Liberals aren't for attacking Iran....

until their lord and master, obama says so. Then it'll be a no brainer. Undoubtedly it'll be gutsy call 2.0.

The only evidence there is here is you're a fucking fool!
"The only evidence there is here..."

That makes no sense whatsoever. It's like that stupid line in Taladega Nights, "If you're not first, you're last!"

There's plenty of evidence of war crimes. Just this past week, Karzai told US commanders to get their troops out of this one neighborhood, because they kept shooting civilians.
The only evidence there is here is you're a fucking fool!
"The only evidence there is here..."

That makes no sense whatsoever. It's like that stupid line in Taladega Nights, "If you're not first, you're last!"

There's plenty of evidence of war crimes. Just this past week, Karzai told US commanders to get their troops out of this one neighborhood, because they kept shooting civilians.

Karzai accused the US of talking with the Taliban behind his back. Karzai's brother was a major drug dealer and Karzai acts like he's on drugs. Evidence is a liar telling you what you want to hear.
The only evidence there is here is you're a fucking fool!
"The only evidence there is here..."

That makes no sense whatsoever. It's like that stupid line in Taladega Nights, "If you're not first, you're last!"

There's plenty of evidence of war crimes. Just this past week, Karzai told US commanders to get their troops out of this one neighborhood, because they kept shooting civilians.

Karzai accused the US of talking with the Taliban behind his back. Karzai's brother was a major drug dealer and Karzai acts like he's on drugs. Evidence is a liar telling you what you want to hear.

I wouldn't trust Karzai or Obama. Why are we even in Afghanistan? That doesn't seem to be a question that Obama is required to answer. Yet, Bush was the most terrible person in the world for being there, killing babies.
I want Iran to get the bomb in order to prove that they aren't going to be the first suicide nation, making a first strike on Israel. We can contain them, like we did with China and the USSR/Russia. Wanting to bomb Iran is another insane right wing belief, based on feelings and emotions, not facts. The right wing of America led us into a disaster in Iraq, and the American voter opposes yet another war in the Middle East.
"The only evidence there is here..."

That makes no sense whatsoever. It's like that stupid line in Taladega Nights, "If you're not first, you're last!"

There's plenty of evidence of war crimes. Just this past week, Karzai told US commanders to get their troops out of this one neighborhood, because they kept shooting civilians.

Karzai accused the US of talking with the Taliban behind his back. Karzai's brother was a major drug dealer and Karzai acts like he's on drugs. Evidence is a liar telling you what you want to hear.

I wouldn't trust Karzai or Obama. Why are we even in Afghanistan? That doesn't seem to be a question that Obama is required to answer. Yet, Bush was the most terrible person in the world for being there, killing babies.

That's a good question.

Why did George Dumbya declare an unwinnable war on Afghanistan?

And, don't even think about using the WMD excuse again. Not Saddam either. And, he said he wasn't looking for bin Laden.

Especially heinous of Bush is that while he was killing hundreds of thousands and wounding even more, the bastard never even pretended he was going to pay for those wars.

Instead, he stuck the next guy with his debts so he could look like the fiscal conservative when he's actually anything but.

Now, Lyin' Ryan is doing the same thing by saying his "budget" includes the repeal of ObamaCare.

The pubs. What a bunch of liars they are.
I want Iran to get the bomb in order to prove that they aren't going to be the first suicide nation, making a first strike on Israel. We can contain them, like we did with China and the USSR/Russia. Wanting to bomb Iran is another insane right wing belief, based on feelings and emotions, not facts. The right wing of America led us into a disaster in Iraq, and the American voter opposes yet another war in the Middle East.

Stupid and senseless as it would be, rw's would love another war. Hell, Romney even said that Russia is our biggest enemy or some such idiocy. The real question is, who would they not be happy to bomb into a war?

I'm afraid that's a really short list.

Stupid and senseless as it would be, rw's would love another war. Hell, Romney even said that Russia is our biggest enemy or some such idiocy. The real question is, who would they not be happy to bomb into a war?

I'm afraid that's a really short list.[/QUOTE]

You folks always talk about the RW wanting war, but it's not the RWers who are making sure there are two aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf.:eusa_whistle:
"The only evidence there is here..."

