Liberals demand "white nationalist" student be expelled. College says NO !!

JAKESTARKEY SAID: About 90% of the Alt Right, Far Right, and Christian Right DO NOT believe that the 1st Amendment allows you to express just any view.

The Professor is wrong, but Bork himself pretty much said that the 1st Amendment pretty much ended at political free speech.

A business, or a church, or a club you belong to can limit your right of speech.
About 90% of the Alt Right, Far Right, and Christian Right DO NOT believe that the 1st Amendment allows you to express just any view.

The Professor is wrong, but Bork himself pretty much said that the 1st Amendment pretty much ended at political free speech.

A business, or a church, or a club you belong to can limit your right of speech.
No, the left won’t allow free speech.
I’d bet at least 80% of the black basketball players at Nebraska who were considering action, speak with a dialect rooted in southern illiteracy yet most if not all of them don’t hail from the south. They speak that dialect in the name of racial self-segregation. Confront them with this hypocrisy and you will be shouted down and castigated by free-speech-stifling left wing hypocrite dupes.
Yes, the Alt Right tries to suppress free speech, but patriotic Americans simply will not prevent the stalinists from succeeding. The white supremacist at UoN was not kicked out. End of story, Alt Right stalinists.
JAKESTARKEY SAID: About 90% of the Alt Right, Far Right, and Christian Right DO NOT believe that the 1st Amendment allows you to express just any view.

The Professor is wrong, but Bork himself pretty much said that the 1st Amendment pretty much ended at political free speech.

A business, or a church, or a club you belong to can limit your right of speech.
About 90% of the Alt Right, Far Right, and Christian Right DO NOT believe that the 1st Amendment allows you to express just any view.

The Professor is wrong, but Bork himself pretty much said that the 1st Amendment pretty much ended at political free speech.

A business, or a church, or a club you belong to can limit your right of speech.
No, the left won’t allow free speech.
I’d bet at least 80% of the black basketball players at Nebraska who were considering action, speak with a dialect rooted in southern illiteracy yet most if not all of them don’t hail from the south. They speak that dialect in the name of racial self-segregation. Confront them with this hypocrisy and you will be shouted down and castigated by free-speech-stifling left wing hypocrite dupes.
Yes, the Alt Right tries to suppress free speech, but patriotic Americans simply will not prevent the stalinists from succeeding. The white supremacist at UoN was not kicked out. End of story, Alt Right stalinists.
The shame lies with those who demanded that he be.
JAKESTARKEY SAID: About 90% of the Alt Right, Far Right, and Christian Right DO NOT believe that the 1st Amendment allows you to express just any view.

The Professor is wrong, but Bork himself pretty much said that the 1st Amendment pretty much ended at political free speech.

A business, or a church, or a club you belong to can limit your right of speech.
About 90% of the Alt Right, Far Right, and Christian Right DO NOT believe that the 1st Amendment allows you to express just any view.

The Professor is wrong, but Bork himself pretty much said that the 1st Amendment pretty much ended at political free speech.

A business, or a church, or a club you belong to can limit your right of speech.
No, the left won’t allow free speech.
I’d bet at least 80% of the black basketball players at Nebraska who were considering action, speak with a dialect rooted in southern illiteracy yet most if not all of them don’t hail from the south. They speak that dialect in the name of racial self-segregation. Confront them with this hypocrisy and you will be shouted down and castigated by free-speech-stifling left wing hypocrite dupes.
Yes, the Alt Right tries to suppress free speech, but patriotic Americans simply will not prevent the stalinists from succeeding. The white supremacist at UoN was not kicked out. End of story, Alt Right stalinists.
You mean the people shouting down non-left speakers at colleges are alt-right? Who knew?
Examples: Bill Maher hosts a table full of people from all over the political spectrum. That's the spirit of Liberalism. Lush Rimjob runs a monologue and if anyone tries to participate they're screened for content. That's the spirit of fascism.
You really betrayed your own bias with that bad example. Maher is a phony, a hardcore left winger who fills his audience with like-minded left wingers who scoff and laugh at any dissenters he brings on his show — which he does for that purpose.

