly now common in major hospitals in the United States, Europe and Australia.
Much earlier than that age, although hormone therapy is not YET used in 5 and 6 year olds, they employ a broad usage of therapies and sessions to "help them" deal with their condition.
All in a pretend world as if Gender dysphoria is common when it isn' ALL. They are treating children for a condition where it is highly unlikely they have,
EXACTLY like they did for nearly 20 years with ADHD. In some locales as many as 1 in 5 children were on a drug to treat ADHD or ADD. Barbaric. Absolutely insane.
That's funny, a few posts ago you said that "young children" were given those drugs. Now it is 16 year olds. Do you think much about what you post or know what you believe ? The fact is that older teens may well be given gender affirming hormone therapy but only after extensive evaluation and counselling as a best practice.

Here see if you can learn something
While patience, support and careful listening to the child are the best “medicine” for a child exploring gender, children who clearly describe a transgender identity may require more active care. Many transgender children experience gender dysphoria — defined by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health as “discomfort or distress that is caused by a discrepancy between a person’s gender identity and their sex assigned at birth,” including their physical sex characteristics and the associated gender role.14 Gender dysphoria ranges from manageable to debilitating, causing problems with school performance and social interactions. Symptoms can include anxiety, depression, self-harm and suicidality.15
Depending on the child’s age and signs of distress, “gender-affirmative” counseling or therapy can help manage gender dysphoria. However, in many cases, the remedy for dysphoria is gender transition: taking steps to affirm the gender that feels comfortable and authentic to the child. It is important to understand that, for children who have not reached puberty, gender transition involves no medical interventions at all: it consists of social changes like name, pronoun and gender expression.
While acceptance and affirmation at home can help a great deal, children do not grow up in a vacuum, so even children with supportive families may experience dysphoria. Nonetheless, families and doctors of transgender children often report that the gender transition process is transformative — even life-saving. Often, parents and clinicians describe remarkable improvements in the child’s psychological well-being.16
Yeah cause 16 is not young...
And I have nothing to learn from mumbo-jumbo pseudo scientist that contend there is no biological sex. That is a marker for me, as soon as they start saying sex is a state of mind, I am gone. The hilarious part is these same people go bananas because they say people refuse to look at the science of climate change, then themselves refuse to look at science and started inventing their own to match their desire to virtue signal.
What I am talking about is giving CHILDREN "Gender affirming" hormone therapy that can permanently affect their physicality at early ages where their gender "preference" is 100% impossible to tell between real or desired/imagined. It is a barbaric practice
Who is doing that??
Really? Beginning at age 16, gender affirming hormone therapy is nearly now common in major hospitals in the United States, Europe and Australia.
Much earlier than that age, although hormone therapy is not YET used in 5 and 6 year olds, they employ a broad usage of therapies and sessions to "help them" deal with their condition.
All in a pretend world as if Gender dysphoria is common when it isn' ALL. They are treating children for a condition where it is highly unlikely they have,
EXACTLY like they did for nearly 20 years with ADHD. In some locales as many as 1 in 5 children were on a drug to treat ADHD or ADD. Barbaric. Absolutely insane.
That's funny, a few posts ago you said that "young children" were given those drugs. Now it is 16 year olds. Do you think much about what you post or know what you believe ? The fact is that older teens may well be given gender affirming hormone therapy but only after extensive evaluation and counselling as a best practice.

Here see if you can learn something
While patience, support and careful listening to the child are the best “medicine” for a child exploring gender, children who clearly describe a transgender identity may require more active care. Many transgender children experience gender dysphoria — defined by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health as “discomfort or distress that is caused by a discrepancy between a person’s gender identity and their sex assigned at birth,” including their physical sex characteristics and the associated gender role.14 Gender dysphoria ranges from manageable to debilitating, causing problems with school performance and social interactions. Symptoms can include anxiety, depression, self-harm and suicidality.15
Depending on the child’s age and signs of distress, “gender-affirmative” counseling or therapy can help manage gender dysphoria. However, in many cases, the remedy for dysphoria is gender transition: taking steps to affirm the gender that feels comfortable and authentic to the child. It is important to understand that, for children who have not reached puberty, gender transition involves no medical interventions at all: it consists of social changes like name, pronoun and gender expression.
While acceptance and affirmation at home can help a great deal, children do not grow up in a vacuum, so even children with supportive families may experience dysphoria. Nonetheless, families and doctors of transgender children often report that the gender transition process is transformative — even life-saving. Often, parents and clinicians describe remarkable improvements in the child’s psychological well-being.16

