Liberal media caught in another blatant lie: National Mall was FULL during Trump's inauguration

Here is the side by side shot that supposedly shows a much larger turnout for Obama than for Trump. But instead of focusing on the crowd size, look at the shadows on the Capitol building and the surrounding buildings. They clearly were not taken at the same time of day, maybe not even at the same time of year. Maybe not even the same events.

Aside from one being a sunny day while the other was overcast, the one of Trump's was taken while Trump was giving his speech; which would presumably be when that crowd was at its largest.

Oh well, better luck next time. :mm:
Wrong, stupid. The photo on the left shows the sun hitting the Capitol from the right side. Even on an overcast day, there would be a shadow on the photo on the right if it were taken at the same hour, day, and time of year. And since you can't see any faces, you can't say Trump is giving his inaugural speech. You have no idea when the photo was taken or at what event but don't let that get in the way of spewing your propaganda.
Aww, you poor, deranged, rightie. :lmao:

Of course I have an idea when the photo of Trump's inauguration was taken. It was taken while Trump was giving his speech. His face can be seen on the large monitors on the mall.

Um, no they can't, not in that picture (the one being used by the media for comparison).
Why is it so important to snowflakes to win the attendance versus Obama?

Obama has 1.5 million and was compelling because he was the FIRST POTUS IN HISTORY that wasn't 100% white. It was historical to have the first half white it was highly attended.

Obama likely defeated BILL CLINTON in the attendance smack....we should probably compare those photos as well.

Snowflakes are very defensive about the first half white POTUS in American history.

Obama campaigned for Hillary AND LOST.
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Why is it so important to snowflakes to win the attendance versus Obama?

Obama has 1.5 million and was compelling because he was the FIRST POTUS IN HISTORY that wasn't 100% white. It was historical to have the first half white it was highly attended.

Obama likely defeated BILL CLINTON in the attendance smack....we should probably compare those photos as well.

Snowflakes are very defensive about the first half white POTUS in American history.

Obama campaigned for Hillary AND LOST.
and his legacy will be flushed.
Why is it so important to snowflakes to win the attendance versus Obama?
So they can change the subject away from the media's deliberate lies about "Trump had a miniscule turnout at his inauguration"... when photos prove that the National Mall was FULL. A million or more people.
Why is it so important to snowflakes to win the attendance versus Obama?

Obama has 1.5 million and was compelling because he was the FIRST POTUS IN HISTORY that wasn't 100% white. It was historical to have the first half white it was highly attended.

Obama likely defeated BILL CLINTON in the attendance smack....we should probably compare those photos as well.

Snowflakes are very defensive about the first half white POTUS in American history.

Obama campaigned for Hillary AND LOST.
and his legacy will be flushed.

Not much of a legacy for the first half white POTUS.
What a silly game. Mine is bigger than yours. The facts of crowd size are irrefutable. Yet the Trump 'alternative facts' are consuming news cycles.

This pseudo controversy amounts to jingling keys before a baby, and the Trumpbots are eating it up with a spoon.

The only reason this is an issue is Donald Trump's fragile ego. His petulence and inability to face cold hard truths. Are these the noble qualities Trumpbots admire? Is this childish personality the paradigm for the new politic? God help us if it is. We desperately need a statesman. What we got is a game show host with a bad attitude. And we have a vocal minority championing this boorish little boy.
it's what he's good at. You're right though, the pissing match on size doesn't mean jack shit. yet here you are talking about it. defending it. wow. just admit the MSM wanted to screw up the photo's and call it a day.
That old boogeyman, the main stream media, just won't serve in every case, but especially not this one. Trump cited this controversy while making nice to the CIA. Then he sent out his press secretary to ignore all other questions and lie about the crowd size. Why? Because Trump's war on the free press makes him feel bigger, and makes us the loser.
Why is it so important to snowflakes to win the attendance versus Obama?
So they can change the subject away from the media's deliberate lies about "Trump had a miniscule turnout at his inauguration"... when photos prove that the National Mall was FULL. A million or more people.

