Liberals aren't for attacking Iran....

The Iranian nuclear program exists and they aren't trying to make fuel.
Where's your proof of that?

I've been around your kind enough to know that I can respect someone who doesn't believe in war, but I don't respect people who always side with the enemies of the United States. That isn't the same as being against war.
People who have done nothing to you, are not enemies.

And attacking someone who has not attacked you first, is a war crime.

Who said anything about attacking the people of Iran?

I don't give a fuck what you want, this country or any country would be stupid to allow the Iranians to get nuclear weapons. Iran can fuel it's nuclear reactors and have a nuclear program that the world can watch. If it doesn't want to do it that way, it can lose that program when their facilities are bombed. That's the only choice they should get.
Who said anything about attacking the people of Iran?

I don't give a fuck what you want, this country or any country would be stupid to allow the Iranians to get nuclear weapons. Iran can fuel it's nuclear reactors and have a nuclear program that the world can watch. If it doesn't want to do it that way, it can lose that program when their facilities are bombed. That's the only choice they should get.
It's not your choice to make.
Who said anything about attacking the people of Iran?

I don't give a fuck what you want, this country or any country would be stupid to allow the Iranians to get nuclear weapons. Iran can fuel it's nuclear reactors and have a nuclear program that the world can watch. If it doesn't want to do it that way, it can lose that program when their facilities are bombed. That's the only choice they should get.
It's not your choice to make.

Yea! If homicidal Muslim facists want their nukes to use against the infidels then you get no say! So there!
Who said anything about attacking the people of Iran?

I don't give a fuck what you want, this country or any country would be stupid to allow the Iranians to get nuclear weapons. Iran can fuel it's nuclear reactors and have a nuclear program that the world can watch. If it doesn't want to do it that way, it can lose that program when their facilities are bombed. That's the only choice they should get.
It's not your choice to make.

That's the choice many nations have made, but they are expecting the United States and Israel to do the heavy lifting. There are plenty of countries in the Middle East and Europe that don't want Iran to have nuclear weapons.
Yea! If homicidal Muslim facists want their nukes to use against the infidels then you get no say! So there!
Any country smart enough to build a nuke, is also smart enough to know if they use that nuke, their country will glow in the dark.

You don't have to be that smart to make nuclear weapons. All a country needs are the resources and the time. It was a big myth in my youth that making nuclear weapons was so complicated and once I was a Chemistry major freshman, the Professors were cautioning us not to put classified information on their blackboards, because the government would come in and take their blackboards off the wall. They really liked those blackboards and worked hard to protect them. I'm sure the Physics and Math majors were told the same.

There are plenty of things connected to nuclear energy that need a nation to be accountable. If a moron hasn't figured out there are terrorist organizations that don't give a fuck about consequences, then it's time to learn. Fools like you need to stop assisting the enemies of this world. Your kind isn't against war, it's just against the good guys.
Why are you an idiot? Obvious troll is obvious. He's apparently the king of the Universe. :lol:

You want to talk about being a troll? I'm talking about a subject and being against Iran having a nuclear weapon doesn't make someone a troll. Who in their right mind would want Iran to have nuclear weapons? Iran has the opportunity to avoid sanctions and just behave itself with it's nuclear energy, but it chooses not to do it. It's on Iran if they get their asses bombed for being assholes thinking they can get away with developing nukes because they can convince fools on the internet to support them. Who gives a fuck what you think?
The Iranian nuclear program exists and they aren't trying to make fuel.
Where's your proof of that?

I've been around your kind enough to know that I can respect someone who doesn't believe in war, but I don't respect people who always side with the enemies of the United States. That isn't the same as being against war.
People who have done nothing to you, are not enemies.

And attacking someone who has not attacked you first, is a war crime.

Who said anything about attacking the people of Iran?

I don't give a fuck what you want, this country or any country would be stupid to allow the Iranians to get nuclear weapons.
Oh, yeah??

All the Iranians would have to do is...point to Iraq....and, say "That's what happens, when you DON'T have nukes!!!"
Where's your proof of that?

People who have done nothing to you, are not enemies.

And attacking someone who has not attacked you first, is a war crime.

Who said anything about attacking the people of Iran?