What's funny is that if a black teenager breaks the law the left rallies around him and chides the rest of us for persecuting a "child". Another funny thing is that "experts" will recommend chemical treatments for "trans" kids at the onset of puberty, as young as 9 years old. Even more hilariously, the chemical treatments are proceeded by a lot of social engineering like mom dressing the boy in girls clothes and filling his head full of lies.
Clearly you another one who just talks senselessly out of their ass without having a clue as to what your talking about
And I have nothing to learn from mumbo-jumbo pseudo scientist that contend there is no biological sex. That is a marker for me, as soon as they start saying sex is a state of mind, I am gone
Except that is not what they're saying slick. Feel free to continue to wallow in ignorance. I'm not going to be your special ed. teacher
What I am talking about is giving CHILDREN "Gender affirming" hormone therapy that can permanently affect their physicality at early ages where their gender "preference" is 100% impossible to tell between real or desired/imagined. It is a barbaric practice
Who is doing that??
Really? Beginning at age 16, gender affirming hormone therapy is nearly now common in major hospitals in the United States, Europe and Australia.
Much earlier than that age, although hormone therapy is not YET used in 5 and 6 year olds, they employ a broad usage of therapies and sessions to "help them" deal with their condition.
All in a pretend world as if Gender dysphoria is common when it isn' ALL. They are treating children for a condition where it is highly unlikely they have,
EXACTLY like they did for nearly 20 years with ADHD. In some locales as many as 1 in 5 children were on a drug to treat ADHD or ADD. Barbaric. Absolutely insane.
That's funny, a few posts ago you said that "young children" were given those drugs. Now it is 16 year olds. Do you think much about what you post or know what you believe ? The fact is that older teens may well be given gender affirming hormone therapy but only after extensive evaluation and counselling as a best practice.

Here see if you can learn something
While patience, support and careful listening to the child are the best “medicine” for a child exploring gender, children who clearly describe a transgender identity may require more active care. Many transgender children experience gender dysphoria — defined by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health as “discomfort or distress that is caused by a discrepancy between a person’s gender identity and their sex assigned at birth,” including their physical sex characteristics and the associated gender role.14 Gender dysphoria ranges from manageable to debilitating, causing problems with school performance and social interactions. Symptoms can include anxiety, depression, self-harm and suicidality.15
Depending on the child’s age and signs of distress, “gender-affirmative” counseling or therapy can help manage gender dysphoria. However, in many cases, the remedy for dysphoria is gender transition: taking steps to affirm the gender that feels comfortable and authentic to the child. It is important to understand that, for children who have not reached puberty, gender transition involves no medical interventions at all: it consists of social changes like name, pronoun and gender expression.
While acceptance and affirmation at home can help a great deal, children do not grow up in a vacuum, so even children with supportive families may experience dysphoria. Nonetheless, families and doctors of transgender children often report that the gender transition process is transformative — even life-saving. Often, parents and clinicians describe remarkable improvements in the child’s psychological well-being.16

What's funny is that if a black teenager breaks the law the left rallies around him and chides the rest of us for persecuting a "child". Another funny thing is that "experts" will recommend chemical treatments for "trans" kids at the onset of puberty, as young as 9 years old. Even more hilariously, the chemical treatments are proceeded by a lot of social engineering like mom dressing the boy in girls clothes and filling his head full of lies.
Clearly you another one who just talks senselessly out of their ass without having a clue as to what your talking about

I know exactly what I'm talking about.
There is nothing there that indicates that either parent is anything but heterosexual cisgender you fool. Who is doing what to the children?

You should just shorten that for clarity, progpat.

"Heterosexual Cisgender" just means Normative.

