Liberal Militias

Fret not sealy, The left's militias are underground, not boasting on social media. People think that the right won't start a civil war because they don't want to get in trouble. lol, It's because they have a hunch that it wouldn't end well for them.

Yeah, we watch you clowns set your stupid ass selves on fire.

That's really frightening.
I found it uproarious.
Fret not sealy, The left's militias are underground, not boasting on social media. People think that the right won't start a civil war because they don't want to get in trouble. lol, It's because they have a hunch that it wouldn't end well for them.

Yeah, we watch you clowns set your stupid ass selves on fire.

That's really frightening.
Imagine if that's what we do to our own communities what we will do to yours.

Reminds me of Nat Turners rebellion

Nat Turner's Rebellion (also known as the Southampton Insurrection) was a rebellion of enslaved Virginians that took place in Southampton County, Virginia, in August 1831, led byNat Turner. The rebels killed between 55 and 65 people, at least 51 of whom were white.
Another example of how Trump didn't drive the moonbats loony, he revealed their lunacy.
I’m just saying if sending a mob to stop a recount is an acceptable tactic for republicans to use then democrats need to fight fire with fire.

Are we supposed to be held to a higher standard?

Did you hear some of the rioters proposed having guns on a ferry they could quickly bring in if it was necessary? It didn’t happen but maybe next time they don’t like the results they will get triggered enough.

Shouldnt us liberals be prepared to take the country back from the coup? Or should we think about it after it’s too late?
What you're saying is that you're a fucking lunatic....And an openly violent one at that.
You're still an openly violent fucking lunatic.
I'm all talk. Relax. Don't shoot up a newspaper because of the liberal media you snowflake.
Fret not sealy, The left's militias are underground, not boasting on social media. People think that the right won't start a civil war because they don't want to get in trouble. lol, It's because they have a hunch that it wouldn't end well for them.

Yeah, we watch you clowns set your stupid ass selves on fire.

That's really frightening.
I found it uproarious.
You sound like the openly violent lunatic to me.
Fret not sealy, The left's militias are underground, not boasting on social media. People think that the right won't start a civil war because they don't want to get in trouble. lol, It's because they have a hunch that it wouldn't end well for them.

Yeah, we watch you clowns set your stupid ass selves on fire.

That's really frightening.
I found it uproarious.
You sound like the openly violent lunatic to me.
You're the one cheering for it here, violent moonbat.
I want to use every tactic republicans have used. And we want recounts. And we want to claim before we even lose that the election was rigged.
they didnt have guns,,, and didnt shoot unarmed people,,
They sent armed militias to the polls to intimidate. We will have our guys do that too, wearing blue. You wear red.
why would I wear red???

and youre changing the subject,,
The insurrectionists thought about bringing guns or having them close by just in case.

This is just you downplaying what they attempted. A fucking coup. We can not let something like this happen again.
it takes a special kind of stupid to think that was an insurrection,,,
You guys don't even believe it was Trump supporters at the insurrection. Or you believe the only ones who got violent were antifa. You're all conspiracy theorist nuts. Because one right wing radio host pontificated what if it was antifa, you guys ran with it. You believe what you want to believe not based on facts. Look at global warming. Everything is political. Crazy

what do you mean "you guys",, I'm not a republican and I havent seen any of them deny that some of the people that went into that public building that day were trump suupporters,,
Another example of how Trump didn't drive the moonbats loony, he revealed their lunacy.
I’m just saying if sending a mob to stop a recount is an acceptable tactic for republicans to use then democrats need to fight fire with fire.

Are we supposed to be held to a higher standard?

Did you hear some of the rioters proposed having guns on a ferry they could quickly bring in if it was necessary? It didn’t happen but maybe next time they don’t like the results they will get triggered enough.

Shouldnt us liberals be prepared to take the country back from the coup? Or should we think about it after it’s too late?

I’m just saying if sending a mob to stop a recount is an acceptable tactic for republicans to use then democrats need to fight fire with fire.

Which recount?
Florida 2000. Brooks brother riots. Google it.

Roger stone was involved. Didn’t trump pardon him?
A few guys banging on doors and windows -didn't even break in- is now a "riot"....ROFLMFAO!!



A few guys?

I’m perfectly prepared to believe there were several thousand people there, even 10,000 maybe. But when you start pushing that up to 100,000 and so on, that’s not going to be true.

Another example of how Trump didn't drive the moonbats loony, he revealed their lunacy.
I’m just saying if sending a mob to stop a recount is an acceptable tactic for republicans to use then democrats need to fight fire with fire.

