Liberals aren't for attacking Iran....

Effin' NO Bingo......I've always been in favor of attacking Iran, I would love to see Obama have some guts and actually do it!!!
Why the fuck would we want to attack Iran?

Ya lied this country into the Iraq war, you think you can do it again?

Only this time, the stakes might be more than you can pay. Attacking Iran, could lead to the end of all life on planet earth. Because it will put us in direct military confrontation with Russia.

Stop repeating your lying mantra.

The democrats spoke over and over about saddam having WMD's.

In the House 81 Democrats voted Yes

In the Senate, 28 Democrats voted Yes (56% of the delegation, including Senators Clinton, Kerry, Edwards, Biden, Bayh, and Daschle).
I think there is absolutely no excuse to let Iran have nuclear weapons. Absolutely, no excuse.

Iran is a sovereign republic. We don't own them. It is not in our authority to "allow" them to do anything within their borders, no more than it is in theirs to "allow" us to do anything within ours.

We all know that, right?

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I think there is absolutely no excuse to let Iran have nuclear weapons. Absolutely, no excuse.

Iran is a sovereign republic. We don't own them. It is not in our authority to "allow" them to do anything within their borders, no more than it is in theirs to "allow" us to do anything within ours.

We all know that, right?


We have the right to act for our safety in good consciousness. Iran deals with terrorists and they have not earned the high right to have nuclear weapons.
I think there is absolutely no excuse to let Iran have nuclear weapons. Absolutely, no excuse.

Iran is a sovereign republic. We don't own them. It is not in our authority to "allow" them to do anything within their borders, no more than it is in theirs to "allow" us to do anything within ours.

We all know that, right?


We have the right to act for our safety in good consciousness. Iran deals with terrorists and they have not earned the high right to have nuclear weapons.

"Earned the right"? By whose standards, precisely?

And precisely where in the Constitution does it say "act for our safety in good consciousness"?

Effin' Bingo.

Effin' NO Bingo......I've always been in favor of attacking Iran, I would love to see Obama have some guts and actually do it!!!

How old are you CarolJo? I only ask because if the answer isnt male between the ages of 18 and 29, I really dont care that you think we should attack Iran. Is your foreign policy World War or is there just nothing good on cable to keep you occupied?

Just because some of us aren't male, if you haven't noticed women are now far game for the draft. Not to mention some of us have people we love who have been to Iraq and Afghanistan so I'd say fuck ya it's our business too.
Stop repeating your lying mantra.

The democrats spoke over and over about saddam having WMD's.

In the House 81 Democrats voted Yes

In the Senate, 28 Democrats voted Yes (56% of the delegation, including Senators Clinton, Kerry, Edwards, Biden, Bayh, and Daschle).
The dems merely went along with the republican created lie. You fuckers are the biggest pussy's on the planet! You don't even have the balls to own up to the things you say. I remember back then who said what and when. Nothing was going on, then, all of a sudden, out of left field, Bush starts talking about an Iraqi threat. And he wouldn't shut up about it. And the dems just went along with it. But it was all lies and I didn't believe any of it from day 1. Now you're trying to pull this same garbage all over again with Iran.

This issue is more proof that the republican right is mentally unfit to be anywhere near a public office. You people got two strikes against you:
- you're irresponsible
- you're fuckin' stupid​

Your lies 10 years ago, cost this country over a trillion dollars, over 4000 American lives, our economy, our reputation around the world and our American heritage. You sick basturds should be institutionalized.
We have the right to act for our safety in good consciousness. Iran deals with terrorists and they have not earned the high right to have nuclear weapons.
You haven't even proven they're making any! And if you don't feel you have to, then you're completely rejecting this country and everything it means to be an American. Because one of our founding tenets, is that "no one should be punished for a crime they did not commit." Another one is, "everyone is presumed innocent, until proven guilty".

That is the shit that made this country a great nation.

