Liberals aren't for attacking Iran....

Obamaturd is spineless, he won't attack the muslims he loves so much.
Tell that to all the Muslims he has been slaying with drones, willfully blind man. Tell that to Osama bin Laden.

Just how hard do you have to jam pencils into your brain to cause such incredibly stupid comments to come out?
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Uh...who else should make that call other than the President?

LOL - Yea, that was your attitude for Iraq/Afghanistan.

Liberal lemmings don't think for themselves. Right now, their lord and master as declared Iran is not an issue and they are not worried.

Non answer. So, I'll ask again: Who else should make that call?

As long as you're asking, Congress. But the president historically leads the way in that regard. But like a true liberal jackass you made up a whole other issue. I never debated who makes the call. My point is that liberals don't think for themselves when it comes to issues like Iran. If your lord and master says we need to stay away then you're gold. If he makes the case for war, you'll have no problem with it.
I am for military action, if all else's fails, and if its in the best interest of our country. I watched those I love leave to fight in both Iraq and Afghanistan, I don't relish the prospect of waving them off again and praying they don't come back in a coffin.

Thank you, Miss America.
I am for military action, if all else's fails, and if its in the best interest of our country. I watched those I love leave to fight in both Iraq and Afghanistan, I don't relish the prospect of waving them off again and praying they don't come back in a coffin.
For what reason would we attack Iran?

Attacking Iran would be illegal.

They're developing nukes and have stated their desire to obliterate Israel and the USA. The math isn't hard.
If Iran bombs or nukes someone else, then we'll wipe them clean.

Otherwise, is it worth going trillions more into debt just like Papa GOP did with the iraq war?
By proxy, Iran attacks worldwide everyday.
I was wondering when you'd show up with all your girlie bullshit?

Thank you for your highly intelligent reply! You are obviously practising Islamic Taqiyya.

Why don't you dispute the facts that Iran and its proxy Hezbollah have committed acts of terrorism, which is of course the cowardly Iranian way of having a war! From the most recent in Bulgaria killing 6 ..... going back to the bombing in Beirut some years ago which killed 58 French peace keepers and 241 American Marines ..... many more examples are available.

You say I make girlie comments which of course perfectly illustrates the fact that Islamic-Iranians hold women in contempt.
You keep plugging your fingers in your ears and singing.
Yeah, what do I know?

Would you believe what our intel agencies would say on this subject?

Recent assessments by American spy agencies are broadly consistent with a 2007 intelligence finding that concluded that Iran had abandoned its nuclear weapons program years earlier, according to current and former American officials. The officials said that assessment was largely reaffirmed in a 2010 National Intelligence Estimate, and that it remains the consensus view of America’s 16 intelligence agencies.
Why don't you dispute the facts that Iran and its proxy Hezbollah have committed acts of terrorism, which is of course the cowardly Iranian way of having a war! From the most recent in Bulgaria killing 6 ..... going back to the bombing in Beirut some years ago which killed 58 French peace keepers and 241 American Marines ..... many more examples are available.

You say I make girlie comments which of course perfectly illustrates the fact that Islamic-Iranians hold women in contempt.
The Iran connection with Bulgaria is just Israeli propaganda not backed by evidence. The Beirut bombing was a long time ago. Hezbollah is more concerned with ensuring their constituents have public utilities in their apartments.

As for Iranian's, over 70% of the population in that country is under 30. They are just waiting for those old mullah's to die off before they modernize and throw their current President under the bus. They think their current religious leadership are a bunch of whacko zealots and do not see the world they way they do. They don't like their president and think he'll just go away after the old mullahs go to the 72 virgins in the sky, skye.

Just think back to when you were under 30 (while we were still riding horseback) and what did you think of people over 60 then?
What would you like to see us do in Iran?

I'd like to see the world completely dry up their income source by developing cheap easy energy which any country can make in abundance. As long as oil is in the running, some country will be buying it from Iran and keeping Iran afloat. Get off the oil, bring down Iran.
I'd like to see the world completely dry up their income source by developing cheap easy energy which any country can make in abundance. As long as oil is in the running, some country will be buying it from Iran and keeping Iran afloat. Get off the oil, bring down Iran.
I think all you war-mongering assholes need to shut your fuckin' mouths and go to hell! Go fuck yourselves! We've been at war for 10 years and you people need to eat shit! You're the worst fuckin' thing that has ever happened to this country! All you war-mongering mother-fuckers, should throw a strap around the shower curtain, wrap it around your fuckin' necks and jump off the tub. Take your fuckin' lives you fuckin' losers. I'm fuckin' sick of your god-damn, un-American bullshit.
I'd like to see the world completely dry up their income source by developing cheap easy energy which any country can make in abundance. As long as oil is in the running, some country will be buying it from Iran and keeping Iran afloat. Get off the oil, bring down Iran.
I think all you war-mongering assholes need to shut your fuckin' mouths and go to hell! Go fuck yourselves! We've been at war for 10 years and you people need to eat shit! You're the worst fuckin' thing that has ever happened to this country! All you war-mongering mother-fuckers, should throw a strap around the shower curtain, wrap it around your fuckin' necks and jump off the tub. Take your fuckin' lives you fuckin' losers. I'm fuckin' sick of your god-damn, un-American bullshit.

How about you go fucking live in Iran and then tell us what bull shit America is asshole.
BTw, Iran has a very violent history and very violent mission. Who gives a fuck what you have to say if you can't even own up to that.

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