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Liberals are so concerned about the lies of Ben Carson but dont care

You voted for the little black boy to make your guilt ridden white trash ass feel better.

For some reason Cons feel that any white person that supports a black person for almost any reason does so out of either fear, guilt or self hate.

To them no white person would support a black person unless something is wrong with them.
Of all the lies of Obama and Clinton.. why do you not give the same high standards to your candidates?

Ya, call me provincial but ex-Presidents, and lame duck ones don't matter as much as potential new problems.

The record of how they were treated provides insight into their current hypocrisy. The old "that was then, This is now con" only fools the gullible. You're basically telling people to forget everything that happened in the past. I can't imagine anything dumber.
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Here's what I know . Yall claim that he said his mom n dad got all hot over being at Selma that they fucked and created Barack jr .

Yet you can't seem to come up with a quote that confirms that. My shoddy googleing can't either .

I'm guessing this video does not say the same either .
I dont' have a quote, I have a video.

If I had a quote, you would claim it wasn't exactly what he said.

You can't make that claim about the video
Not if you took the quote from a transcript and linked to the transcript. If you can't be arsed to do that, it suggests you're not that sure of your claim.

Psssst. There is no quote . Or else they'd gladly link it .

They are just fudging Obamas speech . Aka , they are lying about him lying . Oh the irony .
Oh, I know. But it's fun to watch them playing Twister. ;)

You and timmy are playing twister

More stalling. Afraid to cite the words from your own video?


Which is why I supplied a link to the quote from Snopes.

You should learn to read
The offer still stands,

you people in the GOP put up a candidate who's never lied, and I promise to vote for him or her.
If you have no problem with lying scumbags, then why all the hub bub over Carson's autobigraphy?

You can't have it both ways. You can't claim lies don't matter and then go after Carson hammer and tongs.
Here's what I know . Yall claim that he said his mom n dad got all hot over being at Selma that they fucked and created Barack jr .

Yet you can't seem to come up with a quote that confirms that. My shoddy googleing can't either .

I'm guessing this video does not say the same either .

I'm guessing you didn't open the Snopes link either, and you're just running your mouth out of ignorance
The offer still stands,

you people in the GOP put up a candidate who's never lied, and I promise to vote for him or her.

You'll vote for Hillary Clinton and she's a proven liar.

I'll guarantee you'll be voting for a liar, unless you don't vote. Prove me wrong. Name the Republicans, if nominated, who would get your vote.

I'll guarantee you'll be voting for a liar and defending her lies. Prove me wrong.

I don't have to prove anything. I'm not the one pretending I'd never vote for someone known to have lied.

That is you, and you are full of shit. Nice dodge btw, pussy.

You're the one attacking Carson, claiming he lied when there's no evidence he did, and claiming he's "done" because of those lies.
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Not if you took the quote from a transcript and linked to the transcript. If you can't be arsed to do that, it suggests you're not that sure of your claim.

Psssst. There is no quote . Or else they'd gladly link it .

They are just fudging Obamas speech . Aka , they are lying about him lying . Oh the irony .
Oh, I know. But it's fun to watch them playing Twister. ;)

You and timmy are playing twister

More stalling. Afraid to cite the words from your own video?


And yet you've failed to do so.

Now, if we go to the transcript:

Read the full transcript of Obama's rousing, emotional speech in Selma

What will your fallback be? Will you dismiss the site as "not a legitimate source"? Claim "they left something out"? Other?

(I'll go so far as to say I find the headline hyperbolic to save you the trouble.)

Whatever excuses you make will be immaterial to those who'll be laughing at you.
Conservatives need to stop whining about 'the media' and 'liberals' and focus on what matters – such as the fact that both of their leading presidential candidates aren't fit to be president and are not taken seriously by the rest of the voters.
Didn't all you assholes just get done saying that lying doesn't matter? Does lying matter or not? Or does it only matter when you think you've caught a Republican doing it?
Conservatives need to stop whining about 'the media' and 'liberals' and focus on what matters – such as the fact that both of their leading presidential candidates aren't fit to be president and are not taken seriously by the rest of the voters.
Didn't all you assholes just get done saying that lying doesn't matter? Does lying matter or not? Or does it only matter when you think you've caught a Republican doing it?

I disagree with CCJ. I think y'all should do nothing but whine from now until Election Day so that once again you'll completely misunderstand what's happened.
Psssst. There is no quote . Or else they'd gladly link it .