The shit you're buying into, will turn this country into Germany.
Fine. You think it's made up shit. That's not my point though. My point is liberals will turn on a dime, the minute Obama does military action against Iran.
Obama has already lost the left. I withdrew my support for his policies almost 2 years ago when it became apparent he was going to keep fighting the wars his predessor started. I opposed them then and I oppose them now. I don't care who's side of the aisle the President is on, I don't support military action against any country unless they attack us first.

Even when the last 3 NIE's concluded there is no evidence they've weaponized their program, you still gotta push this bullshit lie as though they have.
Effin' NO Bingo......I've always been in favor of attacking Iran, I would love to see Obama have some guts and actually do it!!!

How old are you CarolJo? I only ask because if the answer isnt male between the ages of 18 and 29, I really dont care that you think we should attack Iran. Is your foreign policy World War or is there just nothing good on cable to keep you occupied?

Just because some of us aren't male, if you haven't noticed women are now far game for the draft. Not to mention some of us have people we love who have been to Iraq and Afghanistan so I'd say fuck ya it's our business too.

You think they would draft women off the street for a war so hazerdous? That is a serious question and I think something that would be interesting to discuss. Yes, many would have loved ones fighting in the war, but I can garuntee you that I will be on a b-52 heading to Tehran the minute war breaks out between us. I have a lot to be worried about if our nation goes to war on such a large scale. I would of course fight and die for this nation, I would fight and die for Gatsby's right to say whatever the hell he is saying now, but I can tell you that its a serious concern for me going forward.
Fine. You think it's made up shit. That's not my point though. My point is liberals will turn on a dime, the minute Obama does military action against Iran.
Obama has already lost the left. I withdrew my support for his policies almost 2 years ago when it became apparent he was going to keep fighting the wars his predessor started. I opposed them then and I oppose them now. I don't care who's side of the aisle the President is on, I don't support military action against any country unless they attack us first.

Even when the last 3 NIE's concluded there is no evidence they've weaponized their program, you still gotta push this bullshit lie as though they have.

You're like part of the nutty nutty left though. Even MSNBC won't do hit pieces on Obama if he goes to war with Iran. It won't happen.
Iran is a sovereign republic. We don't own them. It is not in our authority to "allow" them to do anything within their borders, no more than it is in theirs to "allow" us to do anything within ours.

We all know that, right?


We have the right to act for our safety in good consciousness. Iran deals with terrorists and they have not earned the high right to have nuclear weapons.

"Earned the right"? By whose standards, precisely?

And precisely where in the Constitution does it say "act for our safety in good consciousness"?


What in the Constitution said it was legal or illegal for us to go to any war (other than the fact that Congress has the power to declare war)? War is a decision that a nation must make for itself. Sometimes, it's a moral decision. Other times, it is not.
You're like part of the nutty nutty left though.
That's nuts!

Even MSNBC won't do hit pieces on Obama if he goes to war with Iran. It won't happen.
I know it won't. It didn't happen with Bush. It won't happen with Obama. The mainstream media has deserted their post and are missing in action. All they do now, is echo Administration policy.

I like MSNBC. I think Maddow is the man!

But I don't like the lack of any opposition to Obama policies. Or that they don't question some of the things he say's or does. Or the things he say's he does. Like on the deficit issue, why hasn't anyone at MSNBC asked Obama, if you want to reduce unecessary government spending, why are we (US taxpayer) still having to pay for all these 800+ bases and garrisons around the world? Why can't we charge the country their in for all the operating costs of that base? We send them an invoice and if they don't pay it, we close the base and bring everybody home.

Why don't they ask him about his twisted perception that he has the authority to target Americans without due process of law?

I like MSNBC, but they're too nice to Obama.
This whole thread is nonsense. There are three types of people whos opinion truly matters on this subject.. Males between the age of 18 and 29 because we will be the first ones shipped over in this world war and, believe you me it will be a world war. Any military leader, and the potus ,who will ultimately decide on the course of action. War is not to be romanticized like I can see it being done on this thread. Lives and nations are at stake and we cant just up and attack a country for doing the exact same thing we were doing in the 50's 60's 70's and 80's.

