Liberals aren't for attacking Iran....

If I want to find out about bases, I don't look at obvious double talk.
Hey, you asked me to provide the proof they exist, so I posted the link. If you didn't want to know, then don't ask the question in the first place.

Those bases cost us $41 billion a year to maintain. Why the fuck we still have a base in Germany, 60 years after defeating the nazis, is beyond me. Do we think if we leave, Russia will invade?

How does our military protect this country, when they're
not physically in the country they're defending?
"The president should explicitly declare that he will use military force to destroy Iran's nuclear program if Iran takes additional decisive steps toward producing a bomb," the report said.

There in lies the rub...... next to impossible to prove

What makes you think proving it to you makes a difference?

The choices are someone makes the decision of allowing Iran to enrich uranium to make a bomb or not, so there are four possibilities. It's possible that things will turn out fine no matter what you do and it's also possible that it will be shitty either way. Then, there is the possibility of making the right choice to act or not to act. If the capacity of enriching uranium is destroyed and their nuclear reactors are destroyed, they are out of the nuclear business. The fact of the matter is all these present nuclear reactors are dinosaur technology and aren't something wise to invest in. They are only good for making nuclear weapons and that's why they have to be watched.

The sanctions against Iran are strong enough that a rational government would cooperate, if they didn't want to make nuclear weapons. Iran doesn't have credibility to bargain with.
If I want to find out about bases, I don't look at obvious double talk.
Hey, you asked me to provide the proof they exist, so I posted the link. If you didn't want to know, then don't ask the question in the first place.

Those bases cost us $41 billion a year to maintain. Why the fuck we still have a base in Germany, 60 years after defeating the nazis, is beyond me. Do we think if we leave, Russia will invade?

How does our military protect this country, when they're
not physically in the country they're defending?

There are things called nuclear weapons in this world and you can't retreat behind the oceans to guard against them. The fact is, you don't want to know the answers and keep yourself ignorant of the real world.
What makes you think proving it to you makes a difference?

The choices are someone makes the decision of allowing Iran to enrich uranium to make a bomb or not, so there are four possibilities. It's possible that things will turn out fine no matter what you do and it's also possible that it will be shitty either way. Then, there is the possibility of making the right choice to act or not to act. If the capacity of enriching uranium is destroyed and their nuclear reactors are destroyed, they are out of the nuclear business. The fact of the matter is all these present nuclear reactors are dinosaur technology and aren't something wise to invest in. They are only good for making nuclear weapons and that's why they have to be watched.

The sanctions against Iran are strong enough that a rational government would cooperate, if they didn't want to make nuclear weapons. Iran doesn't have credibility to bargain with.
Unless you're a member of the IAEA, you're not even qualified to comment on their nuclear program.
There are things called nuclear weapons in this world and you can't retreat behind the oceans to guard against them. The fact is, you don't want to know the answers and keep yourself ignorant of the real world.
I'm not even going to have this conversation until you provide a smoking gun their nuclear program has been weaponized. It's just silly to talk about hypotheticals as if they are proven facts. If there nuclear progam has not been weaponized and they are using it for peaceful energy purposes, it's none of your god-damn business and you have no legal or moral right to stick your nose in it.
What makes you think proving it to you makes a difference?

The choices are someone makes the decision of allowing Iran to enrich uranium to make a bomb or not, so there are four possibilities. It's possible that things will turn out fine no matter what you do and it's also possible that it will be shitty either way. Then, there is the possibility of making the right choice to act or not to act. If the capacity of enriching uranium is destroyed and their nuclear reactors are destroyed, they are out of the nuclear business. The fact of the matter is all these present nuclear reactors are dinosaur technology and aren't something wise to invest in. They are only good for making nuclear weapons and that's why they have to be watched.

The sanctions against Iran are strong enough that a rational government would cooperate, if they didn't want to make nuclear weapons. Iran doesn't have credibility to bargain with.
Unless you're a member of the IAEA, you're not even qualified to comment on their nuclear program.

I can read the reports, dumbass, and I can read the history books and see you have a hair up your ass about Israel. Your claim that Israel started all those wars is a lie.

What makes you think people can't calculate the amount of centrifuges and determine why Iran needs that many? What do they have, three nuclear reactors and how big are they? You can buy cheaper fuel already enriched and don't need to do it yourself.
There are things called nuclear weapons in this world and you can't retreat behind the oceans to guard against them. The fact is, you don't want to know the answers and keep yourself ignorant of the real world.
I'm not even going to have this conversation until you provide a smoking gun their nuclear program has been weaponized. It's just silly to talk about hypotheticals as if they are proven facts. If there nuclear progam has not been weaponized and they are using it for peaceful energy purposes, it's none of your god-damn business and you have no legal or moral right to stick your nose in it.

