Liberal Judge Rules In Favor Of Racism

If the mantra that the Left uses to excuse the slaughter and iniquities of their actions, such as:

"you can't make an omelet without breaking (a few) eggs"


"A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic."
Joseph Stalin

...or this by one of the lowest of our scummy posters...
When I pointed out that your antecedents, the communists, slaughtered 100 million men, women and sneered at the deaths this way:

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society
FDR Admiration Society

....clearly no amount of death, or oppression is of any significance to the Left.

Power is their only principle.

Which explains the platform of the Democrat Party:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan well as anti-Asian admission policies.

You don't want smart Asians getting ahead of know.
Harvard has every right to try and diversify their student body. Asians do get into Harvard but all Asians do not. You are the wolf crying racism

Rejecting someone because they are the "wrong" race is racism, plain and simple. Not sure why this needs to be explained, particularly to the very people who keep screaming for a color blind society, yet continue to do everything in their power to stop us from achieving that.
Harvard can’t build a diverse student body if it wants to?
Then they and their graduates need to let go of calling themselves an elite school for the smartest among us to what they are. An SJW melting pot of mediocrity.
Shocker, huh?

Obama-appointed judge rules discrimination against one race just peachy keen.

1. "Judge Rules Harvard's Race-Conscious Admissions Policy Constitutional
The ruling came just shy of a year after the judge heard three weeks of trial testimony in Boston. Harvard’s admissions dean and other witnesses defended the university against a lawsuit alleging the school imposed a penalty on Asian-American applicants by holding them to a higher standard than applicants of other races.

The lawsuit, filed in 2014 by a nonprofit group called Students for Fair Admissions, accused the university of engaging in “racial balancing” and limiting the number of Asian-American applicants who are admitted. The group is led by conservative legal activist Edward Blum, who spearheaded a similar lawsuit against University of Texas-Austin that reached the Supreme Court. It also has a case pending against the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill."
Judge Rules Harvard's Race-Conscious Admissions Policy Constitutional

"Harvard University’s undergraduate admissions process doesn’t intentionally discriminate against Asian-American applicants, a federal judge ruled, ..."

2. "Admissions records at Harvard and other elite colleges over the past quarter-century reveal an uncannily similar treatment of Asian-Americans. Asians, of course, have often been termed the “New Jews” in reference to their focus on academic achievement. But as Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Golden observed in a chapter with that title in his 2006 book The Price of Admission: How America’s Ruling Class Buys Its Way into Elite Colleges—and Who Gets Left Outside the Gates, this status has also meant “inheriting the mantle of the most disenfranchised group in college admissions. The nonacademic admissions criteria established to exclude Jews, from alumni child status to leadership qualities, are now used to deny Asians.”

To put it another way: Asians need SAT scores 140 points higher than whites, 270 points higher than Hispanics, and an incredible 450 points higher than blacks (out of 1,600 points) to get into these schools. An Asian applicant with an SAT score of 1,500, that is, has the same chance of being accepted as a white student with a 1,360, a Latino with a 1,230, or an African-American with a 1,050. Among candidates in the highest (1,400–1,600) SAT range, 77 percent of blacks, 48 percent of Hispanics, 40 percent of whites, and only 30 percent of Asians are admitted."
Fewer Asians Need Apply

3. Just one more proof of Rule #2
Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

The only racists are on the Left, and vote Democrat.

Proof abounds.

Harvard has every right to try and diversify their student body. Asians do get into Harvard but all Asians do not. You are the wolf crying racism

The best way to get into Harvard, or any Ivy league school is to be the child of someone important. I believe all 4 of Al Gore's kids got in. You will have a 100% acceptance rate.

I went to one.

And my folks were simply hard working immigrants.

My sister went to one, too.

Two Ivys.

Congrats. You know the best thing about a middle class kid getting into Harvard? Your classes are filled with the kids of multi millionaire and elite politicians. The contacts you make are worth the price of admission. And, if you make the right friends, you are set for life. If you go to a state college or university, there are far fewer people there that could propel your career with a simple phone call.
If the mantra that the Left uses to excuse the slaughter and iniquities of their actions, such as:

"you can't make an omelet without breaking (a few) eggs"


"A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic."
Joseph Stalin

...or this by one of the lowest of our scummy posters...
When I pointed out that your antecedents, the communists, slaughtered 100 million men, women and sneered at the deaths this way:

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society
FDR Admiration Society

....clearly no amount of death, or oppression is of any significance to the Left.

