Liberal Whites Raise the White Flag

What's BS is your denial of MURDERS and KILLINGS via Radical MUSLIMS...

So Trumps spends his weekend getting stroked in a 5 star Muslim hotel..I don't see you complaining about that..

Guess what 70% of the 9/11 hi-jackers were from Saudi Arabia...

LMAO keep dreaming those MSM bs lies up let us know how it works out for yah.
Maybe you were too young to remember

Hijackers by Airplane:
American Airlines Flight 11
Mohamed Atta - Egypt, tactical leader of 9/11 plot and pilot
Abdul Aziz al Omari - Saudi Arabia
Wail al Shehri - Saudi Arabia
Waleed al Shehri - Saudi Arabia
Satam al Suqami - Saudi Arabia

United Airlines Flight 175
Fayez Banihammad - United Arab Emirates
Ahmed al Ghamdi - Saudi Arabia
Hamza al Ghamdi - Saudi Arabia
Marwan al Shehhi - United Arab Emirates, pilot
Mohand al Shehri - Saudi Arabia

American Airlines Flight 77
Hani Hanjour - Saudi Arabia, pilot
Nawaf al Hazmi - Saudi Arabia
Salem al Hazmi - Saudi Arabia
Khalid al Mihdhar - Saudi Arabia
Majed Moqed - Saudi Arabia
United Airlines Flight 93
Saeed al Ghamdi - Saudi Arabia
Ahmad al Haznawi - Saudi Arabia
Ziad Jarrah - Lebanon, pilot
Ahmed al Nami - Saudi Arabia

September 11th Hijackers Fast Facts -

And you ask what is Trump doing , this was an inside job. .
Trump had nothing to do with any of those events.

I continuously try getting you guys to read into the the NWO, and none of you bother and because none of you bother you won't ever understand this game being played.

Isn’t it funny, ironically not humorously, that at no point over the past 7 and a half years of having a Socialist-Marxist-Islamic-LGBT president reducing America to an ash heap, that former president George W. Bush had nothing to say about it? Not one word, not ever. That’s because the NWO globalist Bush was showing the NWO globalist Obama some professional courtesy in allowing him time and space to carry out his treasonous agenda. But the “America First” candidate Donald Trump, who is running on a platform of restoring America’s greatness, brings the retired Bush out of retirement and swinging for the fences.

The Republican Party has been freed of twenty years of shackles put on it by the Bush family regime, and Donald Trump was the one who did it. This is why you see the #NeverTrump RINO traitors attack him so strong. This is why you see them all pledging to vote for Crooked Hillary. They are fooling no one.

Without naming Trump, Bush warned against “isolationism, nativism and protectionism” and blasted Trump for his attacks on Muslims, sources told the Wall Street Journal. The strong rebuke from the Republican Party’s last President, who has refused to endorse the nominee, came at a Cincinnati fundraiser for Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), a former Bush administration official.

So Trumps spends his weekend getting stroked in a 5 star Muslim hotel..I don't see you complaining about that..

Guess what 70% of the 9/11 hi-jackers were from Saudi Arabia...

Trump ran a political platform last year after the Paris attack...this is where he gained most of his support..

What has he or the republicans done any different since then? Except for a stupid travel ban which will never go is just show and Trump is a pro at selling his bullshit..
"The STUPID travel ban"... yeah, that was just DUMB to try and CURB the amount of MUSLIMS RESPONSIBLE for this sort of KILLING... yeah... just DUMB.

What fucking PLANET of DUMBFUCKERY are you FROM? Jesus H Christ... do you hear how absolutely fucking MORONIC YOU SOUND?

HOLY FUCK... you people are IGNORANT.

Do you have a link about working on better Vetting....No, why because they have done nothing about it.
Banning every Muslim is not going anywhere...

Hit me up on one of my post so this doesn't end up turning Deaths post into everything but what is post is about. Thanks.
And it's almost to late to stop it all too. remember the move Lord of the rings where those skeleton ghost rose up to help fight the battle. Well those skeletons are invading the countries in masses just like that.

Are the US libtards so out of it they can't or aren't taking a lesson from all that is going on in these other Countries.
It's going to end. A "Hitler" is being created right now because of these endless attacks. He will drive them out of Europe. The Muslims will whine about the coming Crusades for another 1,000 years, but they brought it on themselves.

