Liberals: Be Not Offended!

An Asian with an Aryan ideal blue eyed, blonde haired avatar. Constantly whining about multiculturalism, and mad that bigots keep getting bitch-slapped.

An Asian with an Aryan blue eyed blonde haired avatar, constantly whining about multiculturalism and mad that bigots keep getting bitch-slapped.


Still afraid to try the #58....doing everything you can to avoid same.'re not just stupid, and a liar....but a coward,too.

You have all the makings of 'a Reliable Democrat Voter'....congrats.
Try this avatar on for size, PC.

No Leftist doctrine supports " individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional"....and certainly not any Obamunists.
Rightists support the Monarchy. Look it up. The biggest government there is.

The Founders would have been characterised as leftist. Apart from their support of slavery.
Vee must make zee negroes assimilate! Vee must keep zee Muslim refugees OUT! Vee must prevent the Mexicans from mixing with our pure blood!

Ziss multiculturalism is creating a mongrel race!

Zee people must stop whining about zee feelinks!
The Left is so creative....making up all sorts of pretend categories...

5. "Oberlin College has published an official document on triggers, advising faculty members to"be aware of racism, classism, sexism, heterosexism, cissexism, ableism, and other issues of privilege and oppression,"to remove triggering material when it doesn't "directly" contribute to learning goals....

What began as a way of moderating Internet forums for the vulnerable and mentally ill now threatens to define public discussion both online and off. The trigger warning signals not only the growing precautionary approach to words and ideas in the university, but a wider cultural hypersensitivity to harm anda paranoia about giving offense.

Trigger warnings are presented as a gesture of empathy, but the irony is theylead only to more solipsism, an over-preoccupation with one’s own feelings—much to the detriment of society as a whole."
Trigger Warnings Have Spread from Blogs to College Classes. That's Bad | New Republic

a. Time and again, this essential truth about comes up: Liberalism is about closing down debate, shutting up opposing voices, slandering any with opposing ideas.
It's euphemistically known as"political correctness."
The feelings-based nature of liberalism helps explain why people onthe Left are much more likely to claim to be “offended”when faced with which they differ.

Not, ‘I disagree,” but “I am offended!”

And government better support my feelings!!!

When are people ‘offended’? When their feelings are hurt.

A pro-choice woman is ‘offended’ by the pro-life position, ostensibly because her feelings are more worthwhile than the objective worth of a human fetus.
‘Political correctness’ is also based on not hurting people’s feelings.
Complaint about Senator Joseph McCarthy often center around how abusive he was to communists….again, feelings.
Dennis Prager

[Welch, at the McCarthy Hearings: "Let us not assassinate this lad further, senator. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency?" McCarthy offended him??? And was bogus then,too.]

So, it seems that Liberal insanity is a highly contagious air-borne plague. don't know what a message board is, Holmes...

I do Watson, that was a reference to her original post (or 2nd, 3rd, etc.) where the evil libruls are supposed to be preventing the free speech of the poor, oppressed, conservatives on campusses.


What's in that bottle you're drinking? Grain alcohol? You know that will fry your brain. Or based on your posts, should I use the past tense?

Where did I say that?

You look like you could use a new pair of glasses..

and possibly a course in comprehension

You didn't say that but those who think freedom of religion doesn't imply freedom from religion are usually those who also think "christian" bakers have the right to discriminate against gay people

If you're not one of those I apologize

Oh, and I use contact lenses. They work just fine, thank you.

Liberals actually set policies to restrict religious and conservative dissidents.


Those liberals were the Founding Fathers and that policy is called the 1st Amendment.

You should ask one of your teachers to explain it to you one day.

Especially the part about freedom FROM religion.

There is no "freedom FROM religion", it's "freedom OF religion". You look really, really stupid right now, more so than you usually do

Yes there is. The freedom from religion is clearly contained in the prohibition of the US having a state religion.

Ever notice how fundies can't understand that without freedom from religion there can't be any freedom of religion?
Liberals actually set policies to restrict religious and conservative dissidents.


Those liberals were the Founding Fathers and that policy is called the 1st Amendment.

You should ask one of your teachers to explain it to you one day.

Especially the part about freedom FROM religion.

There is no "freedom FROM religion", it's "freedom OF religion". You look really, really stupid right now, more so than you usually do

Yes there is. The freedom from religion is clearly contained in the prohibition of the US having a state religion.

Ever notice how fundies can't understand that without freedom from religion there can't be any freedom of religion?

Ever notice when some dumb ass left loon gets caught looking like a dope they spin like a MOFO? You're the one that fucked up, fool
What's in that bottle you're drinking? Grain alcohol? You know that will fry your brain. Or based on your posts, should I use the past tense?

Whiskey, single malt of course

And compared to most of the rightwing clowns who infest these threads I believe my brain is working just fine


Well, your brain working like right wing clowns isn't what I would personally call "just fine," but I admire your recognition in creating realistic standards for yourself
Well, your brain working like right wing clowns isn't what I would personally call "just fine," but I admire your recognition in creating realistic standards for yourself

You're twisting my words comrade. Since I'm not a righwing clown myself, the implication is that my brain works better than theirs.

PC always has some weird revisionist history available for any occasion. Like so many conservatives, she's terribly offended by reality.
She can't help it she's a woman...
I've always wondered why a chink is using a blond haired, blue eyed Aryan ideal as her avatar.

Must be compensating for something.

Geez don't call HER a chink. You'll hurt the feelings of any real Chinese people around here.

Here's a proper Korean slur:

Biscuit Head Koreans KATUSAS - Koreans augmented to the United States Army, commonly referred to as Biscuit Heads by American GI's, because of their square heads.

Well, your brain working like right wing clowns isn't what I would personally call "just fine," but I admire your recognition in creating realistic standards for yourself

You're twisting my words comrade. Since I'm not a righwing clown myself, the implication is that my brain works better than theirs.


I look forward to seeing evidence of that at some point

Where did I say that?

You look like you could use a new pair of glasses..

and possibly a course in comprehension

You didn't say that but those who think freedom of religion doesn't imply freedom from religion are usually those who also think "christian" bakers have the right to discriminate against gay people

If you're not one of those I apologize

Oh, and I use contact lenses. They work just fine, thank you.


IMO, If baking that cake is against their convictions, they have a right to refuse.

But you can't imagine how silly I find those that claim the First A guarantees Freedom FROM religion.

It doesn't.

It guarantees against a theocracy.

NOT private worship.

NO matter how public that is.
Liberals actually set policies to restrict religious and conservative dissidents.


Those liberals were the Founding Fathers and that policy is called the 1st Amendment.

You should ask one of your teachers to explain it to you one day.

Especially the part about freedom FROM religion.

There is no "freedom FROM religion", it's "freedom OF religion". You look really, really stupid right now, more so than you usually do

Yes there is. The freedom from religion is clearly contained in the prohibition of the US having a state religion.

Ever notice how fundies can't understand that without freedom from religion there can't be any freedom of religion?


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