Liberals aren't for attacking Iran....

Post the evidence that we targeted children!
A December report by the Brave New Foundation condemned the use of drones, which have killed hundreds of children – and possibly many more that were not reported. In Pakistan, 178 children were reportedly killed by US drones.

“Obama does not kill children deliberately. But their deaths are an inevitable outcome of the way his drones are deployed,” writes The Guardian’s George Monibot, who finds it hypocritical for the president to mourn the deaths of 20 US children killed in a shooting in Connecticut, while ignoring the fact that hundreds of children have died in drone strikes overseas.
I know your type, you're that bully on the playground beating up smaller kids, just in case they get bigger than you later on and become a threat.

You can cry about war all you want to, because who gives a damn what you think?
You will, when I stop your war-mongering insanity, you punk-ass little bitch!
But taking those very same children out with drone strikes is not terrorism?

Post the evidence that we targeted children!

You can cry about war all you want to, because who gives a damn what you think?

We've done it. But he was speaking of Israeli drone strikes, which I witnessed one myself. And I can tell there were no military targets anywhere when that happened.

If you're where you can observe Israeli drone strikes, then I assume you're also where you can see rockets leaving Gaza bound for Israel too, right?

Justify those.
Post the evidence that we targeted children!

You can cry about war all you want to, because who gives a damn what you think?

We've done it. But he was speaking of Israeli drone strikes, which I witnessed one myself. And I can tell there were no military targets anywhere when that happened.

If you're where you can observe Israeli drone strikes, then I assume you're also where you can see rockets leaving Gaza bound for Israel too, right?

Justify those.

That was in 2011 when I experienced it. And there weren't any rockets fired at that time. I knew when rockets were fired and when they weren't. There was an instance where one homemade rocket was fired and a strike occurred near that place I just left. That was understandable, but the rockets were fired in response to something a day before that. Which I didn't know what it was. I was in South Gaza then. Then I went to north Gaza.
There's no such thing number one. Second of all, I've already dismissed it as politics. Maybe if you had humanity for the other side instead of just for the Israelis. Things would come out differently.

It isn't politics. Those are terrorist groups and just because they do other things doesn't change that. If the Palestinians wanted my support then they should earn it. There were plenty of Arabs who didn't get involved in the 1948 war and have been living in Israel ever since. When people are stupid enough to start a war and lose, they don't get my sympathy.

My family had land in tel aviv before mass Jewish immigration. And they were forced to flee south even more and eventually to the Gaza Strip. Israel started the 1967 war also. But that doesn't get mentioned. I think Palestinians are taking better routes toward things, but you also need to consider they don't start everything. Especially what happens in Gaza. That being said, they took the same path Israel took for statehood. And Israel still said they will pay a heavy price for it.

There was a British mandate at that time and no one was forcing Arabs out of their land. The Arabs didn't like the fact that so many Jews were coming to Palestine and attacked them. The Arabs that attacked left to save their own hides and the Arabs that weren't involved have stayed there until this day. The Israels didn't steal your land, you abandoned it to save yourselves. Why shouldn't you pay for the damages you caused? Let me give you a hint, if you're going to start a war, win!

It's your nature to lie about the past and try to get your way, just like it's Loinboy's nature to claim Israel started 6 wars. It doesn't take much imagination to think up a lie. Not only is there no strategic reason to target children, but it's counter-productive to a war effort and anyone trained in war would know it. Your position lacks common sense.

You're lucky you don't have someone like me in control of the Israeli military, because I'd let it be known that any place launching a missile attack against Israel will become a crater as fast as it can be bombed, so anyone near a missile launch better get their asses out of there as fast as they can. I'd also have those bombers in the air right above your asses constantly. You'd figure it out sooner or later.

War might be a game to you, but I don't play.
Post the evidence that we targeted children!
A December report by the Brave New Foundation condemned the use of drones, which have killed hundreds of children – and possibly many more that were not reported. In Pakistan, 178 children were reportedly killed by US drones.

“Obama does not kill children deliberately. But their deaths are an inevitable outcome of the way his drones are deployed,” writes The Guardian’s George Monibot, who finds it hypocritical for the president to mourn the deaths of 20 US children killed in a shooting in Connecticut, while ignoring the fact that hundreds of children have died in drone strikes overseas.
I know your type, you're that bully on the playground beating up smaller kids, just in case they get bigger than you later on and become a threat.