Yuh huh. "Like-minded left wingers" like Ann Coulter and Bill Frist and Dinesh d'Souza and Anthony Scaramucci.

You've never seen the show have you.
Those are the folks he brings on there for his audience to mock. Again, you show your bias.

Partial list of "like-minded left wingers" from Maher's guest list:

  • John Bolton
  • Andrew Breitbart
  • Pat Buchanan
  • Herman Cain
  • Tucker Carlson
  • Kellyanne Conway
  • S.E. Cupp
  • Lou Dobbs
  • Carly Fiorina
  • David Frum
  • John Gibson
  • Jonah Goldberg
  • Jon Huntsman
  • Mike Huckabee
  • Darrell Issa
  • Penn Jillette
  • Bill Kristol
  • Joe the Plumber
  • Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
  • Evan McMullin
  • Frank Murkowski
  • Arthur Laffer
  • Mary Matalin
  • Grover Norquist
  • Christine O'Donnell
  • Ralph Reed
  • Bill O'Reilly
  • P.J. O'Rourke
  • Camille Paglia
  • George Pataki
  • Rick Santorum
  • Phyllis Schlafly
  • Steve Schmidt
  • Tony Snow
  • Arlen Specter
  • Michael Steele
  • David Stockman
  • Roger Stone
  • Tommy Thompson
  • Jesse Ventura
  • Heather Wilson
--- most if not all of them multiple times, Breitbart four times before his death, Coulter twelve and counting.

That you want to piss and moan that they might be challenged on something is of no consequence. They're THERE and they can speak for themselves. Maybe they have better access to big boy/big girl pants than you do.
Examples: Bill Maher hosts a table full of people from all over the political spectrum. That's the spirit of Liberalism. Lush Rimjob runs a monologue and if anyone tries to participate they're screened for content. That's the spirit of fascism.
You really betrayed your own bias with that bad example. Maher is a phony, a hardcore left winger who fills his audience with like-minded left wingers who scoff and laugh at any dissenters he brings on his show — which he does for that purpose.

Yuh huh. "Like-minded left wingers" like Ann Coulter and Bill Frist and Dinesh d'Souza and Anthony Scaramucci.

You've never seen the show have you.
Those are the folks he brings on there for his audience to mock. Again, you show your bias.

Partial list of "like-minded left wingers" from Maher's guest list:

  • John Bolton
  • Andrew Breitbart
  • Pat Buchanan
  • Herman Cain
  • Tucker Carlson
  • Kellyanne Conway
  • S.E. Cupp
  • Lou Dobbs
  • Carly Fiorina
  • David Frum
  • John Gibson
  • Jonah Goldberg
  • Jon Huntsman
  • Mike Huckabee
  • Darrell Issa
  • Penn Jillette
  • Bill Kristol
  • Joe the Plumber
  • Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
  • Evan McMullin
  • Frank Murkowski
  • Arthur Laffer
  • Mary Matalin
  • Grover Norquist
  • Christine O'Donnell
  • Ralph Reed
  • Bill O'Reilly
  • P.J. O'Rourke
  • Camille Paglia
  • George Pataki
  • Rick Santorum
  • Phyllis Schlafly
  • Steve Schmidt
  • Tony Snow
  • Arlen Specter
  • Michael Steele
  • David Stockman
  • Roger Stone
  • Tommy Thompson
  • Jesse Ventura
  • Heather Wilson
--- most if not all of them multiple times, Breitbart four times before his death, Coulter twelve and counting.

That you want to piss and moan that they might be challenged on something is of no consequence. They're THERE and they can speak for themselves. Maybe they have better access to big boy/big girl pants than you do.
And they are scoffed at by Maher’s audience and brought there with that in mind. I’m not blind.
Examples: Bill Maher hosts a table full of people from all over the political spectrum. That's the spirit of Liberalism. Lush Rimjob runs a monologue and if anyone tries to participate they're screened for content. That's the spirit of fascism.
You really betrayed your own bias with that bad example. Maher is a phony, a hardcore left winger who fills his audience with like-minded left wingers who scoff and laugh at any dissenters he brings on his show — which he does for that purpose.