They are just fudging Obamas speech . Aka , they are lying about him lying . Oh the irony .
Oh, I know. But it's fun to watch them playing Twister. ;)

You and timmy are playing twister

More stalling. Afraid to cite the words from your own video?


And yet you've failed to do so.

Now, if we go to the transcript:

Read the full transcript of Obama's rousing, emotional speech in Selma

What will your fallback be? Will you dismiss the site as "not a legitimate source"? Claim "they left something out"? Other?

Immaterial to those who'll be laughing at you.

Thanks for the laugh.

The speech about his mother and father meeting was in 2007, NOT 2015.

Thanks for proving you didn't read the Snopes link, or watch the video.

Of all the lies of Obama and Clinton.. why do you not give the same high standards to your candidates?
Lets compare:

View attachment 54208View attachment 54209

Compared to GOP field:

View attachment 54210

View attachment 54211

View attachment 54212

View attachment 54213

This is the laugh about the right... They say Obama and Clinton lie when actually there favourites are far worse... Are ye truly embarrassed...

So keep throwing stones from glass houses...
Where did you get these charts will say alot of they are true or not

Fact-checking U.S. politics | PolitiFact

Politifact is owned by the Tampa Bay times, which is notorious for being the leftwing paper in town.
Conservatives need to stop whining about 'the media' and 'liberals' and focus on what matters – such as the fact that both of their leading presidential candidates aren't fit to be president and are not taken seriously by the rest of the voters.
Didn't all you assholes just get done saying that lying doesn't matter? Does lying matter or not? Or does it only matter when you think you've caught a Republican doing it?

I disagree with CCJ. I think y'all should do nothing but whine from now until Election Day so that once again you'll completely misunderstand what's happened.

We understand exactly what's happening with Carson. It's the same old liberal media two-step.
Inversely, there are many conservatives who are so concerned about the lies of Obama and Clinton, but don't care about the lies of Carson.
I'm not voting for Carson so i dont care if he lies or not but his lies are not half as bad as Obama and Clinton. People DIED under Obama's and Clinton's lies BENGHAZI , VA waiting list , Fast And Furious , just to name of few
The guy is he worst kind of liar, he lies for no apparent reason and believes his own bullshit stories.
So? What difference does it make if the stories are true or not? How does that affect what kind of president he would be? Stories puffed for effect are done all the time. So what? It isnt "the worst kind of lying." The worst kind of lying is something substantive. Like saying an internet video caused a riot when you really know it was a terrorist attack and you're saying this because you have to support the president's re-election campaign.
It's bad because he has clearly invented his own personal version of reality. Do you really want someone with delusional tendencies holding the nuclear launch codes? "God" could tell him to do all sorts of apocalyptic things.
How does embellishing a story equate to "delusional"? The number of people who have done that is enormous. A re they all delusional?
You are blowing it way out of proportion. I.e. lying. But it's what libs do.
Some of his "theories" involving religion and science are ludicrous to say the least. When I see him say some of that shit with utter sincerity it sends a chill down my spine. The fact that you support such fantasy marks you for an incurious dullard.
Inversely, there are many conservatives who are so concerned about the lies of Obama and Clinton, but don't care about the lies of Carson.
I'm not voting for Carson so i dont care if he lies or not but his lies are not half as bad as Obama and Clinton. People DIED under Obama's and Clinton's lies BENGHAZI , VA waiting list , Fast And Furious , just to name of few

No they didn't. Bush's lies got tens of thousands needlessly killed in Iraq, and you voted for him twice.

Get off you sanctimonious high horse and quit making a fool of yourself.

You mean the same "lies" told by many Democrats concerning Iraq?

Which Democrat was president in 2003?

They don't have to be President to be a liar. Look at Hillary Clinton.

There were plenty that said the same thing you say is a lie when Bush said it but not one when they said it. John Kerry, who voted yes on the Iraq Resolution has this to say in 2002: "I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force -- if necessary -- to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security."

In other words, Kerry said Saddam Hussein had those weapons "in his hands" and was a "grave threat to our security". That's what Bush said. Difference is you say Bush claiming it is a lie but Kerry claiming it isn't the same thing. Hypocrite and Democrat dick sucker.


Bill Clinton made regime change in Iraq an official policy in 1998. He did this because he was persuaded by a policy-paper drafted by Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Feith, Bolton, Libby, Abrams, Wurmser and Perle (called the Project for a New American Century).