Power is their only principle.

Which explains the platform of the Democrat Party:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan well as anti-Asian admission policies.

You don't want smart Asians getting ahead of know.

I'm gonna go with 'hard-working' rather than 'smart.'

Liberals taught other groups that working hard isn't important, ....and Libs would take care of 'em.

Shocker, huh?

Obama-appointed judge rules discrimination against one race just peachy keen.

1. "Judge Rules Harvard's Race-Conscious Admissions Policy Constitutional
The ruling came just shy of a year after the judge heard three weeks of trial testimony in Boston. Harvard’s admissions dean and other witnesses defended the university against a lawsuit alleging the school imposed a penalty on Asian-American applicants by holding them to a higher standard than applicants of other races.

The lawsuit, filed in 2014 by a nonprofit group called Students for Fair Admissions, accused the university of engaging in “racial balancing” and limiting the number of Asian-American applicants who are admitted. The group is led by conservative legal activist Edward Blum, who spearheaded a similar lawsuit against University of Texas-Austin that reached the Supreme Court. It also has a case pending against the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill."
Judge Rules Harvard's Race-Conscious Admissions Policy Constitutional

"Harvard University’s undergraduate admissions process doesn’t intentionally discriminate against Asian-American applicants, a federal judge ruled, ..."

2. "Admissions records at Harvard and other elite colleges over the past quarter-century reveal an uncannily similar treatment of Asian-Americans. Asians, of course, have often been termed the “New Jews” in reference to their focus on academic achievement. But as Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Golden observed in a chapter with that title in his 2006 book The Price of Admission: How America’s Ruling Class Buys Its Way into Elite Colleges—and Who Gets Left Outside the Gates, this status has also meant “inheriting the mantle of the most disenfranchised group in college admissions. The nonacademic admissions criteria established to exclude Jews, from alumni child status to leadership qualities, are now used to deny Asians.”

To put it another way: Asians need SAT scores 140 points higher than whites, 270 points higher than Hispanics, and an incredible 450 points higher than blacks (out of 1,600 points) to get into these schools. An Asian applicant with an SAT score of 1,500, that is, has the same chance of being accepted as a white student with a 1,360, a Latino with a 1,230, or an African-American with a 1,050. Among candidates in the highest (1,400–1,600) SAT range, 77 percent of blacks, 48 percent of Hispanics, 40 percent of whites, and only 30 percent of Asians are admitted."
Fewer Asians Need Apply

3. Just one more proof of Rule #2
Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

The only racists are on the Left, and vote Democrat.

Proof abounds.

Harvard has every right to try and diversify their student body. Asians do get into Harvard but all Asians do not. You are the wolf crying racism

The best way to get into Harvard, or any Ivy league school is to be the child of someone important. I believe all 4 of Al Gore's kids got in. You will have a 100% acceptance rate.

I went to one.

And my folks were simply hard working immigrants.

My sister went to one, too.

Two Ivys.

Congrats. You know the best thing about a middle class kid getting into Harvard? Your classes are filled with the kids of multi millionaire and elite politicians. The contacts you make are worth the price of admission. And, if you make the right friends, you are set for life. If you go to a state college or university, there are far fewer people there that could propel your career with a simple phone call. didn't hurt when I learned how to spin straw into gold.....
Shocker, huh?

Obama-appointed judge rules discrimination against one race just peachy keen.

1. "Judge Rules Harvard's Race-Conscious Admissions Policy Constitutional
The ruling came just shy of a year after the judge heard three weeks of trial testimony in Boston. Harvard’s admissions dean and other witnesses defended the university against a lawsuit alleging the school imposed a penalty on Asian-American applicants by holding them to a higher standard than applicants of other races.