You can cry about war all you want to, because who gives a damn what you think?
You will, when I stop your war-mongering insanity, you punk-ass little bitch!

Let's believe people who had Bin Laden living there next to an academy.

If you believe anything they say, you are stupid.

I've been in the military and there is no logical reason to target non-combatants, especially women and children.
Let's believe people who had Bin Laden living there next to an academy.

If you believe anything they say, you are stupid.

I've been in the military and there is no logical reason to target non-combatants, especially women and children.
It's not about deliberately targetting women and children, it's about not caring enough to vet that kind of shit out.

According to international law, any military involved in hostile areas are required to take extra steps to ensure the targets are of military necessity. Not doing that, is a war crime.

And just who do we put in charge of this enormous responsibility?

20 year old Top Gun watching kids who grew up playing video games!
It isn't politics. Those are terrorist groups and just because they do other things doesn't change that. If the Palestinians wanted my support then they should earn it. There were plenty of Arabs who didn't get involved in the 1948 war and have been living in Israel ever since. When people are stupid enough to start a war and lose, they don't get my sympathy.

My family had land in tel aviv before mass Jewish immigration. And they were forced to flee south even more and eventually to the Gaza Strip. Israel started the 1967 war also. But that doesn't get mentioned. I think Palestinians are taking better routes toward things, but you also need to consider they don't start everything. Especially what happens in Gaza. That being said, they took the same path Israel took for statehood. And Israel still said they will pay a heavy price for it.

There was a British mandate at that time and no one was forcing Arabs out of their land. The Arabs didn't like the fact that so many Jews were coming to Palestine and attacked them. The Arabs that attacked left to save their own hides and the Arabs that weren't involved have stayed there until this day. The Israels didn't steal your land, you abandoned it to save yourselves. Why shouldn't you pay for the damages you caused? Let me give you a hint, if you're going to start a war, win!

It's your nature to lie about the past and try to get your way, just like it's Loinboy's nature to claim Israel started 6 wars. It doesn't take much imagination to think up a lie. Not only is there no strategic reason to target children, but it's counter-productive to a war effort and anyone trained in war would know it. Your position lacks common sense.

You're lucky you don't have someone like me in control of the Israeli military, because I'd let it be known that any place launching a missile attack against Israel will become a crater as fast as it can be bombed, so anyone near a missile launch better get their asses out of there as fast as they can. I'd also have those bombers in the air right above your asses constantly. You'd figure it out sooner or later.

War might be a game to you, but I don't play.

Yes they were forced to flee and I've had land there long before the illegal Brits came. And the rest of your stuff was facetious. But only proves my point that you have double standard and are bias. Your words are meaningless don't even respond. Honest broker.
There was a British mandate at that time and no one was forcing Arabs out of their land.
Jewish terrorist groups like Irgun drove out over 750,000 indigenous arabs from their homes.

The Arabs didn't like the fact that so many Jews were coming to Palestine and attacked them.
Arabs didn't like zionists coming in with their racist, apartheid ideology and not respecting their land rights.

The Arabs that attacked left to save their own hides and the Arabs that weren't involved have stayed there until this day.
They attacked to preserve the rights the British wouldn't do.

The Israels didn't steal your land, you abandoned it to save yourselves. Why shouldn't you pay for the damages you caused? Let me give you a hint, if you're going to start a war, win!
Then how did 10% of the population, whind up with 70% of the land.

It's your nature to lie about the past and try to get your way, just like it's Loinboy's nature to claim Israel started 6 wars. It doesn't take much imagination to think up a lie. Not only is there no strategic reason to target children, but it's counter-productive to a war effort and anyone trained in war would know it. Your position lacks common sense.
I've already shown (and provided evidence) that Israel started the last 6 wars they've been in. You've provided no evidence to the contrary. All you do, is say shit. And that's it.

You're lucky you don't have someone like me in control of the Israeli military, because I'd let it be known that any place launching a missile attack against Israel will become a crater as fast as it can be bombed, so anyone near a missile launch better get their asses out of there as fast as they can. I'd also have those bombers in the air right above your asses constantly. You'd figure it out sooner or later.

