Liberals aren't for attacking Iran....

Iran has less than a year and no one is going to play games with them. If they don't want part of their country turned into a nuclear wasteland, they better change their ways. That is their choice and it's on them.
Making statements like that is irresponsible, hypocritical and un-American. It gives us a bad name and puts us all in more danger.

You're talking as though they are some big god-damn threat and they haven't attacked another country militarily in over 200 years. In contrast, we've made up bullshit reasons to attack 6 country's in the last 10 years.

I'm telling you right now, if we bomb Iran and whind up getting into it with Russia/China, after I here the news their ICBM's are on their way here, I figure I've got about 15 minutes to hunt one of you mother-fuckers down and beat the holy shit out of you, before I become barbacued shrimp.

Like I said, it's on them and their time is running out. I'd be telling their people to get clear of anything nuclear in their country and if losing that isn't good enough, they can visit the Stone Age again.

This was Persia in 1814.

Like I said, it's on them and their time is running out. I'd be telling their people to get clear of anything nuclear in their country and if losing that isn't good enough, they can visit the Stone Age again.
Maybe you should move to Weimar, Germany? The people there think like you do.

American's respect the rule of law. That's part of who we are. You obviously don't give a shit about the law, so you might as well be German. Or an Israeli. They don't give a shit about the law either.

This was Persia in 1814.

So go buy a rug!
Like I said, it's on them and their time is running out. I'd be telling their people to get clear of anything nuclear in their country and if losing that isn't good enough, they can visit the Stone Age again.
Maybe you should move to Weimar, Germany? The people there think like you do.

American's respect the rule of law. That's part of who we are. You obviously don't give a shit about the law, so you might as well be German. Or an Israeli. They don't give a shit about the law either.

This was Persia in 1814.

So go buy a rug!

There is no law prevent us from taking our Iranian nuclear capability. If you want to cry about it, you move somewhere!
There is no emotion, fool! Either Iran proves they aren't involved in making nukes or they can lose that capacity. That is the only choice.
The only thing Iran needs to do, is cooperate more with the IAEA.

Did you ever stop to think that if you'd refrain from all these threats towards them, they wouldn't even be thinking about making a nuclear weapon.

I know if someone kept talking about attacking me, I'd want the biggest weapon I could get my hands on.

Iran has less than a year and no one is going to play games with them. If they don't want part of their country turned into a nuclear wasteland, they better change their ways. That is their choice and it's on them.

Fair question. Are you more concerned about the Security of the United States or are you more concerned about the Security of the Israel? Remember, They are not one and the same. I tend to believe by your previous statements, Israel is your major concern.
Someone want to explain why all the talk is about attacking Iran because of their threat of sometime in the future maybe having a nuclear device. While the crazy guy in North Korea that actually does have nuclear bombs and has been threatening nuclear attack on America has been getting a pass?
North Korea says it will launch nuclear attack on America | The Sun |News

North Korea is no threat to anybody. They use such bellicose rhetoric all the time, but don't do anything but talk.

Iran, on the other hand, is deeply involved with terrorism and terrorist organizations all over the world. They've been behind innumerable attacks on Israel and American interests and are the ones arming Hizbollah and Hamas, just for starters.

Hezbollah and Hamas aren't terror groups, I could give a shit what your pentagon says.
Someone want to explain why all the talk is about attacking Iran because of their threat of sometime in the future maybe having a nuclear device. While the crazy guy in North Korea that actually does have nuclear bombs and has been threatening nuclear attack on America has been getting a pass?
North Korea says it will launch nuclear attack on America | The Sun |News

North Korea is no threat to anybody. They use such bellicose rhetoric all the time, but don't do anything but talk.

Iran, on the other hand, is deeply involved with terrorism and terrorist organizations all over the world. They've been behind innumerable attacks on Israel and American interests and are the ones arming Hizbollah and Hamas, just for starters.

Hezbollah and Hamas aren't terror groups, I could give a shit what your pentagon says.

