Liberals aren't for attacking Iran....

Until their lord and master, Obama says so. Then it'll be a no brainer. Undoubtedly it'll be Gutsy Call 2.0.

Uh...who else should make that call other than the President?

LOL - Yea, that was your attitude for Iraq/Afghanistan.

Liberal lemmings don't think for themselves. Right now, their lord and master as declared Iran is not an issue and they are not worried.
Until their lord and master, Obama says so. Then it'll be a no brainer. Undoubtedly it'll be Gutsy Call 2.0.

Uh...who else should make that call other than the President?

LOL - Yea, that was your attitude for Iraq/Afghanistan.

Liberal lemmings don't think for themselves. Right now, their lord and master as declared Iran is not an issue and they are not worried.

Non answer. So, I'll ask again: Who else should make that call?
Well lets see "conservatives" actually do something about this country and it's ability to engage in "Wars of Choice".

I'm all for it.
Effin' NO Bingo......I've always been in favor of attacking Iran, I would love to see Obama have some guts and actually do it!!!
Why the fuck would we want to attack Iran?

Ya lied this country into the Iraq war, you think you can do it again?

Only this time, the stakes might be more than you can pay. Attacking Iran, could lead to the end of all life on planet earth. Because it will put us in direct military confrontation with Russia.
Depends on the action. If we had to live through another year and a half of propaganda like we saw during the run up to the Iraq Invasion...I think you'd see alot of opposition. If Iran takes some kind of aggressive military action like trying to shut down the Strait for instance, I think the President would have bipartisan support to act, mostly.
I am for military action, if all else's fails, and if its in the best interest of our country. I watched those I love leave to fight in both Iraq and Afghanistan, I don't relish the prospect of waving them off again and praying they don't come back in a coffin.
Effin' NO Bingo......I've always been in favor of attacking Iran, I would love to see Obama have some guts and actually do it!!!
Why the fuck would we want to attack Iran?

Ya lied this country into the Iraq war, you think you can do it again?

Only this time, the stakes might be more than you can pay. Attacking Iran, could lead to the end of all life on planet earth. Because it will put us in direct military confrontation with Russia.

Iraq wasn't a son's been there 3 times and he's seen the proof. Have you? And Russia isn't as close to Iran as you think, they're not stupid, and there is NO country that wants to use nukes .... except Iran on Israel. And that's what you hope for.....
Iraq wasn't a son's been there 3 times and he's seen the proof. Have you?
Iraq was a huge lie. You don't have to go there to know somethings wrong when someone says that a country of goat herders, with barely any running water or electricity, 9000 miles away with no navy, is a threat to a country that has the most technologically advanced military the world has ever seen.

How big of a threat can you possibly be on 9 hours of electricity a day?

And Russia isn't as close to Iran as you think, they're not stupid, and there is NO country that wants to use nukes .... except Iran on Israel. And that's what you hope for.....
Iran is a Russian ally and we've already been warned by the Russian's not to do anything militarily against that country. They have a lot of trade agreements with Iran and won't like anyone fuckin' up their shit. And after watching us for the last 10 years making up bullshit reasons to attack sovereign nations, going from country to country, destablizing governments, putting in our own puppet rulers, Russia might just draw a line in the sand with Iran and say, you cross that line and it's on!
I am for military action, if all else's fails, and if its in the best interest of our country. I watched those I love leave to fight in both Iraq and Afghanistan, I don't relish the prospect of waving them off again and praying they don't come back in a coffin.
For what reason would we attack Iran?

Attacking Iran would be illegal.

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