War might be a game to you, but I don't play.
Those missles are fired in response to your bombing runs and your 45 year occupation of land that isn't yours. You don't want missles, then stop bombing the shit out of them and end the occupation.

You're lucky I'm not President, or I would drop the marines on your fuckin' ass and drive you back to your own country.
Let's believe people who had Bin Laden living there next to an academy.

If you believe anything they say, you are stupid.

I've been in the military and there is no logical reason to target non-combatants, especially women and children.
It's not about deliberately targetting women and children, it's about not caring enough to vet that kind of shit out.

According to international law, any military involved in hostile areas are required to take extra steps to ensure the targets are of military necessity. Not doing that, is a war crime.

And just who do we put in charge of this enormous responsibility?

20 year old Top Gun watching kids who grew up playing video games!

That "20 year old Top Gun watching kid" is in uniform, taking risks protecting your right to bloviate and make a fool of yourself.

He may be just a "kid," but he's more of a man than you are.
That "20 year old Top Gun watching kid" is in uniform, taking risks protecting your right to bloviate and make a fool of yourself.

He may be just a "kid," but he's more of a man than you are.
Sitting behind a video monitor and joy stick in a room somewhere in Nevada while launching missles at Afhgan wedding partys or muslim wives collecting firewood, is not taking risks.
That "20 year old Top Gun watching kid" is in uniform, taking risks protecting your right to bloviate and make a fool of yourself.

He may be just a "kid," but he's more of a man than you are.
Sitting behind a video monitor and joy stick in a room somewhere in Nevada while launching missles at Afhgan wedding partys or muslim wives collecting firewood, is not taking risks.

That's not likely to be that "kids" only assignment before his enlistment is up. You can't judge the amount of risk he's taking by one duty assignment. There will be others which aren't as safe as Nevada and he's taking that risk willingly. When he voluntarily donned that uniform, he made himself available for anything and anywhere.

Have you made such a commitment in service to others in your life?
That's not likely to be that "kids" only assignment before his enlistment is up. You can't judge the amount of risk he's taking by one duty assignment.
I'm only going to judge one duty assignment at a time. I'm not going to broadstroke the entire military on the actions of a small percentage of troops that commit criminal acts.

There will be others which aren't as safe as Nevada and he's taking that risk willingly. When he voluntarily donned that uniform, he made himself available for anything and anywhere.
He's not required to follow unlawful or immoral orders.

Have you made such a commitment in service to others in your life?
No. I never could stand other people telling me what to do. And besides, I grew up at a time when we still had the draft during the Vietnam War. From what I remember, after turning 17, the stress level went up the closer you got to your next birthday. They ended registration just a few months before my 18th birthday.
No. I never could stand other people telling me what to do. And besides, I grew up at a time when we still had the draft during the Vietnam War. From what I remember, after turning 17, the stress level went up the closer you got to your next birthday. They ended registration just a few months before my 18th birthday.

Yet, you feel qualified to sit in judgment of them and disparage their doing what you didn't have the nerve to do yourself. :rolleyes:
Let's believe people who had Bin Laden living there next to an academy.

If you believe anything they say, you are stupid.

I've been in the military and there is no logical reason to target non-combatants, especially women and children.
It's not about deliberately targetting women and children, it's about not caring enough to vet that kind of shit out.

According to international law, any military involved in hostile areas are required to take extra steps to ensure the targets are of military necessity. Not doing that, is a war crime.

And just who do we put in charge of this enormous responsibility?

20 year old Top Gun watching kids who grew up playing video games!

First off, it's impossible to fight wars without accidents happening and you should know that. You should also know it's impossible to fight wars without lies being told. You don't know if those reports from Pakistan are true, but you should know Pakistan will lie.

You just want to bitch about war and where is your bitch about the people who started the war in Afghanistan? I don't see you wasting posts about the assholes who started that war.

You consider going after Iran's nuclear weapons capability war, but if there is a war over it, it's on Iran. Just what can Iran do about having their shit put out of commission? They've threatened to block the Straits of Hormuz and what do you think will happen to them if they do? They aren't going to be a military threat once their military capability is destroyed and that is the price they will pay for stopping that oil.

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