Liberals Don't Realize How Crazy They Are

Yanno, when you've dug yourself into a hole the thing NOT to do is probably go get a bigger shovel.

Tip for the day.
I haven't dug MYSELF into a hole. :laugh:

Check your own OP. Starring our most recent canard the refusal to accept the reality of what a religion is.

Much akin to your thread that linked to this one where you refused to accept Rump's blatant lying about "thousands and thousands on rooftops on TV".

It's a pattern.
Check your own OP. Starring our most recent canard the refusal to accept the reality of what a religion is.

Much akin to your thread that linked to this one where you refused to accept Rump's blatant lying about "thousands and thousands on rooftops on TV".

It's a pattern.
1. I accept the reality of what a religion is (with a code of ETHICS). You're the one who ludicrously accepts the highly UNethical Islam to be a religion. Your problem, not mine.

2. You refuse to accept the use of an ordinary metaphor, and continue to push the :lame2: stretch of Trump actually referring to 1000s of people. You get a huge :rolleyes: fo that one.
Check your own OP. Starring our most recent canard the refusal to accept the reality of what a religion is.

Much akin to your thread that linked to this one where you refused to accept Rump's blatant lying about "thousands and thousands on rooftops on TV".

It's a pattern.
1. I accept the reality of what a religion is (with a code of ETHICS). You're the one who ludicrously accepts the highly UNethical Islam to be a religion. Your problem, not mine.

2. You refuse to accept the use of an ordinary metaphor, and continue to push the :lame2: stretch of Trump actually referring to 1000s of people. You get a huge :rolleyes: fo that one.

As I said ---- blatant self-delusion.
And as I said, a pattern. One in the daylight, another here in the moonlight.
As I said ---- blatant self-delusion.
And as I said, a pattern. One in the daylight, another here in the moonlight.
"blatant self-delusion." That's what YOU do. Consistent confirmation of the point of the OP, We've got enough now though, thanks.
Yep, them. The Liberals. The ones who your title says "don't realize how crazy they are".

Guess those are all crazy ideas. Huh Squeaky?
No, those are all CONSERVATIVE ideas, > gun rights, a strong military, protectionist tariffs, and had no income tax. And the ones who opposed them (aka liberals) were (and are) the nutjobs.
As I said ---- blatant self-delusion.
And as I said, a pattern. One in the daylight, another here in the moonlight.
"blatant self-delusion." That's what YOU do. Consistent confirmation of the point of the OP, We've got enough now though, thanks.

DOOD. You sat here and created a thread that declares Liberals "crazy" for not joining you on the bigot banana boat of disreality that refuses to acknowledge a common religion. And before that you sat on this board and tried to sell the swill that three Israelis dancing on rooftops viewed by an old lady with binoculars is the same as "watching thousands and thousands on TV" where it was never broadcast because the event never happened.

Holy SHIT.
Yep, them. The Liberals. The ones who your title says "don't realize how crazy they are".

Guess those are all crazy ideas. Huh Squeaky?
No, those are all CONSERVATIVE ideas, > gun rights, a strong military, protectionist tariffs, and had no income tax. And the ones who opposed them (aka liberals) were (and are) the nutjobs.

Ah yes, the Liberals who literally wrote the Second Amendment. And the rest of the entire Bill of Rights.

The conservative ideas those Liberals opposed were that we should do whatever King George said and let him and the Church run the joint.

Once again I reiterate: Disconnected from reality.
DOOD. You sat here and created a thread that declares Liberals "crazy" for not joining you on the banana boat of disreality that refuses to acknowledge a common religion. And before that you sat on this board and tried to sell the swill that three Israelis dancing on rooftops viewed by an old lady with binoculars is the same as "watching thousands and thousands on TV" where it was never broadcast because the event never happened.

Holy SHIT.
1. It is OBVIOUSLY not a religion, nutjob.