That makes no sense whatsoever. It's like that stupid line in Taladega Nights, "If you're not first, you're last!"

There's plenty of evidence of war crimes. Just this past week, Karzai told US commanders to get their troops out of this one neighborhood, because they kept shooting civilians.

Karzai accused the US of talking with the Taliban behind his back. Karzai's brother was a major drug dealer and Karzai acts like he's on drugs. Evidence is a liar telling you what you want to hear.

I wouldn't trust Karzai or Obama. Why are we even in Afghanistan? That doesn't seem to be a question that Obama is required to answer. Yet, Bush was the most terrible person in the world for being there, killing babies.

We are in Afghanistan now, because Bush didn't give Afghanistan enough attention and leave. They should have built up the Afghan army by now and been out. That should have been the plan from the start.

We obviously had good reason to go to Afghanistan after 9/11, but you always have to have an exit strategy.

Now, what's this bullshit about liberals aren't for attacking Iran?
I want Iran to get the bomb in order to prove that they aren't going to be the first suicide nation, making a first strike on Israel. We can contain them, like we did with China and the USSR/Russia. Wanting to bomb Iran is another insane right wing belief, based on feelings and emotions, not facts. The right wing of America led us into a disaster in Iraq, and the American voter opposes yet another war in the Middle East.

Stupid and senseless as it would be, rw's would love another war. Hell, Romney even said that Russia is our biggest enemy or some such idiocy. The real question is, who would they not be happy to bomb into a war?

I'm afraid that's a really short list.

If bombing Iran's ability to make nuclear weapons starts a war, then Iran will start it and it won't last very long.
Karzai accused the US of talking with the Taliban behind his back. Karzai's brother was a major drug dealer and Karzai acts like he's on drugs. Evidence is a liar telling you what you want to hear.

I wouldn't trust Karzai or Obama. Why are we even in Afghanistan? That doesn't seem to be a question that Obama is required to answer. Yet, Bush was the most terrible person in the world for being there, killing babies.

That's a good question.

Why did George Dumbya declare an unwinnable war on Afghanistan?

And, don't even think about using the WMD excuse again. Not Saddam either. And, he said he wasn't looking for bin Laden.

Especially heinous of Bush is that while he was killing hundreds of thousands and wounding even more, the bastard never even pretended he was going to pay for those wars.

Instead, he stuck the next guy with his debts so he could look like the fiscal conservative when he's actually anything but.

Now, Lyin' Ryan is doing the same thing by saying his "budget" includes the repeal of ObamaCare.

The pubs. What a bunch of liars they are.

So why is your boy Obama still fighting in Afghanistan? Can't blame it all on Bush after Obama has been in office over 4 years and nothing has changed. I'm sorry I was wrong, something has changed, Obama actually increased the number of troops there. Now your Peace Prize winner is making all kinds of threats about bombing Iran, so don't even try passing this presidential clown off as a peace president.
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I wouldn't trust Karzai or Obama. Why are we even in Afghanistan? That doesn't seem to be a question that Obama is required to answer. Yet, Bush was the most terrible person in the world for being there, killing babies.

That's a good question.

Why did George Dumbya declare an unwinnable war on Afghanistan?

And, don't even think about using the WMD excuse again. Not Saddam either. And, he said he wasn't looking for bin Laden.

Especially heinous of Bush is that while he was killing hundreds of thousands and wounding even more, the bastard never even pretended he was going to pay for those wars.

Instead, he stuck the next guy with his debts so he could look like the fiscal conservative when he's actually anything but.

Now, Lyin' Ryan is doing the same thing by saying his "budget" includes the repeal of ObamaCare.

The pubs. What a bunch of liars they are.

So why is your boy Obama still fighting in Afghanistan? Can't blame it all on Bush after Obama has been in office over 4 years and nothing has changed. I'm sorry I was wrong, something has changed, Obama actually increased the number of troops there. Now your Peace Prize winner is making all kinds of threats about bombing Iran, so don't even try passing this presidential clown off as a peace president.

Do you have to ask such a stupid question? Why didn't Bush build up the Afghan army and leave?

Obama hasn't threatened to bomb Iran and the US policy has always been that everything is left on the table. They try not to comment too much on what everything means.