The lawsuit, filed in 2014 by a nonprofit group called Students for Fair Admissions, accused the university of engaging in “racial balancing” and limiting the number of Asian-American applicants who are admitted. The group is led by conservative legal activist Edward Blum, who spearheaded a similar lawsuit against University of Texas-Austin that reached the Supreme Court. It also has a case pending against the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill."
Judge Rules Harvard's Race-Conscious Admissions Policy Constitutional

"Harvard University’s undergraduate admissions process doesn’t intentionally discriminate against Asian-American applicants, a federal judge ruled, ..."

2. "Admissions records at Harvard and other elite colleges over the past quarter-century reveal an uncannily similar treatment of Asian-Americans. Asians, of course, have often been termed the “New Jews” in reference to their focus on academic achievement. But as Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Golden observed in a chapter with that title in his 2006 book The Price of Admission: How America’s Ruling Class Buys Its Way into Elite Colleges—and Who Gets Left Outside the Gates, this status has also meant “inheriting the mantle of the most disenfranchised group in college admissions. The nonacademic admissions criteria established to exclude Jews, from alumni child status to leadership qualities, are now used to deny Asians.”

To put it another way: Asians need SAT scores 140 points higher than whites, 270 points higher than Hispanics, and an incredible 450 points higher than blacks (out of 1,600 points) to get into these schools. An Asian applicant with an SAT score of 1,500, that is, has the same chance of being accepted as a white student with a 1,360, a Latino with a 1,230, or an African-American with a 1,050. Among candidates in the highest (1,400–1,600) SAT range, 77 percent of blacks, 48 percent of Hispanics, 40 percent of whites, and only 30 percent of Asians are admitted."
Fewer Asians Need Apply

3. Just one more proof of Rule #2
Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

The only racists are on the Left, and vote Democrat.

Proof abounds.

Harvard has every right to try and diversify their student body. Asians do get into Harvard but all Asians do not. You are the wolf crying racism

The best way to get into Harvard, or any Ivy league school is to be the child of someone important. I believe all 4 of Al Gore's kids got in. You will have a 100% acceptance rate.

I went to one.

And my folks were simply hard working immigrants.

My sister went to one, too.

Two Ivys.

Congrats. You know the best thing about a middle class kid getting into Harvard? Your classes are filled with the kids of multi millionaire and elite politicians. The contacts you make are worth the price of admission. And, if you make the right friends, you are set for life. If you go to a state college or university, there are far fewer people there that could propel your career with a simple phone call.

This does seem to be the case.

I've heard you are not paying for an education (GWB graduated), you are paying for an Alumni Association.
Shocker, huh?

Obama-appointed judge rules discrimination against one race just peachy keen.

1. "Judge Rules Harvard's Race-Conscious Admissions Policy Constitutional
The ruling came just shy of a year after the judge heard three weeks of trial testimony in Boston. Harvard’s admissions dean and other witnesses defended the university against a lawsuit alleging the school imposed a penalty on Asian-American applicants by holding them to a higher standard than applicants of other races.

The lawsuit, filed in 2014 by a nonprofit group called Students for Fair Admissions, accused the university of engaging in “racial balancing” and limiting the number of Asian-American applicants who are admitted. The group is led by conservative legal activist Edward Blum, who spearheaded a similar lawsuit against University of Texas-Austin that reached the Supreme Court. It also has a case pending against the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill."
Judge Rules Harvard's Race-Conscious Admissions Policy Constitutional

"Harvard University’s undergraduate admissions process doesn’t intentionally discriminate against Asian-American applicants, a federal judge ruled, ..."

2. "Admissions records at Harvard and other elite colleges over the past quarter-century reveal an uncannily similar treatment of Asian-Americans. Asians, of course, have often been termed the “New Jews” in reference to their focus on academic achievement. But as Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Golden observed in a chapter with that title in his 2006 book The Price of Admission: How America’s Ruling Class Buys Its Way into Elite Colleges—and Who Gets Left Outside the Gates, this status has also meant “inheriting the mantle of the most disenfranchised group in college admissions. The nonacademic admissions criteria established to exclude Jews, from alumni child status to leadership qualities, are now used to deny Asians.”

