Liberal LOONS get owned again-CAUGHT making up stores about Russia having dirt on the Donald

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Never heard of 4chan. I asked Cereal_Killer, no response.
However I did once have a quadrophonic 8-track player. :D
4Chan is the home of some of the greatest shitposters and trolls in the history of the interwebz. They would send amateurs who inhabit the FZ here running to their mommies in tears.

It's no wonder to me that they could find some partisan sap gullible enough to run to their editors with this hoax.
This shit is better than going to the movies!!:party:

Even Wiki has come out and said it was all a fake story now.. LMAO Bwhahahahahahahahahaha

The golden shower story is real. Donald Trump likes golden showers. It shouldn't affect his ability to become president though, because none of the other disgusting things he did made a difference.

DEBUNKED TONIGHT moron.. but keep making an ass of yourself LMAO
News doesn't get debunked just because you said so. Donald Trump is into golden showers and he likes to be on the receiving end. You know it's true and so do I. Your best course of action at this point is to just say "So what? Who cares? He's Donald and I love him"

"Donald Trump is into golden showers and he likes to be on the receiving end. You know it's true and so do I."

How do you know it is? Where you there filming it for your private collection or something?
I saw the video on the dark web

You are a Dark Web type....hmmmm, figures :spinner:
No one has proven the Trump report to be fake or real. All of the links which LGS has posted to this point do not prove it is a fake. They are saying it SOUNDS fake.

And then there is one person on 4-Chan claiming to be Anonymous who is saying he created the Trump report. However, LGS has been badly burned by people claiming to be Anonymous before.

She never learns.

She's got a collage in her OP of teeny weeny little type that I certainly can't read. Seems to be assuming everybody knows what she's raving about, yet ---- you can't read it. And of course, no link. Then she starts hopping up and down yelling about "azzes" and "people who used to be mods" and "squatty pee" and an endless diarrhea of emoticons. Very very weird person. Probably belongs in a rubber room.
She fell for a 4chan hoax which claimed to be Anonymous saying they were going to release a video of Bill Clinton raping a 13 year old.

Now she believes another 4chan clown also claiming to be Anonymous, and this one is saying they made up the Trump report.

See the pattern here? :lol:

LGS clearly gets most of her information about the outside world from 4chan. This explains much.

Never heard of 4chan. I asked Cereal_Killer, no response.
However I did once have a quadrophonic 8-track player. :D
That's because you're a LOSER who gets his talking points from far left morons and don't have the common fucking sense to use different sources of information to include the opposite ideology to further educate you.. YOU'RE PATHETIC.

No, actually it's because I'm into sound.

As for whatever that OP that looks like a cat threw up is supposed to be -- it's way too tiny to read and you left no link.
You also are in serious need of Nurse Ratchet.

We all know there's such a thing as losing gracefully...WTF is going on with liberals?? LOL They were already fucked in the head but Geezus, this is ridiculous.. They've become a WORLD WIDE fucking joke.. LOL

They are not taking this loss with any grace at all. They see the hopes of their leftard communist utopia evaporating. Watching leftards "meltdown" after the election was one of pure joy. I don't know if Trump is legit because only time will tell......but the leftards were denied and now they will ride in the back of the bus because like Barrypuppet said??? "Elections have consequences".....
No one has proven the Trump report to be fake or real. All of the links which LGS has posted to this point do not prove it is a fake. They are saying it SOUNDS fake.

And then there is one person on 4-Chan claiming to be Anonymous who is saying he created the Trump report. However, LGS has been badly burned by people claiming to be Anonymous before.

She never learns.
Another fucking gullible drip.

It's all right here, dumbfuck.

FAKE NEWS: BuzzFeed and CNN fall for Trump Piss Story That was 4Chan Prank

Tomorrow should be a BIG news day.

No, but if that gets you through the night darling dreaming that it will be, well then.
No one has proven the Trump report to be fake or real. All of the links which LGS has posted to this point do not prove it is a fake. They are saying it SOUNDS fake.

And then there is one person on 4-Chan claiming to be Anonymous who is saying he created the Trump report. However, LGS has been badly burned by people claiming to be Anonymous before.

She never learns.

