Lib UCLA student throws tantrum after divestment vote fails

I know two things to be true.

1) Some overly emotional college girl lost her shit at a student counsel meeting.

2) The first five posters in this thread couldn't get into UCAL.

You spelled UCLA wrong. Guess that means you're out.

I guess people are so used to whining about "ACLU" liberals whining,
they get the letters confused.

What difference do "acronyms" make anyway when the point is to whine?
Just more whiners "whining" about other whiners. Wah wah wah.
Next on the agenda? Some beer to cry into to go with the whine?
It means University California Los Angeles. See? The first five posters are waaaaay ahead of you.

UCAL means any University in the California system, Willow. UCLA only being one of them. :D
Its not referred to as "UCAL", in California they call it the UC system and then you have the Cal State system. The Cal state system being the shittier of the two. UC is a great system, depending on which school though. UC Berkley and UCLA are the better ones.

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