Islamic invasion will eventually lead to massive unrest

according to Tommy it is way , way worse than what we are hearing over here.

Tommy Robinson – the most “hated” or bravest man in Britain, discusses the beheading of a French priest in Normandy, as well as the “religion of peace” and how Europe is being culturally enriched by millions of Muslim migrants.

He predicts a “revolution” is coming as a result of this massive upheaval.

Robinson is a common sense patriot for the West
So Trumps spends his weekend getting stroked in a 5 star Muslim hotel..I don't see you complaining about that..

Guess what 70% of the 9/11 hi-jackers were from Saudi Arabia...

Trump ran a political platform last year after the Paris attack...this is where he gained most of his support..

What has he or the republicans done any different since then? Except for a stupid travel ban which will never go is just show and Trump is a pro at selling his bullshit..
"The STUPID travel ban"... yeah, that was just DUMB to try and CURB the amount of MUSLIMS RESPONSIBLE for this sort of KILLING... yeah... just DUMB.

What fucking PLANET of DUMBFUCKERY are you FROM? Jesus H Christ... do you hear how absolutely fucking MORONIC YOU SOUND?

HOLY FUCK... you people are IGNORANT.

Do you have a link about working on better Vetting....No, why because they have done nothing about it.
Banning every Muslim is not going anywhere...

Hit me up on one of my post so this doesn't end up turning Deaths post into everything but what is post is about. Thanks.

Last year Trump gained tons of support even from the democrats when the Muslim refugee's came flooding in claiming that the Vetting was not helpful unless if the Muslims had a record on police files..
Those without a history were still allowed in according to former FBI agent..( on Fox news ) it was a big deal..
The Paris attack happened and people were pissed at Obama for the vetting problem...

It was obviously a political scam because it is all but forgotten one year later..

Also: I would read some of your links if they were not so hateful to the democrats and how great Trump is..
I am a left leaning independent who supported Trump last year, but he lied and did a crooked car salesman job on the independents and lefts , and people are angry.
He has divided the country by slamming the democrats , and the republicans act like they supported him the whole time..
What's BS is your denial of MURDERS and KILLINGS via Radical MUSLIMS...

So Trumps spends his weekend getting stroked in a 5 star Muslim hotel..I don't see you complaining about that..

Guess what 70% of the 9/11 hi-jackers were from Saudi Arabia...

LMAO keep dreaming those MSM bs lies up let us know how it works out for yah.
Maybe you were too young to remember

Hijackers by Airplane:
American Airlines Flight 11
Mohamed Atta - Egypt, tactical leader of 9/11 plot and pilot
Abdul Aziz al Omari - Saudi Arabia
Wail al Shehri - Saudi Arabia
Waleed al Shehri - Saudi Arabia
Satam al Suqami - Saudi Arabia

United Airlines Flight 175
Fayez Banihammad - United Arab Emirates
Ahmed al Ghamdi - Saudi Arabia
Hamza al Ghamdi - Saudi Arabia
Marwan al Shehhi - United Arab Emirates, pilot
Mohand al Shehri - Saudi Arabia

American Airlines Flight 77
Hani Hanjour - Saudi Arabia, pilot
Nawaf al Hazmi - Saudi Arabia
Salem al Hazmi - Saudi Arabia
Khalid al Mihdhar - Saudi Arabia
Majed Moqed - Saudi Arabia
United Airlines Flight 93
Saeed al Ghamdi - Saudi Arabia
Ahmad al Haznawi - Saudi Arabia
Ziad Jarrah - Lebanon, pilot
Ahmed al Nami - Saudi Arabia

September 11th Hijackers Fast Facts -
In another thread I asked you when you posted that same list if that was the same Saudi Arabia that Obama groveled on the floor under the King's feet. You didn't answer there so what is your answer here?
What's BS is your denial of MURDERS and KILLINGS via Radical MUSLIMS...

So Trumps spends his weekend getting stroked in a 5 star Muslim hotel..I don't see you complaining about that..

Guess what 70% of the 9/11 hi-jackers were from Saudi Arabia...