She's got a collage in her OP of teeny weeny little type that I certainly can't read. Seems to be assuming everybody knows what she's raving about, yet ---- you can't read it. And of course, no link. Then she starts hopping up and down yelling about "azzes" and "people who used to be mods" and "squatty pee" and an endless diarrhea of emoticons. Very very weird person. Probably belongs in a rubber room.
She fell for a 4chan hoax which claimed to be Anonymous saying they were going to release a video of Bill Clinton raping a 13 year old.

Now she believes another 4chan clown also claiming to be Anonymous, and this one is saying they made up the Trump report.

See the pattern here? :lol:

LGS clearly gets most of her information about the outside world from 4chan. This explains much.

Never heard of 4chan. I asked Cereal_Killer, no response.
However I did once have a quadrophonic 8-track player. :D
That's because you're a LOSER who gets his talking points from far left morons and don't have the common fucking sense to use different sources of information to include the opposite ideology to further educate you.. YOU'RE PATHETIC.

No, actually it's because I'm into sound.

As for whatever that OP that looks like a cat threw up is supposed to be -- it's way too tiny to read and you left no link.
You also are in serious need of Nurse Ratchet.

Wow... I'm being totally sincere here... that was painful to even read. Don't go away mad.. Just go away.
Well. It turns out you are right. The story is fake. But thanks to CNN and people like me, everyone believes it. Trump's legacy will now include water sports.

If you think anyone believes some Psychotic nutbag you need a medication adjustment Mr. Gacy.

Slinger, You are getting increasingly desperate, you are actually lying... Buzzfeed said these are allegations with some grammatical errors, but then they are Memos but they must be serious enough from the intel people to be given to Obama...

If anything happens to source like radiation poisoning then we know it is true...
ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now the lefties here are throwing in Radiation Poisoning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP!! This is like a B fucking rated movie with LIZARD brained midgets!!

Radiation Poisoning - Russian Assassins favourite method of murder.... They killed a man in London and made an attempted on the Ukrainian Presidents life using this method... You really are not following this...

By the way the more personal insults the more we are winning... You are just showing you can't discuss the topic...

Just what have you dopey dipshits won lately? You've lost over 1900 seats in federal and state houses, having the least power since 1929..* winkz and grinz* You and your Zombie Clan latched on to a fake story today about Peepee , got all hyped up on each other's spit wads and flamed the forum with with globs of semantic semen and all for what??? LMAO For what I ask you???
Trump is such a disgusting piece of shit that he doesn't even need fake news stories about him. I bet you can't wait to meet him so he can grab your pussy, you fucking Putin loving traitor to your country.
Leftards SAY???? "Those Russians cheated by telling the sheeple about how Hitlery and the DNC was cheating and this denied my party from running da gubermint!"

Now, that on it's premise would be hilarious enough if that was actually the case.....the fact is that demcrat insiders provided the e-mails to Assange and it's very likely (like at about 99.9%) that Seth Rich was one of those sources and he ended up being part of the Clinton body count.

John Podesta? That creepy POS and his leftard pals that are so chummy with queer pedo James Alefantis? That needs to be investigated. The rank and file of the FBI and the NYPD need to be given the "go ahead" to do their jobs so they can reveal what they have been holding onto and charge these murderous, child raping, killing creeps.

"Leftards SAY????"

Leftards say because they don't have the ability to think.
If you think anyone believes some Psychotic nutbag you need a medication adjustment Mr. Gacy.

Slinger, You are getting increasingly desperate, you are actually lying... Buzzfeed said these are allegations with some grammatical errors, but then they are Memos but they must be serious enough from the intel people to be given to Obama...

If anything happens to source like radiation poisoning then we know it is true...
ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now the lefties here are throwing in Radiation Poisoning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP!! This is like a B fucking rated movie with LIZARD brained midgets!!

Radiation Poisoning - Russian Assassins favourite method of murder.... They killed a man in London and made an attempted on the Ukrainian Presidents life using this method... You really are not following this...

By the way the more personal insults the more we are winning... You are just showing you can't discuss the topic...

Just what have you dopey dipshits won lately? You've lost over 1900 seats in federal and state houses, having the least power since 1929..* winkz and grinz* You and your Zombie Clan latched on to a fake story today about Peepee , got all hyped up on each other's spit wads and flamed the forum with with globs of semantic semen and all for what??? LMAO For what I ask you???
Trump is such a disgusting piece of shit that he doesn't even need fake news stories about him. I bet you can't wait to meet him so he can grab your pussy, you fucking Putin loving traitor to your country.