I'll bet we can or will help Israel do it. The Israeli's may have to nuke the site.

If they do, they will do it alone.

You people obviously haven't studied up on how to destroy hard targets. I doubt Israel has the bunker buster bombs to do the job, but they do have small nukes that can do the same thing. I don't anticipate Israel having the stealth bombers that can get to those locations without a fight to clear airspace. So what are the options for Israel to destroy that nuke production? They can put together a small nuke with the ability to penetrate and detonate underground or they can fight a protracted war for airspace from a distance.

When you stop playing the bullshit games it comes down to two realities. It's a world with Iran having nukes or not. If Iran gets nukes the whole Middle East is going to follow in their footsteps. It isn't going to be that happy meal world you clowns believe it will be.

When it comes to these right-wingers talking bullshit about Obama not saying Iran can't have nukes, they are lying. The policy of the United States is Iran will not be allowed to get nukes and everything, including war, is left on the table. Iran's choice is to back down or there will be an attack to destroy their nuke capability. The only issue is will the Israelis do it first.
You're like part of the nutty nutty left though.
That's nuts!

Even MSNBC won't do hit pieces on Obama if he goes to war with Iran. It won't happen.
I know it won't. It didn't happen with Bush. It won't happen with Obama. The mainstream media has deserted their post and are missing in action. All they do now, is echo Administration policy.

I like MSNBC. I think Maddow is the man!

But I don't like the lack of any opposition to Obama policies. Or that they don't question some of the things he say's or does. Or the things he say's he does. Like on the deficit issue, why hasn't anyone at MSNBC asked Obama, if you want to reduce unecessary government spending, why are we (US taxpayer) still having to pay for all these 800+ bases and garrisons around the world? Why can't we charge the country their in for all the operating costs of that base? We send them an invoice and if they don't pay it, we close the base and bring everybody home.

Why don't they ask him about his twisted perception that he has the authority to target Americans without due process of law?

I like MSNBC, but they're too nice to Obama.

Since you keep yapping about all these bases and garrisons around the world, it's time for you to list them and prove some aren't just embassy security!

You need to explain why you consider Iranians Brown people. Have you ever met an Iranian?

iranian people - Google Search
You're like part of the nutty nutty left though.
That's nuts!

Even MSNBC won't do hit pieces on Obama if he goes to war with Iran. It won't happen.
I know it won't. It didn't happen with Bush. It won't happen with Obama. The mainstream media has deserted their post and are missing in action. All they do now, is echo Administration policy.

I like MSNBC. I think Maddow is the man!

But I don't like the lack of any opposition to Obama policies. Or that they don't question some of the things he say's or does. Or the things he say's he does. Like on the deficit issue, why hasn't anyone at MSNBC asked Obama, if you want to reduce unecessary government spending, why are we (US taxpayer) still having to pay for all these 800+ bases and garrisons around the world? Why can't we charge the country their in for all the operating costs of that base? We send them an invoice and if they don't pay it, we close the base and bring everybody home.

Why don't they ask him about his twisted perception that he has the authority to target Americans without due process of law?

I like MSNBC, but they're too nice to Obama.

Since you keep yapping about all these bases and garrisons around the world, it's time for you to list them and prove some aren't just embassy security!

You need to explain why you consider Iranians Brown people. Have you ever met an Iranian?

iranian people - Google Search

Try: The Worldwide Network of US Military Bases | Global Research
Lots of good information. Just for Starters:
More than 1000 US Bases and/or Military Installations

The main sources of information on these military installations (e.g. C. Johnson, the NATO Watch Committee, the International Network for the Abolition of Foreign Military Bases) reveal that the US operates and/or controls between 700 and 800 military bases Worldwide.

In this regard, Hugh d’Andrade and Bob Wing’s 2002 Map 1 entitled “U.S. Military Troops and Bases around the World, The Cost of ‘Permanent War’”, confirms the presence of US military personnel in 156 countries.

