Lib Union hypocrisy


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Labor leaders, who were among the strongest supporters of the citywide minimum wage increase approved last week by the Los Angeles City Council, are advocating last-minute changes to the law that could create an exemption for companies with unionized workforces. LA Times

why is it left want exemptions from laws they pass? Guess union workers dont deserve a "living" wage, and what type of union pays less than $15.....think I'd want a different union....but hey you get to pay dues ........
most labor unions are corrupt organizations which would be prosecuted if they didn't buy protection through political donations.

If labor is corrupt, what about all those other organizations that make sure their organizations are cared for, such as Chamber of Commerce, boards of education groups, AMA, Disabled Veterans of America, and on and on. Those thousands of organization are also interested in what laws are passed, and put pressure on government for favorable legislation. I wonder what organizations put up money to fight labor unions?
Gee unions wouldnt be concerned about union jobs disappearing cause employer cant pay the ransom would they
Unions, and the companies that employ their workers will want to be exempt because of the ladder effect. If the guy making $7.50 now starts making $15.00 the every other employees wage scale needs to shift as well in the progression of jobs. Eventually that means people like me.... making $37.06 will have to have our wages corrected as well.

Additionally, in many circumstances thus will require renegotiation of contracts in the middle of them rather than allowing them to run their course.
Poor excuse for robbing the poor

An individual making $7 50 now in a Union will likely already be making close to $12+ an hour in 5 years (when this would be in effect). Many may be making more than that, sooner, via progression and bidding opportunities.
Unions, and the companies that employ their workers will want to be exempt because of the ladder effect. If the guy making $7.50 now starts making $15.00 the every other employees wage scale needs to shift as well in the progression of jobs. Eventually that means people like me.... making $37.06 will have to have our wages corrected as well.

Additionally, in many circumstances thus will require renegotiation of contracts in the middle of them rather than allowing them to run their course.
So what's the problem, you will be making a lot more money.

Hey your idiot handlers supported it, tough shit if you lose your job over it
So what's the problem, you will be making a lot more money.

Hey your idiot handlers supported it, tough shit if you lose your job over it

The problem is that as a consumer of my employer's product/service; the cost for it will necessarily skyrocket.

My Union (UWUA) has not commented on the issue so far as I am aware.
So what's the problem, you will be making a lot more money.

Hey your idiot handlers supported it, tough shit if you lose your job over it

The problem is that as a consumer of my employer's product/service; the cost for it will necessarily skyrocket.

My Union (UWUA) has not commented on the issue so far as I am aware.
sorry for bring harsh in my other post.

But why didn't they figure it out? Its just like the Unions didn't figure out till 3 years latter their Cadillac health care plans were going to sky rocket to 48% in 2018 under obama care
But why didn't they figure it out? Its just like the Unions didn't figure out till 3 years latter their Cadillac health care plans were going to sky rocket to 48% in 2018 under obama care

I can't say for certain. My guess is that the companies have come back to the Unions and used the dreaded phrase..... "Total Compensation Package"; which us code for... "Wages go Up and Benefits go Down".
Labor leaders, who were among the strongest supporters of the citywide minimum wage increase approved last week by the Los Angeles City Council, are advocating last-minute changes to the law that could create an exemption for companies with unionized workforces. LA Times

why is it left want exemptions from laws they pass? Guess union workers dont deserve a "living" wage, and what type of union pays less than $15.....think I'd want a different union....but hey you get to pay dues ........
Your fallacy is that you believe and organization that is populated by millions to be of one motive and mind...
most labor unions are corrupt organizations which would be prosecuted if they didn't buy protection through political donations.
Sadly this is very true. If only unions focused on fair compensation and worker safety, as they did decades ago, employment conditions might be better in this country.

It is terrible what has happened to unions. One very disheartening aspect is their siding with amnesty and open borders, thus helping to damage the middle class and working poor.

It would seem unions have been co-opted by the oligarchy.

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