Are we supposed to be held to a higher standard?

Did you hear some of the rioters proposed having guns on a ferry they could quickly bring in if it was necessary? It didn’t happen but maybe next time they don’t like the results they will get triggered enough.

Shouldnt us liberals be prepared to take the country back from the coup? Or should we think about it after it’s too late?

I’m just saying if sending a mob to stop a recount is an acceptable tactic for republicans to use then democrats need to fight fire with fire.

Which recount?
Florida 2000. Brooks brother riots. Google it.

Roger stone was involved. Didn’t trump pardon him?
A few guys banging on doors and windows -didn't even break in- is now a "riot"....ROFLMFAO!!



A few guys?

We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.
Militias are full of liberals. They don't have any leftists or commies, usually, but they are quite liberal.

By the way, have any "liberals" actually fired a firearm before? Most seem to be hoplophobic.
I own guns. And I didn't shoot all my ammo off at the range and go find out they can't find ammo. LOL> Idiots. I am fully loaded.
Your Fudd 2-round shotgun will not be useful against our weapons.
If Republicans riot to steal an election it's O.K., but if Democrats do it, it's 'Mob rule'.

Why don't we just skip elections and pick a day for two giant mobs to fight each other...the last one standing wins the seat.

Hey, fascists have been doing this all over the world for years.

Screw Democracy....MOB RULES!!!!
I want to use every tactic republicans have used. And we want recounts. And we want to claim before we even lose that the election was rigged.
they didnt have guns,,, and didnt shoot unarmed people,,

and didnt shoot unarmed people,,

Only one to do that was a Capital cop
Yea, a mob coming at him. Not a nice mob. Not coming peacefully

he didn't shoot a mob.

He shot ONE unarmed woman.
(if a Republican did it, you would call it murder)
He shot one of the first few heads breaking through. She was an ex military what does her being a woman have to do with anything?

No I would not call shooting those insurrectionists murder. It’s not like they opened fire on people running around. She was breaking through a barricade have you seen the video?

I bet they stopped after she got shot. Shit got real

We already know you support cops shooting unarmed protesters, no need to reiterate your position.
This is so funny. For the past several years it's been you Republicans who have supported cops shooting unarmed black men. For much less than treason I might add. So it's funny for a Republican to say this to me after all the hands up don't shoot's and take your knee off my neck I can't breath. How many incidences have you justified the murder from the cop? How about the black boy waiving around the toy gun. Cops killed him before both feet were even out of the cop car. Yet armed white men storm capitols?

You guys like to say no one had a gun at the insurrection. Not this time there weren't. What about next time? Don't forget this was at the Michigan Capitol.


Republicans protesting the lockdown. They didn't like the way things were being handled. So maybe across from them should be liberal militia men with guns. Why not? Why do Republicans get to act like this but we can't?

Serious question.
We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.

After four years of the Biden/Harris shit show I doubt you Dems will have to worry about an election as none of you will get elected for anything.

Right now we are being over run by illegals at the southern border. Your boy Biden stopped construction on the fully funded wall. He handcuffed ICE and invited all those illegals to come to the US.

Guess he didn't care that most Americans want all illegals out of the country. His immigration policy won't earn him any votes.

Oh and once his EO's and green shit kick in I doubt a Dem could get elected to man the back of a garbage truck.
Except they control the voting machines ,. There is zero chance that 80 million people voted for dementia Joe Biden. So until someone does something about that, it's over. Hell, it is probably over now.
If Republicans riot to steal an election it's O.K., but if Democrats do it, it's 'Mob rule'.

Why don't we just skip elections and pick a day for two giant mobs to fight each other...the last one standing wins the seat.

Hey, fascists have been doing this all over the world for years.

Screw Democracy....MOB RULES!!!!
When "Democrats" riot for 7 months it's O.K. but when "Republicans" do it for 10 minutes, it's 'Mob Rule'
We need to be ready for the next elections in 2022 and 2024. We need to send liberals with automatics to any close races to make sure we are also being represented. In 2000 republicans rioted and got the recount stopped. Google brooks brother riots. Because republicans cared more they got their way. We need to match that intensity. If republicans are ready to riot maybe we should be ready too.

If republicans storm the capitol we need an equal force to go represent biden.

2021 is the second time republicans have rioted because they didn’t like how things were going for them. Us liberals need to defend ourselves the next time republicans try it.

