Liberal arguments for supporting gun ownership rights

No one's "rights" are burdened by keeping guns out of the hands of criminals. I don't think the people of Hawaii or Mass. feel "burdened" by tougher gun laws.

I'm in favor of an instant background check. I would be also be in favor of closing the "gun show loophole" by mandating instant background checks there too.

That should be enough for you. Right?
I don't want your red neck ass going to a gun show and buying a gun without going through the same background checks and registration process that I had to go through when I went to a gun shop.

You want to trade guns like they are baseball cards. :cuckoo:

you're a fukin' idiot if you think I am a red neck or that I think like any of your tired old stereotypes.

get a grip mary. or is it papa bear? :lol:
so little liberal opposition. more like black opposition to me.

RR had a few choice things to say about libs, yet the biggest lib weapons group sided with the NRA.

Politics makes strange bedfellows. I think it's just a case of good policy. Sometimes good policies make sense to both sides.
I'm in favor of an instant background check. I would be also be in favor of closing the "gun show loophole" by mandating instant background checks there too.

That should be enough for you. Right?

Actually that's pretty close.

So you can't defend your home with a rifle?

Why do you insist upon isolating "gun deaths" from the [other kinds of] deaths that defensive gun use so very often prevents? Why do you prefer [some other kind of] death to "gun death?"
many people I know in Mass feel burdened by the laws. But the legislature and the legislative process in Mass is a tough nut to crack.
No one's "rights" are burdened by keeping guns out of the hands of criminals. I don't think the people of Hawaii or Mass. feel "burdened" by tougher gun laws.

like I said, many good people own illegal hand guns thanks to stupid laws. many more people who normally wouldn't qualify under the strict standards have friends who helped them sneak through.

you are speaking out of your ass again

Why do you insist upon isolating "gun deaths" from the [other kinds of] deaths that defensive gun use so very often prevents? Why do you prefer [some other kind of] death to "gun death?"


What does that mean?

What does that mean?
Retarded or what?
Main Entry:
transitive verb
Inflected Form(s):
pre·ferred; pre·fer·ring
Middle English preferren, from Anglo-French preferrer, from Latin praeferre to put before, prefer, from prae- + ferre to carry — more at bear
14th century
1: to promote or advance to a rank or position
2: to like better or best
<prefers sports to reading> <prefers to watch TV>
3: to give (a creditor) priority
4archaic : to put or set forward or before someone : recommend
5: to bring or lay against someone <won't prefer charges>
6: to bring forward or lay before one for consideration
&#8212; pre·fer·rer noun​
Your lesson in basic English is over.

Why do you insist upon isolating "gun deaths" from the [other kinds of] deaths that defensive gun use so very often prevents? Why do you prefer [some other kind of] death to "gun death?"
instant background checks you say?

i'm sure mine would come up something like this dude....


he ain't never done nuthing wrong, and neither have i....

so i gots me lots 'o guns, and ammo, lotta ammo too, and while we're on that subject my gun's bigger than yours , and i regularly jump outside when i hear cricket fart ready to blow it away yelling KILL...KILL....KILLLLL

happy now?
Retarded or what?
Main Entry:
transitive verb
Inflected Form(s):
pre·ferred; pre·fer·ring
Middle English preferren, from Anglo-French preferrer, from Latin praeferre to put before, prefer, from prae- + ferre to carry — more at bear
14th century
1: to promote or advance to a rank or position
2: to like better or best
<prefers sports to reading> <prefers to watch TV>
3: to give (a creditor) priority
4archaic : to put or set forward or before someone : recommend
5: to bring or lay against someone <won't prefer charges>
6: to bring forward or lay before one for consideration
— pre·fer·rer noun​
Your lesson in basic English is over.

Why do you insist upon isolating "gun deaths" from the [other kinds of] deaths that defensive gun use so very often prevents? Why do you prefer [some other kind of] death to "gun death?"

We disagree.

You think having a gun "prevents" other types of deaths. I don't.
Originally Posted by Chris View Post
So you can't defend your home with a rifle?

I would point you, again, to the post made by one of the folks here on this board about when she was nearly raped. She awoke to find the guy standing by her bed. Before she could do much of anything, he was lying on top of her. If she'd had a rifle that day instead of a .357 what would have happened?

Rifles are not good for home defense. Most have too much power for those short distances. I've said on here before that when my son was in Iraq and they had to kill Iraqis in a small space like a room, they often had to shoot them 10+ times because the bullets would pass right through them. You need a weapon that was designed for the battle space.
instant background checks you say?

i'm sure mine would come up something like this dude....


he ain't never done nuthing wrong, and neither have i....

so i gots me lots 'o guns, and ammo, lotta ammo too, and while we're on that subject my gun's bigger than yours , and i regularly jump outside when i hear cricket fart ready to blow it away yelling KILL...KILL....KILLLLL

happy now?

Virginia is working on that issue right now as a result of the VA Tech killings.

Hopefully, we'll figure out or create a good way to ensure that people with mental disorders etc. are prevented from getting a gun. I would support a by-pass mechanism so that an individual is actually looked at by a mental health professional and a report given with judicial review, so that someone who is not a legitimate threat doesn't get screened out by an automated system with no recourse.
We disagree.

You think having a gun "prevents" other types of deaths. I don't.
You are semantically correct, but I know what you're really driving at.

Your patently fatuous denial of reality is no argument.

Arguably, every time a gun is successfully used defensively, that use prevents a death--even when the gun isn't fired.

Why do you insist upon isolating "gun deaths" from the [other kinds of] deaths that defensive gun use so very often prevents? Why do you prefer [some other kind of] death to "gun death?"
I was telling a friend at work about this discussion and she told me the following story...

Her mother and father in law were hard core gun people. They always argued with my friend about gun control. One Christmas they gave their daughter a handgun, but when they gave it to her, her husband insisted that he wanted it, so they gave it to him instead. One year later, he used the gun to kill their daughter and himself.

They never argue with my friend about gun control anymore.

A friend at work told me a story about a friend of his that killed himself with a steak knife. My work friend never ate steak again.....
You are semantically correct, but I know what you're really driving at.

Your patently fatuous denial of reality is no argument.

Arguably, every time a gun is successfully used defensively, that use prevents a death--even when the gun isn't fired.

Why do you insist upon isolating "gun deaths" from the [other kinds of] deaths that defensive gun use so very often prevents? Why do you prefer [some other kind of] death to "gun death?"

Guns cause more deaths than they prevent. Why? Because guns used in defense are very rare in spite of the bogus stats from the gun lovers. More often it is a depressed teenager or an enraged spouse that uses a gun to kill.

It is a funny argument though.

"We need lots of guns because there are lots of guns."
Guns cause more deaths than they prevent. Why? Because guns used in defense are very rare in spite of the bogus stats from the gun lovers. More often it is a depressed teenager or an enraged spouse that uses a gun to kill.

It is a funny argument though.

"We need lots of guns because there are lots of guns."

I bet that if guns never existed the same would be true with knives (that's if we assume you're telling the truth). Since criminals will always get guns from the black market why then should we restrict the citizen?

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