Liberals aren't for attacking Iran....

UnConservatives will be in favor of attacking Iran until Obama is. Then it'll be a no brainer to oppose him. It will be Libya 2.0.

Effin' Bingo.


Effin' NO Bingo......I've always been in favor of attacking Iran, I would love to see Obama have some guts and actually do it!!!

How old are you CarolJo? I only ask because if the answer isnt male between the ages of 18 and 29, I really dont care that you think we should attack Iran. Is your foreign policy World War or is there just nothing good on cable to keep you occupied?
I'd like to see the world completely dry up their income source by developing cheap easy energy which any country can make in abundance. As long as oil is in the running, some country will be buying it from Iran and keeping Iran afloat. Get off the oil, bring down Iran.
I think all you war-mongering assholes need to shut your fuckin' mouths and go to hell! Go fuck yourselves! We've been at war for 10 years and you people need to eat shit! You're the worst fuckin' thing that has ever happened to this country! All you war-mongering mother-fuckers, should throw a strap around the shower curtain, wrap it around your fuckin' necks and jump off the tub. Take your fuckin' lives you fuckin' losers. I'm fuckin' sick of your god-damn, un-American bullshit.

A bit harsh if you ask me, loinboy. I don't see how sfcalifornia's comment was war-mongering. All he/she(?) said was that if we developed alternative energy Iran wouldn't have as much international pull.

In my opinion, if Israel wants to attack Iran they can do so on their own. I'm tired of fighting Israel's wars because some ancient book about talking snakes says they are special. Let them fund and fight their own wars. Why do pseudo conservatives always throw personal and fiscal responsibility out the window when it comes to bombing people they don't like?
Effin' Bingo.


Effin' NO Bingo......I've always been in favor of attacking Iran, I would love to see Obama have some guts and actually do it!!!

How old are you CarolJo? I only ask because if the answer isnt male between the ages of 18 and 29, I really dont care that you think we should attack Iran. Is your foreign policy World War or is there just nothing good on cable to keep you occupied?

Exactly. It's alot easier to send kids to war when you aren't the ones doing the fighting and dying.
I am for military action, if all else's fails, and if its in the best interest of our country. I watched those I love leave to fight in both Iraq and Afghanistan, I don't relish the prospect of waving them off again and praying they don't come back in a coffin.
For what reason would we attack Iran?

Attacking Iran would be illegal.

They're developing nukes and have stated their desire to obliterate Israel and the USA. The math isn't hard.

So, it is only the fact that North Korea has not threatened Israel that diminishes your eagerness to go to war with it, too?
UnConservatives will be in favor of attacking Iran until Obama is. Then it'll be a no brainer to oppose him. It will be Libya 2.0.

Effin' Bingo.


Effin' NO Bingo......I've always been in favor of attacking Iran, I would love to see Obama have some guts and actually do it!!!

Since you obviously don't realize it, here it is clearly: you appear absolutely detestable to say such a thing. Young, poor soldiers have already carried the water for absurd, illegal, immoral agendas of war mongers and profiteers. Anyone so eager to see our youth go kill and die has missed the lessons of history entirely.

But, if you are so anxious to blindly flail into unknown consequences, why don't you just parachute in there yourself?

Let us know the result.
A bit harsh if you ask me, loinboy. I don't see how sfcalifornia's comment was war-mongering. All he/she(?) said was that if we developed alternative energy Iran wouldn't have as much international pull.

In my opinion, if Israel wants to attack Iran they can do so on their own. I'm tired of fighting Israel's wars because some ancient book about talking snakes says they are special. Let them fund and fight their own wars. Why do pseudo conservatives always throw personal and fiscal responsibility out the window when it comes to bombing people they don't like?
Her "take Iran down" rubbed me the wrong way. I've had enough of people thinking they can do whatever they want to other country's. All this rhetoric about Iran is the same shit we went through 10 years ago leading up to the Iraq war. I didn't believe the bullshit then and I don't believe the bullshit now.

