Liberals are Just Unhinged With Trump....I love it and Carlson Tucker does too, Apparently


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Watch Tucker obliterate this idiot liberal who says Trump is comparable to Hitler.


"Gas-lee" is apparently a new trigger word Crooked Hillary kooks use to equate the air quality under The Donald with that of 1944 Auschwitz. :p
This is just a huge show for you people. I am not a liberal, but you guys are trolls.
He used to have a show on MSNBC and his frequent bantering guest was Rachel Madcow. Scarborough came on after him. Then MSNBC went hard left and moved Scarborough to the AM, dumped Carlson altogether and gave Madcow her own show.
If nutbags continue to focus on how happy they are about "the left" being beaten in an election that took place over a month ago, they don't have to focus on the reality of a Trump administration.
Rational people are fully aware the mission of the nutbags of "the left" is to try to get The Donald impeached. We look forward to their daily whining about America winning again.
If nutbags continue to focus on how happy they are about "the left" being beaten in an election that took place over a month ago, they don't have to focus on the reality of a Trump administration.

Give it a rest, LL......ever since I came to this board over a year ago, the left claimed it was a foregone conclusion that Hitlery would win and every fucking illegitimate poll pushed by the lamestream media was pushed into the face of every anti-Hitlery poster here. As you know, I do not participate in elections for corporate positions that makes up "da gubermint"...but I am ecstatic that Hitlery wasn't allowed to take office. I believe for the most part, the ones on the right have been more than cordial to the sore losing left...a helluva lot more gracious than the left would have been had the Hildebeast won....pull up your big boy britches and hope for the best while preparing for the worst. The big banks still rule this massive corporate entity but maybe....just maybe there is a shift and it bodes well for the world if that is the case....if not? At least people are waking up to this debt slavery system.
Watch Tucker obliterate this idiot liberal who says Trump is comparable to Hitler.


View attachment 101544

Never been a fan of his, never will be. Still do not understand how he got his own show.

Although the video was very entertaining!

But the far left will always deny that backed a fascist president named Obama!
"Gas-lee" is apparently a new trigger word Crooked Hillary kooks use to equate the air quality under The Donald with that of 1944 Auschwitz. :p

I do find it sad when people's only source of happiness is when they think someone else isn't happy.
He used to have a show on MSNBC and his frequent bantering guest was Rachel Madcow. Scarborough came on after him. Then MSNBC went hard left and moved Scarborough to the AM, dumped Carlson altogether and gave Madcow her own show.

Funny that you are never able to counter any of her reports, because they are all so meticulously documented and explained, so you just decide to call her a cow since you can't do anything else. Really mature of you.
Watch Tucker obliterate this idiot liberal who says Trump is comparable to Hitler.
Aside from the basic fact that they're stunned because they expected to win (which is understandable), the reaction has been on a new and unique level entirely.

Here's my guess: The Left (and this is global) had decided it was over - that the country was moving towards a Euro-social democracy and it will all just a matter of time because they felt demographics made it inevitable. The whole battle was OVER. And yeah, that was my opinion too. Their mistake (among others) was that they completely underestimated the size and passion of those who weren't ready to give up yet.

When you think a long, hard battle is over and you suddenly have your head handed to you, who knows how you'll react.

Of course, the further to the Left a person is, the more they may simply not accept the loss on either an intellectual or emotional level.
Rational people are fully aware the mission of the nutbags of "the left" is to try to get The Donald impeached. We look forward to their daily whining about America winning again.
Well, this is your chance. You have all the power, and there can be no excuses.

What I wonder at this point is whether, aside from all the celebrating, the party really understands this. What happens over the next two years or so will determine the future for the party - not just because you have all the power, but because at the moment longer-term demographics are clearly against you.

So the party needs to not just succeed, it has to change minds at the same time.

Not impossible, but not easy.
So Trump and his crew continue to tell provable ridiculous lies, but the liberals are the ones that are unhinged? Landslide victory and biggest EC victory in decades are provable lies. Trump is a delusional asshole or a pathological liar. Maybe both. Yikes.
What I wonder at this point is whether, aside from all the celebrating, the party really understands this. What happens over the next two years or so will determine the future for the party - not just because you have all the power, but because at the moment longer-term demographics are clearly against you.

It is not about "party" anymore. It is about doing what is best for American taxpaying citizens.

So the party needs to not just succeed, it has to change minds at the same time.

Non-white, low IQ racists can suck it for all I care. The concept is to make America great again, not to make ugly, stupid people feel dominant. Otherwise, we evolve into the planet of the apes.
Rational people are fully aware the mission of the nutbags of "the left" is to try to get The Donald impeached. We look forward to their daily whining about America winning again.
Well, this is your chance. You have all the power, and there can be no excuses.

What I wonder at this point is whether, aside from all the celebrating, the party really understands this. What happens over the next two years or so will determine the future for the party - not just because you have all the power, but because at the moment longer-term demographics are clearly against you.

So the party needs to not just succeed, it has to change minds at the same time.

Not impossible, but not easy.
You are once again making a fundamental mistake in simple logic..........which is the MAIN reason the LIBS lost close to a thousand legislative seats in the country since Obama was elected.
You are ASSUMING that the 'minorities' are going to keep choosing the 'Santa Claus' party.
This last election has already disproved this myth perpetrated by the Left.
The negro vote, the Latino vote and the Asian vote actually increased in support of the REP party compared to the previous election.
Show me a legal hard working religious Latino who is getting up and working his/her ass off running their own business and I'll show you a REP.
Same goes with the other 'minorities.
The #1 reason the LIBs are so fucking upset is they KNOW these minorities are lost to the LIBs for good.
If President Trump actually gets the economy humming again you can kiss the chance of having another LIB President fucking goodbye forever.
Just like you can kiss ever having another negro President goodbye forever.
"Gas-lee" is apparently a new trigger word Crooked Hillary kooks use to equate the air quality under The Donald with that of 1944 Auschwitz. :p
I do find it sad when people's only source of happiness is when they think someone else isn't happy.
Indeed. And that is the sadism to which psychologists refer when discussing online trolls.

Internet Trolls Are Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Sadists

Certainly, the behavior of many hardcore partisan ideologues on this board are examples.

Both ends.
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