To put it another way: Asians need SAT scores 140 points higher than whites, 270 points higher than Hispanics, and an incredible 450 points higher than blacks (out of 1,600 points) to get into these schools. An Asian applicant with an SAT score of 1,500, that is, has the same chance of being accepted as a white student with a 1,360, a Latino with a 1,230, or an African-American with a 1,050. Among candidates in the highest (1,400–1,600) SAT range, 77 percent of blacks, 48 percent of Hispanics, 40 percent of whites, and only 30 percent of Asians are admitted."
Fewer Asians Need Apply

3. Just one more proof of Rule #2
Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

The only racists are on the Left, and vote Democrat.

Proof abounds.

Harvard has every right to try and diversify their student body. Asians do get into Harvard but all Asians do not. You are the wolf crying racism

The best way to get into Harvard, or any Ivy league school is to be the child of someone important. I believe all 4 of Al Gore's kids got in. You will have a 100% acceptance rate.

I went to one.

And my folks were simply hard working immigrants.

My sister went to one, too.

Two Ivys.

Congrats. You know the best thing about a middle class kid getting into Harvard? Your classes are filled with the kids of multi millionaire and elite politicians. The contacts you make are worth the price of admission. And, if you make the right friends, you are set for life. If you go to a state college or university, there are far fewer people there that could propel your career with a simple phone call. didn't hurt when I learned how to spin straw into gold.....

I think a lesson many find hard to accept is that "Who you know" is a lot of times more important than how smart you are or how hard you work. It isn't fair, but then life isn't fair either. It is just how things work. That doesn't mean that hard work won't pay off. Only that is isn't required for success by some.
This thread is wrong.
Higher SAT scores do not necessarily mean someone is more qualified.
It is well known you can improve SAT scores, and I was given classes in how to do that, and almost doubled my score.
Asians typically almost always get these classes.
Blacks almost never get these classes.
So clearly to get the most qualified people you have to do with diversity, and select an appropriate percentage from each racial background.
That is NOT at all racism or discrimination.
That is because we know all races have almost exactly the same personal potential.
So if some race, like Blacks are about 10% of population, does not have the same percentage enrolled in the school, then enrollment of that race should be increased until it fairly represents that race in the student population.
Anything else would be racist.
Going by SAT scores alone is racist.
Shocker, huh?

Obama-appointed judge rules discrimination against one race just peachy keen.

1. "Judge Rules Harvard's Race-Conscious Admissions Policy Constitutional
The ruling came just shy of a year after the judge heard three weeks of trial testimony in Boston. Harvard’s admissions dean and other witnesses defended the university against a lawsuit alleging the school imposed a penalty on Asian-American applicants by holding them to a higher standard than applicants of other races.

The lawsuit, filed in 2014 by a nonprofit group called Students for Fair Admissions, accused the university of engaging in “racial balancing” and limiting the number of Asian-American applicants who are admitted. The group is led by conservative legal activist Edward Blum, who spearheaded a similar lawsuit against University of Texas-Austin that reached the Supreme Court. It also has a case pending against the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill."
Judge Rules Harvard's Race-Conscious Admissions Policy Constitutional

"Harvard University’s undergraduate admissions process doesn’t intentionally discriminate against Asian-American applicants, a federal judge ruled, ..."

2. "Admissions records at Harvard and other elite colleges over the past quarter-century reveal an uncannily similar treatment of Asian-Americans. Asians, of course, have often been termed the “New Jews” in reference to their focus on academic achievement. But as Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Golden observed in a chapter with that title in his 2006 book The Price of Admission: How America’s Ruling Class Buys Its Way into Elite Colleges—and Who Gets Left Outside the Gates, this status has also meant “inheriting the mantle of the most disenfranchised group in college admissions. The nonacademic admissions criteria established to exclude Jews, from alumni child status to leadership qualities, are now used to deny Asians.”

To put it another way: Asians need SAT scores 140 points higher than whites, 270 points higher than Hispanics, and an incredible 450 points higher than blacks (out of 1,600 points) to get into these schools. An Asian applicant with an SAT score of 1,500, that is, has the same chance of being accepted as a white student with a 1,360, a Latino with a 1,230, or an African-American with a 1,050. Among candidates in the highest (1,400–1,600) SAT range, 77 percent of blacks, 48 percent of Hispanics, 40 percent of whites, and only 30 percent of Asians are admitted."
Fewer Asians Need Apply

3. Just one more proof of Rule #2
Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

The only racists are on the Left, and vote Democrat.

