Liberals are pushing the country to the edge

When the leadership of the party does not condemn mob action against a Cabinet Secretary while she’s having a meal or is at home, disrupting her entire neighborhood, the next steps are only more dangerous. And when the media willingly lies to advance the mob to those next steps, how do you pump the brakes on this runaway train?

What uhm, "Mob Action" was taken?
When the leadership of the party does not condemn mob action against a Cabinet Secretary while she’s having a meal or is at home, disrupting her entire neighborhood, the next steps are only more dangerous. And when the media willingly lies to advance the mob to those next steps, how do you pump the brakes on this runaway train?

What uhm, "Mob Action" was taken?

You should read the Bolshevik Revolution. Small gangs of countercultural thugs can change the face of a nation.

Violence and terror in the Russian Revolution – The British Library

From the piece:

In addition, Russian progressives saw Tsarist society as resting on a bedrock of violence due to its exclusion of most of its population (such as the lower classes and non-Russian nations) from the political process.

In reaction to this, in the 19th and early 20th centuries, underground cells of conspiratorial intellectuals and revolutionary martyrs assassinated thousands of figures associated with the state, including Tsar Alexander II himself in 1881. Such terrorism was effectively ‘propaganda of the deed’, aspiring to rouse the people against the government by example.

Seem familiar at all? Where have we seen this before?
It’s funny how people are lumped into convenient groups like “liberal” or “conservative”. How about those that think for themselves vs those that can’t think & don’t understand science?
Derek Hunter - Liberals Are Pushing The Country To The Edge

I am ready are you? I am not worried about Conservatives being ready...I am hoping it happens. I really am. I live 50 miles north of Atlanta so I figure any chimpout would eventually reach here..I hope it does! Once and for all we can destroy liberalism like the disease it is.

Trump and his supporters are as responsible for this as are liberals. Incendiary language from Trump supporters has made things worse. Trump has shown time and time again that he does not believe in the rule of law. That is the disease that's infects this country. Trump supporters have stated their only goal is to annoy liberals. Apparently they have succeeded.
Derek Hunter - Liberals Are Pushing The Country To The Edge

I am ready are you? I am not worried about Conservatives being ready...I am hoping it happens. I really am. I live 50 miles north of Atlanta so I figure any chimpout would eventually reach here..I hope it does! Once and for all we can destroy liberalism like the disease it is.


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