Anyone who calls themself an "American", needs to realize this country is based on the rule of law. And when you don't respect the law, you are being un-American. With that being said, there are only two ways you can attack a country legally:
if you, yourself, is attacked by a significant force (or the attack is iminent)
your receive UNSC authorization to do so​
Anything else, is a war of choice; which is a war of aggression; which is a crime against humanity.

No one has proven Iran has weaponized their nuclear program and it just pisses me off, people are so irresponsible to talk as though they did.

Even if Iran made "the bomb", if they're smart enough to make a nuke, then they're smart enough to know that if they use that nuke, their country will glow in the dark.
A bit harsh if you ask me, loinboy. I don't see how sfcalifornia's comment was war-mongering. All he/she(?) said was that if we developed alternative energy Iran wouldn't have as much international pull.

In my opinion, if Israel wants to attack Iran they can do so on their own. I'm tired of fighting Israel's wars because some ancient book about talking snakes says they are special. Let them fund and fight their own wars. Why do pseudo conservatives always throw personal and fiscal responsibility out the window when it comes to bombing people they don't like?
Her "take Iran down" rubbed me the wrong way. I've had enough of people thinking they can do whatever they want to other country's. All this rhetoric about Iran is the same shit we went through 10 years ago leading up to the Iraq war. I didn't believe the bullshit then and I don't believe the bullshit now.

Anyone who calls themself an "American", needs to realize this country is based on the rule of law. And when you don't respect the law, you are being un-American. With that being said, there are only two ways you can attack a country legally:
if you, yourself, is attacked by a significant force (or the attack is iminent)
your receive UNSC authorization to do so​
Anything else, is a war of choice; which is a war of aggression; which is a crime against humanity.

No one has proven Iran has weaponized their nuclear program and it just pisses me off, people are so irresponsible to talk as though they did.

Even if Iran made "the bomb", if they're smart enough to make a nuke, then they're smart enough to know that if they use that nuke, their country will glow in the dark.
Whoa. Seriously.

You misinterpreted what I said. I have no interest in going to war with Iran either. I'm sick of the war mongering too. But there are a few things going on in Iran which we can't forget/deny: 1) Iran is a theocratic authoritarian government committing human rights abuses against its own people and 2) we can't sit by and watch the Iranian government threaten to obliterate Isreal and it's citizens, regardless of one's take on Isreal in general.

We impose economic sanctions on miscreant countries all the time. While it is a much more humane approach in punishing a country, no matter how you cut it, it is always the citizens who will suffer the price for the actions of it's government. My suggestion is the ultimate economic sanction but it sure as hell is a lot more humane than just going in and bombing the shit out the country which is what the war-salivating right wing would love to see.

I'm on your side on this Loinboy, at least I thought I was......

And btw, I'm a "he" now that you got everyone wondering LOL.
Iraq wasn't a son's been there 3 times and he's seen the proof. Have you?
Iraq was a huge lie. You don't have to go there to know somethings wrong when someone says that a country of goat herders, with barely any running water or electricity, 9000 miles away with no navy, is a threat to a country that has the most technologically advanced military the world has ever seen.

How big of a threat can you possibly be on 9 hours of electricity a day?

Country of goat herders?:confused: You obviously have not been to Iraq, that country is not peaches and cream but in no means is Iraq a country of illiterate goat herders like Afghanistan for example, Iraq had one of the highest literacy rates in the Middle East and a educated Middle class. You underestimate the Iraqi people.
Country of goat herders?:confused: You obviously have not been to Iraq, that country is not peaches and cream but in no means is Iraq a country of illiterate goat herders like Afghanistan for example, Iraq had one of the highest literacy rates in the Middle East and a educated Middle class. You underestimate the Iraqi people.
We bombed that country back to the stone-age during the first Persian Gulf war. And at the time Bush started making all this shit about them being a threat, they were only capable of generating 9 hours of electricity a day. How big of a threat can you be on 9 hours of electricity a day?

And all their intellectually educated people left the country when we handed the rains over to the Shiites. The government we installed in Iraq started targetting them.
Whoa. Seriously.

You misinterpreted what I said. I have no interest in going to war with Iran either. I'm sick of the war mongering too. But there are a few things going on in Iran which we can't forget/deny: 1) Iran is a theocratic authoritarian government committing human rights abuses against its own people and 2) we can't sit by and watch the Iranian government threaten to obliterate Isreal and it's citizens, regardless of one's take on Isreal in general.