Proof abounds.

Harvard has every right to try and diversify their student body. Asians do get into Harvard but all Asians do not. You are the wolf crying racism

The best way to get into Harvard, or any Ivy league school is to be the child of someone important. I believe all 4 of Al Gore's kids got in. You will have a 100% acceptance rate.

I went to one.

And my folks were simply hard working immigrants.

My sister went to one, too.

Two Ivys.

Congrats. You know the best thing about a middle class kid getting into Harvard? Your classes are filled with the kids of multi millionaire and elite politicians. The contacts you make are worth the price of admission. And, if you make the right friends, you are set for life. If you go to a state college or university, there are far fewer people there that could propel your career with a simple phone call.

This does seem to be the case.

I've heard you are not paying for an education (GWB graduated), you are paying for an Alumni Association.

You have to read this, Angelo Codevilla.....he says the same thing....

As Country Club Republicans Link Up With The Democratic Ruling Class, Millions Of Voters Are Orphaned
Shocker, huh?

Obama-appointed judge rules discrimination against one race just peachy keen.

1. "Judge Rules Harvard's Race-Conscious Admissions Policy Constitutional
The ruling came just shy of a year after the judge heard three weeks of trial testimony in Boston. Harvard’s admissions dean and other witnesses defended the university against a lawsuit alleging the school imposed a penalty on Asian-American applicants by holding them to a higher standard than applicants of other races.

The lawsuit, filed in 2014 by a nonprofit group called Students for Fair Admissions, accused the university of engaging in “racial balancing” and limiting the number of Asian-American applicants who are admitted. The group is led by conservative legal activist Edward Blum, who spearheaded a similar lawsuit against University of Texas-Austin that reached the Supreme Court. It also has a case pending against the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill."
Judge Rules Harvard's Race-Conscious Admissions Policy Constitutional

"Harvard University’s undergraduate admissions process doesn’t intentionally discriminate against Asian-American applicants, a federal judge ruled, ..."

2. "Admissions records at Harvard and other elite colleges over the past quarter-century reveal an uncannily similar treatment of Asian-Americans. Asians, of course, have often been termed the “New Jews” in reference to their focus on academic achievement. But as Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Golden observed in a chapter with that title in his 2006 book The Price of Admission: How America’s Ruling Class Buys Its Way into Elite Colleges—and Who Gets Left Outside the Gates, this status has also meant “inheriting the mantle of the most disenfranchised group in college admissions. The nonacademic admissions criteria established to exclude Jews, from alumni child status to leadership qualities, are now used to deny Asians.”

To put it another way: Asians need SAT scores 140 points higher than whites, 270 points higher than Hispanics, and an incredible 450 points higher than blacks (out of 1,600 points) to get into these schools. An Asian applicant with an SAT score of 1,500, that is, has the same chance of being accepted as a white student with a 1,360, a Latino with a 1,230, or an African-American with a 1,050. Among candidates in the highest (1,400–1,600) SAT range, 77 percent of blacks, 48 percent of Hispanics, 40 percent of whites, and only 30 percent of Asians are admitted."
Fewer Asians Need Apply

3. Just one more proof of Rule #2
Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

The only racists are on the Left, and vote Democrat.

Proof abounds.

Harvard has every right to try and diversify their student body. Asians do get into Harvard but all Asians do not. You are the wolf crying racism

The best way to get into Harvard, or any Ivy league school is to be the child of someone important. I believe all 4 of Al Gore's kids got in. You will have a 100% acceptance rate.

I went to one.

And my folks were simply hard working immigrants.

My sister went to one, too.

Two Ivys.

Congrats. You know the best thing about a middle class kid getting into Harvard? Your classes are filled with the kids of multi millionaire and elite politicians. The contacts you make are worth the price of admission. And, if you make the right friends, you are set for life. If you go to a state college or university, there are far fewer people there that could propel your career with a simple phone call.

This does seem to be the case.

I've heard you are not paying for an education (GWB graduated), you are paying for an Alumni Association.