The US Military has bases in 63 countries. Brand new military bases have been built since September 11, 2001 in seven countries.

In total, there are 255,065 US military personnel deployed Worldwide.

These facilities include a total of 845,441 different buildings and equipments. The underlying land surface is of the order of 30 million acres. According to Gelman, who examined 2005 official Pentagon data, the US is thought to own a total of 737 bases in foreign lands. Adding to the bases inside U.S. territory, the total land area occupied by US military bases domestically within the US and internationally is of the order of 2,202,735 hectares, which makes the Pentagon one of the largest landowners worldwide (Gelman, J., 2007).
That's nuts!

I know it won't. It didn't happen with Bush. It won't happen with Obama. The mainstream media has deserted their post and are missing in action. All they do now, is echo Administration policy.

I like MSNBC. I think Maddow is the man!

But I don't like the lack of any opposition to Obama policies. Or that they don't question some of the things he say's or does. Or the things he say's he does. Like on the deficit issue, why hasn't anyone at MSNBC asked Obama, if you want to reduce unecessary government spending, why are we (US taxpayer) still having to pay for all these 800+ bases and garrisons around the world? Why can't we charge the country their in for all the operating costs of that base? We send them an invoice and if they don't pay it, we close the base and bring everybody home.

Why don't they ask him about his twisted perception that he has the authority to target Americans without due process of law?

I like MSNBC, but they're too nice to Obama.

Since you keep yapping about all these bases and garrisons around the world, it's time for you to list them and prove some aren't just embassy security!

You need to explain why you consider Iranians Brown people. Have you ever met an Iranian?

iranian people - Google Search

Try: The Worldwide Network of US Military Bases | Global Research
Lots of good information. Just for Starters:
More than 1000 US Bases and/or Military Installations

The main sources of information on these military installations (e.g. C. Johnson, the NATO Watch Committee, the International Network for the Abolition of Foreign Military Bases) reveal that the US operates and/or controls between 700 and 800 military bases Worldwide.

In this regard, Hugh d’Andrade and Bob Wing’s 2002 Map 1 entitled “U.S. Military Troops and Bases around the World, The Cost of ‘Permanent War’”, confirms the presence of US military personnel in 156 countries.

The US Military has bases in 63 countries. Brand new military bases have been built since September 11, 2001 in seven countries.

In total, there are 255,065 US military personnel deployed Worldwide.

These facilities include a total of 845,441 different buildings and equipments. The underlying land surface is of the order of 30 million acres. According to Gelman, who examined 2005 official Pentagon data, the US is thought to own a total of 737 bases in foreign lands. Adding to the bases inside U.S. territory, the total land area occupied by US military bases domestically within the US and internationally is of the order of 2,202,735 hectares, which makes the Pentagon one of the largest landowners worldwide (Gelman, J., 2007).

The US Military has military personnel in 156 countries, but what are they doing there? The problem with the hype is it exaggerates the realities of our armed forces. We don't want a military stationed in the US and if some idiot wants it, he isn't going to get it. Our military is designed to function on a global basis, because that is what is needed.

Counting embassy security as a military presence is just lying about the facts. Sometimes the military is just there as honor guards.
Liberals aren't for attacking Iran....

Until their lord and master, Obama says so. Then it'll be a no brainer. Undoubtedly it'll be Gutsy Call 2.0.

It's none of our business.

They didn't bother US, during the '60s.

[ame=]Iranian Metalheads in Tehran - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Underground Teens In Iran - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Another Brick In The Wall (Hey Ayatollah, Leave Those Kids Alone!) - YouTube[/ame]​
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Counting embassy security as a military presence is just lying about the facts. Sometimes the military is just there as honor guards.

Check the site "More than 1000 US Bases and/or Military Installations"
No where does it mention embassy security.
Where other than Arlington National Cemetery is the military there just as honor guards?

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