You're on iggy.. not because you present a challenge.. Hell, my dog has more common sense than you.. Because you're a sick FUCK. Bye .
This shit is better than going to the movies!!:party:

Even Wiki has come out and said it was all a fake story now.. LMAO Bwhahahahahahahahahaha

The golden shower story is real. Donald Trump likes golden showers. It shouldn't affect his ability to become president though, because none of the other disgusting things he did made a difference.
Golden shower? I hear Sadam had one in his main palace.
Slinger, You are getting increasingly desperate, you are actually lying... Buzzfeed said these are allegations with some grammatical errors, but then they are Memos but they must be serious enough from the intel people to be given to Obama...

If anything happens to source like radiation poisoning then we know it is true...
ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now the lefties here are throwing in Radiation Poisoning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP!! This is like a B fucking rated movie with LIZARD brained midgets!!

Radiation Poisoning - Russian Assassins favourite method of murder.... They killed a man in London and made an attempted on the Ukrainian Presidents life using this method... You really are not following this...

By the way the more personal insults the more we are winning... You are just showing you can't discuss the topic...

Just what have you dopey dipshits won lately? You've lost over 1900 seats in federal and state houses, having the least power since 1929..* winkz and grinz* You and your Zombie Clan latched on to a fake story today about Peepee , got all hyped up on each other's spit wads and flamed the forum with with globs of semantic semen and all for what??? LMAO For what I ask you???
Trump is such a disgusting piece of shit that he doesn't even need fake news stories about him. I bet you can't wait to meet him so he can grab your pussy, you fucking Putin loving traitor to your country.

You're on iggy.. not because you present a challenge.. Hell, my dog has more common sense than you.. Because you're a sick FUCK. Bye .

Irony meter calibration alert.
If you think anyone believes some Psychotic nutbag you need a medication adjustment Mr. Gacy.

Slinger, You are getting increasingly desperate, you are actually lying... Buzzfeed said these are allegations with some grammatical errors, but then they are Memos but they must be serious enough from the intel people to be given to Obama...

If anything happens to source like radiation poisoning then we know it is true...
ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now the lefties here are throwing in Radiation Poisoning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP!! This is like a B fucking rated movie with LIZARD brained midgets!!

Radiation Poisoning - Russian Assassins favourite method of murder.... They killed a man in London and made an attempted on the Ukrainian Presidents life using this method... You really are not following this...

By the way the more personal insults the more we are winning... You are just showing you can't discuss the topic...

Just what have you dopey dipshits won lately? You've lost over 1900 seats in federal and state houses, having the least power since 1929..* winkz and grinz* You and your Zombie Clan latched on to a fake story today about Peepee , got all hyped up on each other's spit wads and flamed the forum with with globs of semantic semen and all for what??? LMAO For what I ask you???
Trump is such a disgusting piece of shit that he doesn't even need fake news stories about him. I bet you can't wait to meet him so he can grab your pussy, you fucking Putin loving traitor to your country.

Peabody SEZ????? "Listen to me!!! That Trump is a traitor and so are you do you hear me do you???? Those Ruskies hacked my beloved demcrat party and they squealed about how my beloved demcrat party was plotting to steal the election! They revealed lying, corruption and conniving with my beloved lamestream media and THAT is cheating!!!!"

That (on the surface) would be funny, if true....but like Barrypuppet is famous for, he lied and it has been proven that he lied and all the bullshit about Russia hacking Podesta's e-mails or the DNC is total bullshit and a distraction to deflect attention away from the fact that the demcrat communist party and their credo of "The ends justifies the means" was exposed for all to see......

Sucks to be you about right now..........


@wikileaks this one is my favourite, how could anyone with a brain take this as anything but a joke

This was actually in the so called INTEL report.. ALL MADE UP by 4CHAN

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Hours Before Trump's Press Conference CNN And BuzzFeed Hit 'Fake News' Bottom


LOSERS LOSERS... Obama's Intel Community needs to be renamed, Big Fucking Morons

Hours Before Trump's Press Conference CNN And BuzzFeed Hit 'Fake News' Bottom

BUZZFEED said no such thing.... They said they couldn't verify it and commented on some spelling mistakes.


An official in the US administration who spoke to the Guardian described the source who wrote the intelligence report as consistently reliable, meticulous and well-informed, with a reputation for having extensive Russian contacts.