Yuh huh. "Like-minded left wingers" like Ann Coulter and Bill Frist and Dinesh d'Souza and Anthony Scaramucci.

You've never seen the show have you.
Those are the folks he brings on there for his audience to mock. Again, you show your bias.

Partial list of "like-minded left wingers" from Maher's guest list:

  • John Bolton
  • Andrew Breitbart
  • Pat Buchanan
  • Herman Cain
  • Tucker Carlson
  • Kellyanne Conway
  • S.E. Cupp
  • Lou Dobbs
  • Carly Fiorina
  • David Frum
  • John Gibson
  • Jonah Goldberg
  • Jon Huntsman
  • Mike Huckabee
  • Darrell Issa
  • Penn Jillette
  • Bill Kristol
  • Joe the Plumber
  • Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
  • Evan McMullin
  • Frank Murkowski
  • Arthur Laffer
  • Mary Matalin
  • Grover Norquist
  • Christine O'Donnell
  • Ralph Reed
  • Bill O'Reilly
  • P.J. O'Rourke
  • Camille Paglia
  • George Pataki
  • Rick Santorum
  • Phyllis Schlafly
  • Steve Schmidt
  • Tony Snow
  • Arlen Specter
  • Michael Steele
  • David Stockman
  • Roger Stone
  • Tommy Thompson
  • Jesse Ventura
  • Heather Wilson
--- most if not all of them multiple times, Breitbart four times before his death, Coulter twelve and counting.

That you want to piss and moan that they might be challenged on something is of no consequence. They're THERE and they can speak for themselves. Maybe they have better access to big boy/big girl pants than you do.
And they are scoffed at by Maher’s audience and brought there with that in mind. I’m not blind.


Irrelevant anyway. I said Maher invites them on, and he does. I win, you lose.

Besides all of which, if they think their presence is ineffective ----- why do they keep coming back?
Last edited:
I'm nearly an absolutist on free speech. Libel and slander laws should be repealed. Only exceptions i can think of

1. testimony under oath

2. govt workers

3..people who sign an NDA

Could be others but those at least are fairly clear cut as all exceptions should be . Liberals like to say 'I oppose censorship except for violent speech". WTF does that mean.?
Milo and Laura Ingram both caused riots to prevent them from exercising their 1st Amendment rights at Berkeley by liberals. Because you said free speech was the very essence of liberalism.

Free speech is indeed the essence of liberalism; but it is anathema to Stalinism, which is why Pogo and the other democrats so bitterly hate freedom of speech, and all freedom.
About 90% of the Alt Right, Far Right, and Christian Right DO NOT believe that the 1st Amendment allows you to express just any view.

The Professor is wrong, but Bork himself pretty much said that the 1st Amendment pretty much ended at political free speech.

A business, or a church, or a club you belong to can limit your right of speech.

Yep. What was left out of the description of the unnamed professor is that the First Amendment restricts the government from quelling free speech. It doesn't restrict, say, an employer. So in that sense if she's saying 1A keeps political speech free (from government interference), then she's right. Not that the government hasn't violated that Amendment multiple times, it clearly has.

In the case of the topic the University is not bound by the First Amendment, but it chooses to stand behind its spirit. Whether it's obliged to do so or not, that's the Liberal thing to do.

If that University is publicly funded, including through GSL's, then they most certainly are bound by the 1st Amendment, Comrade.

Your hatred of liberty is obvious, yet those who live by feeding from the public trough are compelled to afford the liberties of the bill of rights to those that they hate.
In the loose sense of the word, sure.

Examples: Bill Maher hosts a table full of people from all over the political spectrum. That's the spirit of Liberalism. Lush Rimjob runs a monologue and if anyone tries to participate they're screened for content. That's the spirit of fascism.