Snowflakes are all optics with no content.
This photo issue is just so much buillshit. Just noise that dupes lefties every time.

How about the TV ratings? And when you add in those who watched online, it had to be the most watched inaugural of all time.
Trump inauguration draws nearly 31 million U.S. television viewers
What point are snowflakes failing to make by lying about the relative attendance of Obama's and Trump inauguration?

So fucking what? What is the specific point? Obama is more "POPULAR" than Trump? Again, so what?

GODDAMN, TRUMP really really really trolled the everloving SHIT out of these snowflakes and their fragile little minds.

Even if Obama had 6 billion people on the mall, and Trump had ZERO people show doesn't mean a thing.


There will be over 500,000 on the mall next weekend for the "MARCH FOR LIFE"....a PRO LIFE rally. I'm sure it will get the same coverage by the MSM as the WOMEN'S MARCH. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Exactly... so fucking what? Makes one wonder why Trump has pimp out alternative facts lies about it when it really doesn't matter.

If Obama had more people at the inauguration than Trump. Congrats to those with a dog in the ATTENDANCE fight.

NEW YORK TIMES lied, like they always do. Those photos were not both taken at the time the POTUS oath was taken.

Funny how pointing out LIES somehow means you were trolled.
How the fuck is that a lie when the NYT did not claim either photo was taken while either POTUS was being sworn in??

From the NYT article...

So where's the lie?

I swear, you righties are fucking nuts. :cuckoo: righties are are the angry assholes wearing pussy suits
What a silly game. Mine is bigger than yours. The facts of crowd size are irrefutable. Yet the Trump 'alternative facts' are consuming news cycles.

This pseudo controversy amounts to jingling keys before a baby, and the Trumpbots are eating it up with a spoon.

The only reason this is an issue is Donald Trump's fragile ego. His petulence and inability to face cold hard truths. Are these the noble qualities Trumpbots admire? Is this childish personality the paradigm for the new politic? God help us if it is. We desperately need a statesman. What we got is a game show host with a bad attitude. And we have a vocal minority championing this boorish little boy.
it's what he's good at. You're right though, the pissing match on size doesn't mean jack shit. yet here you are talking about it. defending it. wow. just admit the MSM wanted to screw up the photo's and call it a day.
That old boogeyman, the main stream media, just won't serve in every case, but especially not this one. Trump cited this controversy while making nice to the CIA. Then he sent out his press secretary to ignore all other questions and lie about the crowd size. Why? Because Trump's war on the free press makes him feel bigger, and makes us the loser.
again, you have to understand the end game here. It's obvious you're still in the land of stupid.
Why is it so important to snowflakes to win the attendance versus Obama?
So they can change the subject away from the media's deliberate lies about "Trump had a miniscule turnout at his inauguration"... when photos prove that the National Mall was FULL. A million or more people.

Snowflakes are all optics with no content.
This photo issue is just so much buillshit. Just noise that dupes lefties every time.

How about the TV ratings? And when you add in those who watched online, it had to be the most watched inaugural of all time.
Trump inauguration draws nearly 31 million U.S. television viewers
dude the left will never concede any loss. hell Trump is president and the whining protesters from hollywood were still at their scare tactics in DC on Saturday. Dude, I have to believe that the last time this kind of butt hurt existed was back when Lincoln won.
Picture taken almost an hour before the inauguration, that the NY Times claims is the inauguration:



Picture taken by CNN an hour later:



Clearly the mall was completely full when Trump was actually inaugurated.

It's a hoot to see the liberals desperately lying, pretending there are the same number of people in both shots.

And they're even doing it here, with both pictures in front of them (and everyone else), revealing their lie.

The liberals have nothing left but lies and pretension.
Here is the side by side shot that supposedly shows a much larger turnout for Obama than for Trump. But instead of focusing on the crowd size, look at the shadows on the Capitol building and the surrounding buildings. They clearly were not taken at the same time of day, maybe not even at the same time of year. Maybe not even the same events.

Aside from one being a sunny day while the other was overcast, the one of Trump's was taken while Trump was giving his speech; which would presumably be when that crowd was at its largest.