Absolutely. In fact, very few private schools are worth the admission for that reason. You might get a good education, but unless the alumni association is filled with big time players, you are better off at a public university. If you can get into Ivy League, then the sacrifice is worth it. But, learning to network is a key. Walk out of there with an address book full of people that can help you.
Harvard has every right to try and diversify their student body. Asians do get into Harvard but all Asians do not. You are the wolf crying racism

The best way to get into Harvard, or any Ivy league school is to be the child of someone important. I believe all 4 of Al Gore's kids got in. You will have a 100% acceptance rate.

I went to one.

And my folks were simply hard working immigrants.

My sister went to one, too.

Two Ivys.

Congrats. You know the best thing about a middle class kid getting into Harvard? Your classes are filled with the kids of multi millionaire and elite politicians. The contacts you make are worth the price of admission. And, if you make the right friends, you are set for life. If you go to a state college or university, there are far fewer people there that could propel your career with a simple phone call. didn't hurt when I learned how to spin straw into gold.....

I think a lesson many find hard to accept is that "Who you know" is a lot of times more important than how smart you are or how hard you work. It isn't fair, but then life isn't fair either. It is just how things work. That doesn't mean that hard work won't pay off. Only that is isn't required for success by some.

Hunter Biden knows.
Shocker, huh?

Obama-appointed judge rules discrimination against one race just peachy keen.

1. "Judge Rules Harvard's Race-Conscious Admissions Policy Constitutional
The ruling came just shy of a year after the judge heard three weeks of trial testimony in Boston. Harvard’s admissions dean and other witnesses defended the university against a lawsuit alleging the school imposed a penalty on Asian-American applicants by holding them to a higher standard than applicants of other races.

The lawsuit, filed in 2014 by a nonprofit group called Students for Fair Admissions, accused the university of engaging in “racial balancing” and limiting the number of Asian-American applicants who are admitted. The group is led by conservative legal activist Edward Blum, who spearheaded a similar lawsuit against University of Texas-Austin that reached the Supreme Court. It also has a case pending against the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill."
Judge Rules Harvard's Race-Conscious Admissions Policy Constitutional

"Harvard University’s undergraduate admissions process doesn’t intentionally discriminate against Asian-American applicants, a federal judge ruled, ..."

2. "Admissions records at Harvard and other elite colleges over the past quarter-century reveal an uncannily similar treatment of Asian-Americans. Asians, of course, have often been termed the “New Jews” in reference to their focus on academic achievement. But as Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Golden observed in a chapter with that title in his 2006 book The Price of Admission: How America’s Ruling Class Buys Its Way into Elite Colleges—and Who Gets Left Outside the Gates, this status has also meant “inheriting the mantle of the most disenfranchised group in college admissions. The nonacademic admissions criteria established to exclude Jews, from alumni child status to leadership qualities, are now used to deny Asians.”

To put it another way: Asians need SAT scores 140 points higher than whites, 270 points higher than Hispanics, and an incredible 450 points higher than blacks (out of 1,600 points) to get into these schools. An Asian applicant with an SAT score of 1,500, that is, has the same chance of being accepted as a white student with a 1,360, a Latino with a 1,230, or an African-American with a 1,050. Among candidates in the highest (1,400–1,600) SAT range, 77 percent of blacks, 48 percent of Hispanics, 40 percent of whites, and only 30 percent of Asians are admitted."
Fewer Asians Need Apply

3. Just one more proof of Rule #2
Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

The only racists are on the Left, and vote Democrat.

Proof abounds.
What would you have done if you were judge?
Look at it this way.

Let's say you graduate from a non elite private college that costs $200,000 to attend. Some successful alumni, but most are middle class and so forth. All the students sitting next to you will be competing with you for same jobs post graduation.

Now, lets say you are graduating from Harvard as a middle class kid. The kids sitting next to you, in most cases, wouldn't dream of working at the same jobs as those graduating from the non elite schools. These are kids of millionaires. They are not working at a $25K entry level job. No way. Even being at the bottom level of this group is way better than the top level of the other.

If you are trying to get out of the middle class into the upper class, you need to find a way to get into those circles. The elite college is one of the easiest ways. If you can get in....
Shocker, huh?

Obama-appointed judge rules discrimination against one race just peachy keen.

