Liberal arguments for supporting gun ownership rights

There are 200 million guns in private hands in this country. Guns will never be illegal.

States and countries with the strictest gun laws have the fewest gun deaths. I would like to see stricter laws especially with respect to handguns.

It is funny though how in love the gun nuts are with their guns when statistics show that guns are a danger to their owners and their families.

statistics show what? and what constitutes 'are a danger'? is that anything like pose a danger? methinks the progressive nitwit takes his stats out of context and out of his ass.
I support the Virginia method of dealing with guns. Project Exile Don't punish or burden gun ownership. Instead punish bad behavior with a gun.

Project Exile

And its follow on program Virginia Exile:

Tech, crime and gun deaths are two different issues, but they have one thing in common.....tough sentencing prevents crime and tough gun laws prevent gun deaths.
There are 200 million guns in private hands in this country. Guns will never be illegal.

States and countries with the strictest gun laws have the fewest gun deaths. I would like to see stricter laws especially with respect to handguns.

It is funner though how in love the gun nuts are with their guns when statistics show that guns are a danger to their owners and their families.

Sort of depends on the law you are proposing. Making me put a gun lock on my gun? No freakin way. I don't have kids in my home. I want to be able to pull it out and fire it within seconds.

Give me some examples of strict gun laws. They probably all make sense. Republicans only see in black and white. They can only argue NO GUN LAWS vs TOO MANY GUN LAWS. They can't see in the middle of this argument.

Whatever you said, you are probably right. The one guy flew off the handle on me and I'm basically pro guns. So either you are for zero regulations of guns or fuck off in his eyes.

And he talks tough. I'd kick his ass so easily. :lol:

I just don't like gun manufacturers from making 1 million guns a year, every year, when they only sell 800 thousand a year legally. In other words, they know those guns are going to get into the wrong hands but they only care about profits.
yet your signature would make one assume you wouldn't since what you think liberals believe in is nonsense.

where was all the liberal opposition? why are you in bed with liberals?

using a Ronald Reagan quote usually leads one to look like a fool ala RR.

Here was the Lib opposition:

From the left, Project Exile was condemned by Families Against Mandatory Minimums [1], and opposed by several members of the Congressional Black Caucus on the grounds that in targeting its enforcement at inner city communities such as in Richmond and Atlanta, and the disproportionate effects the federal gun laws' "prohibited possessor" categories have on African-Americans, Project Exile was racist.

I don't get your point on the RR quotes.
statistics show what? and what constitutes 'are a danger'? is that anything like pose a danger? methinks the progressive nitwit takes his stats out of context and out of his ass.

This is where he posts something like...

...wait for it...

...over 1 million gun deaths since 1960.
statistics show what? and what constitutes 'are a danger'? is that anything like pose a danger? methinks the progressive nitwit takes his stats out of context and out of his ass.

I don't want your red neck ass going to a gun show and buying a gun without going through the same background checks and registration process that I had to go through when I went to a gun shop.

You want to trade guns like they are baseball cards. :cuckoo:
Tech, crime and gun deaths are two different issues, but they have one thing in common.....tough sentencing prevents crime and tough gun laws prevent gun deaths.

You can't prove that with facts. DC had one of the strictest NO GUNS ALLOWED laws in the country while being the perennial MURDER CAPITAL of the country. I can tell you they weren't strangling people to death here, they were shooting them. Somehow the gun laws didn't prevent criminals from having guns. Know why?

Cuz they are FUCKING criminals!!! They don't care they aren't supposed to have a gun.
No, solving crimes is not the gun manufacturers responsibility. It's the governments role/job.

You can think what you want, doesn't make it true. You know they manufacture more guns than are sold legally every year. And it isn't just stolen guns. If it were, then you would be able to show me proof. But the fact is, you know they manufacture and ship guns out in mass quantities and that is resulting in illegal guns getting into criminals hands.