But believe me, there is nothing normative about wanting your 7 year old boy to "transition".
There is nothing normative about being an ignorant bigot either

So in your view, someone is an "ignorant bigot" if they have a problem with dosing young boys with hormones and chopping their penises off, due to the word of some LGBTQ perv who says they need to "transition"?

I have to disagree.

I don't approve of that at all. At least when they were emasculating boys as Castrati, they were still men and were able to sing beautifully. This has absolutely Zero redeeming social value.
You people fuck up our society and our government. You throw temper tantrums that nobody cares about. You “demand” to be heard when nobody cares if you’re gay or lesbian and nobody discriminates against you. You demand special treatment and clog school systems with your assumption of privilege. You have disgusting parades down our streets in front of children to flaunt your lifestyle and you all gathered for Hillary in NYC and cried like babies on election night so media would feel sorry for you. Go do your business in private. Nobody cares and quite frankly being gay or lesbian is rather boring now.

Someone needs a blankie and a binkie........
You people fuck up our society and our government. You throw temper tantrums that nobody cares about. You “demand” to be heard when nobody cares if you’re gay or lesbian and nobody discriminates against you. You demand special treatment and clog school systems with your assumption of privilege. You have disgusting parades down our streets in front of children to flaunt your lifestyle and you all gathered for Hillary in NYC and cried like babies on election night so media would feel sorry for you. Go do your business in private. Nobody cares and quite frankly being gay or lesbian is rather boring now.

I've known people who've been fired for being gay.
I've known people who've been beaten up for being gay.

Yes, they are being discriminated against.

As opposed to you white straight males who let the Republicans screw you, so long as the minorities and gays don't get nothing.

If they were fired for being gay how did they get the job in the first place?
There is nothing there that indicates that either parent is anything but heterosexual cisgender you fool. Who is doing what to the children?

You should just shorten that for clarity, progpat.

"Heterosexual Cisgender" just means Normative.

But believe me, there is nothing normative about wanting your 7 year old boy to "transition".
There is nothing normative about being an ignorant bigot either

Yet here you are wanting to tell everyone how to live because you think you are superior.
There is nothing there that indicates that either parent is anything but heterosexual cisgender you fool. Who is doing what to the children?

You should just shorten that for clarity, progpat.

"Heterosexual Cisgender" just means Normative.

But believe me, there is nothing normative about wanting your 7 year old boy to "transition".
There is nothing normative about being an ignorant bigot either

I don't see anything bigoted or ignorant about men being men
Pontificating about what someone should be and then disparaging them for not conforming to your narrow view of what is normal is most certainly bigoted

^^^^^^ Ironical ain't it?
You people fuck up our society and our government. You throw temper tantrums that nobody cares about. You “demand” to be heard when nobody cares if you’re gay or lesbian and nobody discriminates against you. You demand special treatment and clog school systems with your assumption of privilege. You have disgusting parades down our streets in front of children to flaunt your lifestyle and you all gathered for Hillary in NYC and cried like babies on election night so media would feel sorry for you. Go do your business in private. Nobody cares and quite frankly being gay or lesbian is rather boring now.

Lol this post in itself is a tantrum. I honestly don’t think it matters how the LGBT acts. You’re going to whine about their existence either way. That’s what republicans do.
Nothing quite screams 'nobody cares' like starting a thread where you say 'nobody cares' a bunch of times. All evidence to contrary it appears.
Then LGBT can shut-up, stop marching, stop forcing acceptance of their lifestyles into society and taking a great nation and tearing down its moral fabric. Thus my grievance and I seek remedy by their silence in media, culture, and education. Nobody cares if your gay or lesbian. Your boring now. You were a fad that has gone away.
You people fuck up our society and our government. You throw temper tantrums that nobody cares about. You “demand” to be heard when nobody cares if you’re gay or lesbian and nobody discriminates against you. You demand special treatment and clog school systems with your assumption of privilege. You have disgusting parades down our streets in front of children to flaunt your lifestyle and you all gathered for Hillary in NYC and cried like babies on election night so media would feel sorry for you. Go do your business in private. Nobody cares and quite frankly being gay or lesbian is rather boring now.