The point is to stop them before they can weaponize. If Iran doesn't back down, their shit will go up in smoke. It's a choice of one.
The point is to stop them before they can weaponize. If Iran doesn't back down, their shit will go up in smoke. It's a choice of one.
The point is you need to prove that's what they're doing!

And even if they were, you still can't do anything about it without going through the UNSC. Because if you do, then you're no fuckin' different than Iraq going into Kuwait, because they didn't like what the Sabah family was doing.

Just because you don't like what other people do on their own property, doesn't give you the right to make any decisions on land that isn't yours.

I told you, I'm willing to give you a demonstration on how wrong that thinking is and all you need to do is come over to my house and start barking orders at me under my own roof and see what happens next.
I can read the reports, dumbass, and I can read the history books and see you have a hair up your ass about Israel. Your claim that Israel started all those wars is a lie.

What makes you think people can't calculate the amount of centrifuges and determine why Iran needs that many? What do they have, three nuclear reactors and how big are they? You can buy cheaper fuel already enriched and don't need to do it yourself.
It's none of your fuckin' business what other country's do within their own sovereign borders. As long as they don't attack other nations (like we do), respect their own territorial integrity.
The point is to stop them before they can weaponize. If Iran doesn't back down, their shit will go up in smoke. It's a choice of one.
The point is you need to prove that's what they're doing!

And even if they were, you still can't do anything about it without going through the UNSC. Because if you do, then you're no fuckin' different than Iraq going into Kuwait, because they didn't like what the Sabah family was doing.

Just because you don't like what other people do on their own property, doesn't give you the right to make any decisions on land that isn't yours.

I told you, I'm willing to give you a demonstration on how wrong that thinking is and all you need to do is come over to my house and start barking orders at me under my own roof and see what happens next.

The smoke rising will be proof enough it won't happen. Iran has only one choice to avoid having their facility go up in smoke.
I can read the reports, dumbass, and I can read the history books and see you have a hair up your ass about Israel. Your claim that Israel started all those wars is a lie.

What makes you think people can't calculate the amount of centrifuges and determine why Iran needs that many? What do they have, three nuclear reactors and how big are they? You can buy cheaper fuel already enriched and don't need to do it yourself.
It's none of your fuckin' business what other country's do within their own sovereign borders. As long as they don't attack other nations (like we do), respect their own territorial integrity.

It's none of your business, because you don't want to make it your business. It is my business that Iran doesn't get nukes and it should be the business of all rational people.
The smoke rising will be proof enough it won't happen. Iran has only one choice to avoid having their facility go up in smoke.
That report is rich! I'm getting deja vu with all the BS leading up to the Iraq war. And it's pretty funny you thinking we can just go in there and bomb the shit out of them in violation of Article 51 of the UN Charter after providing a report complaining that Iran's not meeting their obligation under international law.

At least Iran is allowing inspections of their nuclear facilities. Israel won't allow any UN inspector at theirs. How come you don't complain about them not meeting their obligation to international law?
I can read the reports, dumbass, and I can read the history books and see you have a hair up your ass about Israel. Your claim that Israel started all those wars is a lie.

What makes you think people can't calculate the amount of centrifuges and determine why Iran needs that many? What do they have, three nuclear reactors and how big are they? You can buy cheaper fuel already enriched and don't need to do it yourself.
It's none of your fuckin' business what other country's do within their own sovereign borders. As long as they don't attack other nations (like we do), respect their own territorial integrity.

It's none of your business, because you don't want to make it your business. It is my business that Iran doesn't get nukes and it should be the business of all rational people.
It is not your business and Thankfully it is not your decision. You are simply buying into Israel's fear factoring and showing your paranoia.
The smoke rising will be proof enough it won't happen. Iran has only one choice to avoid having their facility go up in smoke.
That report is rich! I'm getting deja vu with all the BS leading up to the Iraq war. And it's pretty funny you thinking we can just go in there and bomb the shit out of them in violation of Article 51 of the UN Charter after providing a report complaining that Iran's not meeting their obligation under international law.

At least Iran is allowing inspections of their nuclear facilities. Israel won't allow any UN inspector at theirs. How come you don't complain about them not meeting their obligation to international law?