I don't know why you are mad at me. I said I have a gun and think everyone who wants to carry should be able to, provided they don't have a criminal record and they are not crazy. That would increase gun sales too.

I'm just interested in stopping illegal guns from getting into criminals hands. Are you ok with them having these guns that they don't have to register?

Or do you think we shouldn't have to register our guns either. That would be pretty radical.

I'm a liberal who loves guns too, faggot.

I won't tell you what to do anymore, after I tell you to eat a dick. :lol:

I am not MAD at you. I don't even know you so keep your skirt on.

Eat a peach.

Most gang members are no threat to me. Illegal guns in the hands of criminals are a problem. Hand guns that are illegal are in the hands of good people I've known because they lived in states or counties or towns with stupid regulations and policies over who can own a gun and who can conceal.

Why not leave the rest of us alone and focus on the criminals? Why punish us all? It's another progressive nitwit argument that we should all be inconvenienced yet again because of a few criminals.
You can't prove that with facts. DC had one of the strictest NO GUNS ALLOWED laws in the country while being the perennial MURDER CAPITAL of the country. I can tell you they weren't strangling people to death here, they were shooting them. Somehow the gun laws didn't prevent criminals from having guns. Know why?

Cuz they are FUCKING criminals!!! They don't care they aren't supposed to have a gun.


D.C.'s murder rate has dropped to half what it was in the 1990's. The problem with D.C. is that guns were easy to get in Va. which is a short drive away. That D.C argument doesn't fly. State and country stats are much better proof....

Report Links State Gun Laws To Rates of Slayings, Trafficking -

Report Links State Gun Laws To Rates of Slayings, Trafficking

By Cheryl W. Thompson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, December 5, 2008

States with lax gun laws had higher rates of handgun killings, fatal shootings of police officers, and sales of weapons that were used in crimes in other states, according to a study underwritten by a group of more than 300 U.S. mayors.
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There are 200 million guns in private hands in this country. Guns will never be illegal.

States and countries with the strictest gun laws have the fewest gun deaths. I would like to see stricter laws especially with respect to handguns.

It is funny though how in love the gun nuts are with their guns when statistics show that guns are a danger to their owners and their families.
Why do you insist upon isolating "gun deaths" from the [other kinds of] deaths that defensive gun use so very often prevents? Why do you prefer [some other kind of] death to "gun death?"
Tech, crime and gun deaths are two different issues, but they have one thing in common.....tough sentencing prevents crime and tough gun laws prevent gun deaths.
Why do you insist upon isolating "gun deaths" from the [other kinds of] deaths that defensive gun use so very often prevents? Why do you prefer [some other kind of] death to "gun death?"
Sort of depends on the law you are proposing. Making me put a gun lock on my gun? No freakin way. I don't have kids in my home. I want to be able to pull it out and fire it within seconds.

Give me some examples of strict gun laws. They probably all make sense. Republicans only see in black and white. They can only argue NO GUN LAWS vs TOO MANY GUN LAWS. They can't see in the middle of this argument.

Whatever you said, you are probably right. The one guy flew off the handle on me and I'm basically pro guns. So either you are for zero regulations of guns or fuck off in his eyes.

And he talks tough. I'd kick his ass so easily. :lol:

I just don't like gun manufacturers from making 1 million guns a year, every year, when they only sell 800 thousand a year legally. In other words, they know those guns are going to get into the wrong hands but they only care about profits.

I think as long as you are willing to substitute in the word speech for the word gun and you are still satisfied with that regulation, it's probably ok. Otherwise, you may have a problem.

I think it is much better to burden the behavior of people that do things and possess guns while doing them that should have laws made against them.

Possess a gun and commit a crime - 5 years
Display a gun and commit a crime - 10 years
Fire a gun in commission of a crime - 15 years

That's on top of whatever the other crime was. Oh, while we're discussing it, Virginia has "Truth in Sentencing Laws," your state should too. In Virginia, if you get sentenced to 20 years, you will do 18 years and 6 months, minimum. It doesn't matter if you are a model prisoner and have a heart condition, 18 years, 6 months. Everyone does 85% of their sentence.