1. "Judge Rules Harvard's Race-Conscious Admissions Policy Constitutional
The ruling came just shy of a year after the judge heard three weeks of trial testimony in Boston. Harvard’s admissions dean and other witnesses defended the university against a lawsuit alleging the school imposed a penalty on Asian-American applicants by holding them to a higher standard than applicants of other races.

The lawsuit, filed in 2014 by a nonprofit group called Students for Fair Admissions, accused the university of engaging in “racial balancing” and limiting the number of Asian-American applicants who are admitted. The group is led by conservative legal activist Edward Blum, who spearheaded a similar lawsuit against University of Texas-Austin that reached the Supreme Court. It also has a case pending against the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill."
Judge Rules Harvard's Race-Conscious Admissions Policy Constitutional

"Harvard University’s undergraduate admissions process doesn’t intentionally discriminate against Asian-American applicants, a federal judge ruled, ..."

2. "Admissions records at Harvard and other elite colleges over the past quarter-century reveal an uncannily similar treatment of Asian-Americans. Asians, of course, have often been termed the “New Jews” in reference to their focus on academic achievement. But as Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Golden observed in a chapter with that title in his 2006 book The Price of Admission: How America’s Ruling Class Buys Its Way into Elite Colleges—and Who Gets Left Outside the Gates, this status has also meant “inheriting the mantle of the most disenfranchised group in college admissions. The nonacademic admissions criteria established to exclude Jews, from alumni child status to leadership qualities, are now used to deny Asians.”

To put it another way: Asians need SAT scores 140 points higher than whites, 270 points higher than Hispanics, and an incredible 450 points higher than blacks (out of 1,600 points) to get into these schools. An Asian applicant with an SAT score of 1,500, that is, has the same chance of being accepted as a white student with a 1,360, a Latino with a 1,230, or an African-American with a 1,050. Among candidates in the highest (1,400–1,600) SAT range, 77 percent of blacks, 48 percent of Hispanics, 40 percent of whites, and only 30 percent of Asians are admitted."
Fewer Asians Need Apply

3. Just one more proof of Rule #2
Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

The only racists are on the Left, and vote Democrat.

Proof abounds.
What would you have done if you were judge?

I'm far too honest to be a Obama-appointee.

This seem legit to you????

"Asians need SAT scores 140 points higher than whites, 270 points higher than Hispanics, and an incredible 450 points higher than blacks (out of 1,600 points) to get into these schools. An Asian applicant with an SAT score of 1,500, that is, has the same chance of being accepted as a white student with a 1,360, a Latino with a 1,230, or an African-American with a 1,050. Among candidates in the highest (1,400–1,600) SAT range, 77 percent of blacks, 48 percent of Hispanics, 40 percent of whites, and only 30 percent of Asians are admitted."
Fewer Asians Need Apply

You like the idea that America is a classed society based on melanin????

Then you must be a Liberal.
It ain't me, it ain't me
I'm no millionaire's son
It ain't me, it ain't me
I ain't no fortunate one
Thomas Sowell used to write about underqualified Blacks failing at elite colleges as a result of attempts at "diversity." Blacks often would do fine at less competitive colleges but turn out as angry idiots like Michelle "Mike" Obama who graduated from Princeton after they invented fake studies like Afro Centrism, etc. to accommodate the fact that Micheal and other unqualified idiots would have dropped out otherwise.

Interesting that you mention Dr. Sowell......he pointed out, as well, how stupid Liberals are to demand equal number of each sort of individual in every endeavor.

"If there were a contest for the most stupid idea in politics, my choice would be the assumption that people would be evenly or randomly distributed in incomes, institutions, occupations or awards, in the absence of somebody doing somebody wrong."
Thomas Sowell - The Dumbest Idea

Think of the NFL....

How many hispanic quarterbacks we'd need (and 1 or 2 would need to be illegals).
Shocker, huh?

Obama-appointed judge rules discrimination against one race just peachy keen.

1. "Judge Rules Harvard's Race-Conscious Admissions Policy Constitutional
The ruling came just shy of a year after the judge heard three weeks of trial testimony in Boston. Harvard’s admissions dean and other witnesses defended the university against a lawsuit alleging the school imposed a penalty on Asian-American applicants by holding them to a higher standard than applicants of other races.