We impose economic sanctions on miscreant countries all the time. While it is a much more humane approach in punishing a country, no matter how you cut it, it is always the citizens who will suffer the price for the actions of it's government. My suggestion is the ultimate economic sanction but it sure as hell is a lot more humane than just going in and bombing the shit out the country which is what the war-salivating right wing would love to see.

I'm on your side on this Loinboy, at least I thought I was......

And btw, I'm a "he" now that you got everyone wondering LOL.
Iran has not threatened to wipe Israel out. That was their old Iatollah. They one they used as a pinata. Most of what they say about Israel is in response to Israel's threats to bomb them.

There is no reason for sanctions. They've done nothing wrong. We had sanctions against Iraq for 10 years and it killed 50% of their newborns during that time. We need to stop interferring in other country's internal problems. This is one of the reasons we had 9/11. We are creating enemies by targetting muslim country's with sanctions.

If someone attacks us, we let'em have it; but if they don't, we leave'em alone.
Country of goat herders?:confused: You obviously have not been to Iraq, that country is not peaches and cream but in no means is Iraq a country of illiterate goat herders like Afghanistan for example, Iraq had one of the highest literacy rates in the Middle East and a educated Middle class. You underestimate the Iraqi people.
We bombed that country back to the stone-age during the first Persian Gulf war. And at the time Bush started making all this shit about them being a threat, they were only capable of generating 9 hours of electricity a day. How big of a threat can you be on 9 hours of electricity a day?

And all their intellectually educated people left the country when we handed the rains over to the Shiites. The government we installed in Iraq started targetting them.

What the heck does electricity have to do with a nation's ability to be a threat to their neighbors? Not having much electricity certainly didn't stop Iraq from invading Iran or over-running Kuwait and threatening the Saudi oil fields, did it?
Country of goat herders?:confused: You obviously have not been to Iraq, that country is not peaches and cream but in no means is Iraq a country of illiterate goat herders like Afghanistan for example, Iraq had one of the highest literacy rates in the Middle East and a educated Middle class. You underestimate the Iraqi people.
We bombed that country back to the stone-age during the first Persian Gulf war. And at the time Bush started making all this shit about them being a threat, they were only capable of generating 9 hours of electricity a day. How big of a threat can you be on 9 hours of electricity a day?

And all their intellectually educated people left the country when we handed the rains over to the Shiites. The government we installed in Iraq started targetting them.

Electricity? the 9/11 attacks were originated in caves in Afghanistan. You don't need electricity 24 hours a day to be a threat.
Iraq wasn't a son's been there 3 times and he's seen the proof. Have you?
Iraq was a huge lie. You don't have to go there to know somethings wrong when someone says that a country of goat herders, with barely any running water or electricity, 9000 miles away with no navy, is a threat to a country that has the most technologically advanced military the world has ever seen.

How big of a threat can you possibly be on 9 hours of electricity a day?

Country of goat herders?:confused: You obviously have not been to Iraq, that country is not peaches and cream but in no means is Iraq a country of illiterate goat herders like Afghanistan for example, Iraq had one of the highest literacy rates in the Middle East and a educated Middle class. You underestimate the Iraqi people.

Americans haven't underestimated the Iraqi people. They made up an imaginary Iraqi people. The reality is that the young people of Iraq would love to depose the Mullahs. The reality is that in 2009 when those same young people started the Green Revolution intending to do just that. Then obama told them to sit down and shut up. Of course that necessarily means that America would never again be considered a partner in freedom or trusted.
What the heck does electricity have to do with a nation's ability to be a threat to their neighbors? Not having much electricity certainly didn't stop Iraq from invading Iran or over-running Kuwait and threatening the Saudi oil fields, did it?
At the time of our illegal and immoral invasion, Iraq wasn't threatening its neighbors. And what happened between them and Iran, is between them and Iran. As for Kuwait, their foreign minister told our ambassador, they believed Kuwait was "slant drilling" into Iraqi oil fields and they were going to put a stop to it. Bush 41 told our ambassador to tell them, we don't get involved in border disputes. They mis-took it as a green light from us to attack Kuwait. But that's not what we were saying.