2. YOU say people dancing on rooftops never happened. You were refuted repeatedly, long ago >>

1. 9/16/01 - WCBS-TV, Pablo Guzman

2. 9/22/01 - San Francisco Chronicle

3. 9/17/01 - MTV video - Fight for Your Rights: Aftermath of Terror

4. 9/12/01 - the Howard Stern Show

5. 9/14/01 - New York Post, op-ed

6. 9/18/10 - Serge Kovaleski, Washington Post

7. 12/01/15 - Rudy Giuliani, CNN

8. 12/21/15 - Arthur Teeter, Jersey City Police HQ

9. Ibid, 2 civilian witnesses, Ron Knight & Carlos Ferran

10. Ibid, 11 Jersey city police officers, Facebook

"Trump was speaking as an enraged New Yorker, talking the way normal people talk. He was not giving testimony under oath. He was not writing the 911 Commission Report. No one takes it literally when someone says "I called you 1000 times," or "There were a million people in there." It wasn't that Americans didn't care whether there were "hundreds" or "thousands" of Muslims celebrating in Jersey City. They knew Trump was telling the truth, and the truth is: after 3000 innocent Americans were murdered, there were widespread celebrations by Muslims." (Ann Coulter)
1. It is OBVIOUSLY not a religion, nutjob.

Oh goody. An Arumentum ad Populum fallacy. Haven't seen that in four minutes. And for desssert ad hom. Oh lucky day. I feel so enlightened. Please, do regale us with more of these fallacies.

2. YOU say people dancing on rooftops never happened. You were refuted repeatedly, long ago >>

Actually I proved it. While you provided nothing but obfuscation about "thousands and thousands means three" and "I saw it on TV" means "nobody saw it on TV". And all because you can't bring yourself to admit you got sold a pack of lies and you bought 'em.

1. 9/16/01 - WCBS-TV, Pablo Guzman

2. 9/22/01 - San Francisco Chronicle

3. 9/17/01 - MTV video - Fight for Your Rights: Aftermath of Terror

4. 9/12/01 - the Howard Stern Show

5. 9/14/01 - New York Post, op-ed

6. 9/18/10 - Serge Kovaleski, Washington Post

7. 12/01/15 - Rudy Giuliani, CNN

8. 12/21/15 - Arthur Teeter, Jersey City Police HQ

9. Ibid, 2 civilian witnesses, Ron Knight & Carlos Ferran

10. Ibid, 11 Jersey city police officers, Facebook

Oh look. A list of non-links to anything. How vaguely amusing.

COMPLETELY divorced from reality.
Ah yes, the Liberals who literally wrote the Second Amendment. And the rest of the entire Bill of Rights.

The conservative ideas those Liberals opposed were that we should do whatever King George said and let him and the Church run the joint.

Once again I reiterate: Disconnected from reality.
What is " Disconnected from reality" is you taking the 2nd amendment (the practice of which is opposed by every liberal in America today) and trying to convert it into a liberal item, so as to be cool with the founding fathers. Yet more evidence of liberal nuttieness. (and you don't realize it)

More ? You (and your ilk) oppose freedom of religion, when you demand that a Christian baker make a wedding cake for gays. You all support kicking people off social media, because you don't like what they say. You oppose the right of people to peacefully assemble, to legally march against the removal of a Robert E Lee statue, and you support the obstruction of that assembly by supporting counterdemonstrators illegally sitting in the street to block that peaceful assembly (march). I could list these all day. Ho hum.
Oh look. A list of non-links to anything. How vaguely amusing.

COMPLETELY divorced from reality.
So if I include the hyperlinks that you can click on, that will further cement your error, and further illustrate my correctness. You want that ? I could do it.

I thought I was being lenient to you. You want to go to the woodshed all the way ? (so everybody can read them and see more clearly how lamebrain your comments are)
Oh goody. An Arumentum ad Populum fallacy. Haven't seen that in four minutes. And for desssert ad hom. Oh lucky day. I feel so enlightened. Please, do regale us with more of these fallacies.