Do you think your opinion means something? You claim a country should be allowed to do whatever it wants, so where did you find that chapter in your history book?
The smoke rising will be proof enough it won't happen. Iran has only one choice to avoid having their facility go up in smoke.
That report is rich! I'm getting deja vu with all the BS leading up to the Iraq war. And it's pretty funny you thinking we can just go in there and bomb the shit out of them in violation of Article 51 of the UN Charter after providing a report complaining that Iran's not meeting their obligation under international law.

At least Iran is allowing inspections of their nuclear facilities. Israel won't allow any UN inspector at theirs. How come you don't complain about them not meeting their obligation to international law?

Do you think your opinion means something? You claim a country should be allowed to do whatever it wants, so where did you find that chapter in your history book?
Try looking under the definition of sovereign nation. Really pretty simple.

Sovereignty is the quality of having independent authority over a geographic area, such as a territory.[1] It can be found in a power to rule and make laws that rests on a political fact for which no pure legal definition can be provided. In theoretical terms, the idea of "sovereignty", historically, from Socrates to Thomas Hobbes, has always necessitated a moral imperative on the entity exercising it.

For centuries past, the idea that a state could be sovereign was always connected to its ability to guarantee the best interests of its own citizens. Thus, if a state could not act in the best interests of its own citizens, it could not be thought of as a “sovereign” state.[2]
Sovereignty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's none of your business, because you don't want to make it your business. It is my business that Iran doesn't get nukes and it should be the business of all rational people.
Rational people don't draw conclusions based on emotion and what they "perceive" is going on.

And rational people don't talk about an issue as a proven truth, when experts regarding that issue, have not drawn that conclusion.

Reuters: U.S. Intelligence Agencies Confident
That Iran Hasn’t Restarted Nuclear Weapons Program

The IAEA’s latest reports on Iran’s nuclear program and congressional testimony from Director of National Intelligence James Clapper have all come to the same conclusion. While Iran’s leadership is “keeping themselves in a position to [decide to make a nuclear weapon],” as Clapper testified, there is no strong evidence that Iran has decided to restart its nuclear weapons program.
It's none of your business, because you don't want to make it your business. It is my business that Iran doesn't get nukes and it should be the business of all rational people.
Rational people don't draw conclusions based on emotion and what they "perceive" is going on.

And rational people don't talk about an issue as a proven truth, when experts regarding that issue, have not drawn that conclusion.

Reuters: U.S. Intelligence Agencies Confident
That Iran Hasn’t Restarted Nuclear Weapons Program

The IAEA’s latest reports on Iran’s nuclear program and congressional testimony from Director of National Intelligence James Clapper have all come to the same conclusion. While Iran’s leadership is “keeping themselves in a position to [decide to make a nuclear weapon],” as Clapper testified, there is no strong evidence that Iran has decided to restart its nuclear weapons program.

There is no emotion, fool! Either Iran proves they aren't involved in making nukes or they can lose that capacity. That is the only choice.
There is no emotion, fool! Either Iran proves they aren't involved in making nukes or they can lose that capacity. That is the only choice.
The only thing Iran needs to do, is cooperate more with the IAEA.

Did you ever stop to think that if you'd refrain from all these threats towards them, they wouldn't even be thinking about making a nuclear weapon.

I know if someone kept talking about attacking me, I'd want the biggest weapon I could get my hands on.
There is no emotion, fool! Either Iran proves they aren't involved in making nukes or they can lose that capacity. That is the only choice.
The only thing Iran needs to do, is cooperate more with the IAEA.

Did you ever stop to think that if you'd refrain from all these threats towards them, they wouldn't even be thinking about making a nuclear weapon.

I know if someone kept talking about attacking me, I'd want the biggest weapon I could get my hands on.

Iran has less than a year and no one is going to play games with them. If they don't want part of their country turned into a nuclear wasteland, they better change their ways. That is their choice and it's on them.
Iran has less than a year and no one is going to play games with them. If they don't want part of their country turned into a nuclear wasteland, they better change their ways. That is their choice and it's on them.
Making statements like that is irresponsible, hypocritical and un-American. It gives us a bad name and puts us all in more danger.

You're talking as though they are some big god-damn threat and they haven't attacked another country militarily in over 200 years. In contrast, we've made up bullshit reasons to attack 6 country's in the last 10 years.

I'm telling you right now, if we bomb Iran and whind up getting into it with Russia/China, after I here the news their ICBM's are on their way here, I figure I've got about 15 minutes to hunt one of you mother-fuckers down and beat the holy shit out of you, before I become barbacued shrimp.

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