Liberals: Be Not Offended!

“I object to Mayor Townsell and the Conway City Council continuing to allow people, many of whom do not even live in our community, to parade down our streets on a Sunday and accuse Christians of being ‘bigots’ because they believe the Bible teaches that homosexuality is sin."

No, you and other like-minded conservatives and Christians are bigots because you seek to deny gay Americans their fundamental right to peaceably assemble predicated solely on who they are and the message they wish to convey.
Liberals: Be Not Offended!

What offends me is stupidity and Americans, and most immigrants like you, are as dumb as dog shit.

Otherwise, talk it up, boys...
"Oh, and I'm not a liberal but a socialist."

Oh...and if you are one, you are also the other.

Really, can you provide a clear definition of what a liberal is exactly?

The reason I ask, is because I'm always told by your fellow compassionate conservatives that Hillary and Obama are evil libruls. Now as a socialist, I think that they are corrupt corporate puppets who really don't give a $hit about the welfare of the people (other than the corporate "people"). But maybe I missed something.
Education free of charge.

Education free of charge? I thought you were against evil socialist programs?


See if this helps:

1) Conservatives believe that there are moral truths, right and wrong, and that these truths are permanent. The result of infracting these truths will be atrocities and social disaster. Liberals believe in a privatization of morality so complete that no code of conduct is generally accepted, practically to the point of ‘do what you can get away with’. These beliefs are aimed at the gratification of appetites and exhibit anarchistic impulses.

2) Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent. Liberals are destroyers of custom and convention. To a conservative, change should be gradual, as the new society is often inferior to the old. We build on the ideas and experience of our ancestors. The species is wiser than the individual (Burke).

Progress repeatedly proves that our ancestors were wrong.
"If you are not liberal at 25 you have no heart. If you are still liberal at 35 you have no brain."
Gibberish passing as wisdom.

Translation: The truth hurts.

So a person over 35 who doesn't believe that we should bring back slavery, take the vote away from women, legalize child labor, and re-criminalize homosexuality - for starters -

is somehow brainless?

That's your truth?
So a person over 35 who doesn't believe that we should bring back slavery, take the vote away from women, legalize child labor, and re-criminalize homosexuality - for starters - is somehow brainless?

Silly loony leftist lies and straw man fallacies. :biggrin:
So a person over 35 who doesn't believe that we should bring back slavery, take the vote away from women, legalize child labor, and re-criminalize homosexuality - for starters - is somehow brainless?

Silly loony leftist lies and straw man fallacies. :biggrin:

Every item I listed was a cause that the conservatives of those times fought against - ending slavery, giving women the vote, outlawing child labor, and extending equal rights to gays.

The implication of your 'proverb' is that the people of those times who were over 35 and did not stand with the conservatives of those times were idiots... okay, who looks stupid now?
So a person over 35 who doesn't believe that we should bring back slavery, take the vote away from women, legalize child labor, and re-criminalize homosexuality - for starters - is somehow brainless?

Silly loony leftist lies and straw man fallacies. :biggrin:

Every item I listed was a cause that the conservatives of those times fought against - ending slavery, giving women the vote, outlawing child labor, and extending equal rights to gays.

The implication of your 'proverb' is that the people of those times who were over 35 and did not stand with the conservatives of those times were idiots... okay, who looks stupid now?

Of those times? Really? My post clearly refers to college kids circa 2015. Again you erect a lame Straw Man because ... well, because you are just too stupid to make a rational argument. Does that answer your silly question, Princess?

To answer yours, I know no one over or under 35 who believes we should "bring back slavery, take the vote away from women, legalize child labor, and re-criminalize homosexuality."
Does that answer your silly question, Princess?
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Silly loony leftist lies and straw man fallacies. :biggrin:
Can you perhaps explain to this loony leftist what a liberal is?
The political chick isn't able to and I'd really love to know.

If you don't know by now what a lib is nothing I can say will dent your denseness but I am impressed that you recognize your lunacy. I suggest you seek professional help.
If you don't know by now what a lib is nothing I can say will dent your denseness but I am impressed that you recognize your lunacy. I suggest you seek professional help.

Funny how all you compassionate conservatives are so convinced liberals are evil but you can't even define what a liberal is.

All you know is that when something bad happens, it must be the fault of liberals.

If you don't know by now what a lib is nothing I can say will dent your denseness but I am impressed that you recognize your lunacy. I suggest you seek professional help.

Funny how all you compassionate conservatives are so convinced liberals are evil but you can't even define what a liberal is.

All you know is that when something bad happens, it must be the fault of liberals.


Funny how you claim I find Libs to be "evil" (I find them to be stupid) but post nothing of mine in which I make such a claim. I don't even believe you loony leftists are "evil" but you are definitely a menace to society.
Funny how you claim I find Libs to be "evil" (I find them to be stupid) but post nothing of mine in which I make such a claim. I don't even believe you loony leftists are "evil" but you are definitely a menace to society.

I didn't say "you", I was refering to the compassionate conservative hive mind

But it's nice to know you don't think I'm evil allthough I'm not sure why I'm a menace to society.

Is it because I think corrupt banksters should be in jail? Everyone has a right to healthcare? Education should be free for all? Even a minimum wage job at wallmart should pay enough not to need government assistance? The rich should pay more taxes to pay for these kind of things?


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