Actually I proved it. While you provided nothing but obfuscation about "thousands and thousands means three" and "I saw it on TV" means "nobody saw it on TV". And all because you can't bring yourself to admit you got sold a pack of lies and you bought 'em.

Oh look. A list of non-links to anything. How vaguely amusing. COMPLETELY divorced from reality.
More you ask for, more you get >>

Islam Watch - About Us

Islam Is Not A Religion, It Is Foreign Law

Islam and the Definition of Religion

Why Islam is Not a Religion > Rebecca Bynum

Former Muslim, Wafa Sultan, says, "Islam is NOT a religion" | BARE NAKED ISLAM

?Allah is Dead ? Why Islam is Not a Religion? | Logan's Warning

Islam Is Not A Religion, But A Dangerous Ideology | International

Islam: not a religion? « The Immanent Frame

Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system. « Avid Editor's Insights

Half Sigma: Islam not a religion?

Islam in Italy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Comments from Former Muslims - WikiIslam

The Patriot Factor: Islam is NOT a Religion

Why Islam Should NOT Be Protected Under the US Constitution! |

Islam: Politics In Religious Garb

Italy: Islam Not Recognized as a Religion -- Denied Religious Tax Status - Atlas Shrugs

Info on Islam: Islam is not a religion

Islam Is Not A Religion It Is A Cult

Islam is NOT a Religion

Islam Does Not Qualify Under US Constitution ?Freedom of Religion? Rights « Northeast Intelligence NetworkNortheast Intelligence Network

Asia Times - Asia's most trusted news source

Islam is a political system ? NOT a religion | Creeping Sharia

Islam is not a religion, but a death cult of misogynistic pedophiles

Pretending that "thousands and thousands" is to be taken literally, may seem strong to you. To the American people it's absurd and laughable.
What I find interesting in this thread is that >> in the OP, I mentioned that I still do agree with some policies of liberals. Not one liberal has been curious as to what those policies are. Wouldn't you think they might at least be a bit curious ?
What I find interesting in this thread is that >> in the OP, I mentioned that I still do agree with some policies of liberals. Not one liberal has been curious as to what those policies are. Wouldn't you think they might at least be a bit curious ?

Since you clearly have no clue what the term even means, why would anybody care?
Ah yes, the Liberals who literally wrote the Second Amendment. And the rest of the entire Bill of Rights.

The conservative ideas those Liberals opposed were that we should do whatever King George said and let him and the Church run the joint.

Once again I reiterate: Disconnected from reality.
What is " Disconnected from reality" is you taking the 2nd amendment (the practice of which is opposed by every liberal in America today) and trying to convert it into a liberal item, so as to be cool with the founding fathers. Yet more evidence of liberal nuttieness. (and you don't realize it)

More ? You (and your ilk) oppose freedom of religion, when you demand that a Christian baker make a wedding cake for gays. You all support kicking people off social media, because you don't like what they say. You oppose the right of people to peacefully assemble, to legally march against the removal of a Robert E Lee statue, and you support the obstruction of that assembly by supporting counterdemonstrators illegally sitting in the street to block that peaceful assembly (march). I could list these all day. Ho hum.

You could indeed, and you'd STILL have a laundry list of things you claim I "oppose" that I have never opposed. That makes you a liar, albeit a status you already owned.

But go ahead ---- prove me wrong. On ANY of the above. No really, go forth and find me any post anywhere any time, espousing ANY of that shit. Your choice. Get busy.

"How to keep a moron busy..."
This thread could as well have been entitled >> "Liberals Ruin a Good Thing". Wow. Does this mean that I, protectionist, actually agree with some policies of liberals ? Well, yes it does. There are a few. As a conservative who was a liberal for 40 years, before becoming an independent in 2003 (and still voting for Kerry in 2004, and then Obama in 2008), and then a conservative in 2009, I still have a few liberal preferences.

Some friends of mine say >> "If you think that, you should be a Democrat." Well, I'm not. I'm a registered Republican, and a very conservative one, as well. So what is that keeps me firmly entrenched on the right, despite having some left issue preferences ?