The lawsuit, filed in 2014 by a nonprofit group called Students for Fair Admissions, accused the university of engaging in “racial balancing” and limiting the number of Asian-American applicants who are admitted. The group is led by conservative legal activist Edward Blum, who spearheaded a similar lawsuit against University of Texas-Austin that reached the Supreme Court. It also has a case pending against the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill."
Judge Rules Harvard's Race-Conscious Admissions Policy Constitutional

"Harvard University’s undergraduate admissions process doesn’t intentionally discriminate against Asian-American applicants, a federal judge ruled, ..."

2. "Admissions records at Harvard and other elite colleges over the past quarter-century reveal an uncannily similar treatment of Asian-Americans. Asians, of course, have often been termed the “New Jews” in reference to their focus on academic achievement. But as Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Golden observed in a chapter with that title in his 2006 book The Price of Admission: How America’s Ruling Class Buys Its Way into Elite Colleges—and Who Gets Left Outside the Gates, this status has also meant “inheriting the mantle of the most disenfranchised group in college admissions. The nonacademic admissions criteria established to exclude Jews, from alumni child status to leadership qualities, are now used to deny Asians.”

To put it another way: Asians need SAT scores 140 points higher than whites, 270 points higher than Hispanics, and an incredible 450 points higher than blacks (out of 1,600 points) to get into these schools. An Asian applicant with an SAT score of 1,500, that is, has the same chance of being accepted as a white student with a 1,360, a Latino with a 1,230, or an African-American with a 1,050. Among candidates in the highest (1,400–1,600) SAT range, 77 percent of blacks, 48 percent of Hispanics, 40 percent of whites, and only 30 percent of Asians are admitted."
Fewer Asians Need Apply

3. Just one more proof of Rule #2
Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

The only racists are on the Left, and vote Democrat.

Proof abounds.
What would you have done if you were judge?

I'm far too honest to be a Obama-appointee.

This seem legit to you????

"Asians need SAT scores 140 points higher than whites, 270 points higher than Hispanics, and an incredible 450 points higher than blacks (out of 1,600 points) to get into these schools. An Asian applicant with an SAT score of 1,500, that is, has the same chance of being accepted as a white student with a 1,360, a Latino with a 1,230, or an African-American with a 1,050. Among candidates in the highest (1,400–1,600) SAT range, 77 percent of blacks, 48 percent of Hispanics, 40 percent of whites, and only 30 percent of Asians are admitted."
Fewer Asians Need Apply

You like the idea that America is a classed society based on melanin????

Then you must be a Liberal.
Oh, I’m just asking what you would do if you were the judge in this case?
Which explains the platform of the Democrat Party:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan well as anti-Asian admission policies.

. . . euthanasia, lawlessness, homofascism, sexualizatioin of children (encouraging gender dysphoria, sexual promiscuity, crossdressing), radicalization of children, gun confiscation, godlessness, anti-marriage, anti-family, anti-parental authority, political impeachment. . . .
Harvard has every right to try and diversify their student body. Asians do get into Harvard but all Asians do not. You are the wolf crying racism

Rejecting someone because they are the "wrong" race is racism, plain and simple. Not sure why this needs to be explained, particularly to the very people who keep screaming for a color blind society, yet continue to do everything in their power to stop us from achieving that.
Harvard can’t build a diverse student body if it wants to?
Then they and their graduates need to let go of calling themselves an elite school for the smartest among us to what they are. An SJW melting pot of mediocrity.
Harvard can be diverse and still be elite

There is more to life than GPA and SAT
Harvard has every right to try and diversify their student body. Asians do get into Harvard but all Asians do not. You are the wolf crying racism

Rejecting someone because they are the "wrong" race is racism, plain and simple. Not sure why this needs to be explained, particularly to the very people who keep screaming for a color blind society, yet continue to do everything in their power to stop us from achieving that.
Harvard can’t build a diverse student body if it wants to?
Then they and their graduates need to let go of calling themselves an elite school for the smartest among us to what they are. An SJW melting pot of mediocrity.
Harvard can be diverse and still be elite

There is more to life than GPA and SAT

And apparently, they can be racist and unfair.

Good job.

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