Kerry, Clinton, Chaney and Bush peddled lies about WMDs because each understands the need for the world's greatest oil consuming nation to control the world's largest remaining oil supplies. [Do you want terrorists to control energy prices, allowing them to hold the global economy hostage.]

Politicians have always lied about the hardball that must be played at the periphery of empire. They lie because the sheeple don't want to know how the pig gets turned into the sausage. They lie to people like you so that you will wrap yourself in a flag and bend over a low sofa so they can fill you up with tales of gay married terrorists (while they quietly count the money in the back room).

[Benghazi benshmazi BinLaden BinShmaden. It's a game of 3 Card Monty designed for idiots who sit cationic in front of Fox News with spirals in their eyes]

What I'm saying son is that they all lie - about everything. Grow up.
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Of all the lies of Obama and Clinton.. why do you not give the same high standards to your candidates?

Inversely, there are many conservatives who are so concerned about the lies of Obama and Clinton, but don't care about the lies of Carson.
I'm not voting for Carson so i dont care if he lies or not but his lies are not half as bad as Obama and Clinton. People DIED under Obama's and Clinton's lies BENGHAZI , VA waiting list , Fast And Furious , just to name of few
The guy is he worst kind of liar, he lies for no apparent reason and believes his own bullshit stories.
Clinton lied about sniper fire. Obama lied about being conceived at the Selma march. Those lies seem to be for no reason.

Except Obama never said that . You lie !
He claimed the Selma march was the "inspiration" for his conception. The only problem: he was already 3 years old when it happened.
Conservatives need to stop whining about 'the media' and 'liberals' and focus on what matters – such as the fact that both of their leading presidential candidates aren't fit to be president and are not taken seriously by the rest of the voters.
Didn't all you assholes just get done saying that lying doesn't matter? Does lying matter or not? Or does it only matter when you think you've caught a Republican doing it?

I said no such thing .

I just challenged the claim that Obama made up that story about being conceived at Selma . And no one has accepted that challenge .
Inversely, there are many conservatives who are so concerned about the lies of Obama and Clinton, but don't care about the lies of Carson.
I'm not voting for Carson so i dont care if he lies or not but his lies are not half as bad as Obama and Clinton. People DIED under Obama's and Clinton's lies BENGHAZI , VA waiting list , Fast And Furious , just to name of few
The guy is he worst kind of liar, he lies for no apparent reason and believes his own bullshit stories.
Clinton lied about sniper fire. Obama lied about being conceived at the Selma march. Those lies seem to be for no reason.

Except Obama never said that . You lie !
He claimed the Selma march was the "inspiration" for his conception. The only problem: he was already 3 years old when it happened.

A quote will do just fine . Excuse me if I don't go with your obvious bias interpretation .
Of all the lies of Obama and Clinton.. why do you not give the same high standards to your candidates?

Inversely, there are many conservatives who are so concerned about the lies of Obama and Clinton, but don't care about the lies of Carson.
I'm not voting for Carson so i dont care if he lies or not but his lies are not half as bad as Obama and Clinton. People DIED under Obama's and Clinton's lies BENGHAZI , VA waiting list , Fast And Furious , just to name of few
The guy is he worst kind of liar, he lies for no apparent reason and believes his own bullshit stories.
So? What difference does it make if the stories are true or not? How does that affect what kind of president he would be? Stories puffed for effect are done all the time. So what? It isnt "the worst kind of lying." The worst kind of lying is something substantive. Like saying an internet video caused a riot when you really know it was a terrorist attack and you're saying this because you have to support the president's re-election campaign.
It's bad because he has clearly invented his own personal version of reality. Do you really want someone with delusional tendencies holding the nuclear launch codes? "God" could tell him to do all sorts of apocalyptic things.

ROFL! According to the argument, Obama isn't qualified to be president because he also "invented his own personal version of reality." For instance, the girlfriend he invented who was actually an amalgam of several different women. You guys can't post an argument in this thread without stepping on your own dicks. That's because you're all pathological hypocrites.

When you voted for Obama, did you really want someone with delusional tendencies holding the nuclear launch codes?
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Conservatives need to stop whining about 'the media' and 'liberals' and focus on what matters – such as the fact that both of their leading presidential candidates aren't fit to be president and are not taken seriously by the rest of the voters.
Didn't all you assholes just get done saying that lying doesn't matter? Does lying matter or not? Or does it only matter when you think you've caught a Republican doing it?

I said no such thing .

I just challenged the claim that Obama made up that story about being conceived at Selma . And no one has accepted that challenge .


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