It is the crazyiness of the left that keeps me away from it. The problem with the left is that it goes waaaay too far in some of the things it stands for. It is so bad that I have to abandon some of my rather lefty policies, which I still firmly support, and go to the right, and vote for Donald Trump (twice). I also voted for Virgil Goode in 2012, because I thought Romney wasn't conservative enough.

I doubt that this will even make a dent in liberals' mindsets and political persuasions, but here are the reasons I could go never back to them again, and how they ruin their own polity, making it unacceptable >>

1. Being globalist, advocating open borders, and flooding the US with millions of people from 3rd world hellholes.

2. Accepting Islam as a religion, and its imposition of immoral and illegal practices upon Americans, even including terrorism in some cases.

3. Pandering to blacks to the point of discriminating against whites in Affirmative Action, and engaging in lawlessness.

4. Disrespecting the 2nd amendment and infringing on the right to carry a gun for self-defense.

5. Support of crazy sexual orientation policies.

There are more but I guess these are the basics. What a shame. To ruin good policies, and a whole political party, just to support these crazy ones.

This from the loon who says that Islam is not a religion.

5. Just the sight of 2 guys kissing each other is appalling, sickening, and disturbing. I'd call that "harm". It's also harmful to children seeing that and becoming influenced. I really see homosexuality as more of an illness than anything else. Its difficult to support people who support illnesses.

Poor little snowflake. So easily offended. So easily 'sickened'.

Imagine how offended you must be when you see a mixed race couple kissing.....
Oh goody. An Arumentum ad Populum fallacy. Haven't seen that in four minutes. And for desssert ad hom. Oh lucky day. I feel so enlightened. Please, do regale us with more of these fallacies.

Actually I proved it. While you provided nothing but obfuscation about "thousands and thousands means three" and "I saw it on TV" means "nobody saw it on TV". And all because you can't bring yourself to admit you got sold a pack of lies and you bought 'em.

Oh look. A list of non-links to anything. How vaguely amusing. COMPLETELY divorced from reality.
More you ask for, more you get >>

Islam Watch - About Us

Islam Is Not A Religion, It Is Foreign Law

Islam and the Definition of Religion

Why Islam is Not a Religion > Rebecca Bynum

Former Muslim, Wafa Sultan, says, "Islam is NOT a religion" | BARE NAKED ISLAM

?Allah is Dead ? Why Islam is Not a Religion? | Logan's Warning

Islam Is Not A Religion, But A Dangerous Ideology | International

Islam: not a religion? « The Immanent Frame

Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system. « Avid Editor's Insights

Half Sigma: Islam not a religion?

Islam in Italy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Comments from Former Muslims - WikiIslam

The Patriot Factor: Islam is NOT a Religion

Why Islam Should NOT Be Protected Under the US Constitution! |

Islam: Politics In Religious Garb

Italy: Islam Not Recognized as a Religion -- Denied Religious Tax Status - Atlas Shrugs

Info on Islam: Islam is not a religion

Islam Is Not A Religion It Is A Cult

Islam is NOT a Religion

Islam Does Not Qualify Under US Constitution ?Freedom of Religion? Rights « Northeast Intelligence NetworkNortheast Intelligence Network

Asia Times - Asia's most trusted news source

Islam is a political system ? NOT a religion | Creeping Sharia

Islam is not a religion, but a death cult of misogynistic pedophiles

Pretending that "thousands and thousands" is to be taken literally, may seem strong to you. To the American people it's absurd and laughable.

Posting links to a bunch of bigoted hate sites just shows that you are a bigoted hater.

You want Americans believe you and a few of your fellow whackjobs rather than - well virtually the entire world.

Starting with Thomas Jefferson.
Multiple popes.
The Dali Llama.
The Encyclopedia Brittanica

We have had this discussion before. Basically you are just using this premise to piss on the Constitution- because you want to deny Americans who are Muslim- their First Amendment rights.

I may not agree with Islam, but Americans have the right to believe in whatever religion they want to- despite your efforts to piss on their rights.

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