Whatever you say. :eusa_whistle:
North Korea is no threat to anybody. They use such bellicose rhetoric all the time, but don't do anything but talk.

Iran, on the other hand, is deeply involved with terrorism and terrorist organizations all over the world. They've been behind innumerable attacks on Israel and American interests and are the ones arming Hizbollah and Hamas, just for starters.

Hezbollah and Hamas aren't terror groups, I could give a shit what your pentagon says.

Whatever you say. :eusa_whistle:

Yes sir, that wasn't accurate to systematically label them that way. When we know they are sons of the conflict who had purposes to free south lebanon and he other Gaza. Now they are governing and the other heavily involved in the government.
The only thing Iran needs to do, is cooperate more with the IAEA.

Did you ever stop to think that if you'd refrain from all these threats towards them, they wouldn't even be thinking about making a nuclear weapon.

I know if someone kept talking about attacking me, I'd want the biggest weapon I could get my hands on.

Iran has less than a year and no one is going to play games with them. If they don't want part of their country turned into a nuclear wasteland, they better change their ways. That is their choice and it's on them.

Fair question. Are you more concerned about the Security of the United States or are you more concerned about the Security of the Israel? Remember, They are not one and the same. I tend to believe by your previous statements, Israel is your major concern.

All you have to do is read to find out the concern of America and you've been told it. We know if Iran gets the bomb that other countries of the Middle East will have to follow suit. I gave you a report on it.

You idiots need to stop concerning yourselves about Israel and falling for that trap the Iranians use against you. The Iranians want nuclear weapons and are willing to do whatever they have to do to get them.
Hezbollah and Hamas aren't terror groups, I could give a shit what your pentagon says.

Whatever you say. :eusa_whistle:

Yes sir, that wasn't accurate to systematically label them that way. When we know they are sons of the conflict who had purposes to free south lebanon and he other Gaza. Now they are governing and the other heavily involved in the government.

Every murderer and terrorist can "justify" their actions. It's up to us to accept their notions of justification and, in the case of Hizbollah, Fatah, Hamas and the old PLO....I simply don't.

You may do as you wish.
Whatever you say. :eusa_whistle:

Yes sir, that wasn't accurate to systematically label them that way. When we know they are sons of the conflict who had purposes to free south lebanon and he other Gaza. Now they are governing and the other heavily involved in the government.

Every murderer and terrorist can "justify" their actions. It's up to us to accept their notions of justification and, in the case of Hizbollah, Fatah, Hamas the old PLO....I simply don't.

You may do as you wish.

Like I said, you simply have a double standard. I don't. You can blabber all you want all day long, in the end, when the people see them as otherwise, you come to me. Your wording is so malicious. Ignore atrocities committed by the other side and label those as just self defense. It's all politics with you. You don't actually care for people.
Yes sir, that wasn't accurate to systematically label them that way. When we know they are sons of the conflict who had purposes to free south lebanon and he other Gaza. Now they are governing and the other heavily involved in the government.

Every murderer and terrorist can "justify" their actions. It's up to us to accept their notions of justification and, in the case of Hizbollah, Fatah, Hamas the old PLO....I simply don't.

You may do as you wish.

Like I said, you simply have a double standard. I don't. You can blabber all you want all day long, in the end, when the people see them as otherwise, you come to me. Your wording is so malicious. Ignore atrocities committed by the other side and label those as just self defense. It's all politics with you. You don't actually care for people.

What the hell is your standard of what makes a terrorist? I guess recruiting children to blow themselves up with bombs is acceptable to your standards of fighting a war against a people, because they have a different religion.
Let's just give Iran the chance to prove how peaceful they are. Let them develop and build nuclear bombs and hope for the best. What's the worse that can happen? A vaporized US city? Surely we can absorb that. It's what we're telling Israel to do.
There is no law prevent us from taking our Iranian nuclear capability. If you want to cry about it, you move somewhere!
Yes there is!

It's called Article 51 of the UN Charter.

It codifies only 2 legal ways one country can attack another country with military force.

And Iran making a nuke, is not one of them.