LMAO keep dreaming those MSM bs lies up let us know how it works out for yah.
Maybe you were too young to remember

Hijackers by Airplane:
American Airlines Flight 11
Mohamed Atta - Egypt, tactical leader of 9/11 plot and pilot
Abdul Aziz al Omari - Saudi Arabia
Wail al Shehri - Saudi Arabia
Waleed al Shehri - Saudi Arabia
Satam al Suqami - Saudi Arabia

United Airlines Flight 175
Fayez Banihammad - United Arab Emirates
Ahmed al Ghamdi - Saudi Arabia
Hamza al Ghamdi - Saudi Arabia
Marwan al Shehhi - United Arab Emirates, pilot
Mohand al Shehri - Saudi Arabia

American Airlines Flight 77
Hani Hanjour - Saudi Arabia, pilot
Nawaf al Hazmi - Saudi Arabia
Salem al Hazmi - Saudi Arabia
Khalid al Mihdhar - Saudi Arabia
Majed Moqed - Saudi Arabia
United Airlines Flight 93
Saeed al Ghamdi - Saudi Arabia
Ahmad al Haznawi - Saudi Arabia
Ziad Jarrah - Lebanon, pilot
Ahmed al Nami - Saudi Arabia

September 11th Hijackers Fast Facts -
In another thread I asked you when you posted that same list if that was the same Saudi Arabia that Obama groveled on the floor under the King's feet. You didn't answer there so what is your answer here?

Another Blame it on Obama Classic....
So Trumps spends his weekend getting stroked in a 5 star Muslim hotel..I don't see you complaining about that..

Guess what 70% of the 9/11 hi-jackers were from Saudi Arabia...

Trump ran a political platform last year after the Paris attack...this is where he gained most of his support..

What has he or the republicans done any different since then? Except for a stupid travel ban which will never go is just show and Trump is a pro at selling his bullshit..
"The STUPID travel ban"... yeah, that was just DUMB to try and CURB the amount of MUSLIMS RESPONSIBLE for this sort of KILLING... yeah... just DUMB.

What fucking PLANET of DUMBFUCKERY are you FROM? Jesus H Christ... do you hear how absolutely fucking MORONIC YOU SOUND?

HOLY FUCK... you people are IGNORANT.

Do you have a link about working on better Vetting....No, why because they have done nothing about it.
Banning every Muslim is not going anywhere...
Were you BITCHING when OBAMA identified THE SAME COUNTRIES president Trump put the ban on? NO, because that little American hating muslim dog turd was your MESSIAH.

Your hypocrisy and two faced jackassery is epic.
So Trumps spends his weekend getting stroked in a 5 star Muslim hotel..I don't see you complaining about that..

Guess what 70% of the 9/11 hi-jackers were from Saudi Arabia...

Trump ran a political platform last year after the Paris attack...this is where he gained most of his support..

What has he or the republicans done any different since then? Except for a stupid travel ban which will never go is just show and Trump is a pro at selling his bullshit..
"The STUPID travel ban"... yeah, that was just DUMB to try and CURB the amount of MUSLIMS RESPONSIBLE for this sort of KILLING... yeah... just DUMB.

What fucking PLANET of DUMBFUCKERY are you FROM? Jesus H Christ... do you hear how absolutely fucking MORONIC YOU SOUND?

HOLY FUCK... you people are IGNORANT.

Do you have a link about working on better Vetting....No, why because they have done nothing about it.
Banning every Muslim is not going anywhere...
Were you BITCHING when OBAMA identified THE SAME COUNTRIES president Trump put the ban on? NO, because that little American hating muslim dog turd was your MESSIAH.

Your hypocrisy and two faced jackassery is epic. the majority of the 9/11 terrorist came from Saudi Arabia, why are they not on the ban funny to see the excuses...

What's BS is your denial of MURDERS and KILLINGS via Radical MUSLIMS...

So Trumps spends his weekend getting stroked in a 5 star Muslim hotel..I don't see you complaining about that..

Guess what 70% of the 9/11 hi-jackers were from Saudi Arabia...

LMAO keep dreaming those MSM bs lies up let us know how it works out for yah.
Maybe you were too young to remember

Hijackers by Airplane:
American Airlines Flight 11
Mohamed Atta - Egypt, tactical leader of 9/11 plot and pilot
Abdul Aziz al Omari - Saudi Arabia
Wail al Shehri - Saudi Arabia
Waleed al Shehri - Saudi Arabia
Satam al Suqami - Saudi Arabia

United Airlines Flight 175
Fayez Banihammad - United Arab Emirates
Ahmed al Ghamdi - Saudi Arabia
Hamza al Ghamdi - Saudi Arabia
Marwan al Shehhi - United Arab Emirates, pilot
Mohand al Shehri - Saudi Arabia