D.C.'s murder rate has dropped to half what it was in the 1990's. The problem with D.C. is that guns were easy to get in Va. which is a short drive away. That D.C argument doesn't fly. State and country stats are much better proof....

Report Links State Gun Laws To Rates of Slayings, Trafficking -

Report Links State Gun Laws To Rates of Slayings, Trafficking

By Cheryl W. Thompson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, December 5, 2008

States with lax gun laws had higher rates of handgun killings, fatal shootings of police officers, and sales of weapons that were used in crimes in other states, according to a study underwritten by a group of more than 300 U.S. mayors.
Why do you insist upon isolating "gun deaths" from the [other kinds of] deaths that defensive gun use so very often prevents? Why do you prefer [some other kind of] death to "gun death?"

So you can't defend your home with a rifle?
I think as long as you are willing to substitute in the word speech for the word gun and you are still satisfied with that regulation, it's probably ok. Otherwise, you may have a problem.

I think it is much better to burden the behavior of people that do things and possess guns while doing them that should have laws made against them.

Possess a gun and commit a crime - 5 years
Display a gun and commit a crime - 10 years
Fire a gun in commission of a crime - 15 years

That's on top of whatever the other crime was. Oh, while we're discussing it, Virginia has "Truth in Sentencing Laws," your state should too. In Virginia, if you get sentenced to 20 years, you will do 18 years and 6 months, minimum. It doesn't matter if you are a model prisoner and have a heart condition, 18 years, 6 months. Everyone does 85% of their sentence.

Tough sentencing is a good thing, but why not make it tougher for criminals to get guns in the first place. That's a lot cheaper than room and board for a criminal for 20 years.
bumper stickers are us

read my signature...


LOL.....I like'em. Though I don't put any on my car.

I'll live and die by what I write, not the quotes if find. Those are constant doses of information I think it's important for people to see. Kinda like tetracycline 3x a day....:lol:
Sort of depends on the law you are proposing. Making me put a gun lock on my gun? No freakin way. I don't have kids in my home. I want to be able to pull it out and fire it within seconds.

Give me some examples of strict gun laws. They probably all make sense. Republicans only see in black and white. They can only argue NO GUN LAWS vs TOO MANY GUN LAWS. They can't see in the middle of this argument.

debating or doing what passes for a debate with Christy will not get you any street cred. if you want sense you'd be better off talking to that dick you keep mentioning

Whatever you said, you are probably right. The one guy flew off the handle on me and I'm basically pro guns. So either you are for zero regulations of guns or fuck off in his eyes.

And he talks tough. I'd kick his ass so easily. :lol:

oh papa bear. calm down mary.

so you're delusional too? nobody flew off the handle at you dufus. I am a liberal and definitely not a Republican.

I just don't like gun manufacturers from making 1 million guns a year, every year, when they only sell 800 thousand a year legally. In other words, they know those guns are going to get into the wrong hands but they only care about profits.

jesus, give it a rest.

some people purposefully buy booze in order to get into trouble when drunk. what should we do to the booze makers?

some people buy other products that will be used in unlawful manners. and mayhem or death results. what you gonna do about that...get all mad and pissy at everyone?
Tough sentencing is a good thing, but why not make it tougher for criminals to get guns in the first place. That's a lot cheaper than room and board for a criminal for 20 years.

I don't think it's cheap to burden someone's rights. You wouldn't either if we were talking about a different right.
I don't think it's cheap to burden someone's rights. You wouldn't either if we were talking about a different right.

No one's "rights" are burdened by keeping guns out of the hands of criminals. I don't think the people of Hawaii or Mass. feel "burdened" by tougher gun laws.

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