I don't give a fuck what you want, this country or any country would be stupid to allow the Iranians to get nuclear weapons.
Oh, yeah??

All the Iranians would have to do is...point to Iraq....and, say "That's what happens, when you DON'T have nukes!!!"

No one wants to invade Iran and they know it. Their whole identity is wrapped up in what they oppose, so they will keep their people in line by always creating a problem for their people to focus it's attention on. In other words, they will create their own crisis, because they are afraid their people will wake up and see how worthless the leadership is.
Yea! If homicidal Muslim facists want their nukes to use against the infidels then you get no say! So there!
Any country smart enough to build a nuke, is also smart enough to know if they use that nuke, their country will glow in the dark.

That's ridiculous logic. In the first place, the people who build the nukes and the people who control them are not the same people. In the second place, people in power are always guilty of having complexes. Hitler or Saddam wouldn't have died before their time if they didn't press their luck.
The more these fascist pathetic idiots speak the more I wish Iran does get a bomb for deterrence. It's unfortunate we still have idiots who think they can fabricate their own justification for going to war. They say like it's nothing. Complete disregard to human life. Just like the blackwater scum in Iraq. These scumbags should understand Americans aren't for war. We are done with doing what Israel wants us to do. Imagine people reading this who aren't American. What will they think of us? What country goes around the world like the USA does? This is horrific. It's time for a change.
The more these fascist pathetic idiots speak the more I wish Iran does get a bomb for deterrence. It's unfortunate we still have idiots who think they can fabricate their own justification for going to war. They say like it's nothing. Complete disregard to human life. Just like the blackwater scum in Iraq. These scumbags should understand Americans aren't for war. We are done with doing what Israel wants us to do. Imagine people reading this who aren't American. What will they think of us? What country goes around the world like the USA does? This is horrific. It's time for a change.

Do you have any idea of the people you are talking about? I'm not a fascist or a communist or a socialist. I'm not some idiot who thinks we are doing this for Israel. From what I've been told the Iranian economy is really being hurt by sanctions, but they are determined to make nuclear weapons. The people you are calling fascists are people like Obama. Unless he backs down and I don't think he will, we aren't going to let Iran get nuclear weapons and that means we will attack their sites, if we have to do it to stop them. If that causes a war that is Iran's choice.

Do you think the people in Europe or the Middle East want Iran to get nuclear weapons? Yes, Americans are tired of war, but attacking Iran's nuclear capacity isn't war, unless they make it war and lose their military assets putting on a show. If Iran tries to close the Staits of Hormuz, that is an act of war against many nations using those international waters. I don't hear you bitching about that action being an act of war. Can you idiots explain why it's always we are the bad guys and you don't address Iran threatening other countries as an act of war?
Europe can eat shit in my opinion. So can the US. They both always talk about how the Middle East should join the civilized world and pursue technology. But when they do, of course, only under our administration. We don't actually want their countries to prosper. Btw, when you say the people in the Middle East, there aren't any people in the Middle East. Those are puppet dictatorial governments who the US and Europe support. Their words are meaningless. I hope Iran does acquire nuclear weapons so the citizens can start an uprising against puppet governments. It's good for the Arab world to change and to stick together. Iran is simply making statements in retaliation for American and Israeli threats. The action is always initiated by the US. Sanctions. Initiated first by.....US! What makes us the bad guys is this bullying colonial mindset that we decide what happens in that region thousands of miles away from us. It's our government that's the problem. It isn't us aware Americans who realize what our government is committing has nothing to do with justice or stability. Is completely the opposite. Our actions in the past have shown us disastrous consequences for the region. There's no point to repeat history and kill hundreds of thousands of civilians without any justifications. You have a double standard. If Israel doesn't threaten Iran than Iran shouldn't threaten Israel. Israel has long been pushing for a invasion in Iran. For decades the Israeli prime minister has been claiming Iran is working towards nuclear weapons. He's a liar. His true intentions are for every Middle Eastern country to be destroyed for whatever plan he has next. So who's next after Iran? Do you think people can't notice this wider scene? Of course because Iran has the resources and we need to profit off war. Which our economy runs off of. I'm sick of these lies and justifications that aren't allowed to be questioned. This is mass murder of anyone who doesn't do what we want. It's time for an end to it.
Europe can eat shit in my opinion. So can the US. They both always talk about how the Middle East should join the civilized world and pursue technology. But when they do, of course, only under our administration. We don't actually want their countries to prosper. Btw, when you say the people in the Middle East, there aren't any people in the Middle East. Those are puppet dictatorial governments who the US and Europe support. Their words are meaningless. I hope Iran does acquire nuclear weapons so the citizens can start an uprising against puppet governments. It's good for the Arab world to change and to stick together. Iran is simply making statements in retaliation for American and Israeli threats. The action is always initiated by the US. Sanctions. Initiated first by.....US! What makes us the bad guys is this bullying colonial mindset that we decide what happens in that region thousands of miles away from us. It's our government that's the problem. It isn't us aware Americans who realize what our government is committing has nothing to do with justice or stability. Is completely the opposite. Our actions in the past have shown us disastrous consequences for the region. There's no point to repeat history and kill hundreds of thousands of civilians without any justifications. You have a double standard. If Israel doesn't threaten Iran than Iran shouldn't threaten Israel. Israel has long been pushing for a invasion in Iran. For decades the Israeli prime minister has been claiming Iran is working towards nuclear weapons. He's a liar. His true intentions are for every Middle Eastern country to be destroyed for whatever plan he has next. So who's next after Iran? Do you think people can't notice this wider scene? Of course because Iran has the resources and we need to profit off war. Which our economy runs off of. I'm sick of these lies and justifications that aren't allowed to be questioned. This is mass murder of anyone who doesn't do what we want. It's time for an end to it.