American Airlines Flight 77
Hani Hanjour - Saudi Arabia, pilot
Nawaf al Hazmi - Saudi Arabia
Salem al Hazmi - Saudi Arabia
Khalid al Mihdhar - Saudi Arabia
Majed Moqed - Saudi Arabia
United Airlines Flight 93
Saeed al Ghamdi - Saudi Arabia
Ahmad al Haznawi - Saudi Arabia
Ziad Jarrah - Lebanon, pilot
Ahmed al Nami - Saudi Arabia

September 11th Hijackers Fast Facts -
In another thread I asked you when you posted that same list if that was the same Saudi Arabia that Obama groveled on the floor under the King's feet. You didn't answer there so what is your answer here?

Another Blame it on Obama Classic....
Wrong answer. You're fired!!!

Trump ran a political platform last year after the Paris attack...this is where he gained most of his support..

What has he or the republicans done any different since then? Except for a stupid travel ban which will never go is just show and Trump is a pro at selling his bullshit..
"The STUPID travel ban"... yeah, that was just DUMB to try and CURB the amount of MUSLIMS RESPONSIBLE for this sort of KILLING... yeah... just DUMB.

What fucking PLANET of DUMBFUCKERY are you FROM? Jesus H Christ... do you hear how absolutely fucking MORONIC YOU SOUND?

HOLY FUCK... you people are IGNORANT.

Do you have a link about working on better Vetting....No, why because they have done nothing about it.
Banning every Muslim is not going anywhere...

Hit me up on one of my post so this doesn't end up turning Deaths post into everything but what is post is about. Thanks.

Last year Trump gained tons of support even from the democrats when the Muslim refugee's came flooding in claiming that the Vetting was not helpful unless if the Muslims had a record on police files..
Those without a history were still allowed in according to former FBI agent..( on Fox news ) it was a big deal..
The Paris attack happened and people were pissed at Obama for the vetting problem...

It was obviously a political scam because it is all but forgotten one year later..

Also: I would read some of your links if they were not so hateful to the democrats and how great Trump is..
I am a left leaning independent who supported Trump last year, but he lied and did a crooked car salesman job on the independents and lefts , and people are angry.
He has divided the country by slamming the democrats , and the republicans act like they supported him the whole time..

Oh and you forgot how the idiots rioted when he said " STOP the incoming of immigrants." the leftis morons through a fit remember the airport.............

Remember the guilt trip of some bs kid needing surgery and it was used to guilt trip the American idiots that oh this poor baby couldn't have it's surgery..............

Yeppers Trump didn't do a damn thing.
What's BS is your denial of MURDERS and KILLINGS via Radical MUSLIMS...

So Trumps spends his weekend getting stroked in a 5 star Muslim hotel..I don't see you complaining about that..

Guess what 70% of the 9/11 hi-jackers were from Saudi Arabia...

LMAO keep dreaming those MSM bs lies up let us know how it works out for yah.
Maybe you were too young to remember

Hijackers by Airplane:
American Airlines Flight 11
Mohamed Atta - Egypt, tactical leader of 9/11 plot and pilot
Abdul Aziz al Omari - Saudi Arabia
Wail al Shehri - Saudi Arabia
Waleed al Shehri - Saudi Arabia
Satam al Suqami - Saudi Arabia

United Airlines Flight 175
Fayez Banihammad - United Arab Emirates
Ahmed al Ghamdi - Saudi Arabia
Hamza al Ghamdi - Saudi Arabia
Marwan al Shehhi - United Arab Emirates, pilot
Mohand al Shehri - Saudi Arabia

American Airlines Flight 77
Hani Hanjour - Saudi Arabia, pilot
Nawaf al Hazmi - Saudi Arabia
Salem al Hazmi - Saudi Arabia
Khalid al Mihdhar - Saudi Arabia
Majed Moqed - Saudi Arabia
United Airlines Flight 93
Saeed al Ghamdi - Saudi Arabia
Ahmad al Haznawi - Saudi Arabia
Ziad Jarrah - Lebanon, pilot
Ahmed al Nami - Saudi Arabia

September 11th Hijackers Fast Facts -
In another thread I asked you when you posted that same list if that was the same Saudi Arabia that Obama groveled on the floor under the King's feet. You didn't answer there so what is your answer here?

Another Blame it on Obama Classic....