I've known people who've been fired for being gay.
I've known people who've been beaten up for being gay.

Yes, they are being discriminated against.

As opposed to you white straight males who let the Republicans screw you, so long as the minorities and gays don't get nothing.
OH MY GOD! I’ve known people who have been fired for being conservative, attacked for wearing a MAGA hat, yes Trump supporters are discriminated against...but we’re tough.
Suuuuuure you have, honey. Suuuuuuure you have.
You people fuck up our society and our government. You throw temper tantrums that nobody cares about. You “demand” to be heard when nobody cares if you’re gay or lesbian and nobody discriminates against you. You demand special treatment and clog school systems with your assumption of privilege. You have disgusting parades down our streets in front of children to flaunt your lifestyle and you all gathered for Hillary in NYC and cried like babies on election night so media would feel sorry for you. Go do your business in private. Nobody cares and quite frankly being gay or lesbian is rather boring now.

Being a whiny bigot is rather boring now too

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Being a militant homo is Hella annoying

Oh really? Do tell.
There is nothing there that indicates that either parent is anything but heterosexual cisgender you fool. Who is doing what to the children?

You should just shorten that for clarity, progpat.

"Heterosexual Cisgender" just means Normative.

But believe me, there is nothing normative about wanting your 7 year old boy to "transition".
There is nothing normative about being an ignorant bigot either

So in your view, someone is an "ignorant bigot" if they have a problem with dosing young boys with hormones and chopping their penises off, due to the word of some LGBTQ perv who says they need to "transition"?

I have to disagree.

I don't approve of that at all. At least when they were emasculating boys as Castrati, they were still men and were able to sing beautifully. This has absolutely Zero redeeming social value.
No. You are an ignorant bigot if you believe that crap
Personally, I have no problem with Homos. However, I really disagree with their recruitment efforts. I don't know if people know it or not, but San Francisco used to be a Majority Normative community. Even in the 1960's, straights and hippies and hell's angels, largely heterosexual groups dominated. But gays have been very successful in their recruitment efforts to bring new people aboard their orientation. They've really never made an effort in Mahoning County, Ohio, or Mercer County PA, at least not yet. But I'd hate to see it.
Gotta remember that when you say blacks commit at 2x, that since they are only 1/7th of the population then the factor rate is actually 14X
From latest available stats:
Race/ethnicity/ancestry bias (Based on Table 1.)
In 2017, law enforcement agencies reported that 4,832 single-bias hate crime offenses were motivated by race/ethnicity/ancestry. Of these offenses:

  • 48.8 percent were motivated by anti-Black or African American bias.
  • 17.5 percent stemmed from anti-White bias.
48.8 / 17.5 = 2.79 times as many Blacks being victims of hate crime than Whites. When that figure drops to 1.00 you'll begin having standing to possibly complain about unfairness.
Personally, I have no problem with Homos. However, I really disagree with their recruitment efforts. I don't know if people know it or not, but San Francisco used to be a Majority Normative community. Even in the 1960's, straights and hippies and hell's angels, largely heterosexual groups dominated. But gays have been very successful in their recruitment efforts to bring new people aboard their orientation. They've really never made an effort in Mahoning County, Ohio, or Mercer County PA, at least not yet. But I'd hate to see it.
Gotta remember that when you say blacks commit at 2x, that since they are only 1/7th of the population then the factor rate is actually 14X
From latest available stats:
Race/ethnicity/ancestry bias (Based on Table 1.)
In 2017, law enforcement agencies reported that 4,832 single-bias hate crime offenses were motivated by race/ethnicity/ancestry. Of these offenses:

  • 48.8 percent were motivated by anti-Black or African American bias.
  • 17.5 percent stemmed from anti-White bias.
48.8 / 17.5 = 2.79 times as many Blacks being victims of hate crime than Whites. When that figure drops to 1.00 you'll begin having standing to possibly complain about unfairness.

If someone decides to shoot or otherwise assault me, I really could care less if the hate me or they love me. Its really a small consolation to ones survivors if the police tell them that their loved one died in an act of love.

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