Oh well, better luck next time. :mm:
Wrong, stupid. The photo on the left shows the sun hitting the Capitol from the right side. Even on an overcast day, there would be a shadow on the photo on the right if it were taken at the same hour, day, and time of year. And since you can't see any faces, you can't say Trump is giving his inaugural speech. You have no idea when the photo was taken or at what event but don't let that get in the way of spewing your propaganda.

Yes, google changed all of the photos from Obama's inauguration just to fit your dopey narrative. :cuckoo:
I never claimed they did anything with the photos from Obama's inauguration, dumbshit.
Wrong, stupid. The photo on the left shows the sun hitting the Capitol from the right side. Even on an overcast day, there would be a shadow on the photo on the right if it were taken at the same hour, day, and time of year. And since you can't see any faces, you can't say Trump is giving his inaugural speech. You have no idea when the photo was taken or at what event but don't let that get in the way of spewing your propaganda.

I guess in some world somewhere you could say you weren't denying that was a picture of Obama's inauguration. I guess you didn't bother to google it or you would have seen that was indeed a photo of Obama's inauguration.

Basically you're just talking out of your ass.
Here is the side by side shot that supposedly shows a much larger turnout for Obama than for Trump. But instead of focusing on the crowd size, look at the shadows on the Capitol building and the surrounding buildings. They clearly were not taken at the same time of day, maybe not even at the same time of year. Maybe not even the same events.

Aside from one being a sunny day while the other was overcast, the one of Trump's was taken while Trump was giving his speech; which would presumably be when that crowd was at its largest.

Oh well, better luck next time. :mm:
Wrong, stupid. The photo on the left shows the sun hitting the Capitol from the right side. Even on an overcast day, there would be a shadow on the photo on the right if it were taken at the same hour, day, and time of year. And since you can't see any faces, you can't say Trump is giving his inaugural speech. You have no idea when the photo was taken or at what event but don't let that get in the way of spewing your propaganda.

Yes, google changed all of the photos from Obama's inauguration just to fit your dopey narrative. :cuckoo:
I never claimed they did anything with the photos from Obama's inauguration, dumbshit.
Wrong, stupid. The photo on the left shows the sun hitting the Capitol from the right side. Even on an overcast day, there would be a shadow on the photo on the right if it were taken at the same hour, day, and time of year. And since you can't see any faces, you can't say Trump is giving his inaugural speech. You have no idea when the photo was taken or at what event but don't let that get in the way of spewing your propaganda.

I guess in some world somewhere you could say you weren't denying that was a picture of Obama's inauguration. I guess you didn't bother to google it or you would have seen that was indeed a photo of Obama's inauguration.

Basically you're just talking out of your ass.
The OP is still spot on and you're still trying to whip up a pissing match eh?
Aside from one being a sunny day while the other was overcast, the one of Trump's was taken while Trump was giving his speech; which would presumably be when that crowd was at its largest.

Oh well, better luck next time. :mm:
Wrong, stupid. The photo on the left shows the sun hitting the Capitol from the right side. Even on an overcast day, there would be a shadow on the photo on the right if it were taken at the same hour, day, and time of year. And since you can't see any faces, you can't say Trump is giving his inaugural speech. You have no idea when the photo was taken or at what event but don't let that get in the way of spewing your propaganda.

Yes, google changed all of the photos from Obama's inauguration just to fit your dopey narrative. :cuckoo:
I never claimed they did anything with the photos from Obama's inauguration, dumbshit.
Wrong, stupid. The photo on the left shows the sun hitting the Capitol from the right side. Even on an overcast day, there would be a shadow on the photo on the right if it were taken at the same hour, day, and time of year. And since you can't see any faces, you can't say Trump is giving his inaugural speech. You have no idea when the photo was taken or at what event but don't let that get in the way of spewing your propaganda.

I guess in some world somewhere you could say you weren't denying that was a picture of Obama's inauguration. I guess you didn't bother to google it or you would have seen that was indeed a photo of Obama's inauguration.