So Trumps spends his weekend getting stroked in a 5 star Muslim hotel..I don't see you complaining about that..

Guess what 70% of the 9/11 hi-jackers were from Saudi Arabia...

LMAO keep dreaming those MSM bs lies up let us know how it works out for yah.
Maybe you were too young to remember

Hijackers by Airplane:
American Airlines Flight 11
Mohamed Atta - Egypt, tactical leader of 9/11 plot and pilot
Abdul Aziz al Omari - Saudi Arabia
Wail al Shehri - Saudi Arabia
Waleed al Shehri - Saudi Arabia
Satam al Suqami - Saudi Arabia

United Airlines Flight 175
Fayez Banihammad - United Arab Emirates
Ahmed al Ghamdi - Saudi Arabia
Hamza al Ghamdi - Saudi Arabia
Marwan al Shehhi - United Arab Emirates, pilot
Mohand al Shehri - Saudi Arabia

American Airlines Flight 77
Hani Hanjour - Saudi Arabia, pilot
Nawaf al Hazmi - Saudi Arabia
Salem al Hazmi - Saudi Arabia
Khalid al Mihdhar - Saudi Arabia
Majed Moqed - Saudi Arabia
United Airlines Flight 93
Saeed al Ghamdi - Saudi Arabia
Ahmad al Haznawi - Saudi Arabia
Ziad Jarrah - Lebanon, pilot
Ahmed al Nami - Saudi Arabia

September 11th Hijackers Fast Facts -
In another thread I asked you when you posted that same list if that was the same Saudi Arabia that Obama groveled on the floor under the King's feet. You didn't answer there so what is your answer here?

Another Blame it on Obama Classic....

View attachment 128474

Yep I remember that day, I was upset especially after the Paris attack....Nothing has changed with the same vetting process that Trump bitched about..
At one time Whites were Racist men, who forged things like Darwin, Edison, Voltaire, Wernher Von Braun, Nikola Tesla, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Immanuel Kant, James Watson, Francis Crick, Frank Baum, Walt Disney, Borglum, George Curvier, Francis Galton, Herbert Spencer, Carl Linnaeus, or Mark Twain etc. etc.

Now Whites are anti-Racist women, who forge little, and mostly just whine, and cry.
Watch the video here. Hope they like slavery

We Have to Get Used to Terrorism, Says Goulet

Then, there's the new slave leader in France

He's decided mass invasion of hostile forces is "unstoppable"

Emmanuel Macron: Europe faces 'unstoppable mass migration' says French PM hopeful

And it's almost to late to stop it all too. remember the move Lord of the rings where those skeleton ghost rose up to help fight the battle. Well those skeletons are invading the countries in masses just like that.

Are the US libtards so out of it they can't or aren't taking a lesson from all that is going on in these other Countries.

This is such bullshit... Tell me what has Trump done to stop it?
"Muslim ban" is how hes stopping it in our nation, though liberals are trying to fight his noble efforts. You guys are awful and your politics are extremely dangerous. Just look at what's happening in Europe if you need proof.
France screwed the pooch when they elected the crybaby. They had their chance and they blew it. Look for an Obamacare type MANDATE requiring the frogs to buy and USE prayer rugs.
Trump really has no control over the UK or how the UK wants to appease the muzz among them.

There is some part of the white left that feel that these children deserved what happened because they are white and had their white privilege of assuming safety snatched from them.
Watch the video here. Hope they like slavery

We Have to Get Used to Terrorism, Says Goulet

Then, there's the new slave leader in France

He's decided mass invasion of hostile forces is "unstoppable"

Emmanuel Macron: Europe faces 'unstoppable mass migration' says French PM hopeful

And it's almost to late to stop it all too. remember the move Lord of the rings where those skeleton ghost rose up to help fight the battle. Well those skeletons are invading the countries in masses just like that.

Are the US libtards so out of it they can't or aren't taking a lesson from all that is going on in these other Countries.

This is such bullshit... Tell me what has Trump done to stop it?
"Muslim ban" is how hes stopping it in our nation, though liberals are trying to fight his noble efforts. You guys are awful and your politics are extremely dangerous. Just look at what's happening in Europe if you need proof.

Right and Trump did a total flip flop on you during his speech... What happened to the EXTREME Vetting that he campaigned on as well..?

Trump is going to forget all about the travel ban after this trip...Lets watch and see..

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