If Obama is a fucked up as you claim, what about your Republicans that he beat twice? Just how fucked up does that make you?
That's a good question.

Why did George Dumbya declare an unwinnable war on Afghanistan?

And, don't even think about using the WMD excuse again. Not Saddam either. And, he said he wasn't looking for bin Laden.

Especially heinous of Bush is that while he was killing hundreds of thousands and wounding even more, the bastard never even pretended he was going to pay for those wars.

Instead, he stuck the next guy with his debts so he could look like the fiscal conservative when he's actually anything but.

Now, Lyin' Ryan is doing the same thing by saying his "budget" includes the repeal of ObamaCare.

The pubs. What a bunch of liars they are.

So why is your boy Obama still fighting in Afghanistan? Can't blame it all on Bush after Obama has been in office over 4 years and nothing has changed. I'm sorry I was wrong, something has changed, Obama actually increased the number of troops there. Now your Peace Prize winner is making all kinds of threats about bombing Iran, so don't even try passing this presidential clown off as a peace president.

Why didn't Bush build up the Afghan army and leave?
Doesn't matter, what matters is why we are still there with Obama in charge.

Obama hasn't threatened to bomb Iran and the US policy has always been that everything is left on the table. They try not to comment too much on what everything means.
So "everything is left on the table." does not translate to we will bomb you back to the stone age if you don't do as we say?

If Obama is a fucked up as you claim, what about your Republicans that he beat twice? Just how fucked up does that make you?
Seriously, Mc'Cain and Romney, both were able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
No simple task considering that Obama was running on a terrible record. Just proves that most Americans are dumber that dirt.
I imagine most are smart enough to not fuck up another post.

When people say things like nothing has changed, you can't take people like that seriously. I don't have a problem with using enough military force to give the Taliban a bad day. The fact is they have lost ground in Pakistan as well.
Karzai accused the US of talking with the Taliban behind his back. Karzai's brother was a major drug dealer and Karzai acts like he's on drugs. Evidence is a liar telling you what you want to hear.

I wouldn't trust Karzai or Obama. Why are we even in Afghanistan? That doesn't seem to be a question that Obama is required to answer. Yet, Bush was the most terrible person in the world for being there, killing babies.

That's a good question.

Why did George Dumbya declare an unwinnable war on Afghanistan?

And, don't even think about using the WMD excuse again. Not Saddam either. And, he said he wasn't looking for bin Laden.

Especially heinous of Bush is that while he was killing hundreds of thousands and wounding even more, the bastard never even pretended he was going to pay for those wars.

Instead, he stuck the next guy with his debts so he could look like the fiscal conservative when he's actually anything but.

Now, Lyin' Ryan is doing the same thing by saying his "budget" includes the repeal of ObamaCare.

The pubs. What a bunch of liars they are.

All's I heard is you want to blame Bush and give Obama a pass. Please correct me if I'm wrong. And please tell me why you think we should be in Afghanistan if you even have an answer for that.
I want Iran to get the bomb in order to prove that they aren't going to be the first suicide nation, making a first strike on Israel. We can contain them, like we did with China and the USSR/Russia. Wanting to bomb Iran is another insane right wing belief, based on feelings and emotions, not facts. The right wing of America led us into a disaster in Iraq, and the American voter opposes yet another war in the Middle East.

Stupid and senseless as it would be, rw's would love another war. Hell, Romney even said that Russia is our biggest enemy or some such idiocy. The real question is, who would they not be happy to bomb into a war?

I'm afraid that's a really short list.

If bombing Iran's ability to make nuclear weapons starts a war, then Iran will start it and it won't last very long.

You've learned nothing from the failed Iraq War.

If they do nothing but have the capability for a bomb, and get bombed because of that, it's their fault? Huh????? Only America's doofish right wingers can exhibit such lunacy.

The world will not see it that way. It will fail, and then once Iran finally gets the bomb, they'll have an excuse for using it that the American right wing warmongers gave to them.
Karzai accused the US of talking with the Taliban behind his back. Karzai's brother was a major drug dealer and Karzai acts like he's on drugs. Evidence is a liar telling you what you want to hear.
It's not the only thing he's said.

BTW, it doesn't make us look to good when he's the puppet we happen to have put in power. We must be doing something pretty fucked, if our own puppet government has turned against us.

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