You're a fucking nutcase. Israel doesn't want to invade Iran and what could they do with it if the Iranians gave it to them?

If you're so sick of lies, stop lying to yourself!
You're a fucking nutcase. Israel doesn't want to invade Iran and what could they do with it if the Iranians gave it to them?

If you're so sick of lies, stop lying to yourself!
If Israel doesn't want to attack Iran, why are they lobbying Washington for the green light to do it?

Israel threatens war against Iran within months

Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak argued again on Thursday that military action had to be taken soon. “The Iranian military nuclear program is slowly but surely reaching the final stages,” he claimed, declaring that if the project entered “the immunity stage” it could be completed “without any effective intervention.” Stressing the urgency, Barak warned: “Those who say ‘later’ may find that later is too late.”
Israel's been talking about a strike on Iran for over a year now.
That's the choice many nations have made, but they are expecting the United States and Israel to do the heavy lifting. There are plenty of countries in the Middle East and Europe that don't want Iran to have nuclear weapons.
There is no evidence that they've weaponized their program and it is completely irresponsible on your part to speak as though they have.
You don't have to be that smart to make nuclear weapons. All a country needs are the resources and the time. It was a big myth in my youth that making nuclear weapons was so complicated and once I was a Chemistry major freshman, the Professors were cautioning us not to put classified information on their blackboards, because the government would come in and take their blackboards off the wall. They really liked those blackboards and worked hard to protect them. I'm sure the Physics and Math majors were told the same.

There are plenty of things connected to nuclear energy that need a nation to be accountable. If a moron hasn't figured out there are terrorist organizations that don't give a fuck about consequences, then it's time to learn. Fools like you need to stop assisting the enemies of this world. Your kind isn't against war, it's just against the good guys.
Good guys don't attack country's that hadn't attacked them first.

Good guys obey the law.

Good guys are for truth and justice, not lies and aggression.
You're a fucking nutcase. Israel doesn't want to invade Iran and what could they do with it if the Iranians gave it to them?

If you're so sick of lies, stop lying to yourself!
If Israel doesn't want to attack Iran, why are they lobbying Washington for the green light to do it?

Israel threatens war against Iran within months

Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak argued again on Thursday that military action had to be taken soon. “The Iranian military nuclear program is slowly but surely reaching the final stages,” he claimed, declaring that if the project entered “the immunity stage” it could be completed “without any effective intervention.” Stressing the urgency, Barak warned: “Those who say ‘later’ may find that later is too late.”
Israel's been talking about a strike on Iran for over a year now.

Do you know what the word invade means? The world just wants Iran to give up trying to make nuclear weapons and I believe that capacity will be attacked if they don't.

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