If this is true, you sure going to look pretty stupid....
Oh, The Guardian.
Now we can all sleep peacefully.

The Guardian is one of the most respected papers in Europe... Besides what you think this is taking shape to be very serious... If tere is a sniff of truth there is no patriot (GOP & Dem) who will not ask for an investigation...
This baby is is not a Red or Blue issue, it is a RED White and Blue issue...
They had Trump losing big time.

They still think Hillary won, they think on January 20th Hillary will be Inaugurated.

It's shocking how ineffective these days the drugs seem to be for those with hallucinations, psychosis and delusions. We might need to revert back to just strapping them in the Straitjacket and throwing them in the Rubber Room and letting them scream in Isolation.

Lakhota is already in there, here's some pictures of him.


Never heard of 4chan. I asked Cereal_Killer, no response.
However I did once have a quadrophonic 8-track player. :D
4Chan is the home of some of the greatest shitposters and trolls in the history of the interwebz. They would send amateurs who inhabit the FZ here running to their mommies in tears.

It's no wonder to me that they could find some partisan sap gullible enough to run to their editors with this hoax.

And they're ''liberals", these trolls? Is that what she's on about?

Whatever all this is about, it's gotta be YUUUGE fucking nooz since it seems to have knocked Meryl Streep the Human Oracle off the thread list.

Or at least one wackaloon thinks so....
Last edited:
Here's another RIDICULOUS excerpt from the so called INtel report:

LMFAO LIBERALS ARE THE BIGGEST MORONS in the world.. omg.. unreal
Hours Before Trump's Press Conference CNN And BuzzFeed Hit 'Fake News' Bottom


LOSERS LOSERS... Obama's Intel Community needs to be renamed, Big Fucking Morons

Hours Before Trump's Press Conference CNN And BuzzFeed Hit 'Fake News' Bottom

BUZZFEED said no such thing.... They said they couldn't verify it and commented on some spelling mistakes.


An official in the US administration who spoke to the Guardian described the source who wrote the intelligence report as consistently reliable, meticulous and well-informed, with a reputation for having extensive Russian contacts.

If this is true, you sure going to look pretty stupid....
Oh, The Guardian.
Now we can all sleep peacefully.

The Guardian is one of the most respected papers in Europe... Besides what you think this is taking shape to be very serious... If tere is a sniff of truth there is no patriot (GOP & Dem) who will not ask for an investigation...
This baby is is not a Red or Blue issue, it is a RED White and Blue issue...
They had Trump losing big time.

They still think Hillary won, they think on January 20th Hillary will be Inaugurated.

It's shocking how ineffective these days the drugs seem to be for those with hallucinations, psychosis and delusions. We might need to revert back to just strapping them in the Straitjacket and throwing them in the Rubber Room and letting them scream in Isolation.

Lakhota is already in there, here's some pictures of him.


Hours Before Trump's Press Conference CNN And BuzzFeed Hit 'Fake News' Bottom


LOSERS LOSERS... Obama's Intel Community needs to be renamed, Big Fucking Morons

Hours Before Trump's Press Conference CNN And BuzzFeed Hit 'Fake News' Bottom

BUZZFEED said no such thing.... They said they couldn't verify it and commented on some spelling mistakes.


An official in the US administration who spoke to the Guardian described the source who wrote the intelligence report as consistently reliable, meticulous and well-informed, with a reputation for having extensive Russian contacts.

If this is true, you sure going to look pretty stupid....
Oh, The Guardian.
Now we can all sleep peacefully.

The Guardian is one of the most respected papers in Europe... Besides what you think this is taking shape to be very serious... If tere is a sniff of truth there is no patriot (GOP & Dem) who will not ask for an investigation...
This baby is is not a Red or Blue issue, it is a RED White and Blue issue...
They had Trump losing big time.

They still think Hillary won, they think on January 20th Hillary will be Inaugurated.

It's shocking how ineffective these days the drugs seem to be for those with hallucinations, psychosis and delusions. We might need to revert back to just strapping them in the Straitjacket and throwing them in the Rubber Room and letting them scream in Isolation.

Lakhota is already in there, here's some pictures of him.



Hey, I already used the straightjacket imagery for the OP.

Like the bunny slippers though. Very Mike Pence.
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