After four years of the Biden/Harris shit show I doubt you Dems will have to worry about an election as none of you will get elected for anything.

Right now we are being over run by illegals at the southern border. Your boy Biden stopped construction on the fully funded wall. He handcuffed ICE and invited all those illegals to come to the US.

Guess he didn't care that most Americans want all illegals out of the country. His immigration policy won't earn him any votes.

Oh and once his EO's and green shit kick in I doubt a Dem could get elected to man the back of a garbage truck.
Except they control the voting machines ,. There is zero chance that 80 million people voted for dementia Joe Biden. So until someone does something about that, it's over. Hell, it is probably over now.
So don't bother voting next year. Please.
When did you go from sicking german sheppards on blacks to not being racist?

Yeah, Dems really kept them blacks down, didn't they?
Those guys back then were democrats. White, racists, loved General Lee and the confederate flag. They changed parties over the Civil Rights movement. Left the Democrats because blacks were members. So instead stupid poor whites joined the rich person party because it was 99% white.

Those guys back then were democrats.

I remember, Biden's heroes.

They changed parties over the Civil Rights movement.

They became Republicans because the Democrats fought against Civil Rights?

The white man shot the unarmed black man and Republicans said stand your ground.

I never said that was stand your ground.

As NPR reported, the July 2018 incident was captured on surveillance footage. It began when McGlockton's girlfriend, Brittany Jacobs, began arguing with Drejka, who was upset that she had parked in the handicapped parking space without a visible permit. McGlockton and the couple's young son were inside the store at the time. The security footage shows McGlockton exiting the store, walking toward Drejka and pushing him to the asphalt.

Footage then appears to show McGlockton moving away. That's when Drejka, a concealed-carry permit holder, draws his weapon while on his knees and shoots McGlockton.

Initially Drejka was not charged in the killing. After several weeks, the case was handed over to the office of the state attorney, who charged Drejka with manslaughter.

During those weeks all you Republicans on USMB said he was justified for murdering the black guy because he shouldn't have pushed him to the ground like that.

I never said that was stand your ground.

During those weeks all you Republicans on USMB said he was justified for murdering the black guy

If Republicans riot to steal an election it's O.K., but if Democrats do it, it's 'Mob rule'.

Why don't we just skip elections and pick a day for two giant mobs to fight each other...the last one standing wins the seat.

Hey, fascists have been doing this all over the world for years.

Screw Democracy....MOB RULES!!!!
When "Democrats" riot for 7 months it's O.K. but when "Republicans" do it for 10 minutes, it's 'Mob Rule'
Random protests that turn into violent riots over the abuse of black men by police and trying to steal an election are two different things.

It's not so much the riot it's what you guys were trying to do. Steal another election. You rioted in 2000 and it worked. They stopped the recount and the Supreme Court decided it. This can't happen again. The next time Republican rioters should be met by Democratic rioters. Otherwise it seems like Republicans want it more. They don't.
The white man shot the unarmed black man and Republicans said stand your ground.

I never said that was stand your ground.

As NPR reported, the July 2018 incident was captured on surveillance footage. It began when McGlockton's girlfriend, Brittany Jacobs, began arguing with Drejka, who was upset that she had parked in the handicapped parking space without a visible permit. McGlockton and the couple's young son were inside the store at the time. The security footage shows McGlockton exiting the store, walking toward Drejka and pushing him to the asphalt.

Footage then appears to show McGlockton moving away. That's when Drejka, a concealed-carry permit holder, draws his weapon while on his knees and shoots McGlockton.

Initially Drejka was not charged in the killing. After several weeks, the case was handed over to the office of the state attorney, who charged Drejka with manslaughter.

During those weeks all you Republicans on USMB said he was justified for murdering the black guy because he shouldn't have pushed him to the ground like that.

I never said that was stand your ground.

During those weeks all you Republicans on USMB said he was justified for murdering the black guy

Do you recall condemning the shooter? Are you against stand your ground laws?
When did you go from sicking german sheppards on blacks to not being racist?

Yeah, Dems really kept them blacks down, didn't they?
Those guys back then were democrats. White, racists, loved General Lee and the confederate flag. They changed parties over the Civil Rights movement. Left the Democrats because blacks were members. So instead stupid poor whites joined the rich person party because it was 99% white.

Those guys back then were democrats.

I remember, Biden's heroes.

They changed parties over the Civil Rights movement.

They became Republicans because the Democrats fought against Civil Rights?

You're telling me white male Republicans in the south today are the ones who were for the civil rights movement?

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