Liberals aren't for attacking Iran....

What is their plan, to supply the world with enriched uranium, when they are sanctioned?
I don't know what you're saying here.

Can you explain this one a little more clearly?

Have you bothered to look at the amount and size of Iranian nuclear reactors? Have you bothered to check the purchases of fuel for those reactors or it's production? Have you bothered to assess the fuel requirements of those reactors? Have you bothered to check how many aluminum tubes Iran has purchased to use in their centrifuges and what the production of uranium enrichment would be? Iran isn't the first country on Earth to enrich uranium in centrifuges, so why wouldn't experts be able to calculate the production of enriched uranium and compare it to the needs of Iranian reactors? It's simple accounting that a reactor will use up so much fuel and the fuel either has to be bought or made. Reactor grade fuel is not weapons grade, but it's known how much weapons grade enriched uranium is needed to make a nuclear weapon.

Is the United States the only country believing Iran is enriching uranium to make nuclear weapons and is the United States the only country that can gather intelligence? When it's known that Iran is involved with people who made Pakistan nuclear weapons, why isn't that considered evidence? The real evidence is in the enrichment capacity and when that capacity is more than Iran needs, if it was doing it's own enrichment, which it doesn't have to do, then it becomes obvious they are enriching uranium for nuclear weapons. They aren't going to market enriched uranium to the rest of the world, so why are they enriching it?

The simple fact is, you don't care, but sensible people in the world do care. That's why all those nations have put sanctions against Iran. You can pretend it's the United States and Israel, but it isn't. You caught up in bullshit helping the enemy, because that's your nation.
Why wouldn't an Iran with nuclear weapons lead to nuclear proliferation throughout the Middle East and then an arms race? Suicide isn't unknown to the region.
Because Iran is a signatory to the "Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty", Israel is not.

I also think they want arabs to eventually be able to live in palestine again so nuking it would prohibit that.

These aren't hydrogen bombs and they wouldn't have to nuke the whole area to destroy Israel. Having nuclear weapons would be a dominant thing in the Middle East, because people are clustered around cities. Iran has ballistic missiles that can reach Israel and eventually will have them that can reach Europe. Considering Iranian influence in Syria and Lebanon, I'd say their interests are towards that area and Iraq isn't there to stop them.
Yea! If homicidal Muslim facists want their nukes to use against the infidels then you get no say! So there!

Yeah. Right.

Only reason we have a problem with the 'facists" is because we kept screwing with their politics. In 1953, they were on the path to developing a democracy, and we installed a ruthless dictator who stamped out any sensinble oppossition, only leaving the religious fanatics.

But you know what, I'm not willing to say "how high" when the Zionists say "Jump". Even if Iran gets a nuke, they won't have a missile with enough range to hit the US, and it's not like they are suicidal to use it when we have more and bigger ones.

Why wouldn't an Iran with nuclear weapons lead to nuclear proliferation throughout the Middle East and then an arms race? Suicide isn't unknown to the region.

Yeah....right....these people want War.....


[ame=]The lifestyle in Iran (by BBC four) - YouTube[/ame]​
Yeah. Right.

Only reason we have a problem with the 'facists" is because we kept screwing with their politics. In 1953, they were on the path to developing a democracy, and we installed a ruthless dictator who stamped out any sensinble oppossition, only leaving the religious fanatics.

But you know what, I'm not willing to say "how high" when the Zionists say "Jump". Even if Iran gets a nuke, they won't have a missile with enough range to hit the US, and it's not like they are suicidal to use it when we have more and bigger ones.

Why wouldn't an Iran with nuclear weapons lead to nuclear proliferation throughout the Middle East and then an arms race? Suicide isn't unknown to the region.

Yeah....right....these people want War.....


[ame=]The lifestyle in Iran (by BBC four) - YouTube[/ame]​

Iran doesn't listen to it's people or how they vote.

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