Basically you're just talking out of your ass.
The OP is still spot on and you're still trying to whip up a pissing match eh?

Still a dope.
Wrong, stupid. The photo on the left shows the sun hitting the Capitol from the right side. Even on an overcast day, there would be a shadow on the photo on the right if it were taken at the same hour, day, and time of year. And since you can't see any faces, you can't say Trump is giving his inaugural speech. You have no idea when the photo was taken or at what event but don't let that get in the way of spewing your propaganda.

Yes, google changed all of the photos from Obama's inauguration just to fit your dopey narrative. :cuckoo:
I never claimed they did anything with the photos from Obama's inauguration, dumbshit.
Wrong, stupid. The photo on the left shows the sun hitting the Capitol from the right side. Even on an overcast day, there would be a shadow on the photo on the right if it were taken at the same hour, day, and time of year. And since you can't see any faces, you can't say Trump is giving his inaugural speech. You have no idea when the photo was taken or at what event but don't let that get in the way of spewing your propaganda.

I guess in some world somewhere you could say you weren't denying that was a picture of Obama's inauguration. I guess you didn't bother to google it or you would have seen that was indeed a photo of Obama's inauguration.

Basically you're just talking out of your ass.
The OP is still spot on and you're still trying to whip up a pissing match eh?

Still a dope.
what is a dope anyway? Democrat openly pompous exaggerator? since I'm definitely not a democrat, it can't be me you're referring to there.

But we do know that you're like some schmuck that can't get something he/she desperately wants and then spends all day on a message board declaring pissing matches with everyone.

If that ain't a definition of 'dope' I don't know what is. But it ain't me.

And the OP is still right.
Found the Culprit of this misinformation.
It's Baghdad Bob hired by the DNC as Minister of Misinformation.
Here is the side by side shot that supposedly shows a much larger turnout for Obama than for Trump. But instead of focusing on the crowd size, look at the shadows on the Capitol building and the surrounding buildings. They clearly were not taken at the same time of day, maybe not even at the same time of year. Maybe not even the same events.

Aside from one being a sunny day while the other was overcast, the one of Trump's was taken while Trump was giving his speech; which would presumably be when that crowd was at its largest.

Oh well, better luck next time. :mm:
Wrong, stupid. The photo on the left shows the sun hitting the Capitol from the right side. Even on an overcast day, there would be a shadow on the photo on the right if it were taken at the same hour, day, and time of year. And since you can't see any faces, you can't say Trump is giving his inaugural speech. You have no idea when the photo was taken or at what event but don't let that get in the way of spewing your propaganda.

Yes, google changed all of the photos from Obama's inauguration just to fit your dopey narrative. :cuckoo:
I never claimed they did anything with the photos from Obama's inauguration, dumbshit.
Wrong, stupid. The photo on the left shows the sun hitting the Capitol from the right side. Even on an overcast day, there would be a shadow on the photo on the right if it were taken at the same hour, day, and time of year. And since you can't see any faces, you can't say Trump is giving his inaugural speech. You have no idea when the photo was taken or at what event but don't let that get in the way of spewing your propaganda.

I guess in some world somewhere you could say you weren't denying that was a picture of Obama's inauguration. I guess you didn't bother to google it or you would have seen that was indeed a photo of Obama's inauguration.

Basically you're just talking out of your ass.
No, you stupid shit, I'm saying the one on the RIGHT is the one that isn't accurate. It may be from Trump's inauguration or it may not be, but one thing for sure is that it does not reflect the same crowd that we see on the CNN interactive photo, where Trump is giving his inaugural speech. Try to pay attention, moron.
The world is on fire and the big news is pictures of who got the most people. Trump got plenty of people, it was well attended. do I care if more or less people attended. no .so while we fight over this silly stuff, do you know what new policy's are being set forth?
The world is on fire and the big news is pictures of who got the most people. Trump got plenty of people, it was well attended. do I care if more or less people attended. no .so while we fight over this silly stuff, do you know what new policy's are being set forth?
well really I'd like for congress to vote on the cabinet and get that done. don't you think having a cabinet in place is a smart idea?

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