Bill Maher is unique among the left. Apparently all those years of fucking Ann Coulter caused some love of liberty to rub off on him.

YOU however are less tolerant of liberty than Hitler or Stalin.
Wooat oiqrgo oigei 'aga vma loigrgohllvs aoirghotu. Boijermay oi zzk;li ovrrimp g.

Makes as much sense as the post quoted.

Makes more sense than 99% of the idiocy you post here.

Face it paint huffer, you're just a hate filled old Stalinist fighting to end civil liberty.
In the case of the topic the University is not bound by the First Amendment, but it chooses to stand behind its spirit. Whether it's obliged to do so or not, that
They are not bound by the first amendment, but when it comes to praying in school, that a different story. Typical selective enforcement of our freedoms.
Nebraska suddenly has my respect although I wonder how long it will be before they cave. I'm sure antifa and some of the other twisted liberals who do not believe in the first amendment will show up soon to turn it into a national story
Milo and Laura Ingram both caused riots to prevent them from exercising their 1st Amendment rights at Berkeley by liberals. Because you said free speech was the very essence of liberalism.

Free speech is indeed the essence of liberalism; but it is anathema to Stalinism, which is why Pogo and the other democrats so bitterly hate freedom of speech, and all freedom.
If you knew what those terms truly meant, you would realize the Milo, Laura, and you are the stalinists.
About 90% of the Alt Right, Far Right, and Christian Right DO NOT believe that the 1st Amendment allows you to express just any view.

The Professor is wrong, but Bork himself pretty much said that the 1st Amendment pretty much ended at political free speech.

A business, or a church, or a club you belong to can limit your right of speech.

Yep. What was left out of the description of the unnamed professor is that the First Amendment restricts the government from quelling free speech. It doesn't restrict, say, an employer. So in that sense if she's saying 1A keeps political speech free (from government interference), then she's right. Not that the government hasn't violated that Amendment multiple times, it clearly has.

In the case of the topic the University is not bound by the First Amendment, but it chooses to stand behind its spirit. Whether it's obliged to do so or not, that's the Liberal thing to do.
If that University is publicly funded, including through GSL's, then they most certainly are bound by the 1st Amendment, Comrade. Your hatred of liberty is obvious, yet those who live by feeding from the public trough are compelled to afford the liberties of the bill of rights to those that they hate.
Judge Bork would agree with Pogo and laugh at you, uncensored.
I bet the school eventually caves and does expel him. The core of liberalism is anti-white racism.

University of Nebraska won’t expel ‘white nationalist’ student, citing First Amendment

feb 9 2018 The University of Nebraska-Lincoln announced Thursday it will not expel a junior who reportedly claims to be “the most active white nationalist in the Nebraska area.”

Chancellor Ronnie Green cited the student’s free speech protection under the First Amendment.

The student, Dan Kleve, became a flashpoint on campus when a video circulated by the Anti-Fascist Action Nebraska group highlighted Kleve’s activities away from school, the Lincoln Star Journal reports.

Among those concerned are members of the Nebraska men’s basketball team who have decided to wear T-shirts before Saturday’s game against Rutgers that read, “Hate Will Never Win,” the Omaha World-Herald reported Friday.
I am unfamiliar with this Dan Kleve individual, however, if his stance is simply pro-nationalism, rather than white supremacy, I see no issue there; after all, Gandhi was a nationalist, as was Castro, Che Guevera, John Kennedy, Stalin, Jefferson, Reagan, Roosevelt (Theodore and Franklin) and Mao Zedong. At its core, Nationalism is simply the love of your nation and the desire to preserve it.
All reactionaries must be condemned, isolated and struggled against.
He must have his rights or you won't have yours.
WHAT is this counter revolutionary talk! From SOME Average Guy!... IN IOWA!?! (My dad grew up in Cedar Rapids...nice folks down there)
All reactionaries must be ID'd, purged and re-educated! The revolution will cease for no one! Down witH the proletariat and their bourgeois masters! The revolution stops for no one! Forward the working class! Forward the revolution!

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