BTW, it's worth mentioning, that the Sabah family we put back in power in Kuwait, ain't exactly a democratic government. In some ways, they're just as tyrannical as Hussein was.

As for the Saudi oil fields, when Hussein started talking tall about them, Bin Laden asked the Saudi government, "You want me to go kill him?" The Saudi government told UBL, "Thanks for the offer, but we'll handle this ourselves". The Saudi's knew, no one is going to be attacking their oil fields with our military still in the country.

As for the lack of electricity, it's a little hard to make bombs when you have to shut down production 15 hours a day.
Iraq was a huge lie. You don't have to go there to know somethings wrong when someone says that a country of goat herders, with barely any running water or electricity, 9000 miles away with no navy, is a threat to a country that has the most technologically advanced military the world has ever seen.

How big of a threat can you possibly be on 9 hours of electricity a day?

Country of goat herders?:confused: You obviously have not been to Iraq, that country is not peaches and cream but in no means is Iraq a country of illiterate goat herders like Afghanistan for example, Iraq had one of the highest literacy rates in the Middle East and a educated Middle class. You underestimate the Iraqi people.

Americans haven't underestimated the Iraqi people. They made up an imaginary Iraqi people. The reality is that the young people of Iraq would love to depose the Mullahs. The reality is that in 2009 when those same young people started the Green Revolution intending to do just that. Then obama told them to sit down and shut up. Of course that necessarily means that America would never again be considered a partner in freedom or trusted.

Katz that was Iran, we are talking about Iraq.
What the heck does electricity have to do with a nation's ability to be a threat to their neighbors? Not having much electricity certainly didn't stop Iraq from invading Iran or over-running Kuwait and threatening the Saudi oil fields, did it?
At the time of our illegal and immoral invasion, Iraq wasn't threatening its neighbors. And what happened between them and Iran, is between them and Iran. As for Kuwait, their foreign minister told our ambassador, they believed Kuwait was "slant drilling" into Iraqi oil fields and they were going to put a stop to it. Bush 41 told our ambassador to tell them, we don't get involved in border disputes. They mis-took it as a green light from us to attack Kuwait. But that's not what we were saying.

BTW, it's worth mentioning, that the Sabah family we put back in power in Kuwait, ain't exactly a democratic government. In some ways, they're just as tyrannical as Hussein was.

As for the Saudi oil fields, when Hussein started talking tall about them, Bin Laden asked the Saudi government, "You want me to go kill him?" The Saudi government told UBL, "Thanks for the offer, but we'll handle this ourselves". The Saudi's knew, no one is going to be attacking their oil fields with our military still in the country.

As for the lack of electricity, it's a little hard to make bombs when you have to shut down production 15 hours a day.

Dude thats not true in the least bit, if you needed running electricity 24 hours a day there would be no bombs going off in Somalia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen etc those guys are less advanced and have less electricity than the Iraqis. Your looking at this from an American point of view, the Iraqis and what not can still do damage even if they had 0 hours of electricity.
I am not for attackaing Iran unless they actually attack us.
Never have been for attacking Iran.

and all the right wingers here consider me a liberal becuase I am not a Republican.
Darned absolutist thinking restriction they have.
Americans haven't underestimated the Iraqi people. They made up an imaginary Iraqi people. The reality is that the young people of Iraq would love to depose the Mullahs. The reality is that in 2009 when those same young people started the Green Revolution intending to do just that. Then obama told them to sit down and shut up. Of course that necessarily means that America would never again be considered a partner in freedom or trusted.
It's not our problem to fix other country's internal bullshit.

We need to fix the bullshit in our country.
Dude thats not true in the least bit, if you needed running electricity 24 hours a day there would be no bombs going off in Somalia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen etc those guys are less advanced and have less electricity than the Iraqis. Your looking at this from an American point of view, the Iraqis and what not can still do damage even if they had 0 hours of electricity.
In order to manufacture weapons of war, you need the infrastructure to make them. They're not living in the 19th century.

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