Furthermore, it's not your decision on whether they can (or cannot) have one.
Every murderer and terrorist can "justify" their actions. It's up to us to accept their notions of justification and, in the case of Hizbollah, Fatah, Hamas the old PLO....I simply don't.

You may do as you wish.

Like I said, you simply have a double standard. I don't. You can blabber all you want all day long, in the end, when the people see them as otherwise, you come to me. Your wording is so malicious. Ignore atrocities committed by the other side and label those as just self defense. It's all politics with you. You don't actually care for people.

What the hell is your standard of what makes a terrorist? I guess recruiting children to blow themselves up with bombs is acceptable to your standards of fighting a war against a people, because they have a different religion.

There's no such thing number one. Second of all, I've already dismissed it as politics. Maybe if you had humanity for the other side instead of just for the Israelis. Things would come out differently.
What the hell is your standard of what makes a terrorist? I guess recruiting children to blow themselves up with bombs is acceptable to your standards of fighting a war against a people, because they have a different religion.
But taking those very same children out with drone strikes is not terrorism?
There is no law prevent us from taking our Iranian nuclear capability. If you want to cry about it, you move somewhere!
Yes there is!

It's called Article 51 of the UN Charter.

It codifies only 2 legal ways one country can attack another country with military force.

And Iran making a nuke, is not one of them.

Furthermore, it's not your decision on whether they can (or cannot) have one.

It is our decision and all the evidence indicates we have already decided the answer is no.
What the hell is your standard of what makes a terrorist? I guess recruiting children to blow themselves up with bombs is acceptable to your standards of fighting a war against a people, because they have a different religion.
But taking those very same children out with drone strikes is not terrorism?

Post the evidence that we targeted children!

You can cry about war all you want to, because who gives a damn what you think?
Like I said, you simply have a double standard. I don't. You can blabber all you want all day long, in the end, when the people see them as otherwise, you come to me. Your wording is so malicious. Ignore atrocities committed by the other side and label those as just self defense. It's all politics with you. You don't actually care for people.

What the hell is your standard of what makes a terrorist? I guess recruiting children to blow themselves up with bombs is acceptable to your standards of fighting a war against a people, because they have a different religion.

There's no such thing number one. Second of all, I've already dismissed it as politics. Maybe if you had humanity for the other side instead of just for the Israelis. Things would come out differently.

It isn't politics. Those are terrorist groups and just because they do other things doesn't change that. If the Palestinians wanted my support then they should earn it. There were plenty of Arabs who didn't get involved in the 1948 war and have been living in Israel ever since. When people are stupid enough to start a war and lose, they don't get my sympathy.
What the hell is your standard of what makes a terrorist? I guess recruiting children to blow themselves up with bombs is acceptable to your standards of fighting a war against a people, because they have a different religion.
But taking those very same children out with drone strikes is not terrorism?

Post the evidence that we targeted children!

You can cry about war all you want to, because who gives a damn what you think?

We've done it. But he was speaking of Israeli drone strikes, which I witnessed one myself. And I can tell there were no military targets anywhere when that happened.
What the hell is your standard of what makes a terrorist? I guess recruiting children to blow themselves up with bombs is acceptable to your standards of fighting a war against a people, because they have a different religion.

There's no such thing number one. Second of all, I've already dismissed it as politics. Maybe if you had humanity for the other side instead of just for the Israelis. Things would come out differently.

It isn't politics. Those are terrorist groups and just because they do other things doesn't change that. If the Palestinians wanted my support then they should earn it. There were plenty of Arabs who didn't get involved in the 1948 war and have been living in Israel ever since. When people are stupid enough to start a war and lose, they don't get my sympathy.

My family had land in tel aviv before mass Jewish immigration. And they were forced to flee south even more and eventually to the Gaza Strip. Israel started the 1967 war also. But that doesn't get mentioned. I think Palestinians are taking better routes toward things, but you also need to consider they don't start everything. Especially what happens in Gaza. That being said, they took the same path Israel took for statehood. And Israel still said they will pay a heavy price for it.

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